Character: scp-527

post #4873275 post #4343155

SCP-527, also known as, Mr. Fish is one of the many anomalous objects and entities in the SCP Foundation Mythos.

SCP-527 is a male humanoid, 1.67m in height, which is biologically non-anomalous, with the exception of its head, which is that of a Puntius semifasciolatus, or gold barb fish. He is often depicted wearing a business suit and a tophat. A tattoo reading "Mr. Fish, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment" appears on the bottom of its left foot.

He is one of 20 collectable anomalous entities known as "The Little Misters" created by the magical/reality bending toymaker Dr. Wondertainment.

Mr. Fish is both the strangest and least strange of his siblings. Literally his only anomalous property is his fish head. He cannot breathe under water, communicate with sea creatures, or swim exceptionally well and for the life of him he cannot understand why Dr. Wondertainment would design him this way and none of his other siblings. He is capable of human speech.

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