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In response to blip #133850

I don't think it would be, the only place that seems to actually contain the forum's index number is part of the reply box way at the bottom of the page. even if there were possible to display the text it'd be a pseudo element so you wouldn't be able to select the text to copy it or anything.

you can get the individual forum post IDs to display at the bottom of each one with:

.forum-post::before { content: "\a forum #" attr(data-forum-post-id); }

but agian, it's not super useful since you can't select the text.

Interesting how the official Sims 2 re-release by EA is missing the IKEA stuff pack. There's a quite popular but unofficial repack on the high seas that suspiciously shares this similarity.

It's also interesting how apparently the re-release runs well on Steam Deck, even though its entry on WineHQ rated it as "Garbage". Makes me think that the only thing stopping it from running on Linux this whole time was SecuROM.

I have a request, is there a way to have the custom CSS display the topic number in the page (preferably in the header)?
Forum number would be nice but not necessary

In response to blip #133838

Critical_Stiban said:
I think if I were able to make one change to the website it would be one more toggle. Being able to move the profile stuff from the left to the right. At least on desktop. I'd like all my stuff in one spot basically and it would be where the account stuff was originally. All I ask now is that.
Surprisingly I wont bitch about mobile because finally. A decent fucking UI. Where was this all that time?

Try adding this to your custom css

/*modify the number for what you want*/
.nav-controls > a > span {position:relative; right:900px}

You meant right to left right?

In response to blip #133843

Cinder said:
How about I meet you in the middle.
I'll add a new profile button to the left of the "Artists" in the navbar that is hidden by default, and you can re-enable it using some custom CSS.

uhh... while you're at it, could you also add that same thing to the inside of the dropdown on mobile? it's not a big deal, I just I kinda liked having it in there rather than on the header.

In response to blip #133838

Critical_Stiban said:
I think if I were able to make one change to the website it would be one more toggle. Being able to move the profile stuff from the left to the right. At least on desktop. I'd like all my stuff in one spot basically and it would be where the account stuff was originally. All I ask now is that.
Surprisingly I wont bitch about mobile because finally. A decent fucking UI. Where was this all that time?

It's genuinely kinda difficult to do.
With the wiki excerpt and forum notifications, it's fairly straightforward: if it's disabled in the settings, then just don't display it.
With the profile button... well, a bunch of stuff has to get moved around.

How about I meet you in the middle.
I'll add a new profile button to the left of the "Artists" in the navbar that is hidden by default, and you can re-enable it using some custom CSS.

okay, since I'm the Sonic nerd, (even though I fairly rarely actually talk about Sonic on here) I want to talk about that new Sonic Racing game trailer that came out today

not like, extreme gear, or having Racing Transformed mechanics, or characters returning, or any of that mundane boring shit everyone in the comments is talking about...

they put Dinosaur Jungle from Secret Rings in this game and they show it off before literally anything else (other than like super basic kart racing stuff). like-- what? also, why? it's one of the worst levels from one of the worst recived games in the series...


is that fucking Pirate Storm at the end? why does this game refrence _two_ Secret Rings stages? and why'd they show off both in the trailer? like, half of the stages they showed off were Secret Rings, why? what is going on?

I think if I were able to make one change to the website it would be one more toggle. Being able to move the profile stuff from the left to the right. At least on desktop. I'd like all my stuff in one spot basically and it would be where the account stuff was originally. All I ask now is that.
Surprisingly I wont bitch about mobile because finally. A decent fucking UI. Where was this all that time?

OH THEY MADE THE FORUM DOT AND WIKI EXCERPTS TOGGLES! Thank you for listening to the feedback! I sorta forgive you guys!

In response to blip #133814

SNPtheCat said:
You've only added

/*make the buttons in the last two sections of site nav less big*/
.nav-tools, .nav-help { gap:.5rem; padding:.5rem }


  • in general site tweaks:
    • /* make font-awesome icons not yellow */ has been changed to /* make icons match normal link/text colors */ and the elements it's applied to has expanded to include svg drawings
  • in mobile site fixes/tweaks:
    • the contents of /* make primary and secondary nav menu elements the same height */ has been changed to account for changes to the search box font size
      • I actually updated this again just now.
    • /* make header way shorter [...] */ now includes the new elements.

Super Bowl was decently insane. Even though those two words contradict each other.

From insane play, to unexpected boo’s at certain people… :p

If non-furries make "Jamie Hyneman is a walrus" jokes, does that mean furries get to make "walruses are Jamie Hyneman" jokes.

In response to blip #133780

Obscenity said:

thanks for that, and I mean when I'm searching there is a wiki popup

you should be able to collapse it by clicking at the very top of the box or you can hide it entirely with:

.wiki-excerpt { display: none; }