Copyright: danny smoke in furry land

Danny Smoke in Furry Land is an animated/live-action TikTok web series created by @papawheelie that follows the titular human character, Danny Smoke, who is teleported to Furry Kingdom through a portal. Danny encounters a wolf named Marshall, who apprehends him and delivers him to the head of Furry Kingdom, King Magnum, who intends to keep Danny as his pet. For Danny to win his freedom, with Marshall, he must rescue King Magnum's daughter who has been kidnapped by a band of trolls.

Notable for its low-quality art style, absurd humor, and satirization of the isekai subgenre and self-insert protagonists, Danny Smoke in Furry Land has gained a cult following, amassing millions of views on TikTok with Part 19 being the most popular at 4.2 million views as of May 15, 2024.

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