The bulk update request #5960 is active.
remove alias colt (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias puppies (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias hatchling (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias littlefur (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias kemoshota (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias cub/cub (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias cubs (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias filly (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias pups (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias duckling (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias kittens (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias puppy (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias kitten (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias fawn (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias kidfur (0) -> cub (0)
remove alias foal (0) -> cub (0)
remove implication cub (0) -> young (234258)
remove implication pregnant_cub (0) -> cub (0)
remove implication pregnant_cub (0) -> pregnant (39190)
remove implication adult_on_cub (0) -> cub (0)
remove implication muscular_cub (0) -> cub (0)
remove implication cub_domination (0) -> young_domination (0)
remove alias cubdom (0) -> cub_domination (0)
remove alias cub_dom (0) -> cub_domination (0)
alias colt -> young
alias puppies -> young
alias hatchling -> young
alias littlefur -> young
alias kemoshota -> young_male
alias cub/cub -> young_on_young
alias cubs -> young
alias filly -> young
alias pups -> young
alias duckling -> young
alias kittens -> young
alias puppy -> young
alias kitten -> young
alias fawn -> young
alias kidfur -> young
alias foal -> young
alias cub -> young
Followup (Current Implications)
alias pregnant_cub -> underage_pregnancy
imply underage_pregnancy -> pregnant
imply underage_pregnancy -> young
alias pregnant_young -> underage_pregnancy
alias adult_on_cub -> adult_on_young
imply adult_on_young -> young
alias muscular_cub -> muscular_young
imply muscular_young -> young
imply muscular_young -> muscular
alias cub_domination -> dominant_young
alias cubdom -> dominant_young
alias cub_dom -> dominant_young
alias young_domination -> dominant_young
imply dominant_young -> young
imply dominant_young -> dominant
AIBUR to reject
This has been a long time coming. The usages of cub can vary wildly from person to person, despite what the wiki or anyone says. Even amongst staff, there have been inconsistent applications of the tag, and tag locks. No one can agree on how it should be used, and even mentioning the tag with some can cause heated arguments. Thus follows this proposal, completely getting rid of the tag. As it stands, its a weird combination of young + anthro + feral, and some want it to be an even more specific as pre-teen + anthro + feral. I see no reason for this arbitrary combination tag for either definition. A system of young_<bodytype> could do the job better, and less controversially. For the other definition some have, one of baby, toddler, or child should be used in conjunction with young_<bodytype>.
Ensue 100 page discussion
EDIT: The bulk update request #5960 (forum #383140) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.
Updated by auto moderator