Character: scp-3090

post #4235057

SCP-3090, aka, Ms. Mad About Video Games (Real Name: Heather Mason) is a Euclid-class object from The SCP Foundation Mythos.

SCP-3090 is a female humanoid entity with the body of an ethnically ambiguous female with a detachable television set for a head. She is physically incapable of losing to other humans in video games. Aside from that whenever people lose at video games in her presence they physically experience the same injuries as the character their playing as: i.e. if they get shot in an FPS they would die from a bullet wound. However, they would eventually respawn if the game's mechanics had multiple lives or a respawn mechanic. This is meant to deter people from playing violent games for excessive amount of time.

Ms. Mad About Video Games was created by members of GOI-5689: Gamers Against Weed. She is also transgender.

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