krystal (nintendo and etc) created by luizamonny and luizamoony
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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    Hm, wonder who the artist is. It's not like they stuck their name on it three times.

    I think it's luizamoony.... but I am not really sure... :/
    *sarcasm heavily implied* Damn, you would think artists would make it easy...

    but VERY NICE pic

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  • I had lost hope of seeing another good one of these pop up.

    Fox: Wow! She's Beautiful ... But how do I get mine in there?

    Peppy: What are you doing Fox? Release your "spirit" and get out of there!

    In game dialog, with only two or three words omitted (A Krazoa Spirit), being those words. I liked the innuendo.

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  • Flare said:
    Dammit get out of my beach!

    hey! it ceased to be your beach when this fucking beautiful krystal poped up here!! i love it when artists accually make deceent krystal stuff even if its not tecnicly yiff and i luvz it!

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