Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Getting errors across the whole site where no posts/images will show without refreshing at least 5/6 times per page.

looks like e6 has a TON of issues now on top of just having a bad (imo) UI, such as posts sometimes not appearing, people's thumbnailed profile images being replaced with a placeholder, anything "resized" to below 50% of the original doesnt appear at all unless you manually click download to open it in a new tab, searched pages sometimes show up with nothing but still display that there's 50+ pages of content, text scaling is messed up and often bleeds through to the line below it further slicing into a cluttered mess, some images require you to be logged in to view them and some tags just always display nothing and show blank pages

Found several things so far, My Favorites will not show images, some tags have a blank page 1 and only show images past page 1, some tags so no images at all, on my end all avatars have been replaced with Image Placeholder, most searches also show no images even on other pages, this whole change really screwed alot of things up

Hell on chrome I can't even get any tag to load any images at all I got to firefox and it works.

Yeah, running into bugs myself. Images aren't loading when searching various tags, when they do load they don't allow searching for other tags from the drop-down menu, can't reply to other users here on the forums, placeholder images.

When I try to fav a post it says that an unexpected error has occurred, also I should mention that I’m on mobile

Clicking the "News" banner at the top shows the news for half a second then goes to an "access denied" page. Happens on chrome 79 and Firefox 73

Hiding own comments seems to be broken, as it just make the page go up to the top. Blacklist seems to be broken on Chrome and Firefox. Thats all Ive came across as of now.

Edit: Blacklist does seem to work but you have to do it line by line. And while its not a bug its a pain in the ass.


Why every comment posted before update has this text below:

Updated by anonymous about 16 hours ago

For example look at the comments of post #330159

My favourites are out of order! >:( I was dedicating a lot of time to pick the best of the best, and it bothers me a lot that they're in "chronological order" right now. I would very much appreciate to get my favourites in their original order.

And i do hope it's not an information we can't bring back, or else i'll get very sad...

Not sure if this is a bug or an intentional change, but the "upvoted:username" metatag has been changed from "upvoted" to "upvote".

Its behavior appears otherwise unchanged: specifying any username will return the upvoted posts of whatever account you're signed into when performing the search. Specifying no username (i.e. "upvote:") will return no posts.

Wildcards don't work properly if you have more than one tag now. The previous version had this issue if you used more than one wildcard.

Edit: Tag omission still makes wildcards function.

Profile Posts count is incorrect.

It seems a user's "Posts" number is now the number of approved - flagged posts. For edge cases like mine, this means that my profile says that I have -16 posts (A whole bunch of my posts got flagged all at once), because I have 52 approved uploads and 68 previously deleted uploads.

Previously the Posts number was just a count of currently up and approved posts, which corresponds with the page that the link takes you to afterwards.
This idea is reinforced by the number of deleted posts being right underneath that.

gankerg27 said:
On mobile, at least for me, the 18 or older pop-up shows up for every single page I go to. Even though I say yes every time. Not an issue on pc. Doesn't matter if its the fourms, images, or home page.

This is a sign that cookies are not being saved. Is it only this site not working with cookies? As in, do you have trouble logging into sites?

ironferret said:
Hell on chrome I can't even get any tag to load any images at all I got to firefox and it works.

Hilariously, I get opposite result. Chrome works, SeaMonkey doesn't.

shiitake said:
I clicked on the News link that leads to and got Access Denied. You'd think everyone should be able to read the news?

The tickets page is entirely blank after trying to submit a report. Not sure if remotely related.


The max number of post per page got decreased from 320 to 250. I assume it is a bug because the change is not listed here

Edit: Since the update make e6's servers more "powerful and reliable" citation needed, can we have it increased?


the tag "date:X_days_ago", used to show posts that ranged from the most recent post to the posts that were X days old, and now it only shows posts that are exactly X days old (same with date:X_weeks_ago)
but the tag syntax page didn't make any changes about that info

Not sure if it is a bug or just a design thing, but:
There is no longer a Blacklist count next to the section of blacklisted tags on a gallery page. There was a number displayed that was the total count of images hidden (because some can be hidden for multiple tags so just adding up the amounts per tag doesn't help.)

If you have your username in a chain on the blacklist, it now blacklists everything to do with your username. example, I had
gore -poethewondercat -user:versperus as a blacklist chain, and it was effecting other aspects of the site.

I am able to un-favorite things, but every time I try to favorite anything it tells me there is "an unexpected error"

The error message that appears when you try to vote on more than 10 comments in an hour either only says ".", or says "Favorite added" if you favorited a post before trying to vote on the comment.

tonylemur said:
I'm pretty sure you can just use id:<12345 instead, if you can spare a tag in your search.

Looks like that is working, thanks!

Posts missing. Went down from seven thousand to circa five thousand eight hundred, doesn't seems like they were deleted neither. Not really important.
On certain user profiles I can see my blacklist line for cub under "Approvals". Looking at Ippikis profile, and under Approvals I see "Blacklisted: cub rating:e -sashabelle -harmarist -sethpup -user:peekaboo 1".

Only bug that I've found has to do with the search bar. Before, the search bar cached your searches and placed the most frequent ones at the top of the list. This is just basic browser caching for auto fill. Now with this new design, the search bar caches nothing meaning you need to type out your custom searches every time. This gets highly tedious each time you come to the site, and especially when you want to hop between multiple custom searches. An example would be hopping between male solo -rating:s and then female/female -rating:s -male. They will have to be written each time you visit the site and have to be written every time you want to swap between custom search.

Looking at the forums in general, it seems to me that it might help to amend the news item to mention that people should remember to describe your Hardware, OS, and Browser when making bug/help reports, as far as possible.

Many bugs, without these details, often cannot be investigated to any meaningful degree.

EDIT: also.. not really a bug, but it's kind of funny, if you search someone's comments, and then look at the edit message on the comments.. everyone's comments were 'last edited by anonymous'


volvagia said:
I can't seem to favorite any images, every time i try to i get "Error: An unexpected error occurred."

I'm getting the same errors. I can't favorite anything at the moment.
Chrome v80.0.3987.132 (64-bit)

I'm having problem with "posts per page" setting, it doesn't work at all changing higher or lower doesn't do anything. I have set it to 100 it doesn't change and stays at 53 posts.

josh1269 said:
I'm having problem with "posts per page" setting, it doesn't work at all changing higher or lower doesn't do anything. I have set it to 100 it doesn't change and stays at 53 posts.

just to be clear.... have you been saving the setting after changing it?

Not sure if it's a bug or not... but for some reason I can't see any images, just a blank space where they all should be.

I'm on an iPad and using Safari web browser, if that helps?


Wait... now that we can't see which user posted an image anymore, how the heck are we supposed to know who to blacklist?

A minor nitpick of a bug, but I've upvoted somebody's comment, and it was left uncounted at it's original upvote number. Later I upvoted somebody and it counted as 2 upvotes toward them. Probably low on the priority list, but I thought I'd share since I haven't seen it on here.

Blips is no longer listed on profile for quick search. Other things are listed though which seems it should be staff members only.

Artist Changes

Approvals being shown made sense to me (if you want to check whether your upload was approved..)
Disapprovals less so (it says 'permission denied' or something like that, so there doesn't seem to be any point in showing it for the ordinary user)

LITERALLY NOTHING WILL LOAD, i cant see anything on the site, if i try to lad post via my favorites it will fail, i have 5% access in this site rite now, my profile and these forums, THATS IT

savageorange said:
Approvals being shown made sense to me (if you want to check whether your upload was approved..)
Disapprovals less so (it says 'permission denied' or something like that, so there doesn't seem to be any point in showing it for the ordinary user)

What I see when I click on the number is: approver:furballs_dc

This is something incredibly random and probably only affects me, but my entire favorites seems to have been randomized. I have a garbage brain and heavily relied on it being in the chronological order I added things to favorites to know where stuff was/remember what I had favorited. Is there any search syntax to fix this?


Former Staff

that1akwarddude29 said:
LITERALLY NOTHING WILL LOAD, i cant see anything on the site, if i try to lad post via my favorites it will fail, i have 5% access in this site rite now, my profile and these forums, THATS IT

We're going to need you to explain your problem more. What kind of device are you on, what browser, wifi or data if applicable, etc.

The takedown list disappeared, please bring it back to check if your takedown was successful or not.

millcore said:
We're going to need you to explain your problem more. What kind of device are you on, what browser, wifi or data if applicable, etc.

As I said before, currently all I can view are my profile and forums, using mobile android, google, on wifi, and i cant see anything, if i click on post links on the forum, i will see the tags, but no image or comments, it is quite irritating and I hope its dealt with soon, i think they released it waaay too early and didnt emphasize that they wanted feedback with the demo server and now we're all forced into a bug check area, its annoying to say the least

Every comment on every post says:

Updated by anonymous about X hours ago

The X value is identical on every comment as well.

foxyfurfox said:
Every comment on every post says:

Updated by anonymous about X hours ago

The X value is identical on every comment as well.

Yeah, I noticed that too. This kind of thing is pretty common when batch importing data. Presumably the records indicating that 'a comment was made on X post' were first imported with placeholder texts, and then in pass 2 'anonymous' (really the auto importer) edited the actual proper content of the comment in.

I've got the problem of not being able to add any posts to my favorites at all. I'm able to rate the post up or down, but I can't add anything to my favorites.

My favorites now include deleted posts that I favorited years ago and that were deleted years ago.

poontang said:
My favorites now include deleted posts that I favorited years ago and that were deleted years ago.

Remove "status:any" from the search bar

Switching to edit mode while searching and then pressing enter in the tag field does not submit changes. It used to in the old version.

muserock7997 said:
images do not load at all on Ipod Touch 4th gen safari

Images don't load on a 1st gen iPad either. Tried both Safari and Chrome. Looks like it breaks on the old rendering engine. Can't update, as it's on the latest version for that device (iOS 5.1.1).

zenti said:
Remove "status:any" from the search bar

Awesome thanks!

Do you know if there is any way to default the search to just fav: instead of including status: every time?

tangiblecraze said:
I've got the problem of not being able to add any posts to my favorites at all. I'm able to rate the post up or down, but I can't add anything to my favorites.

Favorite limit is 80k now :\

dolphinpainus said:
Only bug that I've found has to do with the search bar. Before, the search bar cached your searches and placed the most frequent ones at the top of the list. This is just basic browser caching for auto fill. Now with this new design, the search bar caches nothing meaning you need to type out your custom searches every time. This gets highly tedious each time you come to the site, and especially when you want to hop between multiple custom searches. An example would be hopping between male solo -rating:s and then female/female -rating:s -male. They will have to be written each time you visit the site and have to be written every time you want to swap between custom search.

An update to the issue.

I've found the suspect for this issue. I'm assuming jQuery is being used for the search bar to get all tags based on what you wrote, but here is the specific line that I'm talking about.

<input name="tags" id="tags" data-shortcut="q" data-autocomplete="tag-query" class="ui-autocomplete-input" title="Shortcut is q" autocomplete="off" type="text">

In the input, where it says autocomplete, having it turned off prevents the previous searches from your browsers cache from appearing. When turned on, it shows back up, but also it covers up the new auto tag completion box until you click anywhere outside the box. Understandably you want the auto tag completion box to always show, but that creates a lot of hassle for people who use multiple custom searches on a daily basis, especially if they're on mobile. If I could, I am requesting for it to be always on, but if not, allow it be toggle in our settings.

Seems that you've dropped XML API support, boo :(

While i don't mind at all to not see who favorited the post, especially if it was resource-intensive, it seems just silly to limit the number of posts people can favorite.
I can't imagine simply having a connection saved between the user and a post being in any fashion resource-intensive (2 integers and a timestamp?), and with looking them up afterwards... it pretty much shouldn't matter if there's 100 or 100 000 000 of them if you're limiting the query to the couple of them on the profile page, or... 320(still?) when searching.

Also since we can see who uploaded the image based on tag edits, it's quite silly to not show that data on the main page of the post.
Is it also so resource-intensive to make a join with users on the uploader_id from post?

And onto reporting bugs...

1. Some (most?) older images seem to be confused about having samples or not. This is not strictly API-related, but most visible there. For some reason posts with samples think they don't have them and show the full image, while posts without samples attempt to show a sample that doesn't exist.

For example: page shows the full image,, by default, despite that it still has the sample available.
When you check its API page: you see:

    has: false
    url: ""

And on the other hand: shows up with no image visible, because it attempts to view the sample:
It does not have the sample, only the original image:
API is wrong here too. claims:

    has: true
    url: ""

Fix plz.

2. Searching for ranges like date or id doesn't work anymore

3. the page, which you can get to by clicking the "News" link in the news box returns

Access Denied
You do not have permission to visit this page.

Also i find it really annoying that this DText seems to ignore newlines around code/quote blocks and just mushes everything together.

dolphinpainus said:
If I could, I am requesting for it to be always on, but if not, allow it be toggle in our settings.

The toggle like this exists in Settings -> Advanced

Enable auto complete
Enables auto-completion on most tag and user entry fields.

it just seems to not be respected there (anymore?).


aaaaaaaaab said:
Images don't load on a 1st gen iPad either. Tried both Safari and Chrome. Looks like it breaks on the old rendering engine. Can't update, as it's on the latest version for that device (iOS 5.1.1).

It apparently has to do with ".post-thumbnail" in HTML source. See: and linked threads from there.

Not sure if a bug or not, nor if it's mentioned(I've scrolled through both pages in the forum to check) but in posts like the keyboard shortcuts seem to be affecting the input in it, as I got to a point where I tried to make a name for a character, and it loaded me to a different post due to shortcut a sending me back.