Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

veruke_assault said:
We have an epidemic of something called "Oneirataxia."

"The inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality."


That and the Tumblr and Twitter users are forcing all of THEIR personal moral views onto OUR furry fandom....



This is a genuine epidemic I've noticed on Twitter in anime/lolisho discourse. TONS of people think that drawings are the same as real things and affect real life.

veruke_assault said:
We have an epidemic of something called "Oneirataxia."

"The inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality."


That and the Tumblr and Twitter users are forcing all of THEIR personal moral views onto OUR furry fandom....



Yeah, they definitely need to heal from that or at least manage and treat their problems a lot better than being fascists, what they're doing is definitely scary.

cumwizard said:
This is a genuine epidemic I've noticed on Twitter in anime/lolisho discourse. TONS of people think that drawings are the same as real things and affect real life.

i feel like i see ppl just treating others as ticking timebombs more often than not. "they like dog sex drawings so how long til their REAL PET DOG?!" of course, not spoken in that way. im strawmanning a little.

icywings said:
Remember that Twitter is FULL of Tumblr refugees.

I know.... and they're all coming HERE....

And they're bringing all their goofy hang-ups about fiction HERE....

Screw Tumblr and Twitter... GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!

And the same applies to the people from 4chan or Kiwi Farms....

GET OUT..... this is FURRY FANDOM, not some kind of PURITY CHURCH....


cumwizard said:
This is a genuine epidemic I've noticed on Twitter in anime/lolisho discourse. TONS of people think that drawings are the same as real things and affect real life.

this is why misskey locked down registration to japan-only, too many people "escaping" twitter just to try and make another website their hellhole, and that got nipped right in the bud

I'm just gonna say that it would have been nice if there was at least a bit of a warning.

im gonna crash, but i'll check in on this thread in the morning. goodnight everyone - here's hoping something gives or gets resolved... or at least, that the threads still here when i wake up.

ayylmao0906 said:
i feel like i see ppl just treating others as ticking timebombs more often than not. "they like dog sex drawings so how long til their REAL PET DOG?!"

What's worse is how fucking often those types of people end up having done the actual things (or consumed material of the actual things) that they rally against in fiction. It's gotten to the point where people have several "Reset The Clock" archives going to catalogue this bullshit.

drakewilde1234 said:
this is why misskey locked down registration to japan-only, too many people "escaping" twitter just to try and make another website their hellhole, and that got nipped right in the bud

Glad I had my account there before that, been having a blast with the artists there, and posting my own art.

I guess there's still Sankaku, but they REALLY fucked up the search function. Christ, so much shit that no one will ever be able to find again, though. Some things really do disappear from the web.
(EDIT) Oh fuck, the Kanna stuff!

furfnsfw said:
I don't feel it necessary to repeat certain points for the billionth time so I'll be brief on this and hopefully bring out a few newer criticisms:
- A warning should be mandatory, no excuses. No reason for people to not be able to download and archive their favorites before you inadvertently snapped them off the face of the earth (upwards of 5000 posts without sources have been deleted by you guys over the years).
- I'm surprised you people still happen to even have business partners since it seems every time I hear something happening around here, you guys are nuking something or making things worse for artists and getting in petty slapfights.
- You and your staff are abysmal at PR and transparency. It took multiple replies for you to "clarify" that it wasn't quite the government pressuring you, but rather your business partners being pressured and thus pressuring you. This should have been in the OP, not 3 pages later. Please hire someone who actually knows how to write an announcement with some actual transparency.

I understand the business side of things drives these kinds of choices, so I can't speak against stuff like that as it is important to keep things running smoothly as possible, but this could have been handled so much better. Why is this board of staff so allergic to transparency? Why not at least try to warn people about what unfortunately necessary things you're about to do?


Now I'm going to dive headfirst into the opposite side of the pool and point fingers at the community, the very people giving good points but ultimately doing nothing but useless chatter.

What are you doing to prevent things like this from happening in future? We've had purges before, we will continue to have purges in future, what are you doing to keep this from becoming as big of a problem as it currently is?

Are you running a script to scrape every single upload using the e621 API in realtime? Are you going to host a website to be a proper archive to prevent lost artwork? Are you donating and supporting alternative boorus and websites who want to be those alternatives but can barely reach their monthly donation goals for hosting? What good is whining when you could be spending your focus and energy on something constructive that actually mitigates the many issues this site has?

It's the same "complain, stick your head in the sand, wait until the next problem arises, repeat ad nauseam" schtick that communities and fandoms have all the time. Your wiki host putting ads all over your game's wiki? Just complain about them, don't bother migrating and supporting an alternative. Developers of your favorite game not updating it and fixing botting problems in official servers? Just complain about them, don't bother hosting community servers to replaces the official ones.

Over 10 years ago, if something changed your favorite website for the worse, people would immediately get together and host a new site of their own, a la "my own X with blackjack and hookers" mentality. Anyone worth their salt can host a booru and get the ball rolling, so start there and see where it leads. I'm not saying what these guys do is justified at all, it's nothing short of burning digital books because someone else didn't like its contents. What I am saying is if you're someone who has the wherewithal to make archives and alternatives, get off your asses and do it instead of just sitting in here complaining then conceding and going about your day. I host my own forum hosting art from myself and several others, I know what it can take to run places like this and keep it in the green.

What will it take for you people to seek out alternatives, either by making their own or supporting those who've done so already? Are you going to wait until this place purges feral? Maybe cub? Heck, maybe after IP rights holders get involved and tell them to take down anything Pokemon, etc. related? What is really stopping anyone from making their own (actual) furry art archive that doesn't play these games?
This isn't just an issue about e621, it's about the community stepping up to plate and doing something rather than just standing around kicking up dirt on the sidelines. Both parties involved here can do so much better than this.

I am already saving stuff on my own and using other sites. If hosting was easy I'd do that too.

I feel like the biggest fuck-up in this was not giving/arguing for a grace period(even 24 hours) so that artists/consumers could save works from being erased. A website is nothing without its userbase, so going this route was unfortunately the shittiest choice. It feels like there’s no connection between the staff and the people, no consideration of alternatives; only hip-firing. While I now merely have 50 removed favs, some people have lost so much more. All the fans want is openness and communication from the staff at one of the greatest art archives of our time. Please consider a way to allow fans and artists to access what was taken, even if only briefly. Thank you.

dr_doggensmirk said:
im gonna crash, but i'll check in on this thread in the morning. goodnight everyone - here's hoping something gives or gets resolved... or at least, that the threads still here when i wake up.

sleep well

oozeenthusiast said:
I am already saving stuff on my own and using other sites. If hosting was easy I'd do that too.

I used to save a bunch of my stuff on imgur, while privating the images so only I could see it and those I shared a link too. But Imgur then made a rule that all sexually explicit images were not allowed and even the stuff I saved to private was nuked and couldn't be shared. It sucks that it seems that image hosting sites are getting to the point were it feels like any amount of sexually explicit material is not allowed.

cumwizard said:
What's worse is how fucking often those types of people end up having done the actual things (or consumed material of the actual things) that they rally against in fiction. It's gotten to the point where people have several "Reset The Clock" archives going to catalogue this bullshit.

UGH YEAH. youre so right. i knew one chick who was privatetly a lolicon and publicly a vehement anti who'd retweet hate posts on twitter. turns out, she would also secretly find the nudes of irresponsible tweenagers on twitter and get off to them. i only found that out after a long weird time that ruined my perception of multiple friends. regardless, i dont talk to her anymore coz of it. does this count as gossip? it feels like it.

Would anyone happen to know of any booru's that have loli/shota together with furry content?

On the point of appearance, a lot of drawings have fur drawn like painted skin and when it comes to stylized faces, especially those that take after anime style, the face tends to be only drawn with the nose intact, snouts tend to be simplified to a simple dot. How does one discern when it comes to that type of stylization?

This is a slippery slope to having cub, noncon, and any other unsavory or unusual kink excluded as well, I hope you know this. Cub and kodocon artists have and always will be a part of the community, and having them among us enriches our experiences. Especially for folks like myself who have had trauma that use this content to healthily cope. We cannot bow to the whims of antis and censorious governments.

To sum, I'm extremely disappointed in this decision.

edgelord said:
I'm just gonna say that it would have been nice if there was at least a bit of a warning.

admins dont care about us to give us a warning
all my shortstack gobbos tagged young? gone
all my hmofa shota? gone
so much lost
i am deeply saddened by this event. today it was young humanoid, who knows what it will be next
for what? nothing legal has changed, mods are pussyfooting around the real reason, and unless they were about to be shutdown I can see no good reason to do this.

lurker419 said:
admins dont care about us to give us a warning
all my shortstack gobbos tagged young? gone
all my hmofa shota? gone
so much lost
i am deeply saddened by this event. today it was young humanoid, who knows what it will be next
for what? nothing legal has changed, mods are pussyfooting around the real reason, and unless they were about to be shutdown I can see no good reason to do this.

Save everything you want to preserve now.

brayinggirl said:
Given their origins, I don't believe I'd be real eager to gamble my sexually-oriented-content business, if I had one, on a positive relationship with them.

Can't hurt to make in inquiry though. Really can't get any worse than visa/mastercard. If it somehow is, they can just switch back.

I don't know of any other payment processors besides the big 3 and parallel economy. If anyone knows of any more, feel free to fire away.

Nothing legal actually changed, they just have an anti on staff apparently, won't be long till all cub, and then diaper, and bdsm, and eventually all nsfw gets banned on here too, it's always plays out the same way on every site, puritanism only ever expands.

edgelord said:
I used to save a bunch of my stuff on imgur, while privating the images so only I could see it and those I shared a link too. But Imgur then made a rule that all sexually explicit images were not allowed and even the stuff I saved to private was nuked and couldn't be shared. It sucks that it seems that image hosting sites are getting to the point were it feels like any amount of sexually explicit material is not allowed.

this is why you need to save locally and do backups constantly, this stuff is fleeting, nothing in the internet is permanent, that lie has lead to us losing so many, many things over the years

lurker419 said:
admins dont care about us to give us a warning
all my shortstack gobbos tagged young? gone
all my hmofa shota? gone
so much lost
i am deeply saddened by this event. today it was young humanoid, who knows what it will be next
for what? nothing legal has changed, mods are pussyfooting around the real reason, and unless they were about to be shutdown I can see no good reason to do this.

I give this thread 24 hours tops before they start locking and banning.

ayylmao0906 said:
I feel like I see people just treating others as Ticking Timebombs more often than not.
"They like dog sex drawings so how long til they try screwing their REAL PET DOG?!"


Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc.,_ergo_propter_hoc

"That serial killer was listening to Eminem or Insane Clown Posse before he did the thing, so IT'S THEIR FAULT!!!! BAN THAT MUSIC NOW!!!"

"That serial killer was playing Dungeons N' Dragons before he did the thing, it's THE GAME'S FAULT... BAN THE GAME NOW!!!!"


The counter point to a Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc argument is -- "Correlation does not imply causation"


But their main argument is this "Gateway Drug Theory" thing...

Spoiler Alert -- it's an UNPROVEN HYPOTHESIS...

It has no scientific backing or conclusive studies....


And in MY PERSONAL OPINION, a person who is going to go on some big crazy murder spree doesn't NEED a Slim Shady CD or ICP CD to ~make~ them do that...

And a person who is going to S.A. their friends, their family members or their pets -- doesn't NEED a furry comic to ~make~ them do that....

Banning certain MUSIC will not STOP the skool sh00tings and murder sprees...

Banning certain FURRY ART will not STOP the sickos from trying to S.A. other people or their pets...



The people who were crazy enough to do that stuff will do it regardless of if the Music or Artwork is there or not...

Should we BAN "Breaking Bad" out of the fear that it MIGHT "cause" people to wanna become real life drug manufacturers / dealers????

Should we BAN "Beavis & Butthead" because some goofball watching the show might accidentally set their trailer home on fire????



vegga said:
Nothing legal actually changed, they just have an anti on staff apparently, won't be long till all cub, and then diaper, and bdsm, and eventually all nsfw gets banned on here too, it's always plays out the same way on every site, puritanism only ever expands.

Also worth noting that Dragonfruit ALSO owns F-list. If this isn't a local problem (I.E if this alleged anti-loli moderator works for Dragonfruit and not E621 specifically) you'll want to back up any profiles you have on there lickity-split before they make their next move.

icywings said:
Pixiv, baraag (This one is even safer because it is a Fediverse)

I would recommend Aethy as well, they are explicitly pro-fiction, pro-queer, and moderate bigotry off of the site. Baraag is kind of a free for all, even if it is federated.

Pixiv requires some censorship iirc and is not federated.

So when are you guys gonna start cracking down on rape, feral, noncon, etc.. ?

This is utter stupidity, piles of posts that don't even have young characters in them got taken down, anything kirla or ralts related is gone too.

posssauce said:
I would recommend Aethy as well, they are explicitly pro-fiction, pro-queer, and moderate bigotry off of the site. Baraag is kind of a free for all, even if it is federated.

Pixiv requires some censorship iirc and is not federated.

The problem with baraag though is that I can't make an account to actually follow any artists because you have to be an artist in order to make an account, which I am not.

I will just sit down and assume the ISP and/or hosting (if any) sent them a rather stern e-mail that said "delete or gtfo in 24 hours"

Artwork censorship isn't something I expected from e621. I don't know whether I should have expected it or not.

Regardless, my respect for this site is gone. Unfortunately there can't really be any decent replacement due to the XKCD #927 Standards situation. But such is life I suppose.

brokenscale said:
I give this thread 24 hours tops before they start locking and banning.

Yeah that's how it always plays out, just some dude power tripping, and jerking themselves off over their moral crusade against us, then they'll release some stupid statement "in light of the recent harrasment of our staff the thread is closed and there will be no further discussion of the issue, our decision is final, responsible users have been banned, any further discussion on the topic will result in an immediate ban"

edgelord said:
The problem with baraag though is that I can't make an account to actually follow any artists because you have to be an artist in order to make an account, which I am not.

Uhh, no, you don't? Loads of people have accounts on there just to follow artists.

Unless something changed drastically since I made an account, but I don't see why they'd do that.

easytogooglename said:
Uhh, no, you don't? Loads of people have accounts on there just to follow artists.

Unless something changed drastically since I made an account, but I don't see why they'd do that.

Well, last time I tried making an account I got roadblocked. I think because you have to make a Mastodon account and it was all really confusing, but I remember quite clearly being told that unless I was an artist that I wasn't aloud to make an account.

easytogooglename said:
Uhh, no, you don't? Loads of people have accounts on there just to follow artists.

Unless something changed drastically since I made an account, but I don't see why they'd do that.

they changed it since people started flooding the site after musk bought twitter, now only artists can make an account, but you can follow them from any instance that federates with baraag

edgelord said:
Well, last time I tried making an account I got roadblocked. I think because you have to make a Mastodon account and it was all really confusing, but I remember quite clearly being told that unless I was an artist that I wasn't aloud to make an account.

you can make an account on aethy, and then use that account to follow people on baraag and misskey (and other mastodon-compatible sites) so i'd say use that

easytogooglename said:
Uhh, no, you don't? Loads of people have accounts on there just to follow artists.

Unless something changed drastically since I made an account, but I don't see why they'd do that.

Yeah, real problem with Baraag is that it's a twitter clone built for communicating with people rather than archiving content. Nothing like the robust tag system here.

I feel a great disturbance in the force. Its as if thousands of users cried out in confused bewilderment

snivyguy80 said:
I feel a great disturbance in the force. Its as if thousands of users suddenly cried out in confused bewilderment

You were the CHOSEN ONE, Anakin!

It was prophesized that you would ~FIGHT~ the Anti Cub Puritans, not join them!

You were supposed to bring BALANCE to the Fandom, not leave it in DARKNESS!


""At what point does the responsibility become ours and not that individual's? We cannot be held responsible for the choices and actions of people who have pre-existing mental health issues who may be set off or triggered by what they see, because if something ~IS~ going to set them off, it could be anything!!""

~ Some Purple Dragon Guy, I think it was Barney maybe????



Trust that whoever is responsible for this decision already hates all of us since they gave absolutely no warning, watching people be upset over losing art they love is their satisfaction, they have a moral justification in their head that allows them to play out their sadistic fantasy and power trip over hurting us "creeps" with no reservations, And in the end they'll pat themselves on the back for being such a standup normal righteous dude.

Deleting all art without warning, some of which may not have alternative sites at all, just erased who knows how much art.
And doing it solely because it makes advertisers uncomfortable is such a blurry line when there’s content ranging from bestiality and rape to murder and other content as well. How are we sure those kinds of content won’t randomly be decided to be deleted as well? This is such a stupid decision and only makes E621 a questionable choice for artists to share their work if they don’t want to risk it being lost.
This type of decision will impact user traffic and likely cost new content and see a steep decline in interest from artists to use this platform if there’s no real basis for protection of their work.

sissyfox said:
Deleting all art without warning, some of which may not have alternative sites at all, just erased who knows how much art.
And doing it solely because it makes advertisers uncomfortable is such a blurry line when there’s content ranging from bestiality and rape to murder and other content as well. How are we sure those kinds of content won’t randomly be decided to be deleted as well? This is such a stupid decision and only makes E621 a questionable choice for artists to share their work if they don’t want to risk it being lost.
This type of decision will impact user traffic and likely cost new content and see a steep decline in interest from artists to use this platform if there’s no real basis for protection of their work.

0 warning
0 announcement
Just "oh yea we deleted that, bye lol"

vegga said:
Trust that whoever is responsible for this decision already hates all of us since they gave absolutely no warning, watching people be upset over losing art they love is their satisfaction, they have a moral justification in their head that allows them to play out their sadistic fantasy and power trip over hurting us "creeps" with no reservations, And in the end they'll pat themselves on the back for being such a standup normal righteous dude.


vegga said:
Trust that whoever is responsible for this decision already hates all of us since they gave absolutely no warning, watching people be upset over losing art they love is their satisfaction, they have a moral justification in their head that allows them to play out their sadistic fantasy and power trip over hurting us "creeps" with no reservations, And in the end they'll pat themselves on the back for being such a standup normal righteous dude.

In other words, your average Twitter puritan.

anicebee said:
Literally all of it is preserved on e621 mirrors.
how many times will i have to say this

Would you mind shooting me a DM with one of those mirrors? Or is that against the rules too?

kodaskii said:
Excited to see you say this when its cub, then noncon, then necro, then feral, so on and so on until this site is a glorified FA clone.

Always, ALWAYS, plays out that way, once it begins it only ever gets worse.

Stay consistent with your moral brigading and ban cub too, then feral and noncon. The pixels pose too much of a threat!

The writing was on the walls the moment very aggressive, drastic policy and moderation changes started happening last year around september(?), so I am not as surprised as I could be that this change is being implemented now.

Which will come next I wonder, cub or realistic feral?

vegga said:
Yeah that's how it always plays out, just some dude power tripping, and jerking themselves off over their moral crusade against us, then they'll release some stupid statement "in light of the recent harrasment of our staff the thread is closed and there will be no further discussion of of issue, responsible users have been banned, any further discussion on the topic will result in an immediate ban"

As is typical, considering who the OP is. I'm already signing a death warrant given who I'm gonna talk about with the following post, but given the sorry state the site will soon be on, I doubt it'll matter. It's been a good run, one where I've mostly just existed and remained mostly trouble-free without running into issues with the staff.

We've all seen how trigger-happy he is with handing out negative records. I swear, not even the most sensitive moderators on game modding sites I've spent a lot of my life in are THAT fickle, they at least hand out warnings and take multiple posts to decide taking extended action on problematic users; not immediately jumping the gun just because someone isn't content with how unprofessionally and incompetently you're running things, letting things affect you personally instead of the site as a whole. Hell, one such site I'm in even has a Feedback form and public archive of feedback for each individual mod and staff member. I imagine e621 never considered that becoming a feature because people wouldn't be giving blind praise towards someone who takes any negative comment as a personal attack.

I think that at some point, e621 would be better off switching owners and getting a new head other than NotMeNotYou. They'd certainly not rush an announcement out the door with absolutely zero effort or transparency at the last minute; that's just poor management AND incompetent all around, especially if you WERE actually expecting this to happen for a long time, you'd THINK you'd have SOMETHING written and organized for such an occasion. But no, this is just about the worst way it could've been handled. My hat's off to you, the only way this could've been handled worse would be if all the other staff members were kept completely in the dark about this and were pissed off for not warning anyone about it. Is this perhaps too "negative"? Perhaps. Is this gonna result in a negative record, as if it'll matter coming from him, as it'll prove the point of how he can't take any form of criticism, no matter how civilized and polite it's worded? Oh, absolutely, I'm 100% expecting even a deletion of the post not even 5 minutes after I post it. It's about time I abandon this alias anyway, as there's a lot of bad blood tied to it.

dimoretpinel said:
It’s not a rumor anymore. It is real. It came back up recently because of Trump’s campaign.

Though according to Trump on his Truth Social account, Project 2025 is not actually affiliated with him

ayylmao0906 said:
i feel like i see ppl just treating others as ticking timebombs more often than not. "they like dog sex drawings so how long til their REAL PET DOG?!" of course, not spoken in that way. im strawmanning a little.

Being unable to distinguish fiction from reality is in general a confident sign that the person doesn't really understand the gravity of negative things beyond the social impact they have. Denouncing bad things happening in the world but only after learning about them second hand, via media, via the opinions of others who inform them they're bad isn't having an opinion, it's just displaying agreeability, a desire to fit in by echoing the collective sentiment and pass their judgement. When their only connection to the world is through media, something bad happening in fiction and something bad happening in real life look the same and functionally are the same, it stays on their mind for as long as they have the tab open. It doesn't matter if the real thing happens to real people who live with it for the rest of their lives, who experience things that permanently cripple their ability to life fully and happily, because the part that upsets THEM looks the same as they quickly scroll past it.

The most evident way in which they don't really understand why it's not the same is that people are children for a small part of their lives and then they grow up and grow old with the experiences they had as children. If you run with the premise that fictional characters can be subject of abuse then how can any character that's been made more than 18 years ago be abused? a tenet of why CSAM is bad is that it affects the sexual indemnity(liberty) and integrity of the childs' personal development. No development means no such things can be protected. How can something that never grows old, or even lives a life that can be affected be subject to abuse? Even in pornography that explicitly features the negative effects of sexual abuse(take porn where a child character gets swooped up in a windowless van for example), everything on screen stops existing when you close the tab.

vegga said:
Always, ALWAYS, plays out that way, once it begins it only ever gets worse.

I genuinely worry that this is only the beginning. If that happens This sites gonna suffer BIG TIME

sissyfox said:
Deleting all art without warning, some of which may not have alternative sites at all, just erased who knows how much art.
And doing it solely because it makes advertisers uncomfortable is such a blurry line when there’s content ranging from bestiality and rape to murder and other content as well. How are we sure those kinds of content won’t randomly be decided to be deleted as well? This is such a stupid decision and only makes E621 a questionable choice for artists to share their work if they don’t want to risk it being lost.
This type of decision will impact user traffic and likely cost new content and see a steep decline in interest from artists to use this platform if there’s no real basis for protection of their work.

There's already rumors that allegedly they're planning to remove all explicit content from the site starting in 2025. I'm just gonna assume they're true and start looking for other sites similar to E621 that don't bend the knee to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that gets offended by even the slightest drop of blood.

What about the tags:

status:deleted adult_(lore) young humanoid -human

Posts? I do quite wonder exactly how many adult lore tags have just been deleted in this purge because they were tagged young, but the lore tag was used to say they were adults, and wonder what the area is for going through them to find the ones that fit inside the new rules (as obviously I can't see the images themselves as they are deleted).

What a boneheaded decision. Thanks for helping in making the internet worse, we don't have enough of that already

anicebee said:
Literally all of it is preserved on e621 mirrors.
how many times will i have to say this

Respectfully, I don't think it's helping for you to keep bringing it up, especially teasing (intentionally or not) by mentioning that you can't elaborate.