Species: old world sand boa

Erycinae is a subfamily of boid snakes with the comnon name of Old World sand boas.

  • Charina (John Edward Gray, 1849)
    • rubber boa — Charina bottae (Henry M.D. de Blainville, 1835)
    • Southern rubber boa — Charina umbratica (Lawrence Monroe Klauber, 1943)
  • Eryx (François Marie Daudin, 1803)
    • Borri's sand boa — Eryx borrii (Benedetto Lanza & Annamaria Nistri, 2005)
    • Egyptian sand boa — Eryx colubrinus (Carl Linnaeus, 1758)
    • rough-tailed sand boa — Eryx conicus (Johann G.T. Schneider, 1801)
    • Central Asian sand boa — Eryx elegans (John Edward Gray, 1849)
    • javelin sand boa — Eryx jaculus (Carl Linnaeus, 1758)
    • Arabian sand boaEryx jayakari (George Albert Boulenger, 1888)
    • Indian sand boa — Eryx johnii (Patrick Russell, 1801)
    • dwarf sand boa — Eryx miliaris (Peter Simon Pallas, 1773)
    • Müller's sand boa — Eryx muelleri (George Albert Boulenger, 1892)
    • Sistan sand boa — Eryx sistanensis (Naeimeh Eskandarzadeh et al., 2020)
    • Somali sand boa — Eryx somalicus (Giuseppe Scortecci, 1939)
    • Eryx vittatus (Sergey Alexandrovich Chernov, 1959)
    • Whitaker's sand boa — Eryx whitakeri (Indraneil Das, 1991)
  • Lichanura (Edward Drinker Cope, 1861)
    • coastal rosy boa — Lichanura orcutti (Leonhard Hess Stejneger, 1889)
    • desert rosy boa — Lichanura trivirgata (Edward Drinker Cope, 1861)

See also

External links

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