Copyright: can't see the haters
A pose/phrase meme where a character's eyes are covered/obstructed by body parts of another character — typically an erect penis — combined with the phrase "Can't See The Haters", usually written in a caption, or referenced in dialogue.
"Can't See The Haters" Pose
This meme typically has the character shown only from the chest up, implied to be taking a selfie, or posing as if they're being photographed, making a v sign or double v sign, with their mouth open or tongue hanging out,
While most often involving penis covering eyes, a character may have their vision obstructed by another character's balls, breasts, butt or crotch.
Unless the phrase is referenced, or the character is posed in the way described above, posts where a character's eyes are covered by a penis should simply be tagged as penis covering eyes (and penis on face if necessary).
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