Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

angievee said:
Yeah, that's Opera Mini's main attractive: It saves you data downloaded from the web.

i think chrome might have something like this now too; they call it 'lite mode'

perhaps it'd be worth investigating if you're considering ditching opera

bipface said:
i think chrome might have something like this now too; they call it 'lite mode'

perhaps it'd be worth investigating if you're considering ditching opera

That is actually very useful. I'm trying it right now and it indeed fixed my problem, thank you so much for your help! I can already see all pictures.

kemonophonic said:
Links to ticketed comments sometimes lead to a blank page and links to ticketed posts don't appear at all.

I think this happens when the comment or post being linked to has been deleted. Links to deleted (or hidden?) comments will take you to a blank page, and links to deleted posts just disappear.

alm-pe said:
Having trouble properly adding posts to a pool even though it's not even close to a thousand entries.

The post says that it's in the pool, but you can't go the previous or next page, and when I check the pool directly, they're not listed there, either.

I just ran into this earlier myself, specifically when using the pool metatag to add posts to a pool.
EDIT: It seems it's because I've hit a rate limit, but it doesn't tell me except on the Edit Pool page.


bipface said:
what would you have expected it to do ?

exclude posts from today aka give posts that are at least a day old

savageorange said:
.. wouldn't that be equivalent to age:>1day ?

heh yeah it would be, never came to mind to do it that way tbh

corposim said:
Something must of changed in the content security policy for scripts, my userscripts didn't work until I set a custom CSP to script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' with Laboratory by Mozilla.

Scripts now working, ty! It worked for a second then went back to not working I guess lmao


why new captcha (hcaptcha)? this captcha ALWAYS asks you to find some stuff. google captcha was able to identify you without this stupid questions. it's really anoying. why did you changed the captcha service?

Can we get favorites mode turned back to green and edit mode turned back to yellow?

My last two uploads are in a bit of a weird place; viewing them directly shows them as a part of the correct pool, but if you view from the pool itself, both of those pages are missing, and the nav-bar also can't be used to get from one page to the next. I added every one of these posts to the pool during the upload process by using "pool:20071". Furthermore, viewing the post list from the Pool's "edit" page doesn't include those posts' IDs.

Disclaimer: Speaking on the behalf of a someone who I will not name.

Banned users can no longer log in to their accounts. Without being able to log in, they cannot access a large portion of the site's images and are completely locked out from doing anything with their own account, even deleting it.
This is a horrible oversight that will only encourage people to circumvent their bans, as they literally cannot view some images otherwise, leaving them with no other alternative. I'm sure the admins are busy enough without having to ban an influx of puppet accounts, so this should probably be fixed ASAP.

Not sure if this counts as a minor bug, or as broken/inconsistent documentation. On user settings -> advanced, there is an input for "Frequent tags". When you go to edit the tags on a post though they are called "Quick tags". Maybe you should pick one term for them. Personally, I prefer quick tags.

What is a bug though, if you have a lot of quick tags (such as my 99), there is nothing stopping them from running off the right side of their container and thus being unclickable. If it matters for this, I'm running Firefox 74.0 (latest stable). I finally got around to writing a userscript last night that re-sorts them into 4 columns so they're all visible.

(Forgive me if this is posted already, tried to look)

On the documentation here, it shows the following:

{{a list of tags|some text}} - a list of tags|some text

When it should probably be:

{{a list of tags|some text}} - some text

(The above formatting may not work because the inline code example may also be incorrect / not parsing properly.)

abscondler said:
Banned users can no longer log in to their accounts. Without being able to log in, they cannot access a large portion of the site's images and are completely locked out from doing anything with their own account, even deleting it.
This is a horrible oversight that will only encourage people to circumvent their bans, as they literally cannot view some images otherwise, leaving them with no other alternative. I'm sure the admins are busy enough without having to ban an influx of puppet accounts, so this should probably be fixed ASAP.

Unfortunately this one was malice rather than stupidity. It was changed only last week, deliberately.

And yes, it does seem like a very obviously bad idea for all the reasons you name. Like the login requirement itself, though, it sadly isn't likely to go anywhere.

abscondler said:
Disclaimer: Speaking on the behalf of a someone who I will not name.

Banned users can no longer log in to their accounts. Without being able to log in, they cannot access a large portion of the site's images and are completely locked out from doing anything with their own account, even deleting it.
This is a horrible oversight that will only encourage people to circumvent their bans, as they literally cannot view some images otherwise, leaving them with no other alternative. I'm sure the admins are busy enough without having to ban an influx of puppet accounts, so this should probably be fixed ASAP.

wat8548 said:
Unfortunately this one was malice rather than stupidity. It was changed only last week, deliberately.

And yes, it does seem like a very obviously bad idea for all the reasons you name. Like the login requirement itself, though, it sadly isn't likely to go anywhere.

Imagine being banned and then complaining that you can't do anything when you're banned. It's almost like that's what being banned means! It's almost like that's how it's supposed to work!

All of my favourited posts are out of order. They used to be on order of when they were added to my favourites, now they are on order of when they are posted. This really infuriates me so please fix this.

If this was brought up elsewhere then please ignore, but e926 is in a complete mess.
Tried searching "Dragon order:favcount" and because of the way the site handles removing posts, literally every page for the first 20 or so pages I looked into literally had one or two posts at most, many of which didn't have a single result show up.
And doesn't constantly telling the end user "Hey, go to e621 for the actual results" kinda defeat the purpose of e926? If they were gonna go to 621, they'd of gone to 621. From what I remember using e926 before the site was thrown into a blender if you were on e926 and didn't know e621 existed, there would be absolutely no way you would ever find out without a user comment or the like making direct reference to it.

tokaitori said:
Imagine being banned and then complaining that you can't do anything when you're banned. It's almost like that's what being banned means! It's almost like that's how it's supposed to work!

The point of a ban is to restrict your interaction with the community, not the web service itself (unless you're being IP blocked for damaging the site itself, but that's a completely different story). This change literally gives people no choice but to circumvent their ban in order to use the website (especially since the appeal process is demonstrably useless, but that's another story as well). If you don't see the problem with that, then I don't know what to tell you.

anonomn said:
If this was brought up elsewhere then please ignore, but e926 is in a complete mess.
Tried searching "Dragon order:favcount" and because of the way the site handles removing posts, literally every page for the first 20 or so pages I looked into literally had one or two posts at most, many of which didn't have a single result show up.
And doesn't constantly telling the end user "Hey, go to e621 for the actual results" kinda defeat the purpose of e926? If they were gonna go to 621, they'd of gone to 621. From what I remember using e926 before the site was thrown into a blender if you were on e926 and didn't know e621 existed, there would be absolutely no way you would ever find out without a user comment or the like making direct reference to it.

That's... Hilariously stupid. It's supposed to be forcing the rating:s tag, not hiding thumbnails via script like a blacklist. I wonder who's bright idea it was to change it.

Something tells me they did that just so they could count how many posts were hidden... Which, like you said, completely defeats the purpose of e926.

For now, you can circumvent this issue by manually adding the rating:s tag to the search yourself.

On an unrelated note... Why is the e926 theme so much more developed than e621?


For some reason none of the videos on this site will play, I keep getting 'No video with supported format and MIME type found'.

biggyz4 said:
For some reason none of the videos on this site will play, I keep getting 'No video with supported format and MIME type found'.

Same problem here ^ ^' I don't know why, but simple gifs do work just like they're supposed to, but every WEBMV files wont show up and I get the same message as you. O ~ o
It's weird how just yesterday everything worked just fine.

Is it just me, or are the new uploads not showing up? I'm not seeing the thumbnails or the images for anything recently uploaded.

I think the whole site is struggling for some reason. I'm getting a lot of time out errors.

For you guys getting 522 errors, double check if your router and PC updated to the summer time, if applicable. Mismatches in network times can cause SSL errors like these 522s.

The likely easiest way to fix this is to restart your router / modem and PC and try again, that should force both devices to request new time and sync up properly.

notmenotyou said:
For you guys getting 522 errors, double check if your router and PC updated to the summer time, if applicable. Mismatches in network times can cause SSL errors like these 522s.

The likely easiest way to fix this is to restart your router / modem and PC and try again, that should force both devices to request new time and sync up properly.

Thanks, but I use my smartphone and my own data

hyoukokishi said:
Thanks, but I use my smartphone and my own data

Try restarting your phone for a change. If that doesn't help it's likely configuration issue outside of our hands.

notmenotyou said:
Try restarting your phone for a change. If that doesn't help it's likely configuration issue outside of our hands.

Still doesn't work, guess we'll have to wait then

notmenotyou said:
For you guys getting 522 errors, double check if your router and PC updated to the summer time, if applicable. Mismatches in network times can cause SSL errors like these 522s.

we can take SSL out of the equation; still the same result:

$ curl -s --verbose --output /dev/null ''

*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /data/93/8c/938c11fdc11bababd1d5baf2ec6c4d0d.png HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 522 Origin Connection Time-out
< Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 10:13:59 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Connection: keep-alive
< Set-Cookie: __cfduid=...; expires=Thu, 30-Apr-20 10:13:43 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax
< Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache
< CF-Cache-Status: MISS
< Server: cloudflare
< CF-RAY: 57c94ca47fb8e268-SIN
{ [218 bytes data]
* Connection #0 to host left intact

i've tried the same command from these different places:
• home server in Australia → 522 error
• cloud server in Australia → 200 OK
• cellular internet in Australia → 522 error
• cloud server in United States → 200 OK

i did confirm that each of the four cases was requesting from a different IP address

in each case the domain always resolves to or requests were always HTTP/1.1

this all seems very bizarre to me; as if cloudflare is randomly deciding it doesn't like certain traffic.

the only pattern i can see is that when it fails, the CF ray always ends in -SIN (presumably Singapore),
whereas the successful responses end in e.g. -SYD, -MEL, -SEA


kemonophonic said:
Is what you're experiencing related to the issue I've been having with thumbnails and images seemingly randomly not loading?

could be; do you have an example of one image/thumbnail which consistently fails to load for you?

kemonophonic said:
For example: When I click on my avatar, the image doesn't load at all. It takes several seconds for it to appear as a broken image icon with the text drawn by [insert artist name here] next to it.

Then when I refresh the page, the image loads.

yeah, it seems like some images do behave that way for me too (probably implies that the first request is failing to be served to you but somehow still getting cached in the cloudflare server).
but other images just fail to respond constantly, no matter how many times i refresh and no matter what cache-control: value i include or omit.

There are probably some routing issues surrounding cloudflare nodes to our image server right now. Given the fickle nature of the internet, this is to be expected. There isn't anything we can do to fix this on our side, but at least we can tell people "Hey, specific regions seem to be having connection troubles."

I'm having issues with webms at the moment where they don't load, the player loads and I can see the thumbnail Image, but then it just loads for about 10 seconds before it decides its not gonna play it

randypuppet said:
I'm having issues with webms at the moment where they don't load, the player loads and I can see the thumbnail Image, but then it just loads for about 10 seconds before it decides its not gonna play it

I'm having the same problem. On firefox I was getting a "No video with supported format and MIME type found" error. I went through all of the fixes to make sure the problem wasn't on my end, including trying another browser. On Google Chrome it just loads and doesn't play.

keven_jones said:
I'm having the same problem. On firefox I was getting a "No video with supported format and MIME type found" error. I went through all of the fixes to make sure the problem wasn't on my end, including trying another browser. On Google Chrome it just loads and doesn't play.

im experiencing same here.all my favorite pics from yesterday uploads just fine. webms wont play though

orfdoggo27 said:
Some new posts aren't loading and even the wemb's are not playing either.

Many many posts are not loading in at all. Maybe server traffic issues?

When I go to view an image this annoying big happens most of the time the image won't be show, I've found a way to make the image show but it doesn't work all the time, I select "change size mode" then wait a few seconds until the image appears in word form (next to the words on the left will be a small image icon) then I reload the page and then the image will show up and I must do this for each image that doesn't appear, it started about two days ago

I'm from Straya and I'm getting the issue with the site not loading content. Specifically, the content itself. The pages will load fine, but if I try to bring up a webm or something else on it's own, it will time me out with a cloudflare error through a Singapore node. I have to use nordVPN to shuffle my connection to somewhere else in the world and it works fine.

Is there anywhere we can lodge a complaint with cloudflare itself to fix the routing? Having to use a vpn to browse porn is not ideal.

xianyu said:
I'm from Straya and I'm getting the issue with the site not loading content. Specifically, the content itself. The pages will load fine, but if I try to bring up a webm or something else on it's own, it will time me out with a cloudflare error through a Singapore node. I have to use nordVPN to shuffle my connection to somewhere else in the world and it works fine.

Is there anywhere we can lodge a complaint with cloudflare itself to fix the routing? Having to use a vpn to browse porn is not ideal.

Same, but I'm in Spain

When I search fav:name ~female ~gynomorph order:random, it outputs like I had searched fav:name gynomorph order:random. This happens regardless of which order I put the tags in, and seems to work with any tags, always only giving me the ones from the tag that returns the least results. Interestingly, when I try to search fav:name ~wolf ~cat ~mouse order:random, it gives me posts that are tagged with mouse, and posts that are tagged with both wolf and cat, again, regardless of what order I put them in.

Since today's theme update I can no longer vote on any posts with a flash file. The vote buttons just don't do anything.

rlctntfr said:
Since today's theme update I can no longer vote on any posts with a flash file. The vote buttons just don't do anything.

Confirmed, it's a general bug with the resize system interacting with flash content. I will look into a fix.

Edit: Rolling out a fix, might be another ten minutes until it hits all of the nodes.

Edit: This should now be resolved.


sasha~anita said:
When I search fav:name ~female ~gynomorph order:random, it outputs like I had searched fav:name gynomorph order:random. This happens regardless of which order I put the tags in, and seems to work with any tags, always only giving me the ones from the tag that returns the least results. Interestingly, when I try to search fav:name ~wolf ~cat ~mouse order:random, it gives me posts that are tagged with mouse, and posts that are tagged with both wolf and cat, again, regardless of what order I put them in.

I've played with this locally and it seems like it's generating the right query for everything. The fav must be present, at least one of the ~ fields must be present, but more than one is also valid, and then the order clause causes things to be scored using a function that applies a random value to every document.

In the interest of an extra set of eyes and transparency, the generated query for this is

{query: {bool: {must: [{term: {deleted: false}}, {term: {faves: 233263}}, {bool: {should: [{term: {tags: "wolf"}}, {term: {tags: "domestic_cat"}}, {term: {tags: "mouse"}}], must: [], must_not: [], minimum_should_match: 1}}, {function_score: {query: {match_all: {}}, random_score: {}, boost_mode: :replace}}], must_not: []}}

kiranoot said:
Confirmed, it's a general bug with the resize system interacting with flash content. I will look into a fix.

Edit: Rolling out a fix, might be another ten minutes until it hits all of the nodes.

Edit: This should now be resolved.

That was quick! Thanks.

irajedcoyote said:
The webm files wouldn't play. You also can't download them

This is a regional issue outside of our direct control. It seems that parts of Europe, Asia and Australia are experiencing spotty connectivity issues to the image server at this time.

kiranoot said:
This is a regional issue outside of our direct control. It seems that parts of Europe, Asia and Australia are experiencing spotty connectivity issues to the image server at this time.

Hmm... I wonder if using a VPN would help.

It's happening again here in Canada. It was good for about 2 days, and now it's acting up. Every pic of a bat I try to load up won't load! I need a bat for my joke.

But I get it's beyond your control. Thanks for the work you do mods & admins.

just here to report that I'm in America and having the same issues with images not loading for 2 days now.

to describe what happens: I will click a thumbnail for an image, the page will load entirely except the top ad and the image. the page will hang for about 10 seconds until the ad finally loads, and then it kill give up trying to load the actual image. refreshing the page used to work 3 days ago but now that doesn't change anything.
I am using the most recent version of Firefox on mobile, and I use a VPN that has a bunch of different nodes in the United states.
issue seems to be intermittent regardless of if I'm using my VPN or just my normal home network, and I normally have to switch around to different ip addresses in order to find one that works for the day. I'd say the issue was just on my end but I'd say no considering other people are reporting the same issue, and this didn't start until after the new website update 2 weeks ago

Not just on the first couple pages. When you search for anything, random images will fail to load.

Same. I tried updating my phone and Google Chrome but nothing has changed. All I see is the likes, favorites, commemts and rating.

kiranoot said:
This is a regional issue outside of our direct control. It seems that parts of Europe, Asia and Australia are experiencing spotty connectivity issues to the image server at this time.

Just gonna add that I can't play any video files at all, and I'm in the United States.

kemonophonic said:
It seems to be mainly affecting the most recently uploaded posts. Older posts are loading just fine. Posts that wouldn't load for me yesterday are now working today.

Hopefully it gets fixed everywhere, as I can't even watch old videos.