Crystalinn said:
Banned because you were too slow.
damn you
Updated by anonymous
Posted under Off Topic
This topic has been locked.
Crystalinn said:
Banned because you were too slow.
damn you
Updated by anonymous
Double banned for a) in spite of your supposed reading habits, your/you're evades you, and b) making a post without any banning being done.
Updated by anonymous
See? You got your turn. :v
Banned, by the way.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because your avatar creeps me out, man!
Updated by anonymous
hg3300 said:
Banned because your avatar creeps me out, man!
banned because I like it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for FINALLY figuring out how this game works.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm not as think as you drunk I am. :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned because them tits....they need some help
Updated by anonymous
Banned because seriously, you all suck.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because the healing leaves little time for the hurting!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I haven't been here in a while and felt like banning someone
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz i farted on a fire
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not realizing that dry Coffee creamer + fire is far more entertaining than poo gas + fire.
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned for FINALLY figuring out how this game works.
Banned because what are you talking about?
BrerFox said:
Banned for not realizing that dry Coffee creamer + fire is far more entertaining than poo gas + fire.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Mrh! Hrt hr nha phrnt yrh mrprph!
Updated by anonymous
Panned with the Iron pan!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for saying "panned" instead.
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz hello cuz
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Niko, my cousin!!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because tonight is duck season
Updated by anonymous
Banned, as I gave my heart to the Light and my shield to the Alliance. Not one word was said about the contents of my pants.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for speaking of something on your pants
Updated by anonymous
Banned for thinkin' you're better than everyone else with your fancy-shmancy italics
Updated by anonymous
banned for being hypocritical.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm at school, where the administrators of the wireless internet blocked Facebook, dA, Youtube and many others...
yay for HTTPS connections!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because my school blocked all websites that offered use of proxy servers. >.>
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz i no go to school yay me
Updated by anonymous
Banned because your English is horrible, so maybe you need to go to school.
Updated by anonymous
Crystalinn said:
Banned because your English is horrible, so maybe you need to go to school.
banned because my brother smells spells like shit
Updated by anonymous
Banned for hypocrisy, and because shit is neither a sentient nor sapient form of life, and therefore lacks the mental capacity to spell either properly or improperly.
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned for hypocrisy, and because shit is neither a sentient nor sapient form of life, and therefore lacks the mental capacity to spell either properly or improperly.
Banned because The Dude said to.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because that's what she said
Updated by anonymous
Banned because [insert completely biased rant here].
Updated by anonymous
Banned because chocolate.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because i don't know why, but i must ban you!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being topless.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a hypocrite. Kinda..
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being Crystalinn crystalline
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I see what you did there.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Furry Taylor.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being Candlejack's less popular cou-- ~is snatched away by Candlejack~
Updated by anonymous
banned for escaping my laboratory.
Updated by anonymous
banned for entering my laboratory without my permission.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because magic cats playing children's card games!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Rouge has much bigger tits than Blaze.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I prefer Blaze than Rouge's blazing tits
No pun intended oh, wait. It is intended
Updated by anonymous
Banned because some motherfucker decided to steal my shelves from outside.
Updated by anonymous
Crystalinn said:
Banned because some motherfucker decided to steal my shelves from outside.
Banned because you're an uncle fucka , yes its true, nobody fucks uncles quite like you
Updated by anonymous
itsapainfulworld said:
Banned because you're an uncle fucka , yes its true, nobody fucks uncles quite like you
Banned because Canada.
Updated by anonymous
Hydrogen said:
Banned because Canada.
banned because South Park
Updated by anonymous
Banned because South Park is terrible and you should feel terrible.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because i think South Park is funny.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for having an opinion that differs from that of others.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for enforcing conformity.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not recognizing sarcasm.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for sarcasm detection.
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz im farting brony
Updated by anonymous
Crystalinn said:
Banned because South Park is terrible and you should feel terrible.
Banned because Cartman
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you failed again.
Updated by anonymous
Crystalinn said:
Banned because you failed again.
Banned because there are many Cartman jokes and lines I want to say that I refrain from saying for fear of a real ban. :P
Updated by anonymous
Crystalinn said:
Banned because South Park is terrible and you should feel terrible.
Banned because I watched "The Death Of Eric Cartman" and realized it's not as good as I remembered, but still funny
Updated by anonymous
Good Lord, son. You're about as useful as a cock flavoured lollipop.
I ban you for having the attention span of a houseplant.
Updated by anonymous
Bsnned for severely underestimating the market for genital-flavored confections.
Updated by anonymous
Crystalinn said:
Good Lord, son. You're about as useful as a cock flavoured lollipop.I ban you for having the attention span of a houseplant.
So, very useful then?
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not being a good god-fearing Christian by mercilessly beating the non-believers who call themselves "homosexuals".
P.S. I'm not serious about that at all, in case you didn't notice.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for leaving a post scriptum
P.S. You're banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned for hypocrisy.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because dippy~dee~doo
Updated by anonymous
Banned because LOL comments.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being the thousand and one living creature to continue this should be dead game.
Updated by anonymous
AbsebaroKoon said:
Banned for being the thousand and one living creature to continue this should be dead game.
Banned because no one has hypothetically said post #241639
Updated by anonymous
Banned for shooting me after I made his day.
Updated by anonymous
ScarecrowJack said:
Banned for shooting me after I made his day.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for doing things. And stuff. But especially things.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for doing things. And stuff. But especially things.
Updated by anonymous