Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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UltravioletMoonRay said:
Banned because I don't even.

Banned because I don't odd

Updated by anonymous

Banned for banning Dubstep for self-banning

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Banned for passing the Czech point.

Banned for banning the person who banned you for banning me for self banning.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because the hell does ":V" means exactly?

brag? "Just kidding"? blah? I need a 6hr nap

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause who knew an xbox 360 update was a simple zip file with other files, some of which can be extracted more...

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause

Super Mario Bros. U


(ring dark, text quite small)

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause

// CutScene
title="Finale Intro"


Updated by anonymous

John: Well, nothing to do here. Ah, how about some TV?
Jenny: Sure, if there's anything good.
Lauren: How about the weather station first?
Kat: Myth Smashers are on soon. I love that show!

So banned.

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause

"Coco Hut"
The legendary pizza that time shaped into a weapon! Enjoy! It's bombalicious!

Updated by anonymous

Banned b because although I love the vanu sovereignty the m most, I have lots of pals that are TR and actually don't find the NC too bad either.....

Updated by anonymous

Banned cause You have played this game 30 times. Go do something else.

Updated by anonymous

BANNED for not being as swift as the coursing river, nor have all the force of a great typhoon...

Updated by anonymous

I ban thou because I watched all episodes of the waking dead in one fucking rush ands wall want more.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because Mulan was the only princess to do shit that actually accomplished something useful.

Updated by anonymous

BAnned because you are not using LibreOffice's odt format.

Updated by anonymous

Baanned cause it's gonna take awhile to decompress and unpack the Sonic Unleased dlc. Not so much for the .ar.0x, but the level .pfd. Wasn't as many with the patch files. Interesting things with the patch are some textures(dds) and


Updated by anonymous

Banned Because I can't fall asleep again and couldn't care less about your wannabe programmer circle jerk.

Updated by anonymous