Banned because the Righteous Bison kicks ass. *w*
Updated by anonymous
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Banned because the Righteous Bison kicks ass. *w*
Updated by anonymous
Banned because the Left handed ass kicks bison :V just for phun
Updated by anonymous
I ban you for a day and here's a cookie. Is good day.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for making me read 'is good day' in Heavy's voice.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for everything the previous 582 Marios ever did.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I don't know what a Munkelzahn is, but it sounds horrible.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Munkelzahn sounds like my name
Updated by anonymous
Banned for having a name that sounds like Munkelzahn.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a BeerFox.
Updated by anonymous
"Mama, just banned a man. Put my hammer on his head, pulled my trigger, now he's disallowed"
Updated by anonymous
Banned for assuming I'm a man.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not letting the song flow :I
Updated by anonymous
Banned for trying to make things flow.
Updated by anonymous
Banned in the name of Freddy Mercury, may he rest in peace.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Freddy mercury is actually an ancient vampier and just got sick of his career, now having fun with inflitrating teh vatican.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not doing your homework
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I moustache you a question but I'll shave it for later
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm updating my Java right now. >.>
Updated by anonymous
Banned because "nothing else matters"
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Lars told me he saw you sharing files on Napster.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because yar har you are a pirate.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because the value of toaster is null
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I see what you did there.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I know what you did last summer.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because ORLY?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because YA RLY.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you can't touch this
Updated by anonymous
BrerFox said:
Caring is sharing. Banned for communist tendencies.
banned because in soviet russia murder gets away with YOU
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
"Mama, just banned a man. Put my hammer on his head, pulled my trigger, now he's disallowed"
baned cuz u kiled Qeen
Updated by anonymous
all are banned because post #80620
Updated by anonymous
Banned Banned Banned for for for triple triple triple posting posting posting
Updated by anonymous
Banned because has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because green ideas sleep furiously.
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz i sniped your post #230744
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Good Eye, Sniper, I'll shoot, you run.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because gay bears are cool.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because that was fun but now you're done, you're outta luck because ya suck. You're not quite as good as everyone else who plays it. Don't continue just give in, you silly boob, ya fuckin' noob! Just turn off the power and cry yourself to sleep ya pussy. You will never get ahead, ya might be better off as dead and nobody in the whole world would ever miss ya. Everybody's talkin' smack; insulting you behind your back, about how you're such a pathetic excuse for life. So grab a knife and take a stab, you handicapped vagina scab. You honestly make me sick, and I want to kick you. How'd you even learn to walk you wrinkly little poodle cock? If I were your mother I'd drown your ass in boilin' water! You're a sack of putrid shit! Dig a hole! Jump in it! You really don't deserve to be left alive! So hold your breath until you're blue! Fuck your mom and sister too! You're family and friends will all die because you posted in this threeeeaaaad~
Updated by anonymous
Banned for tl;dr
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you suck.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because gay deer need rights too...
The song's a real tear-jerker
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm gonna get me, Kirby
Updated by anonymous
BrerFox said:
Banned for Good Eye, Sniper, I'll shoot, you run.
banned cuz u forget you can't see a sniper
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Banned because I'm gonna get me, Kirby
banned b cuz your not derpy hooves
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not understanding how this thread works.
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned for not understanding how this thread works.
banned cuz i do ditzy doo
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I don't think you do.
Updated by anonymous
i sayz it againbanned cuz i do ditzy doo
Updated by anonymous
Well, banned for doing it
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Well, banned for doing it
helo ditzy derpy
Updated by anonymous
Banned for failure to ban.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banbossing!
Updated by anonymous
Bossed for bossbanning.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not embossing.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm deathly afraid of bees and wasps and hornets and flies and spiders and... well bugs in general, really.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because chicken burger
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I made meself some chicken burgers earlier today! T_T
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not making enough for everyone to enjoy.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not being TS207601 so I can tease said user.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not getting banned by someone else and thereby forcing me to ban your... thorax? I dunno. Whatever your ass is called.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you probably never played Metal Gear Solid 3 - and if you did, I now know your favorite boss ever.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because fuck bees.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for bee-ing a bee fucker.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because C comes after Bee
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm Banned in DC
Updated by anonymous
Banned because every DC hero is a bad copy of batman.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because even Superman?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Kryptonite !
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned because I'm deathly afraid of bees and wasps and hornets and flies and spiders and... well bugs in general, really.
i bann myself cuz me too golfball blaze
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you seem to be missing the idea that "user above you" means last poster.
Updated by anonymous
I ban thee because what the fuck ls a thread with out derailment?
Updated by anonymous
i bann you cuz i crushed you with my prometheous mech
Updated by anonymous
Banned for bad grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Updated by anonymous
Banned 4 gewd grammer & punc-2-8-tion
hee hee
Updated by anonymous