Copyright: biker mice from mars
Biker Mice from Mars is a science fiction action animated series following three anthropomorphic mice motorcyclists named Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie who escape a war on their home planet Mars before arriving to defend the Earth from the evil that destroyed their homeland (the Plutarkians) and to one day return to Mars. The mice's signature weapons consist of a cestus and a laser (Throttle), a bionic arm (Modo), and flares (Vinnie).
- Throttle
- Modo (I)
- Vinnie (I)
- Charlene Davidson (!I)
- Carbine (!I)
- Rimfire (!I)
- Grease Pit (xWI)
- Lawrence Limburger (!I)
- others...
(Key: !=<20, x=0, W=No wiki, I=No example pic in wiki)
The following tags implicate this tag: carbine_(bmfm), charlene_davidson, fred_the_mutant_(bmfm), gorgonzola_(bmfm), greasepit_(bmfm), harley_(bmfm), karbunkle_(bmfm), lawrence_limburger, modo_(bmfm), rimfire_(bmfm), throttle_(bmfm), vinnie_(bmfm) (learn more).