Topic: The story behind your username

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Before the great password exodus, there was just "xanax".

Then I was xanax2.

Over the 8 years I originally created the first account with the express purpose of having a random username, I've become actually heavily addicted to Xanax in the past 3.

Times New Roman is the name of my favorite font, i changed Roman to Waifu and just added the day i was born :P

I feel like mine is fairly self explanatory, one of my favourite characters of all time :D and managed to snag it early

It's usually spaced out as Trip Wyre, but either way it's just a play on the word tripwire.

timesnewwaifu13 said:
Times New Roman is the name of my favorite font, i changed Roman to Waifu and just added the day i was born :P

i take it 13 is your favourite number then :P

Kobolds should not be treated as equals nor given rights that respects them as a sapient or sentient being.

The Kobolds’ only worth are being commodities.

That is the Rule Against Kobolds!


I picked my name because I've always liked things that are extremely rare or just uncommon and obscure but has some incredible ability few know about. In most cases, rare machinery/weaponry, endangered species, rare data/images, and last but not least, rare prototypes. The kind where only a handful were made and were ultimately canceled. In many cases due to complications such as over budget, too dangerous, too ambitious, or perhaps because the inventor/creator passed away. But my favorite ones are the kind which have little to no explanation for why they were abandoned. Take for example this gun: . The sheer mystery of wtf happened? Or what would the final results have looked like? Or, if it did have a final 1.0 and up released, I still find it fascinating to see how different it was in early development. Over time, I have noticed that rare prototypes all seem to have a somewhat similar appearance to one another. Plain or unstlyized colors, tags with odd technical messages/serial numbers, stickers that have been completely ripped off, inner parts/electrical cords exposed, etc.

I send the Name Change Request.
Gloomy WingKurogi_hbFoxSIV [ = Kurogi the hybright Fox @ SIV ]
Reason : This is To start my main(official) activities in e6.  I decided to stop to stay and explore the endless dream.
- "Kurogi" means "Black_Fox"(玄狐). [ 玄 means "Black" and "Expert" --- shows the curiosity of the Fox. ]
- "hybright" has the meanings of hybrid and "high bright". --- I can do anything!
- "SIV" .... You will find out what this means later...

Goodbye, gloomy me.

※In addition : Main ⇒ For posting art that I DO own / to post comments | Sub ⇒ For posting art that I Do Not own / to watch arts/images

munkelzahn said:
When I registered on e621, I was going to call myself "Dunkelzahn" ("dark tooth" in German, name of a dragon in the Shadowrun RPG).

But then I thought, "that's not very original". Maybe "Funkelzahn" (glitter tooth) is better. Google gave me hundreds of results for that name, so I needed something else.

Eventually, I came up with "Munkelzahn" (rumor tooth). It doesn't mean anything, but it appeared nowhere on Google.

Well, I was trying to write "goose", but misspelled it and liked the result

Named myself after a favorite video game character of mine from Minish Cap. It was my high school nickname 'cuz I was seen as an 'old-fashioned smartass'.

It's the same as my FA account, I don't really know what was i thinking about when i created my username, it was at night and i was tired so i couldn't think of anything good, except for the "haja" part, it's just a combination of the english and spanish(ja) onomatopeia for laugh(both sound pretty much the same)

Pretty simple, and not too interesting:
I don't let anyone irl know I'm a furry, so this profile is "secret", and then I picked a random animal to go with it "fox"

mine is a bit boring. You know the meme with the "Doggos"? I like cats so I did "Cattos". But my old username had a 0 at the end, and some places "cattos" was taken, so I made it "Catt0s". The "of the night" part used to be part of usernames I only used on NSFW sites, but I decided that having only one anonymous online persona was better than managing a SFW and NSFW one; so I stuck my normal name in it.

i came up with my username by using a diagram that swaps syllables in a similar way to how the Caesar cipher swaps letters. it can be a good tactic for making words in conlangs :-)

mvi - ra
ndô - ge

My original name was "Theloler697" back in the Xbox 360 time because I was very young and dumb at making names, so I just took "lol" as a word and created that but now it's Thel, which is the shortened version by removing the "oler697" from my old name, I also add either a Real or Fake if it's already used or if I feel like it.

munkelzahn said:
When I registered on e621, I was going to call myself "Dunkelzahn" ("dark tooth" in German, name of a dragon in the Shadowrun RPG).

But then I thought, "that's not very original". Maybe "Funkelzahn" (glitter tooth) is better. Google gave me hundreds of results for that name, so I needed something else.

Eventually, I came up with "Munkelzahn" (rumor tooth). It doesn't mean anything, but it appeared nowhere on Google.

I choose this because blkreit is the first ever username I ever used, it was part of a password I used at first, now I use it for almost anything

mine is mostly just a forewarning for any irls/friends of mine who stumble across this LOL

I couldn't think of a username. Then i spotted the box of .223 Remington rounds on my shelf and just went with that

waaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I was an internet babby I made a skyrim character and named them Ra'silk, I ended up using that everywhere until I joined a rp thing on discord and people started calling me silky as a nickname, and I actually really really liked it, to the point that now its one of the top 3 names I'm thinking of changing my name to now irl :o

Kingdom Hearts had a secret boss fight with Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII and one of his lines sounded like he was saying "Sin Harvest" when he was actually saying "Descend Heartless Angel".

It's easy to explain for me.
Shinepix is a short for:

It was(/is) my Brony OC nickname.

It comes from the flashing of a Digital Camera 📸 as I was known as the photographer of the Meetings.

I hit up Google Translate for the Japanese translation of "throwaway (account)" back when I was starting to learn Japanese. Ironically enough, it's now my main account for e621.

My original pre-change username Asza3250 comes from making a triangle between the "a," "s," and "z" keys on a QWERTY keyboard and combining that with the house number of my childhood home.

Skyfire Hammerfall was the name of a cleric I played in dungeons and dragons. I really wanted to use NightWind (my half-elven fighter/sorcerer) but it was registered. So Skyfire it is.

My name was simply based on me not being known to anyone else. There is another name though that I go by that most people online know me with.

I meditated on it. The “murr” segment is entirely coincidental, and has no ties to the Furry community. “Nathmurr” is like the name of my personality.

And no, there weren’t any substances involved. People have asked me that.

I NEVER used in other forums this name I am using here. It just occured to me - for infomative and according to my mood back then - after I saw that my usual name was alredy occupied.

I usually use the name one of the characters of a novel of the English writter Olaf Stapledon:

I read novels when I was 10, and since then, it fascinated me and became a personal mark for the rest of my life.


I chose a name specifically that I found in many search results so it wasn't unique. Then I decided I do not want to use that same name in multiple places and renamed it to what it is now.

In the past I used to use the same names everywhere, but even before the trend of tossing people out forever for one wrong thing posted at any time in the past I didn't like the idea of simple searches finding everything about me online. A friend of mine found my furvey from back in the '90s like five years after I had posted it somewhere, and that was the warning call to diversify my name used in different places. The furvey was a survey that newly awakened furries often filled out in a furry newsgroup back in the day.

I'm not ashamed of anything I post or do online, but it's also not the business of everyone I meet regardless of context either. I think back to some past behavior and it's cringeworthy but I've never done anything downright terrible.

I do have one alternate account here, the incredibly to the point ZEdit, for a couple edits I've made to images, to keep those uploads separate. I'm not an artist but I do know enough about image manipulation to work with what's already there, such as tint censor bars. I might make another for uploading a couple gift commissions I have that never popped up here yet, again to keep the uploads I unambiguously have permission to upload separate.


i needed a username for the sake of having a username that did what a username needs to do, but i didn't care about it expressing anything about me so i just made something up on the spot

I like small TITS and I cannot lie, all you other yiffers can't deny, [etc] (i'm too lazy to write an actual full-blown parody song lol)

My favorite Yugioh card, Mirror Force, and the Mirror Univer from Star Trek that had a game with similar name, Broken Mirror

When I was in school my history teacher was setting up accounts for me and the other students. I can't remember what the accounts were for, but when i was trying to log in the password wouldn't work. He ended up having to reset my account and gave me a slip of paper with my temporary password on it "Kittywumpus23." I decided it sounded kinda neat, so i switched around wumpus and kitty and dropped the 23, et voila!

Mine is derived from my main online identity that I want to keep SFW. I'm doing computer science studies and I use it on my GitHub. This identity is already very borderline in a professional context, so no need to introduce sex in it.

In my e621 pseudo, "Dev" works for both developer and devil, I really enjoy programming and crafting in general and strangely, I feel more comfortable to describe myself as a demon than an angel even while being very kind and friendly IRL. Then "Think"ing best describe my mood.

I was so good a remembering laws i will have been a lawyer but then i fell in love with blacksmith and carperter

My name started out of the empty and had nothing to do with me at first. And then it made me a scary person. (Another interest was horror)

I can't give you a name because I don't intend to make a name for myself as an artist.
I call myself what I am. The year 2020 was already taken. But my lucky number is 20, so it doesn't matter if it's one more.

E621 rocks!

Because I too have played FFXIV.

That and it's easy to remember, amusing and unassociated with any of my non-porn accounts. It being a """real""" word also gives more anonymity.

I enjoy the patterns and design of Louis Vuitton projects. This is not my typical username but when creating this account just had a random name idea of something I like.

Needed a nonidentifying yet easy to remember username for a nsfw reddit account to post stuff with (due to the last thing I want in my life being my friends or siblings knowing my fetishes I post about on public forums), so after a minute of brainstorming I came up with this (technically factual) monstrosity of a name for it.

I then just used that username for every place I use for NSFW purposes (in this case e621) due to it's said uniqueness and crudeness.

And in case you're wondering, I myself am actually super bi. :)

I wanted to name myself something funny so it could feel a bit „unique“.
I was thinking of „FeuerfesteUnterhose08/15“ (which means fire resistant underwear 08/15 in german) but that would be a but too long and maybe a bit childishly.
So i took „Randomuser069“, since at the end of the day, im just a random user.
And of course 69 funny number haha. Speaking if childishy hehe

Just a Possum in a closet
Opossums just seem like the poster-animal for a nihilistic, antisocial hermit like me.
Also, I spent the better half of 2 years living in a closet, before I got my own room and apartment.
A 2 bedroom is more than 2 when you have a walk-in closet.

Frankly, I prefer the closet.

Mines just from my favorite D&D monster. That and I'm always beside myself on anything that requires any actual effort in any way, shape, or form. One side says do it. The other side says fuck it. Which side the illusion takes while the other hides is beyond me. I can never tell.

I used to watch Pewdiepie and only like the pie filling.

Also idgaf what my porn username is, so I didn't put much thought into it.

This is an alt identity (used exclusively for NSFW content purposes). I made alt identities in the past, but never really used them, and I used stupid, dumb names. This identity however, I do actually use and I like the name.

I really didn't think too much about it, so I slapped together Amiga and man.

Amiga as in the Commodore Amiga line of computers. I chose that because I like my retro tech and the Amiga computers are very awesome. A second reason is because, since the computers are so awesome and people loved them for being awesome when they came out, Amigas were used to make "primordial" furry art in the '90s (perhaps the '80s also). Or at least one person, Eric W. Schwartz, used Amigas to make furry art. Not that I checked his work out—I only really know the Walk in the Park animation.

And the man part... Well, Amiga was taken and pretty bland on its own, so I stuck the first random username-lengthening word that came to mind to the end of it. Now in hindsight I reckon I use this alt identity at least 80% of the the time for furry stuff, so mayhaps I should've stuck some random furry word instead. Like AmigaWolf or AmigaAardvark. But what's done is done. It's my alt identity now, and I am attached to the name now.


My name evolved like this. Dubst3pFr34k -> Dubst3pFr34kS -> Dubs_Ger -> DubsTheFox

I like dubstep and with the age of 13 I was sooo "unusual and freaky", so I combined it.

Then, my friends added a "S" to the end of their names, so I did it too. I kept it like this until I was 17, or so.

I changed it to "Dubs_Ger" half of my old name + half of german. Because I didn't like the "freak", the numbers, and that unnecessary "S" anymore. But it turned out that people like throw "nazi, hitler, etc." at me as soon as they realized that I am german.

Therefore, I changed my name to "DubsTheFox" I kept the "Dubs" because I think it sounds kinda cute "TheFox" because my sona is a fox.

I wanted a name with something to deal with flower
so i thought about Lily of the valley because it's my grandma favorite flowers
and to change a little just to make it original i just added an "a" at the final to be Lilya
the Nida is because earlier while i didn't had a name for my twitter a bunny told me about using Nida (because i'm a nidorina)
so keep that name because i like it
i changed to be my last name

i changed a lot for usernames but this is the only that have a history behind
my username through the ages have got like that
temmiejunior -> ReggieTJ -> Aurora Minora -> LilyaNida

they are quick to explain of why i had those

i like temmie so i just added junior to it because why not;
"hi my name is Reggie" and the TJ is for TemmieJunior;
Randomly chose Aurora as a name for another oc and the Minora is the last name because i had sisters oc (Reggie Minora and Aurora Minora);