Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

I can't comment
I made an account so I could see posts on here and I tbought that would also let me comment on posts I guess not because when I try to leave a comment it doesn't work and it just says "creator can't comment user is too young" there is no age setting and I'm 20 what the heck is going on

Might be a reference to the age of your account (24 hours or so). I think there is a threshold that's something like a week to prevent driveby spamming.

When searching using the command Order:random it only shows me one page and does not give me the option to see more than one page.


poontang said:
When searching using a command such as Order:random or Score:>20 ect. ect., it only shows me one page and does not give me the option to see more than one page.

Confirmed for the former term, disconfirmed for the latter (ie. score:>20 is properly paginated for me, order:random is not).

Platform details: Firefox 73 / Arch Linux / x86_64

savageorange said:
Confirmed for the former term, disconfirmed for the latter (ie. score:>20 is properly paginated for me, order:random is not).

Platform details: Firefox 73 / Arch Linux / x86_64

I realized my results for other commands such as score:>20 or rating:explicit didn't work is because I had Order:random in the search bar with it.
I edited the original comment to accurately convey the problem.

blacklist option is no longer available in the posts submenu while i am signed in. however, it shows up if i sign out.

edit: also, is it good ux to have the blacklisted tags in the blacklist sidebar LINK to the the things i really really dont want to see?
edit 2: feature request (regression) please (re)add the collapse option for the blacklist side bar


aaaaaaaaab said:
Ok, I tried to turn off Javascript, and that seems to fix the issue with images not loading. It's still annoying that I have to disable it everytime I visit the site, and that downloads won't open in the same tab, and that I need to sign in to remove the default blacklist, but at least it functions for now.

This is precisely because this is running code in that makes the changes to the page. This will likely get fixed at the same time that blacklist issues get fixed. The old code (see worked very differently.

Browsing on Firefox, and blacklist is not working. That's nice. Gave me a good shock while looking for something.

asdfuser said:
Browsing on Firefox, and blacklist is not working. That's nice. Gave me a good shock while looking for something.

Blacklists got a stealth bug fix on an undocumented feature of the old site that unintentionally made , work to split up blacklisted terms on your blacklist. The actual documented way to do it is to put every tag you want to blacklist on it's own line instead.

I've updated your blacklist to use the proper way, so it should work again, but we're also looking into bringing back the , as valid option, but this time as a documented feature.

Edit: Also as a general note, I've added all new feedback to our lists of things that need fixing.


poontang said:
When searching using the command Order:random it only shows me one page and does not give me the option to see more than one page.

pagination doesn't make sense with order:random though; each page-full of results would be in no way related to the previous;
the random sequence is not persisted anywhere, so navigating forwards or backwards would not yield the expected result; you could see the same post on two pages, and the pages would be different if you return to them via the back arrow.

if you want to see another page-full of results, just refresh and you should get a new sequence

bipface said:
pagination doesn't make sense with order:random though; each page-full of results would be in no way related to the previous;
the random sequence is not persisted anywhere, so navigating forwards or backwards would not yield the expected result; you could see the same post on two pages, and the pages would be different if you return to them via the back arrow.

if you want to see another page-full of results, just refresh and you should get a new sequence

Hehe, a weird but obvious in hindsight oversight in UI. But actually, there are PRNGs with predictable seeds, that don't repeat until all values have been used. Combine output of a LFSR via XOR of stored integer in a cookie or server-side per user? Then they'd be complaining that it doesn't change the results on hitting refresh. :facepalm: I wonder if my 'solution' to both uniqueness and repeatability is too clever by far!

At least a LFSR uses about the least amount of CPU power or logic gates (if discreet hardware) possible for a counter. Funny bit is that for logic gate level implementation, it will be even simpler than any linear (as in, consecutive integers) counter by far. A counter needs an adder with carry and everything. A LFSR just uses a simple shift register and some logic gate like NOR to provide the feedback.

alphamule said:
But actually, there are PRNGs with predictable seeds, that don't repeat until all values have been used.

That's all well and good, but you still would need to read the entire result set first to know what the 'values' are. I'm sure that is what the current implementation is intentionally avoiding.

So now I can no longer see any images anywhere. I'm using Opera Mini for Android (already tried with other brower apps though and the problem persists) and it doesn't matter if I turn on/turn off the data saving feature, neither does if I enable/disable the “mobile mode support”. I can't find neither any search results.
The very only way I can see a picture is by clicking on the “Random” button and then the “Download button” once I'm in a randomly chosen post.

angievee said:
So now I can no longer see any images anywhere. I'm using Opera Mini for Android (already tried with other brower apps though and the problem persists) and it doesn't matter if I turn on/turn off the data saving feature, neither does if I enable/disable the “mobile mode support”. I can't find neither any search results.
The very only way I can see a picture is by clicking on the “Random” button and then the “Download button” once I'm in a randomly chosen post.

I'm not a developer, but looking through a developer guide this appears to be an issue with how Opera Mini handles JavaScript, and in particular that the JS is actually first executed on Opera's servers and this might break our implementation. I would highly recommend to switch to a different browser that is not off-loading things to a third party server in between you and the sites you're visiting.

I cant stand my blacklist not working, I am sure its a bug but I seen talk of it being different so you have to input the tags different or something, idk which it is please someone let me know

You cannot delete a note immediately after creation (by clicking the "delete" button)

and although in fact it is not created if empty, and disappears after a reboot after the page - I would like the "delete" button to fulfill its role.

P.S. Sorry for the English, I'm not a native speaker.

Setting a limit on favorites.json has no effect. If you are logged in it returns as many posts per page as you have specified in your user settings and if you are logged out it defaults to 75.
Example should only return 1 item.

Another thing is that if you paginate to a page without any more favorites the api returns an unexpected error.
posts.json returns an empty posts array instead of an error.

I also noticed that if you use the search to show favorites with fav:username the posts are still ordered by id instead of time added


teledroid13 said:
I can't comment
I made an account so I could see posts on here and I tbought that would also let me comment on posts I guess not because when I try to leave a comment it doesn't work and it just says "creator can't comment user is too young" there is no age setting and I'm 20 what the heck is going on

That's not a bug. You have to wait a few days until you can comment or upload anything to avoid new users spamming or trolling and it also allows you to learn the rules before making any mistakes

Others seem to have pointed this out, but there's a lot messed up with the date syntaxes

Date ranges (date:month..year) Are completely broke, along with the "yester" syntax (ex: date:yesterweek)

Certain date syntaxes that should return a list of dates only return the exact date (date:5_days_ago and date:7_days_ago have no over-lap, date:1_month_ago returns date:29_days_ago, etc.)

The only date syntaxes currently functional are single days and simple time period syntaxes (ex: date:2020-3-5, date:month)

It's really easy to test these by putting order:score at the end of a date and seeing what comes up.

Just to let you all know, we've updated all blacklists to use the actually required syntax, so the blacklists of all users should now work again.

metal_hair said:
Others seem to have pointed this out, but there's a lot messed up with the date syntaxes

Date ranges (date:month..year) Are completely broke, along with the "yester" syntax (ex: date:yesterweek)

Certain date syntaxes that should return a list of dates only return the exact date (date:5_days_ago and date:7_days_ago have no over-lap, date:1_month_ago returns date:29_days_ago, etc.)

The only date syntaxes currently functional are single days and simple time period syntaxes (ex: date:2020-3-5, date:month)

It's really easy to test these by putting order:score at the end of a date and seeing what comes up.

This is a known problem, as it turns out this was an e621 addition and we'll be adding that back into the new danbooru base ASAP.

So apparently the new site completely ignores GIF timings, all frames play as fast as they can, still, delay frames do not matter. Makes some animations superfast and/or jerky.
It's not my browser, (exactly same) gifs on other sites work fine.
I donwloaded gif from e621 via download button, uploaded it to another hosting and it played fine there as well. On my computer too.
This is a problem with this site.

okay apparently its a problem with rescaled versions only, but they are the ones that are shown by default.


Former Staff

Mentioned in Discord, might already be logged:
Wiki is now limited to max 25 thumbs per article, which breaks some of the tag group guides. Most notably tag_group:body_types and tag_group:sex_positions. Sex positions are at 26 images, but will have many more once someone gets around to adding rest of the positions to the list.

a bunch of post complaint tickets no longer show the posts they're attached to, this seems to apply to both posts that have and have not been deleted. I'm not sure if this is intended, or related to blacklist changes, or the default global blacklist thing, or what.
this is potentially going to be annoying as a user might not be able to check if something already has an active or investigated ticket before adding a new one.

angievee said:
So now I can no longer see any images anywhere. I'm using Opera Mini for Android (already tried with other brower apps though and the problem persists) and it doesn't matter if I turn on/turn off the data saving feature, neither does if I enable/disable the “mobile mode support”. I can't find neither any search results.
The very only way I can see a picture is by clicking on the “Random” button and then the “Download button” once I'm in a randomly chosen post.

Same can't see anything just a blue screen nothing I do in settings fixes the issue

Not sure if this is a bug or not, but pressing R to go to a random post does not work if you are on a post. If this is intentional I would like to see the random button somewhere on post pages so we can easily go to another random post. Also thank you for making blacklisted images hide themselves when you're on their post page.


Former Staff

Comment search issues:

  • Searching by Tags produces almost no results. For instance, anthro only finds two pages of comments.
  • Deleted posts have no thumbnail on the search result list. For example - the second result in this search. Should probably have the 'Deleted'-thumb instead of nothing.
  • Hovering over the thumbnail no longer displays the tooltip (with tag list, etc). Though I'm not sure if that even worked on the old site. It's been this long, and I'm already starting to forget what the old site looked like.


Former Staff

NotMeNotYou said:
We're also looking into bringing back the , as valid option, but this time as a documented feature.

Could we instead simply make so a , corrects to new line on save?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the meaning of score as it is used on posts in e621, or maybe this is a bug, but the "total" field seems unintuitive.

For example, when I make the rest call:

I get back an object containing a field score as:

I would expect that total = up - down but that is clearly not the case here.

Is this expected? If it is expected, what does "total" mean in this context?

mr_pacific said:
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the meaning of score as it is used on posts in e621, or maybe this is a bug, but the "total" field seems unintuitive.

For example, when I make the rest call:

I get back an object containing a field score as:

I would expect that total = up - down but that is clearly not the case here.

Is this expected? If it is expected, what does "total" mean in this context?

Total is post score when both upvotes and downvotes are combines, +10 and -5 = 5

I would assume that such stat tracker (up,down) did not exist on old website, so what you see is present on old posts, but new ones are fine. What is slightly strange that down is counted as eg -1, so you end up with down : -1.

aobird said:
Total is post score when both upvotes and downvotes are combines, +10 and -5 = 5

I would assume that such stat tracker (up,down) did not exist on old website, so what you see is present on old posts, but new ones are fine. What is slightly strange that down is counted as eg -1, so you end up with down : -1.

Regardless of if such a stat tracker existed before, the votes are certainly associated per user (otherwise one user could up vote something more than once). If "total" really does mean all of the up votes minus all of the down votes like I originally thought, it should be possible to re-calculate the total number of ups and downs from existing information in the database.

Not strictly a bug, but a preference thing so not sure if it goes here.

If I click on an image and then click back, it will always take me to the top of the page when I feel like it used to take me where I was on the page. I'd not be upset if it didn't return to the way it was but figured I'd mention it.

Ok, not sure if this is the right place for this; not sure if this even counts as a bug, but I need to bring this up: I can't see any pictures on my PC here. Whenever I try to see any posts, nothing shows up on the page; it's just completely blank. Could this really be a bug, or is it something about my PC? Respond whenever you can.

Post that doesn't exist returns html instead of json.

Also Post API no longer has "has_notes" field, the only thing about the notes is "note_locked" field. Please return it so we don't have to make a second request to check if post has notes or not.


mr_pacific said:
Regardless of if such a stat tracker existed before, the votes are certainly associated per user (otherwise one user could up vote something more than once). If "total" really does mean all of the up votes minus all of the down votes like I originally thought, it should be possible to re-calculate the total number of ups and downs from existing information in the database.

Sadly this won't be possible for all submissions. We only started to track how someone voted a few years ago, before that fix it was just recorded that someone voted on an account, but not how.

thunderax22 said:
Ok, not sure if this is the right place for this; not sure if this even counts as a bug, but I need to bring this up: I can't see any pictures on my PC here. Whenever I try to see any posts, nothing shows up on the page; it's just completely blank. Could this really be a bug, or is it something about my PC? Respond whenever you can.

Please double check that your web browser is compatible with new JavaScript. If you're using Internet Explorer please change to something modern like Firefox or something Chromium based (Vivaldi, Chrome, Opera are all good).

I understand why all the comments say "Updated by anonymous x days ago", but are there any plans to change that? Or are all old comments going to perpetually have it? Not that it's the end of the world or anything.

Why can you report your own forum posts? Also, is it intentional that you have to scroll all the way down the page in order to open a (blank) reply prompt in the forum?

rambunctiousreptile said:
Why can you report your own forum posts? Also, is it intentional that you have to scroll all the way down the page in order to open a (blank) reply prompt in the forum?

Good question to the first one, we might remove this as a sort QOL. As for the last question, that's how it always worked, but we might add a Reply button at the top as well.

strikerman said:
I understand why all the comments say "Updated by anonymous x days ago", but are there any plans to change that? Or are all old comments going to perpetually have it? Not that it's the end of the world or anything.

We'll probably clean that up once everything else is done. Right now it's a very, very low priority.

notmenotyou said:
Good question to the first one, we might remove this as a sort QOL. As for the last question, that's how it always worked, but we might add a Reply button at the top as well.

We'll probably clean that up once everything else is done. Right now it's a very, very low priority.

Is there anything being done for mobile cause all I see is blue when I check out posts no pics nothing

dizzy61313 said:
Is there anything being done for mobile cause all I see is blue when I check out posts no pics nothing

What device and browser are you using? The new index page makes heavy use of JavaScript, and as such you will need a browser than can handle it. However, any modern browser on a semi-recent open device should be able to work. However, if you're using a locked device like something Nintendo released or a Sony console you will not be able to use our page anymore.

notmenotyou said:
What device and browser are you using? The new index page makes heavy use of JavaScript, and as such you will need a browser than can handle it. However, any modern browser on a semi-recent open device should be able to work. However, if you're using a locked device like something Nintendo released or a Sony console you will not be able to use our page anymore.

Im on ps4 right now and i see everything so sony products are fine my main device was a windows nokia using good old google never had an issue on my phone i can see the animations play for your ads but cant see still images?


I'm not sure if this is a bug but every time that I have tried to save my settings changes I get this error message: "Comment threshold must be greater than -50000."
I'm on mobile

What can I do?

dizzy61313 said:
Im on ps4 right now and i see everything so sony products are fine my mine device was a windows nokia using good old google never had an issue on my phone i can see the animations play for your ads but cant see still images?

The ads are not loaded via JavaScript. We've changed how our page handles the actual submissions because people disliked how blacklisted thumbnails would be visible for a split second on every load. Hence why we now first load the blacklist, and then populate the results.
If a PS4 supports our page then awesome! The Vita, for example, doesn't support it anymore, and likely the PS3 won't either.

However, I've no idea about Windows Phones, have you tried updating Google Chrome, or possibly tried using Firefox on it? If it's even supported.

notmenotyou said:
The ads are not loaded via JavaScript. We've changed how our page handles the actual submissions because people disliked how blacklisted thumbnails would be visible for a split second on every load. Hence why we now first load the blacklist, and then populate the results.
If a PS4 supports our page then awesome! The Vita, for example, doesn't support it anymore, and likely the PS3 won't either.

However, I've no idea about Windows Phones, have you tried updating Google Chrome, or possibly tried using Firefox on it? If it's even supported.

Sadly it's not lol my phones stuck with regular google

notmenotyou said:
The ads are not loaded via JavaScript. We've changed how our page handles the actual submissions because people disliked how blacklisted thumbnails would be visible for a split second on every load. Hence why we now first load the blacklist, and then populate the results.
If a PS4 supports our page then awesome! The Vita, for example, doesn't support it anymore, and likely the PS3 won't either.

However, I've no idea about Windows Phones, have you tried updating Google Chrome, or possibly tried using Firefox on it? If it's even supported.

Sadly not my phone only uses the default google
Guess I'm stuck with ps4

owoqueoriginal said:
I'm not sure if this is a bug but every time that I have tried to save my settings changes I get this error message: "Comment threshold must be greater than -50000."
I'm on mobile

What can I do?

Open your Settings, scrolls down to Comment Threshold, and add a number that is greater than -50000.

notmenotyou said:
Sadly this won't be possible for all submissions. We only started to track how someone voted a few years ago, before that fix it was just recorded that someone voted on an account, but not how.

You could put the up = total for those old posts that lack the info. Though it doesn't really affect anything, it just doesn't make sense when user mouseovers the score for details or checks via api.

notmenotyou said:
We'll probably clean that up once everything else is done. Right now it's a very, very low priority.

Very understandable, best of luck to you guys.

Noticed a possible dtext bug for quick linking to forums.

I had tried linking to this forum post using the 'forum #' dtext, but this instead linked to a different forum post.

d.d.m. said:
Noticed a possible dtext bug for quick linking to forums.

I had tried linking to this forum post using the 'forum #' dtext, but this instead linked to a different forum post.

It looks like the 'forum #' dtext generates a link to forum_posts/ (example: forum #25385), when the correct prefix is forum_topics/ (correct link ).


Former Staff

Can we just take a minute to appreciate how refined the old codebase was compared to Danbooru that we're having this many issues after re-forking Danbooru

Not sure if a bug, but, after uploading an image that is part of a set of similar pictures, I normally went backwards to the upload page and I had all sources/tags and so on there, which was really useful to save some time. Now, when I go back to the upload page, most fields go blank when trying to edit them, so I have to rewrite everything from scratch. Feels like a step backwards in that regard.

randomanon said:
Not sure if a bug, but, after uploading an image that is part of a set of similar pictures, I normally went backwards to the upload page and I had all sources/tags and so on there, which was really useful to save some time. Now, when I go back to the upload page, most fields go blank when trying to edit them, so I have to rewrite everything from scratch. Feels like a step backwards in that regard.

What, I never saw that, that's not normal behaviour. It was always blank when visiting it.


Former Staff

tonylemur said:
Can we just take a minute to appreciate how refined the old codebase was compared to Danbooru that we're having this many issues after re-forking Danbooru

I'd also like to take a moment to pat you on the back for helping make it like that.

If you search pool:X, the results are out of order (they don't match the pool order you get if you go to

draeneilover said:
If you search pool:X, the results are out of order (they don't match the pool order you get if you go to

the default order for search results is uniform across all search expressions, as far as I'm aware,
making a special case for pool: would violate that assumption, creating annoying edge-cases for API consumers, for example.
the current behaviour is consistent with danbooru; if you still think this would be a valid enhancement, I'd suggest proposing it over there first.

You can't upvote your own comments, but you can downvote them. I assume one of those is wrong.

lonewolven said:
When you use the tag "Animated" works fine, but the WEBM and the ANIMATED little tags on the thumbnails have dissapeared. Meaning. You dont know when you will open a video,or a gif.

you might be able to create an indicator of some kind using the custom CSS option on your account settings, with these selectors:

When I go to Favorites tab, the search bar disappear. This make searching thing like "fav:self m/f" inconvenient

I can around this issue by typing "fav:self m/f" into the search bar itself when I'm not in Favorites tab (the search bar remained as well), however the order are by date uploaded instead of when the post was favorited (unlike then I go into favorites tab, in which it is sorted by when the post was favorited)

This happen on my laptop, ipad, both Google Chrome

May have already been brought up but there are several users who's records are still applying but are visibly removed on their profile page as of the site update.