Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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Banned cause almost finished with converting the Sa2 HD pc mpb sfx(finished events, after mpb ones, mlt ones next)

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause it is vital to the survival of... oh hey, a quarter.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause chao_sound_std: 286 Files. Had to do those manually.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for reason pending its a matter of I will get you one day ONE DAY muhahahaha

Updated by anonymous


Updated by anonymous

Banned because one does not simply cook into Mordor

Updated by anonymous

Banned because one does not simply leave the kitchen.

Updated by anonymous

BANNED for....bitch, do I even need a reason, I'm FABULOUS!

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned because you are no longer Rainbow Crash.

Banned because remember I am Morpheus.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because Bob the Builder was a great guy, and you know it.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because feylings?
Y'know who 'as a lo'o feylings?
Blokes that beat'eir woive t'death... with aye glof trewphy.


Updated by anonymous

Banned for stating to furry porn is a waste of space.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I hate typing in the tiny on-screen keyboard of my phone :I

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Banned because I hate typing in the tiny on-screen keyboard of my phone :I

Banned cause tiny keys can be microscopic.

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
Banned for stating to furry porn is a waste of space.

I was referring to these forum games.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned for violating physics.

Banned for setting up a sonic grid and walking through solid matter. Now you're radioactive.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because this one time, me and my buddy Keith tried to make fireworks.

Updated by anonymous

Crystalinn said:
Banned because this one time, me and my buddy Keith tried to make fireworks.

Was his last name Sulack (or something like that)?

If not, then you are banned

Updated by anonymous

Banned because the previous banishment before the above was hilariously close to being a legitimate reason for actual banishment.

Updated by anonymous

Do not blink or i'll destroy my link. You blinked, so bannnnnnnned!

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Do not blink or i'll destroy my link. You blinked, so bannnnnnnned!

Banned because, well, brotha u corny lol xD

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned cause Nothing Stinks like a UV scroll link

Banned because I don't get it.

Updated by anonymous

This dialogue is too long after expansion. (Max. %d characters).

Thus, banned.

Updated by anonymous