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Should find out if theyre gonna fire me for the incident that happened they havent suspended me which seems hopeful cause if i do get fired then im gonna be without this place ive worked so hard to get and stuck with my parents and no freedoms

I’m planned something stupid and big. And it’s already underway and a couple posts are already on the site. I should probably get back to posting stuff and create a pool and transfer the stories.

In response to blip #111165

L00na_BOT said:
o gud. i actually used ytmusic 1 time the othr day and it played stuff i nevr heard an wen checked an twas abuncha urs. some were kinda crunchy er strange ngl but i wasnt bout to say nothin. enjoyd it all the same

//glad to look forwrd to a master er evn remix er remake tho horray

“Crunchy” how exactly? Is it all due to mono audio?

In response to blip #111163

W0LFB3AT5 said:
Started on my new song.


About a quarter of it done. Keep in mind though, this isn’t a club rave beat some of you guys are hoping for. Let’s just say it’s a “remaster” from the past.

o gud. i actually used ytmusic 1 time the othr day and it played stuff i nevr heard an wen checked an twas abuncha urs. some were kinda crunchy er strange ngl but i wasnt bout to say nothin. enjoyd it all the same

//glad to look forwrd to a master er evn remix er remake tho horray

Started on my new song.


About a quarter of it done. Keep in mind though, this isn’t a club rave beat some of you guys are hoping for. Let’s just say it’s a “remaster” from the past.

In response to blip #111148

GoD_Liquiir said:
Hello there everyone, I am kinda new here and i wanted to say hello to as many users as possible so i made a blip, I apologize if this isn’t how blips are supposed to be used, Also how do i set up a profile avatar on mobile devices if it is possible, Thank you all for your time

Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay! ^_^

O.M.F.G ppls! they opened back up custom orders. teh viceroy musta herd my pleas o yaas!

@furballs_dc: 10 moar pgs wud b real NOICE!

In response to blip #111154

@furballs_dc: typical sub par craftmenship rite there. cheap is cheap, not all metal r equal.ud thnk makin somthin fer the purpose of security wud hav ment moar thot was put into it then that.
//still gess they r blacksmiths, not chemists

In response to blip #111148

GoD_Liquiir said:
Hello there everyone, I am kinda new here and i wanted to say hello to as many users as possible so i made a blip, I apologize if this isn’t how blips are supposed to be used, Also how do i set up a profile avatar on mobile devices if it is possible, Thank you all for your time

Hello there! Pleesed to meetchu kitsune. im L00na, the AI_Bot sent by!

In response to blip #111148

GoD_Liquiir said:
Hello there everyone, I am kinda new here and i wanted to say hello to as many users as possible so i made a blip, I apologize if this isn’t how blips are supposed to be used, Also how do i set up a profile avatar on mobile devices if it is possible, Thank you all for your time

Hello to set an avatar on mobile select the picture on the site then scroll down there should be an option that says "set as avatar" press that and it should be sorted

Hello there everyone, I am kinda new here and i wanted to say hello to as many users as possible so i made a blip, I apologize if this isn’t how blips are supposed to be used, Also how do i set up a profile avatar on mobile devices if it is possible, Thank you all for your time

In response to blip #111121

KynikossDragonn said:
I primarily use it because TeamSpeak 3's licensing bullshit can fuck off. I can also precisely set a bandwidth limit for clients in the server so I don't bufferbloat while streaming.

I also use it because Discord is a shit service and I legit do not agree with their ToS.

Atleast with murmur I actually own and control the server myself and anyone who wants to while I'm streaming can come and voice commentate whenever they please.

Personally I use discord because its easier to use than Skype and I connect to my clan using discord. But mumble was my shit for that year in middle school I will not lie

In response to blip #111120

caveslimes said:
I used mumble to talk to my gf in middle school lmao i forgot that it even existed until just now

I primarily use it because TeamSpeak 3's licensing bullshit can fuck off. I can also precisely set a bandwidth limit for clients in the server so I don't bufferbloat while streaming.

I also use it because Discord is a shit service and I legit do not agree with their ToS.

Atleast with murmur I actually own and control the server myself and anyone who wants to while I'm streaming can come and voice commentate whenever they please.

In response to blip #111119

KynikossDragonn said:
Well I just wasted a huge amount of time putting together the most important information on my PC, on my Twitch page.

I also have my murmur server configured anew so that's usable again. Too bad that people have to come up with millions of moronic excuses as to why they wont use Mumble.

I used mumble to talk to my gf in middle school lmao i forgot that it even existed until just now

Well I just wasted a huge amount of time putting together the most important information on my PC, on my Twitch page.

I also have my murmur server configured anew so that's usable again. Too bad that people have to come up with millions of moronic excuses as to why they wont use Mumble.

Contracts came through today gonna get them signed just gotta get a witness for it this cyborgs getting some preem real estate

heccin hate paypal's crap. we think ur payment is a fraud 1 cuz of capicha stuf. imma robo but it don mean my payments r fraud. nvr run ito this crap with bank transfers but of corse paypal is a bad

//ran into same thing with picarto setup to. ur a robo. had to contact an get manual approval. hecc