AbsebaroKoon said:
*throws pie at him*Oh, and you're also banned
Instigating a food fight? That's a bannin'.
Updated by anonymous
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This topic has been locked.
AbsebaroKoon said:
*throws pie at him*Oh, and you're also banned
Instigating a food fight? That's a bannin'.
Updated by anonymous
I ban Rookke for having too many double letters in his name.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for excessive use of emoticons that often just appear as incorrect squares. And for cake, lots of cake.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you're right
Updated by anonymous
Banned for still being a water type, using those damn box-emoticons, and generally being a fucking psyduck. Also banned for having constant headaches, 'cos that just ain't right.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for punching Typhlosion.
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned for punching Typhlosion.
Banned For What Science has done to that Seviper
Updated by anonymous
Banned for implying science has ever done anything bad.
Updated by anonymous
Your ignorance of Fat Man and Little Boy has earned you a nice ban.
Updated by anonymous
Your ignorance of the learning potential of mistakes confuses me.
You are banned for confusing me.
Updated by anonymous
You are banned for having posted at the same hour as the one before you.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Rookke posted at 2:54 PM and I posted at 3:10 PM. Those are different hours.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for posting 16 minutes after Rookke
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I probably didn't post EXACTLY 16 minutes after him.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it only says "x time ago" anyway
Updated by anonymous
Banned because if you mouse over the "x time ago" thing it'll say the time it was posted.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I didn't know that
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not knowing that.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I usually post from a 3DS and can´t do that.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for owning a game platform that I don't.
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned for owning a game platform that I don't.
Banned for jealousy of not owning a 3DS.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not noticing my avarice. :V
Updated by anonymous
Banned because this is becoming a console war
Updated by anonymous
Banned because this is what I see: http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/9776/thatduck.png
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm not the only one who did it
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Celestia, null and Aurali are all better than ippiki.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it DOES Make a sound when you clap with one hand.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because dry ramen noodles are the best snack ever.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I need to feed my dog now.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for animal slavery...you can never leave...
Updated by anonymous
I ban Jayfeather because he won't respond to all those threatening letters I always send.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for sending threatening letters.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for hating my hobby, Oh, Happy Days! So many restraining orders, and hours of wiping mace out of my eyes!
Updated by anonymous
I ban therabbidwanker for being out of his fucking mind.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being in your mind.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being in your mind, in my mind.
Updated by anonymous
The bans they must start
On Subject I impart
A year from E6
For the bans he inflicts
Updated by anonymous
Banned because of wut?
Updated by anonymous
Banned for having poor timing,
As well as not rhyming.
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned for having poor timing,
As well as not rhyming.
Banned for escaping the testing area.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I didn't escape, they let me out as part of an experiment.
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned because I didn't escape, they let me out as part of an experiment.
Banned for being let out. You should have stayed in.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because um... tits?
Updated by anonymous
Banned, for me being out of my mind.
Updated by anonymous
I ban myself for arguing.
Updated by anonymous
I ban you for banning yourself.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I beat your high score.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because what high score?
Updated by anonymous
Banned for actually caring? about high scores.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because nothing in my previous post indicated I give a shit about high scores.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I can't find my last reply.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because despite the incredible unlikeliness of it I had a spasm that caused me to type this exact post.
Updated by anonymous
therabbidwanker said:
Banned because despite the incredible unlikeliness of it I had a spasm that caused me to type this exact post.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you stole my diary.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because reaction image to said diary.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Y'all ignored test-subject's good sense of culture.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because what culture?
Updated by anonymous
The Culture, obviously. Banned for not recognizing the obvious.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because /cult/ movies are being counted to culture where I come from....
I´m gonna ban myself, too because Snowy isn´t at fault here.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'd rather stick my dick in a toaster than be cultured. I'm not a bacteria, dammit.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for the phrase "stick my dick in a toaster" being remarkably similar to ''staple my dick to a burning log''.
Updated by anonymous
Crystalinn said:
I'm not a bacteria, dammit.
banned for not using the singular, which is "bacterium"
Updated by anonymous
Banned for failing to unobtain the rarest of all the -iums, unobtainium.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not realizing that the name unobtainium is not meant to indicate that one should "unobtain" it, but rather that the name is meant to indicate it is difficult to obtain.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for pedantry, peasantry, pantry, and pants.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for uaing too many P's...and for saying "pedantry" like some kind of "stuffed shirt"
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not bumping the thread for three hours.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not bumping the thread for 5 hours.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because touche.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because croissant.
Updated by anonymous
banned because your mom is a lesbian (both of them)
Updated by anonymous
Banned for homophobia. :V
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Meet the Pyro scared me. ;_;
Updated by anonymous
Banned for making a fire appear in my pants.
Updated by anonymous