Banned cause bop
Updated by anonymous
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Banned cause bop
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cuz pop
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause boop.
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause it'll take more to stop this war than a little boy in blue.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because ....
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause !?!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because ಠ_ಠ
Updated by anonymous
Banned because =◕ ◡ ◕=
Updated by anonymous
Banned because ಠ_ರೃ
Updated by anonymous
Banned because unitext gets bloated for things like registry backup.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for sucky computer.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I had coffee earlier.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because tea is better.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I like tea too.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because we have something in common.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause woo?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because waa?
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause kuu?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because brb.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because of the bacon beacon.
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause you're in my way, sir.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause get in the jet!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you are the weakest link
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I used to like that show
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I am offended.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I hate infinite scrolling
Updated by anonymous
Banned because its never REALLY infinite...
Updated by anonymous
Banne because... because... uh... *flies away*
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you're not wearing your sports goggles.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because there are nearly 100 pages of ridiculous ban reasons.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because of metaphysical ban reason. Also banning self for same reason.
Updated by anonymous
I ban everyone.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because i am part of "everyone" and therefore I counter ban you sir/madam
Updated by anonymous
Banned because out of session.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because [Loading...]
Updated by anonymous
Banned because of Unknown Error.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because 404
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned because Mario and Luigi are staring at you. And they have plungers...
Banned because wrong plumber. Your ban is thus null and void.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because how many game plumbers are there? well, boogerman for one.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I know the toaster, but whos the other one?
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not knowing the other one.
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned because how many game plumbers are there? well, boogerman for one.
Banned because somefurry has never played the Ratchet and Clank franchise. The Plumber is in every game except Deadlocked (I haven't played Secret Agent Clank, and he only had a cameo in the Dreamtime level of Size Matters)
Updated by anonymous
Banned because* I just took a fucking nap and what the hell is going on here. D:<
Updated by anonymous
Banned for sleeping on the job. Again.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because, "Not this again, Marty."
Updated by anonymous
Banned because of there goes the plant. Doh!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because my childhood is in ruins. ;(
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned because of there goes the plant. Doh!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because tootie lootie.
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned because tootie lootie.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because childhood.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because gold.
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned because gold.
Banned because Sliver the Hedgehog
Updated by anonymous
Banned because waiting on coffee to finish.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because asdf
Updated by anonymous
Banned for an unreasonable ban for a reasonable ban to ban you no reason.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not being able to headbutt a tank.
(Furballs/Fur Fighters: Dreamcast)
Updated by anonymous
Banned for nostalgia.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not modding.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I WANT TO BELIEVE.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because John Madden.
Updated by anonymous
Banned just cause nurble.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not wearing your sunglasses at night.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I did.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you did it then :I
Updated by anonymous
Vanned because banned.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for stuffing Xch3l in your van.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because, who's in the van? Doc? *eats carrot*
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned for stuffing Xch3l in your van.
Banned cause you saw nothing!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for trying to hide evidence
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause it did work. *evil maniacal laughter*
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banning people
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banning me for banning people. Again.
Updated by anonymous
banned for banning people who are banning you for banning other people (we can go all day XD)
Updated by anonymous