Show Search Options
In response to blip #133778

Obscenity said:
Hey all, anyone knows how to change the interface back, please let me know, it's really bothering me.

The top bar is fine, but the search bar and the popups are so broken.

for the search bar I think this is all you need is this (settings -> advance, CSS):

.post-search textarea { white-space: nowrap; overflow-x: auto; scrollbar-width: none; }

not 100% what you mean by popups, though.

Hey all, anyone knows how to change the interface back, please let me know, it's really bothering me.

The top bar is fine, but the search bar and the popups are so broken.

Ever notice how listening cats keep their heads still and then rotate their ears gracefully and nimbly? Because god damn it's trippy to see their ears go rotating like two owls perched on a boulder/snowman!

In response to blip #133757

Cinder said:

SNPtheCat said: ..

This is exhibit A for why you cannot have nice things.
People will inevitably abuse it to spam nonsense.

Stop it.
I shall patch the bug in the next release.

And how is allowing other people to nest your quotes easily with the reply function going to affect how people spam?

In response to blip #133757

it also dosn't fix the problem that normal nested quotes already break the reply button's functionality.

this bug actually did that, it was a bug that functioned as a workaround to another bug that _actually_ caused problems.

In response to blip #133757

no, Cinder please, Cinder please, we'll be good.

also, changing the way the reply button works wouldn't even remove the ability to make absurd nested quotes, you can still just mash the quote button over and over.

I don't actually see any practical way that having quotable quotes could be a negative.

In response to blip #133753

I, like, forgot how to read binary halfway through this and started having to just count in my head...

man, people actually have actual practical programming skills, that's pretty cool. all I've ever learned was how to program a song in ASEQ (Nintendo's proprietary music format used in first party N64 games) by hand.

In response to blip #133751

SNPtheCat said:

01000 00101 01100 01100 01111 10111 01111 10010 01100 00100 10000 10000 00001 00010

8 5 12 12 15 23 15 18 12 4 16 16 1 2


y'know I was expecting that to be, like, a "gotcha" of some variety, but no, it's just a normal bit of example text. (followed by some junk data)

In response to blip #133739

Watsit said:

Dripen_Arn said:

dba_afish said:
new DText tech discovered

however, if you capitalize [qUOTE] and [/QuOTE] the reply parcer won't catch it but the quote block will still display as expected.

so now, if you're ever quoting something that's important enough to remain in your message (like a wikipage or something off-site that you're using to make a point) when someone replies to you, you can capitalize the quote tags and the quote will be nested in any replies to your message!

this also means you can insert nested quotes into your messages without it making the parcer mad!

No Flippin Way Dude!

Will this get patched? Seems like it can get out of hand.

This is awesome, Cinder better not remove it.
Also you could send a hidden message by capitalising certain letters in the [Quote] and [/Quote]. So [quotE] = 1 = a, [quoTe] = 2 = b and so on.

In response to blip #133745

Daleport996 said:
Actually I wonder what would happen if

only the first Q is capitalized

or only the second one is capitalized.

Or what about mixed case?

Edit: They all stay!

yeah, as long as it's not just all lowercase it won't get removed.

although, if you leave the any of the end tags normal they can cause problems with future quotes the same way that trying to nest quotes normally will cause.

Actually I wonder what would happen if

only the first Q is capitalized

or only the second one is capitalized.

Or what about mixed case?

Edit: They all stay!

In response to blip #133736

dba_afish said:
new DText tech discovered

however, if you capitalize [Quote] and [/Quote] the reply parcer won't catch it but the quote block will still display as expected.

so now, if you're ever quoting something that's important enough to remain in your message (like a wikipage or something off-site that you're using to make a point) when someone replies to you, you can capitalize the quote tags and the quote will be nested in any replies to your message!

this also means you can insert nested quotes into your messages without it making the parcer mad!

Should be pretty easy to fix.

In response to blip #133740

Daleport996 said:
Hmmm, on one hand, nested quotes won't be broken when someone replies and be confusing to those who don't know much about DText. On the other, they will have to be manually deleted if a reply chain gets too long, which someone who doesn't know much about DText probably won't do.

yeah, but the main utility of it isn't really having nested conversations it's so someone can quote something external like:


according to experts:
A salamander is a wet kind of lizard.

have it still look and function like a normal quote, but have it be a lot easier for someone to respond to that part directly. because if I'd just used a normal uncapitalized quote box all they'd be able to quote was "well,".

In response to blip #133736

dba_afish said:

however, if you capitalize [Quote] and [/Quote] the reply parcer won't catch it but the quote block will still display as expected.

Hmmm, on one hand, nested quotes won't be broken when someone replies and be confusing to those who don't know much about DText. On the other, they will have to be manually deleted if a reply chain gets too long, which someone who doesn't know much about DText probably won't do.


In response to blip #133737

Dripen_Arn said:

dba_afish said:
new DText tech discovered

however, if you capitalize [Quote] and [/Quote] the reply parcer won't catch it but the quote block will still display as expected.

so now, if you're ever quoting something that's important enough to remain in your message (like a wikipage or something off-site that you're using to make a point) when someone replies to you, you can capitalize the quote tags and the quote will be nested in any replies to your message!

this also means you can insert nested quotes into your messages without it making the parcer mad!

No Flippin Way Dude!

Will this get patched? Seems like it can get out of hand.

In response to blip #133736

dba_afish said:
new DText tech discovered

however, if you capitalize [Quote] and [/Quote] the reply parcer won't catch it but the quote block will still display as expected.

so now, if you're ever quoting something that's important enough to remain in your message (like a wikipage or something off-site that you're using to make a point) when someone replies to you, you can capitalize the quote tags and the quote will be nested in any replies to your message!

this also means you can insert nested quotes into your messages without it making the parcer mad!

No Flippin Way Dude!

new DText tech discovered

normally text within a quote box gets caught and removed by the parcer when you click the reply button.

however, if you capitalize [Quote] and [/Quote] the reply parcer won't catch it but the quote block will still display as expected.

so now, if you're ever quoting something that's important enough to remain in your message (like a wikipage or something off-site that you're using to make a point) when someone replies to you, you can capitalize the quote tags and the quote will be nested in any replies to your message!

this also means you can insert nested quotes into your messages without it making the parcer mad!

In response to blip #133731

@dba_afish: y'can just overlay multiple drop shadows in a filter to get some sort of crude outline e.g. filter: drop-shadow(#000 0 1px) drop-shadow(#000 1px 0) drop-shadow(#000 0 -1px) drop-shadow(#000 -1px 0), but you shouldn't want to do that ever.

If you're on an apple device you can use this to fix the search

/*making post search magnifying glass black*/
.fa-magnifying-glass { color: #000000 }
In response to blip #133718

SNPtheCat said:
e9 update means there's no text anymore, hmmm.

oh, man... do I have to do the whole thing _again_?...

SNPtheCat said:
Do you know how to give the icons a small border or background

putting borders around individual elements like that is pretty easy, should just be { border: 1px solid black; }.

In response to blip #133579

dba_afish said:
do you mean like a stroke around the fa icons and text like this?

doing it around the font stuff is pretty easy (since I'd already done some of the work previously):

#nav-toggle, .nav-controls, .nav-controls .nav-tools-login { --header-stroke: #000000; /*<- stroke color*/
text-shadow: -.67px -.67px 0 var(--header-stroke), -.94px 0 0 var(--header-stroke), -.67px .67px 0 var(--header-stroke), 0 .94px 0 var(--header-stroke), .67px .67px 0 var(--header-stroke), .94px 0 0 var(--header-stroke), .67px -.67px 0 var(--header-stroke), 0 -.94px 0 var(--header-stroke); }

I don't know if it'd be possible to do something similar with the site logo, though.

e9 update means there's no text anymore, hmmm. Do you know how to give the icons a small border or background

In response to blip #133711

Critical_Stiban said:

For example I don’t recall anyone ever asking to check out the wikis on the page they’re on when you can just click the question mark on a tag. It’s a neat feature but not something I entirely get the point of.

If the read more actually expanded rather than bring you to a new page it would actually be pretty useful on mobile (actually it's already great for when people on the forum decide to use {{}} rather than [[]] to link to a tag). Trying to hit the fucking question mark when it's running away from you is a pain, and it only settles down after 10 seconds or so.

In response to blip #133715

decra said:
@SpuriousZabaione: esix you are NOT philomena get a JOB BITCH!!

"Sir Thomas More was an English lawyer, judge, social philosopher, author, statesman, amateur theologian, and noted Renaissance humanist. He also served Henry VIII as Lord High Chancellor of England from October 1529 to May 1532 and wrote Utopia, published in 1516, which describes the political system of an imaginary island state.

His works and philosophy are survived in the present day by his long estranged brother, Read."

The new layout is interesting but I wish there was an option to toggle certain aspects of it, like the search bar text wrap.

In response to blip #133701

dba_afish said:
my only real problem with it right now is that it has a Read More button that just loads a new page, which is usually not what that means. it should probably say something else (especially in cases where article is already displayed in full) and it also shouldn't be placed in such a way that it overlaps with text of the article in the way it does. the gradient also feels like it "starts" to early and "ends" too late, but that might be more of a personal thing.

Just encountered this "wiki on posts" enhancement now and yeah same it was funny for it to load a new page than continue loading the contents after clicking Read More

In response to blip #133706

@Cinder: Playing devils advocate here. To be fair some of these changes seem to be headscratching or implimented imperfectly. Not everything is a perfect addition here and some of this should have just been something that’s a toggle in settings or stress tested better. For example I don’t recall anyone ever asking to check out the wikis on the page they’re on when you can just click the question mark on a tag. It’s a neat feature but not something I entirely get the point of.

I guess the new layout is kinda of an improvement. At least I can now finally search things while viewing a post (on mobile)

In response to blip #133704

@decra: sighs cssingly

.post-search textarea {
    padding: .125rem;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow-x: auto;
    scrollbar-width: none;

.post-search button[type="submit"] {
    background: #eee;
    border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
    padding: 2px 6px;
    width: 2em;

.post-index .sidebar #mode-box #set-id, .post-index .sidebar #mode-box-mode {
    padding: .125em;