Topic: Ban the User Above You Game

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banned because diamonds are worth more than $135.99 --> Human life...

Updated by anonymous

Banned for being blacklisted scat avatar.
There should be a warning page when you click on a 'Blacklisted'...or disable blacklisted links all together.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for having an avatar of a pony that is flying to the right while looking to the left

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
Banned for being blacklisted scat avatar.
There should be a warning page when you click on a 'Blacklisted'...or disable blacklisted links all together.

All together?

Updated by anonymous

Banned because your comment and your avatar don't make sense, altogether

Updated by anonymous

Banned for banning a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person who banned a person...

Updated by anonymous

Banned because you have no gender, you are pixels on a screen

Blaziken said:
Banned for getting my fucking gender wrong.

Banned cuz I didn't get my mail today

xLuna said:
Banned for not presenting yourself

Updated by anonymous

Banned for having a blacklist and not just ignoring images you don't like.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because avatar eyes take up more than 1/2 of the face

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I like to sing-a about the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a

Updated by anonymous

banned for putting the lyrics of an inexistent song into my head...

Updated by anonymous

Banned for making me remember that little owl

Updated by anonymous

Banned for being a first sergeant in the Faggotronian Army.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for changing avatar picture on a daily basis...
pick one and stick with it for a while PLOX?

Updated by anonymous

Banned for wanting me to turn back into an intelligent being who has anger issues that transform him into a not-so-jolly green giant.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for making me think about the relative size of Green Giant dong.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because... I dunno, I just don't like Empoleon. Or any of the Gen 4 starters for that matter.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because Ponies are not Pokemon. And the best/favorite is Pikachu.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for being a part of the longest-running thread of such ridiculousness that has probably ever existed on this site.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I'm resentful and you can't appreciate the beauty of creepy eyes. :P

Updated by anonymous

Banned for being a fucking psychic-type. Damn type advantage.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for pointing out my fuckup. Also for being water-type. So double fuck off. :3

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
Banned for pointing out my fuckup. Also for being water-type. So double fuck off. :3

Fucking fuck! You're fucking banned because you said FUCK you fuckwad.

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
Banned for linking tvtroupes

Banned for Sparkling.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for being late at one of your friendship reports

Updated by anonymous

Banned because someone stole my doughnuts, and now you're gonna pay!

Updated by anonymous

Rookke said:
Banned because someone stole my doughnuts, and now you're gonna pay!

Banned because I stole your doughnuts. They were delicious and you should know better than to leave your doughnuts sitting around where anyone can get them.

Updated by anonymous

Banned for eating doughnuts and not being part of the pączki master race.

Updated by anonymous

Banned because I am indeed racist against all other doughnut types. Especially those damned crullers.

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
Banned because I am indeed racist against all other doughnut types. Especially those damned crullers.

Banned for making me think of 'doughnut holes' in a weird, sexual way.

Updated by anonymous

Banned beacuse I want another doughnut!! Extra sprinkles!!

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned for not wanting a muffin.

Banned for wanting a muffin

Updated by anonymous

AbsebaroKoon said:

Banned for not wanting this cake.

Banned for having a food that is inferior to pie.

Updated by anonymous