Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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I'm more shocked by the replies from folks BIG mad that the sites and admins who host the free art they consume need money and behind-the-scenes dealings to function and stay up. Sometimes, those dealings will involve make or break scenarios, whether you risk the stability of keeping the site up or the trust of your users. It was probably stressful af to be made to act on a whim like this.

That being said, only 1 of my works got taken down, 4029708, despite both characters in it being anthro

Speaking as an artist: Do not rely on sites to keep your works archived! Always make backups of your portfolio

genjar said:
Considering that even something like Quest of the Manwhore got hit, the amount of erroneous deletions is likely far beyond what can be manually undeleted. Especially when there's nobody to report them.

Maybe add some temporary site function where e621 users could report such errorneously deleted pics? Their post IDs would be collected into a database and if some ID got more than X reports, they would be sent to mods/janitors for review and undeletion?

drakewilde1234 said:
yeah, no shit, but those values come from the conservatives that run those companies lol

mastercard ceo has pronouns in his twitter username he isnt conservative lmao
he also tweets about inclusion empowering people. and he criticized the maga protest

where are you getting conservative from lol

kavukamari said:
don't worry about it dude, they're getting to it, all that shit will be banned in the future and itll only be anthros allowed, just like the puritans want. nice advertisible content

I would go as far as saying that they (not e621 specifically, but all sites) eventually ban most of the pornographic content because for some reason most of it is viewed as morally questionable. I mean I can already see it on Steam. While most of my friends have access to some VN's and lewd games, I sit here living in Germany, Steam telling me I cannot view or play these games in my region. Because naked people/kobolds/birds, oh no. But it certainly hits differently when a site dedicated to this kind of content starts to go against it/prohibit it.

kavukamari said:
don't worry about it dude, they're getting to it, all that shit will be banned in the future and itll only be anthros allowed, just like the puritans want. nice advertisible content

What a dystopian hell to look forward to...

But I should mention that in the FAQ, they state that cub content is currently exempt from the ban.

notmenotyou said:

What about cub / anthro?

Young anthro characters / cubs are unaffected by this change and are still allowed to be posted.

notmenotyou said:

We've got a doozy this time.
Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site. As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

Thank you for your understanding, as this was not an easy decision for us to make.

But seriously why make a sudden change like that without any heads-up or grace period, not even pointing towards the specific cause but just giving a vague answer as to why? I'm not so worried about this type of content specifically being nuked, but the fact that any other type of content that may be deemed problematic in the future might just be taken down on a whim

fluiddidd said:
mastercard ceo has pronouns in his twitter username he isnt conservative lmao

he's capitalist... all he cares about is what raises his money, there's no way he cares about things like mutual understanding, personal freedoms, or improving society....

thepsychodog said:
I'm more shocked by the replies from folks BIG mad that the sites and admins who host the free art they consume need money and behind-the-scenes dealings to function and stay up. Sometimes, those dealings will involve make or break scenarios, whether you risk the stability of keeping the site up or the trust of your users. It was probably stressful af to be made to act on a whim like this.

That being said, only 1 of my works got taken down, 4029708, despite both characters in it being anthro

Speaking as an artist: Do not rely on sites to keep your works archived! Always make backups of your portfolio

It's not so much the simple removal of it, more so the fact that it was instant, without warning, and caught many images that don't fall under the loli/shota category. Granted, it was probably a "gun to the head" type of scenario, but one can understand the outrage.

thepsychodog said:
I'm more shocked by the replies from folks BIG mad that the sites and admins who host the free art they consume need money and behind-the-scenes dealings to function and stay up. Sometimes, those dealings will involve make or break scenarios, whether you risk the stability of keeping the site up or the trust of your users. It was probably stressful af to be made to act on a whim like this.

That being said, only 1 of my works got taken down, 4029708, despite both characters in it being anthro

Speaking as an artist: Do not rely on sites to keep your works archived! Always make backups of your portfolio

Implying that trying to get a donation thing going isn’t on the table. This site runs like Wikipedia with ads. All the work IS the community. They just keep the site running this site cannot function without a community but it could without any advertisers via donations. Also don’t try and “oh you guys all are selfish these guys host the content you like for free” not bringing up everything but hosting is done by the community for free as well.

regionalspacepubes said:
What a dystopian hell to look forward to...

But I should mention that in the FAQ, they state that cub content is currently exempt from the ban.

if it's anything like FA, people will keep applying pressure until they don't have a choice but to ban young/chibi art.. i bet there's people out there who want to ban feral from fa too. people like that don't just give up and say "that's good enough". they do not like our interests. they think we're degenerates. they want us gone. it's how it's always been

kavukamari said:
he's capitalist... all he cares about is what raises his money, there's no way he cares about things like mutual understanding, personal freedoms, or improving society....

Nono he’s right, rainbow capitalism isn’t real! Also having pronouns is woke! Conservatives only refer to each other with their legal names every time! /s

kavukamari said:
if it's anything like FA, people will keep applying pressure until they don't have a choice but to ban young/chibi art.. i bet there's people out there who want to ban feral from fa too. people like that don't just give up and say "that's good enough". they do not like our interests. they think we're degenerates. they want us gone. it's how it's always been

There is a massive side on the furry fandom on twitter/tumblr who consider feral to be zoo stuff and want to get it banned. So yeah once cub is banned those people will move onto feral in order to get it banned too cause they are move vocal about it by the day, the amount of feral hate i seen on there been massive so you can count on that. And once cub and feral is banned they will move onto petite and small/flat breast female characters until nothing remain but big titty anthro art here.

fluiddidd said:
mastercard ceo has pronouns in his twitter username he isnt conservative lmao
he also tweets about inclusion empowering people. and he criticized the maga protest

where are you getting conservative from lol

everything companies say is meticulously crafted to please the most profitable collection of people possible. when it's not you end up with scandals and boycotts, this is not to say that there aren't people in those companies who do believe in progressive views, but ultimately the companies have to follow the money, and if that means throwing certain groups under the bus for the greater profit, they'll go ahead and do it. that's why pride month only lasts one month for companies. but for actual queer people the fight for acceptance never stops.

notmenotyou said:
Best way right now is to DM me directly, or send us an email.

You gotta give me some time to read, I just caught up to the end of the thread.

I just want to point out that trying to request an un-delete after a mass deletion is harder due to the lack of thumbnails and images etc.
So its hard for users to actually find the content they know doesnt violate the new policy.

Perhaps undoing the removal and then removing content that violates the new rule via flagging would be a better option?

Example I have:
the character is human and young but is portrayed as a young adult in the other art on the comissioner's FA page
I have no idea why a 'shota' tag is there as its just not young enough imo.

testerpony said:
There is a massive side on the furry fandom on twitter/tumblr who consider feral to be zoo stuff and want to get it banned. So yeah once cub is banned those people will move onto feral in order to get it banned too cause they are move vocal about it by the day, the amount of feral hate i seen on there been massive so you can count on that. And once cub and feral is banned they will move onto petite and small/flat breast female characters until nothing remain but big titty anthro art here.

purity spiral is the term iirc

veruke_assault said:
So friggin' what, I was deep in the trenches of Fchan arguing with their goofy Anti Cub mods back in 2004.

So you're a "longtime furry" -- big whoop, so were the Burned Furs....



oh my god fchan i haven't heard that name in years. found some of my first pokemon/digimon porn there... good times...

testerpony said:
There is a massive side on the furry fandom on twitter/tumblr who consider feral to be zoo stuff and want to get it banned. So yeah once cub is banned those people will move onto feral in order to get it banned too cause they are move vocal about it by the day, the amount of feral hate i seen on there been massive so you can count on that. And once cub and feral is banned they will move onto petite and small/flat breast female characters until nothing remain but big titty anthro art here.

Precisely. If "advertiser interests" is the #1 concern of this site, which it looks like now, they'll remove everything and anything slightly contentious for the sake of them. Pack it up fellas, this safe haven for artists has turned into yet another demonstration that brand cooperation is more important than artist freedom.

Is this a bad time to bring up how not having the cub tag kinda made this infinitely worse in terms of false positives? Anecdotal, but amusing, given it's non-existence means it couldn't be used as a negation in what I assume was a purge of

human young -rating:s

.Trust me, I would have preferred more of a heads up myself.

I call BS. I follow serval artists that were affected by this, and they were complaining for atleast 48 hours that pieces of their galleries were being deleted that now violates the new rule. Someone had advanced notice, and by the sounds of it, CHOOSE not to give ANYONE advance warning so they could find new homes to many pieces were only hosted here.

In fact, this whole thing stinks. I am an citizen of US, where you are hosted. There is NOTHING in the law books and NOTHING that is set before our Legislative body that would make young humanoid art illegal. If it was, someone would be speaking about it and many other sites would be doing purges. And there is NOTHING.

Something is not adding up with the narrative we poor plebians are being spoonfed. Either some Admin has a source within the government with access to non-public knowledge or you guys caved to the Uberwoke, PC, SJW, "would someone please think of the children" crowd. If it is the later, then you people shouldn't be running a site that claims to be a Internet Archive.

hellpony said:
I call BS. I follow serval artists that were affected by this...

Iddn't this both SAD & FUNNY?

See, Piporete left InkBunny and came HERE to get around the "No Human Characters" rule

And NOW the friggin' place Pipo came to has BANNED ALL HUMAN CHARACTERS, hahahahaha....


"""Due to the InkBunny moderator team's decision to hide "my already censored images" that depict human on anthro activity, I will no longer post anything to my InkBunny page. I also want to clarify that when I say nothing -- I ~mean~ NOTHING.... when I release a new drawing to the public, it will be posted on e621.... for now only, at least until I find a better website to post on."""



Well, Pipo... guess ya better KEEP LOOKING for a "better website."



thepsychodog said:
I'm more shocked by the replies from folks BIG mad that the sites and admins who host the free art they consume need money and behind-the-scenes dealings to function and stay up. Sometimes, those dealings will involve make or break scenarios, whether you risk the stability of keeping the site up or the trust of your users. It was probably stressful af to be made to act on a whim like this.

Again, a portion of the users here, me included, are "big mad" due to the total lack of warning.

I’ll save art from now on, but like…
I don’t know how to properly express my disappointment here.

I am also worried for the future of feral art on the site, I hope it stays up long enough for me to save my favorites. I can’t stay up all night saving posts, I need time.

dimoretpinel said:
Again, a portion of the users here, me included, are "big mad" due to the total lack of warning.

I’ll save art from now on, but like…
I don’t know how to properly express my disappointment here.

I am also worried for the future of feral art on the site, I hope it stays up long enough for me to save my favorites. I can’t stay up all night saving posts, I need time.

Eh I think it'll be a while untill they do anything to anything else

slormo said:
Precisely. If "advertiser interests" is the #1 concern of this site, which it looks like now, they'll remove everything and anything slightly contentious for the sake of them. Pack it up fellas, this safe haven for artists has turned into yet another demonstration that brand cooperation is more important than artist freedom.

This is what im afraid that will happen soon due to this change, one change is never enough for those people and they will ask for more and more until all the fingers are gone. Im fully expecting to see cub banned in the near future too along with feral, whenever it make take a few months or years. Now dont get me wrong, this is not a e621 issue but the whole internet is affected by this, websites are getting more censored by the day because of banks and card providers. But the saddest thing to me is that there are people who cheer for this censorship instead of uniting all together versus this. For example i dont like scat/diaper/vore and so on but i would never want that stuff to be removed from this site, its simply not my thing and thats ok, let others enjoy their things, because if you cheer for censorship over things you dislike, nobody will defend you and come to your aid when the fetish THEY like is being censored, which is the case now sadly.

First this, after that cub, followed by feral and the chain goes on.

I have noticed the tag "young_adult" has fewer than 200 posts at the moment.

That number may have been affected due to the mass-delete, but I guess better nuance like 'young' vs 'young adult' would have spared a lot of less-well tagged posts.

loads of stuff just gets tagged with 'young' without distinction

veruke_assault said:
Iddn't this both SAD & FUNNY?

See, Piporete left InkBunny and came HERE to get around the "No Human Characters" rule

And NOW the friggin' place Pipo came to has BANNED ALL HUMAN CHARACTERS, hahahahaha....


They should move to Baraag if they haven't already. It's one of the only few surviving platforms for uncensored lolisho based content, but it's not exclusive to that thankfully. I'm an active artist on there myself under a differant alias. I mostly only use E6 for lurking purposes, but some of my work been posted here by third parties.

disposableyeens said:
I have noticed the tag "young_adult" has fewer than 200 posts at the moment.

That number may have been affected due to the mass-delete, but I guess better nuance like 'young' vs 'young adult' would have spared a lot of less-well tagged posts.

loads of stuff just gets tagged with 'young' without distinction

That and young is a blanket term for pretty much anyone under 20-ish (I think)

votp said:
Is this a bad time to bring up how not having the cub tag kinda made this infinitely worse in terms of false positives? Anecdotal, but amusing, given it's non-existence means it couldn't be used as a negation in what I assume was a purge of

human young -rating:s

I swear to god that change must have been a booby trap planted JUST for this occasion. Its consequences are TOO immaculately perfect.

What's next?


notmenotyou said:
Yes, particularly if they're rendered with more human like skin instead of fine fur.

They don't have fur.

sbeewun said:
e621: "Human child porn is not allowed anymore. All other porn is still fine."

Because, it's human like, not human, Dranei from above are also banned.

widecangang said:
That and young is a blanket term for pretty much anyone under 20-ish (I think)


cumwizard said:
I swear to god that change must have been a booby trap planted JUST for this occasion. Its consequences are TOO immaculately perfect.

Interesting observation there
it did remove a lot of nuance

Stop screwing up your website you idiots. This was the one site I went to for everything I wanted to see and now you ruined it. If its a company you work with just work with another, don't act like that's not an option. Also if what I read in this thread is true you're based in the US so you have no damn reason to be doing this as it's legal. Do better.

testerpony said:
This is what im afraid that will happen soon due to this change, one change is never enough for those people and they will ask for more and more until all the fingers are gone. Im fully expecting to see cub banned in the near future too along with feral, whenever it make take a few months or years. Now dont get me wrong, this is not a e621 issue but the whole internet is affected by this, websites are getting more censored by the day because of banks and card providers. But the saddest thing to me is that there are people who cheer for this censorship instead of uniting all together versus this. For example i dont like scat/diaper/vore and so on but i would never want that stuff to be removed from this site, its simply not my thing and thats ok, let others enjoy their things, because if you cheer for censorship over things you dislike, nobody will defend you and come to your aid when the fetish THEY like is being censored, which is the case now sadly.

First this, after that cub, followed by feral and the chain goes on.

I agree with this, "keep furry weird" is dying out thanks to puriteen and bible humping politicians
Oh well, here's to baraag

pericles_corde said:
Believe me, if the government or law enforcement would view this site's content the same as other real porn sites, this site wouldn't exist anymore.

Could you imagine going to friggin' JAIL or PRISON because you had a physical hard copy printed version of the Sheath & Knife comics?

Could you imagine going to friggin' JAIL or PRISON because you bought a Dakimakura Pillow of a somewhat vaguely Cub-ish Kip Fox????

THIS is the kind of world the "Antis" want... a world where even FICTION can land you behind bars.... LOL....

And don't forget about what happened to BUNNY BITS, the furry artist from France....


So can we get the cub tag back? We could still have the young tag for like 10-16+ and the cub tag for under 12 or whatever.



dimoretpinel said:
Again, a portion of the users here, me included, are "big mad" due to the total lack of warning.

It's rather apparent they didn't have much warning themselves. Given how much collateral damage there's been with posts that clearly don't qualify, but have tags/ratings that could indicate it maybe qualifies, it's clear to me it was a rush job to get things deleted that had to be ASAP, even if it resulted in things getting deleted that didn't need to be (which can be restored afterward). As NMNY said, "This entire thing had to happen much faster than we would have liked, so we went in with a shoot first ask questions later mentally." It's understandable to be upset to not have warning to save stuff, but it seems they weren't in a position to be able to give a warning.

Aww man :(
Suck we got sudden punch in the face like that. Another razor-wire to be tripping around.
Thanks for being so cool and collected about all of this staff, know you doing the best you can.

watsit said:
It's rather apparent they didn't have much warning themselves. Given how much collateral damage there's been with posts that clearly don't qualify, but have tags/ratings that could indicate it maybe qualifies, it's clear to me it was a rush job to get things deleted that had to be ASAP, even if it resulted in things getting deleted that didn't need to be (which can be restored afterward). As NMNY said, "This entire thing had to happen much faster than we would have liked, so we went in with a shoot first ask questions later mentally." It's understandable to be upset to not have warning to save stuff, but it seems they weren't in a position to be able to give a warning.

"which can be restored afterward"

easier said than done

Not a big surprise, but still very disappointing (and extremely heavy handed and poorly communicated)

To make things clear. It's combination of humanoid and young that's forbidden.
Just humanoid is fine.