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In response to blip #133621

Paraphonic said:
Dude, I fucking LOVE that game! Ever played Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love?

yeah, it's alright, it's certainly more _fun_, gameplay wise, with some neat mechanics, especially for a PnC, but I don't think it's as narratively interesting compared to the first one. it dosn't really feel like it's "saying" anything. I mean, for a game about a 35 year dude hitting on a bunch of girls less than half his age it's... very safe. one of my lesser loved Love-De-Lic legacy games overall.

the music and art is still phenomenal. although... kind of to be expected from Adachi and Kirushima.

In response to blip #133620

dba_afish said:
a friend on Discord posted a Naruto character tier list. I half jokingly responded asking if the characters were "from some anime or something".

the resulting discussion made think about just how little of my own generation's popular media I've actually consumed. and it's made be come to two realizations:

do I just actively avoid anything more than like three people tell me is good?
yes. I think part of it is that I'm afraid that I won't like something and then feel the need to explain why if anyone ever asks me my opinion.

has it had any actual negative effect on me?
no. everything I like is better than everything everyone else likes, and it's literally impossible to prove otherwise without having to play Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland all the way through, at which point I've won anyway.

Oof yeah i get the feeling

a friend on Discord posted a Naruto character tier list. I half jokingly responded asking if the characters were "from some anime or something".

the resulting discussion made think about just how little of my own generation's popular media I've actually consumed. and it's made be come to two realizations:

do I just actively avoid anything more than like three people tell me is good?
yes. I think part of it is that I'm afraid that I won't like something and then feel the need to explain why if anyone ever asks me my opinion.

has it had any actual negative effect on me?
no. everything I like is better than everything everyone else likes, and it's literally impossible to prove otherwise without having to play Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland all the way through, at which point I've won anyway.

In response to blip #133617

SNPtheCat said:
Isn't it basically FA shouts if blips appear on profile? I guess it wouldn't be too bad

except you can block users and delete stuff from your page on FA, I'm pretty sure.

e6 has no blocklist currently (other than user blacklisting) and the only people who can hide stuff is the staff.

In response to blip #133616

dba_afish said:
@decra: I feel like there could be some way to bring them back to userpages while avoiding some of the problems (I mean, just having only the user's own blips show up might be alright). but ehh... I dunno, being able to just post little things on other peoples pages was kinda the thing that made it cool, assuming you weren't an asshole.

maybe other user's blips showing up on your userpage could be opt-in or the site could whitelist whose blips would be allowed to show up or something. but I'm just not really sure it's worth the effort to revive this feature...

and, all that being said, I do kinda like blips just being the universal off-topic thread, and nothing more.

Isn't it basically FA shouts if blips appear on profile? I guess it wouldn't be too bad

In response to blip #133614

@decra: I feel like there could be some way to bring them back to userpages while avoiding some of the problems (I mean, just having only the user's own blips show up might be alright). but ehh... I dunno, being able to just post little things on other peoples pages was kinda the thing that made it cool, assuming you weren't an asshole.

maybe other user's blips showing up on your userpage could be opt-in or the site could whitelist whose blips would be allowed to show up or something. but I'm just not really sure it's worth the effort to revive this feature...

and, all that being said, I do kinda like blips just being the universal off-topic thread, and nothing more.

In response to blip #133611

Dripen_Arn said:
whaaaa that used to be a thing?

i'm not saying that it's a good idea to bring that back, but they should bring that back

yeah, they used to be at the bottom of all user pages, along with a little "add blip" button. the problem was that, as you can see, along with a user's own blips, any mention got put there, incluing stuff that you'd probably not want on your user page.

it was essentially a direct invitation to just be mean for anyone who wanted to and have it show up on anyone's profile and targets wouldn't be able to do much about it until the staff came to take care of it. and since, unlike post comments blips lack score, users couldn't even group up to downvote it untill it was hidden.

also, users kept trying to use the "add blip" button like it was an "about" for their profile because they didn't know what blips were.

In response to blip #133607

decra said:

potentially, actually yeah. 130k is a lot for a contiguous stream of messages. wonder how many other sites have a dedicated off-topic discussion hub like this.

although, to be fair, Blips wasn't always just a weird corner of the site like it is now. blips from or mentioning a user used to be something that fearured on userpages like kind of like comments.

a bulk of the posts on here were likely prior to the current function of blips.

I was at my local music store today having a look around like I usually do.

Employee: "Hey, did you hear that [brand] is releasing [new product I've never heard of before]?"
Me: "No."
Employee: "Well, do you remember when [brand] released [old product I've never heard of] back in the eighties?"
Me: "No."
Employee: [proceeds to explain details of new product I have no interest in] "I'll let you know when it comes in, okay?"

post #3053108

In response to blip #133589

the artists tab got readded and, depending on your screen's desktop's horizontal resolution, the Discord and SubStar links and the themes and settings buttons might become hidden now.

also, all the buttons have been made so they align properly now.

Oh cool. They changed it so posts is the second tab again. Muscle memory isn’t fucking with me anymore. Unless I’m looking at a mobile-desktop only thing.

I spent like 8 hours finishing entries to a contest, then realized the deadline is tonight so I didn’t have to do them all yesterday lmfao

But at least it means I finished 6 colored things yesterday x’D

In response to blip #133579

dba_afish said:
do you mean like a stroke around the fa icons and text like this?

doing it around the font stuff is pretty easy (since I'd already done some of the work previously):

#nav-toggle, .nav-controls, .nav-controls .nav-tools-login { --header-stroke: #000000; /*<- stroke color*/
text-shadow: -.67px -.67px 0 var(--header-stroke), -.94px 0 0 var(--header-stroke), -.67px .67px 0 var(--header-stroke), 0 .94px 0 var(--header-stroke), .67px .67px 0 var(--header-stroke), .94px 0 0 var(--header-stroke), .67px -.67px 0 var(--header-stroke), 0 -.94px 0 var(--header-stroke); }

I don't know if it'd be possible to do something similar with the site logo, though.

yeah, thanks for the stroke!

In response to blip #133575

SNPtheCat said:
Do you know how to give the contents in the header an outline if for example i used this with sticky header

do you mean like a stroke around the fa icons and text like this?

doing it around the font stuff is pretty easy (since I'd already done some of the work previously):

#nav-toggle, .nav-controls, .nav-controls .nav-tools-login { --header-stroke: #000000; /*<- stroke color*/
text-shadow: -.67px -.67px 0 var(--header-stroke), -.94px 0 0 var(--header-stroke), -.67px .67px 0 var(--header-stroke), 0 .94px 0 var(--header-stroke), .67px .67px 0 var(--header-stroke), .94px 0 0 var(--header-stroke), .67px -.67px 0 var(--header-stroke), 0 -.94px 0 var(--header-stroke); }

I don't know if it'd be possible to do something similar with the site logo, though.

In response to blip #133576

decra said:
@Critical_Stiban: sorry for not being clear enough. you will have a horrible time, and trying is not for the faint of heart because you'll have to end up doing so many bodges and hacks that you're most likely just going to end up banging your head on nails when you're finished. this is not a temple of honour

Nightmare fuel of coding. Got it.

In response to blip #133574

@Critical_Stiban: sorry for not being clear enough. you will have a horrible time, and trying is not for the faint of heart because you'll have to end up doing so many bodges and hacks that you're most likely just going to end up banging your head on nails when you're finished. this is not a temple of honour

In response to blip #133515

dba_afish said:
okay, _here's_ my final CSS tweaks for the new mobile site navigation menu

/*site background visible behind header*/
#nav-toggle, .nav-logo, .nav-controls, .nav-controls .nav-tools-login { background: none; }

Do you know how to give the contents in the header an outline if for example i used this with sticky header

In response to blip #133571

Critical_Stiban said:
Actually am curious if it is possible to bring the old layout to the website back via CSS. Anyone willing to give it a go?

no, you'd need to use JavaScript to do that.
with just CSS you'd be lucky if you could even move the hamburger button back to the middle of the header.

In response to blip #133563

SNPtheCat said:
Wait what does this change

it makes the nav buttons on the post pages (so, like the search next/prev and the pool next/prev/last/first buttons) look a bit better and made it so the titles wrapped properly. I never put this to the public thing because I think it was kinda bespoke for my screen and/or it might be dependant on other changes I've made.

In response to blip #133559

dba_afish said:
CSS baybee!!
don't need to worry about stuff changing if I just fix all the problems I have with them myself.

.nav-block { background: initial; }

.nav-notice { margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; border-radius: 12px; }

.nav-name { overflow: initial; white-space: initial; text-overflow: initial; margin: .33em 0 .33em 0; }

.nav-link { font-size: 80%; margin-top: .66em; margin-bottom: .66em; border-radius: 6px; text-align: center; }
.next, .last, .prev, .first { margin-right: .1em; margin-left: .1em; line-height: 1.25; }
.first, .last { padding-left: 6.8px; padding-right: 6.8px; }

.prev { background-color: #FFC40014; }
.next { background-color: #00A0C014; }
.first { background-color: #FF604014; }
.last { background-color: #00E03814; }

Wait what does this change

In response to blip #133558

CSS baybee!!
don't need to worry about stuff changing if I just fix all the problems I have with them myself.

.nav-block { background: initial; }

.nav-notice { margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; border-radius: 12px; }

.nav-name { overflow: initial; white-space: initial; text-overflow: initial; margin: .33em 0 .33em 0; }

.nav-link { font-size: 80%; margin-top: .66em; margin-bottom: .66em; border-radius: 6px; text-align: center; }
.next, .last, .prev, .first { margin-right: .1em; margin-left: .1em; line-height: 1.25; }
.first, .last { padding-left: 6.8px; padding-right: 6.8px; }

.prev { background-color: #FFC40014; }
.next { background-color: #00A0C014; }
.first { background-color: #FF604014; }
.last { background-color: #00E03814; }

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it difficult to adapt to the changes in E621? I ask by chance, as I find it strange that I don't see the names of the comics I sometimes read,

In response to blip #133556

dba_afish said:
wait a second, is this a Dragonweordo comic with... boys?

I vaguely remember in that game that Elh being female was like a secret or something for a while.
Just trying to look it up now, apparently she was originally going to be male early in development of the game but then they settled on androgynous female.
So either it's a gender bend or Red never found that out would be my guess.