Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

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skibidibiden said:
Since you seem to know inside details, what was the reason behind this 'time crunch'? Why was there such a big hurry when NMNY himself stated that nothing specific happened and no laws have changed?

No inside details, it's what he said:

forum #411205
This entire thing had to happen much faster than we would have liked, so we went in with a shoot first ask questions later mentally.

Trust me, I would have preferred more of a heads up myself.

forum #411322
As said previously already, we were under a pretty steep deadline, and as such used a shoot first and ask questions later approach. We'll be going through and restoring anything caught that shouldn't have been, now that we have more time to breathe and do so.

I don't know any more details about why it had to happen so quickly, just that it had to.

kixonruut said:
Yeah wokeness got us here. The Twitter woke puritans celebrate this censoring shit and pushed for it worse than any "spooky Christians" from the bad dreams of the 90s.

Yeah dude, the same people who are pro-abortion and anti racism are totally making it their personal business to remove cub porn from a furry porn website. Guess that means we have to be against LGBT acceptance now. /s

casmin7~ said:
Thank you for this update, hard decisions had to be made in order to keep this site up so something like this happening so sudden makes sense. Better some e621 rather then none, as this still remains the best site for furry artwork to be posted hopefully this doesn't extend further then it has. Such as laws that could restrict furry content in general nsfw or sfw, makes me then wonder what would happen to this site. Hopefully it never comes to that.

I disagree, that was a nothing response regurgitating everything that was already said.
And at this point I'd rather have "none" than "some" because sooner or later that "some" will only get smaller and smaller until someone decides to grow some principles.
And by then it'll likely be far too late.

widecangang said:
Still, this could've been handled so much better if they just announced beforehand "Hey we're gonna stop allowing this artworks btw" instead of doing it so out of the blue

I highly doubt they would have done it this way if there was an option that allowed that to happen. it looks like it even blindsided the head admin on the first page here with NotMeNotYou saying "I wish I had more of a heads up myself" quoted.

But since artworks can be brought back that were accidently hit by the purge, its not as bad as it could have been.

notmenotyou said:
Went through the deleted ones and restored the 4 applicable ones.

Its been mentioned that there will be a formal process for appeals.
Any thoughts?
I know I have a good few I would like appeal.

Really? The last place I want to go to see some of the now banned art is 4chan or some other site with toxic communities and annoying users. One thing I like about e621 is that it allows nearly everything and now things are getting purged because of the way they look? It isn't mandatory to do this, so why? So what if some people complain about that stuff? There is a blacklist for a reason. And you know what? I go on the front page and see gore because I don't really use a blacklist. I hate seeing that stuff, but I don't complain about it or say how immoral or sick it is.

This is just like Netflix discontinuing shows; Just because nobody likes it doesn't mean it shouldn't exist because people who like it do exist.

People arguing over <1% of stuff posted on this site getting removed (not deleted, I wager alot of the sources you can still access on the posts) is mildly entertaining, considering there are other, and likely more suitable archives for this stuff.

Noooo, not my beloved archival site!!1!1!!1

Am I crying about getting 8% of my fursona posts getting deleted due to an artist requested takedown? No.
If you're treating any of the affected posts as yours, then why haven't you archived it yourself? It's going to barely be a terabyte, and going over how trusting a singular 3rd party to archive everything for you is just not worth time explaining the stupidity of.

Spend the energy looking up mirrored posts on tbib, r34, whatever, instead. I feel like unless there's a solid reason you need this site specifically to appeal to your needs (which there probably is none), y'all acting immature (young even, how fitting), mainly focused on the loss of posts, rarely coming up with some sort of "e6 mods are onto us" cope to atleast help your case.

brokenscale said:
Stuff and Things.

Also, I looked through your favorites and you have plenty of Piporete artwork in your likes...

So you're ONE OF US (Pro Cub)... not one of THEM (Anti Cub)


It's just that the structure and wording of your original comment before the editing seemed to give off a different vibe....

Your edited comment is better -- you elaborated and explained what you meant...

Cuz for a second there, I thought you meant something else entirely....


Think about the kinds of people who LURK on this website...

Twitter Dorks, Tumblr Puritans... Four Channers... Fruit Farmers...

Think about how much they HATE US and want us all to be destroyed....


It's super easy for me to get confused by a vaguely written comment....



brokenscale said:
I disagree, that was a nothing response regurgitating everything that was already said.
And at this point I'd rather have "none" than "some" because sooner or later that "some" will only get smaller and smaller until someone decides to grow some principles.
And by then it'll likely be far too late.

Same. I've been thinking that if this site wants to be so puritanical or stay in an abusive relationship with such puritan business partners, then it should just give up and focus solely on e926.

kixonruut said:
Yeah wokeness got us here. The Twitter woke puritans celebrate this censoring shit and pushed for it worse than any "spooky Christians" from the bad dreams of the 90s.

"spooky christians from the 90's" how many states is Pornhub no longer available in? What's Project 2025/Agenda 47? Like c'mon we're in reality we can just look and see how deranged acting like this stuff isnt real is

brokenscale said:
I disagree, that was a nothing response regurgitating everything that was already said.
And at this point I'd rather have "none" than "some" because sooner or later that "some" will only get smaller and smaller until someone decides to grow some principles.
And by then it'll likely be far too late.

Remember also what was said earlier that even a change of location for the sites server would have not helped in this case, as this is a direct response to the sites business partners, which allows this site to even exist in the first place.

Its more just been reinstated that this was something that had to be done, or we would have lost e621.

gusta_cz said:
People arguing over <1% of stuff posted on this site getting removed (not deleted, I wager alot of the sources you can still access on the posts) is mildly entertaining, considering there are other, and likely more suitable archives for this stuff.

Noooo, not my beloved archival site!!1!1!!1

Am I crying about getting 8% of my fursona posts getting deleted due to an artist requested takedown? No.
If you're treating any of the affected posts as yours, then why haven't you archived it yourself? It's going to barely be a terabyte, and going over how trusting a singular 3rd party to archive everything for you is just not worth time explaining the stupidity of.

Spend the energy looking up mirrored posts on tbib, r34, whatever, instead. I feel like unless there's a solid reason you need this site specifically to appeal to your needs (which there probably is none), y'all acting immature (young even, how fitting), mainly focused on the loss of posts, rarely coming up with some sort of "e6 mods are onto us" cope to atleast help your case.

Its more the fact that it was out of the blue and other stuff could be next. Also due to how incredibly sloppy the deletion was. (I am sleep deprived so please cut me some slack if this makes no sense)

gusta_cz said:
People arguing over <1% of stuff posted on this site getting removed (not deleted, I wager alot of the sources you can still access on the posts) is mildly entertaining, considering there are other, and likely more suitable archives for this stuff.

Noooo, not my beloved archival site!!1!1!!1

Am I crying about getting 8% of my fursona posts getting deleted due to an artist requested takedown? No.
If you're treating any of the affected posts as yours, then why haven't you archived it yourself? It's going to barely be a terabyte, and going over how trusting a singular 3rd party to archive everything for you is just not worth time explaining the stupidity of.

Spend the energy looking up mirrored posts on tbib, r34, whatever, instead. I feel like unless there's a solid reason you need this site specifically to appeal to your needs (which there probably is none), y'all acting immature (young even, how fitting), mainly focused on the loss of posts, rarely coming up with some sort of "e6 mods are onto us" cope to atleast help your case.

Its been applied without nuance, that is the problem.

veruke_assault said:
So you're implying that anyone who likes Cub Artwork should be rounded up and put on a train to "Fun Camp?" is that what you're saying????



""They'd put us on a railroad
They'd dearly make us pay
For laughing in their faces and making it our way
There's emptiness behind their eyes
There's dust in all their hearts
They just want to steal us all and take us all apart"""

This reminds me of a tweet.

"I like pancakes"
"Does that mean you hate waffles?!?"
No bitch. Dats a whole new sentence. Wtf is you talking about?

Now pairing it with a nazi comparison…

Look, I really dislike the ban, especially because nobody got any warning. But a ban doesn’t mean the mods are going to ninja their way into your house at night to poison you or something.

The situation sucks, but you’re going to be fine.

azazelj said:
"spooky christians from the 90's" how many states is Pornhub no longer available in? What's Project 2025/Agenda 47? Like c'mon we're in reality we can just look and see how deranged acting like this stuff isnt real is

Honestly I don't get how anybody who sees this stuff can act like conservatives aren't super pro censorship as well. Conservatives LOVE censorship when they're the ones who wield it. It's not even a contest.

gusta_cz said:
If you're treating any of the affected posts as yours, then why haven't you archived it yourself? It's going to barely be a terabyte, and going over how trusting a singular 3rd party to archive everything for you is just not worth time explaining the stupidity of.

Sorry I thought a trustable site was trustable :(

I was stupid. ahh eto… blehh

dimoretpinel said:
Stuff and Things

Okay... User X says "I feel like this here announcement post is bait and they're totally going to pick us off one by one like digital ducks in a Duck Hunt game."

User Y says "Coolio, and nothing of value was lost."

That's really really really easy for me to misinterpret...

Tone & Intent is not something we can interpret easily through written words on screens....


azazelj said:
"spooky christians from the 90's" how many states is Pornhub no longer available in? What's Project 2025/Agenda 47? Like c'mon we're in reality we can just look and see how deranged acting like this stuff isnt real is

It's Mastercard/Visa. They've been doing this for well over a decade. They've gone after basically every image board and most things porn related. Blaming it on anything else isn't useful.

disposableyeens said:
Its been applied without nuance, that is the problem.

yeah pretty much, if it was a blanket ban at least you could say it was consistent, but it's not

Let me guess, Mastercard and/or Visa came knocking to get this change through?

In which case, cub will likely be next some months from now.

millennium said:
It's Mastercard/Visa. They've been doing this for well over a decade. They've gone after basically every image board and most things porn related. Blaming it on anything else isn't useful.

yeah, no shit, but those values come from the conservatives that run those companies lol

edgelord said:
Honestly I don't get how anybody who sees this stuff can act like conservatives aren't super pro censorship as well. Conservatives LOVE censorship when they're the ones who wield it. It's not even a contest.

My favorite thing ever is seeing it BACKFIRE on them.....

Headline: """Utah primary schools ban Bible for 'vulgarity and violence'"""


casmin7~ said:
Remember also what was said earlier that even a change of location for the sites server would have not helped in this case, as this is a direct response to the sites business partners, which allows this site to even exist in the first place.

Its more just been reinstated that this was something that had to be done, or we would have lost e621.

And in my opinion: sometimes dead is better.
I would rather this site cease to exist with a shred of integrity than continue with none at all.
Principles are not cheap and as I've said before, this kind of censorship is a slippery slope that will never stop once it starts.

calamity2000 said:
Let me guess, Mastercard and/or Visa came knocking to get this change through?

In which case, cub will likely be next some months from now.

that's what im telling people!!!, you should start archiving NOW!

drakewilde1234 said:
yeah, no shit, but those values come from the conservatives that run those companies lol

Exactly this. At the end of the day, you can't blame Twitter for this. Twitter doesn't affect anything. You can only blame the people who are directly responsible, who are Mastercard/Visa.

So let me get this straight, you were under no pressure from the government or laws, and advertisers didn't put any pressure on you. So WHO the hell is your "business partner" that was putting pressure on you if it's not advertisers that you can't cut off? If it's payment processors, then you're just dumb or purposefully lying for saying cub and feral aren't on the chopping block.

I will just say i think all art is fine and should be left as it is for people to enjoy. It hams no one and its fun for everyone in their own way, but removing all loli,shota human stuff and leaving cub stuff is just not ok. Its basicly same thing, with alot of cub images and videos having nasty words i dont dare to type and they are fine in this. If you are going to ban stuff for depicting underage chars or mentions of such, its kinda hypocritical to remove 1 half of such stuff while leaving other intact even if they mention all nasty stuff in them too.

I love How much this "ART" site apparently "DEDICATED" to the "PRESERVATION" of "ART" seems to be doing the opposite recently even though apparently no laws have apparently been changed, really disgraceful of this site and I really hope this is a temporary thing only made out of earational fear and maybe gets reversed sometime in the future.

Ps. Sorry if this message sounds kinda harsh I mean know offense this is just my writing style.

Pps. All artest who've had their art deleted should definitely upload it to all the fallen booru they'll most likely be very happy to receive your art...also maybe it's time for artists to start thinking about pooling resources to make a new site because the rules on this site seem to keep getting more and more strict/stupid and making this site feel more ass every couple of months.

Edit what you should have done is cancel business with whatever shady authoritarian company is forcing you to damage your site's reputation for money(while
Naming them), having a link in your post to set up a
go fund me or something like it until you can find a new business partner and have a link to the comlant section of whatever company is trying to destroy you kinda like you did in your sites last post.


dellerium said:
I will just say that I think ALL ARTWORK is fine and should be left as it is for people to enjoy.... It ~HARMS~ no one and it's fun for everyone in their own special way, but removing ALL loli, shota human stuff and GIVING A FREE PASS to the cub stuff is just not Okay or Fair. It's basically the same thing, with a lot of cub images and flash animation videos having nasty words I don't dare say or type -- and they are fine in this. If you are going to ban stuff for depicting ""underage characters"" or any mentions of such, it's kinda hypocritical to remove ONE half of such stuff, while leaving the other intact -- even if they mention all the same nasty stuff in them too.

It's called "Rules For THEE but not for ME"

Or.... let me use my favorite song by the 1980s gay synthpop band Erasure to further elaborate the feeling....

""One rule for us, for you another
Do unto yourself as you see fit for your brother
Is that not within your realm of understanding?
A fifty second capacity of mind, too demanding?""



Honestly I would support a mirror version of E621 (with blackjack and hookers) that was more open and transparent and slightly more open to (As long as it's not just human) it's fine

One of the weirdest things they don't allow on here is Steven Universe Gems even though they are funky coloured lightform aliens but allow Elves, I mean I'm up for both to be included but hey what do I know XD

Anyway just realised Gura art got hit too 💔

calamity2000 said:
Let me guess, Mastercard and/or Visa came knocking to get this change through?

In which case, cub will likely be next some months from now.

What would they have anything to do with this site? I severely doubt they’d mess with advertisers paying e6, and this isn’t a site made for making money, (at least it’s not supposed to be). I think it’s someone like bad dragon. They just want more money. Advertisers on this site should be something used to keep this site up, not to fill pockets, and that’s obviously what’s happening. If this goes forward, everything freaky will be next in the coming years

vigvhungus said:
So let me get this straight, you were under no pressure from the government or laws, and advertisers didn't put any pressure on you. So WHO the hell is your "business partner" that was putting pressure on you if it's not advertisers that you can't cut off? If it's payment processors, then you're just dumb or purposefully lying for saying cub and feral aren't on the chopping block.

No but actually, there were no new laws, there were no new issues, there's a "new enforcement" that hasn't been shown to exist in any capacity and it's still being pussyfooted around and vaguely mentioned with zero specifics. NMNY has a history of being a shitter but there's so many things that could have been handled better here. The fact there's NOTHING being specified other than "something political is new but we refuse to say what it is" is baffling.

wolfstar124 said:
No but actually, there were no new laws, there were no new issues, there's a "new enforcement" that hasn't been shown to exist in any capacity and it's still being pussyfooted around and vaguely mentioned with zero specifics. NMNY has a history of being a shitter but there's so many things that could have been handled better here. The fact there's NOTHING being specified other than "something political is new but we refuse to say what it is" is baffling.

Yea this part is pretty shady

Also it's insane you can call yourself a archive then delete over 50k images without a single warning or backup, call it because of a "new law", then say that the new law doesn't affect e621 in the slightest, get fucked. Let's hope Cloudflare never breaks their "business partnership" with you.

raythefur said:
Yea this part is pretty shady

On top of the normal shady bullshit, it's not until you're several pages deep into this thread that NMNY specifies it's about business partners and then attempts to justify blaming "changing political environments both online and offline" by saying "government affects our partners" it's just incredibly unprofessional lmao, and considering his history I wouldn't be surprised if half of us here in this thread start catching bans for saying that

fuyu_graycen said:
Honestly I would support a mirror version of E621 (with blackjack and hookers) that was more open and transparent and slightly more open to (As long as it's not just human) it's fine

One of the weirdest things they don't allow on here is Steven Universe Gems even though they are funky coloured lightform aliens but allow Elves, I mean I'm up for both to be included but hey what do I know XD

Anyway just realised Gura art got hit too 💔

I have always thought it was weird solo vaggie (hazbin) isn't allowed because she looks like a gray human even though she's a demon
But the legend of Zelda hylians are just because they have pointy ears.



Former Staff

Considering that even something like Quest of the Manwhore got hit, the amount of erroneous deletions is likely far beyond what can be manually undeleted. Especially when there's nobody to report them.

A lot of content that I've checked has been like post #38934: tagged as teenager back in the day, then got young implication. Doesn't look younger than 25 to me, but what do I know... Someone did post a story two years later in comments that has heavy underage implications, but that doesn't seem to be from the source. Just an another user being weird.

disposableyeens said:
Please let us know the best method to appeal things we believe were removed in error or due to a misrepresentative combination of tags.

Best way right now is to DM me directly, or send us an email.

disposableyeens said:
Its been mentioned that there will be a formal process for appeals.
Any thoughts?
I know I have a good few I would like appeal.

You gotta give me some time to read, I just caught up to the end of the thread.

genjar said:
Considering that even something like Quest of the Manwhore got hit, the amount of erroneous deletions is likely far beyond what can be manually undeleted. Especially when there's nobody to report them.

A lot of content that I've checked has been like post #38934: tagged as teenager back in the day, then got young implication. Doesn't look younger than 25 to me, but what do I know...

maybe it would have been better to change the upload rules and then add a new category for flagging?

I am seeing so much stuff has been removed in error that I think the mass-delete should be re-thought ASAP

stellarfantasy69 said:
I have always thought it was weird solo vaggie (hazbin) isn't allowed because she looks a like gray human even though she's a demon
But the legend of Zelda hylians are just because they have pointy ears.

This is my point, Princess Bubblegum and Marceline get that same treatment too

It's frustrating when you have to archive

genjar said:
Considering that even something like Quest of the Manwhore got hit, the amount of erroneous deletions is likely far beyond what can be manually undeleted. Especially when there's nobody to report them.

A lot of content that I've checked has been like post #38934: tagged as teenager back in the day, then got young implication. Doesn't look younger than 25 to me, but what do I know...

Wouldn't surprise me if an absurd chunk of the auto-mod deletions were erroneous considering how sloppily it was thrown together, "young" and "human" paired with "rating:q/e" was enough to get a deletion for a ton of things, younger_anthro has a ton of hits too, kirlia/raltz were nuked from orbit, goblins in general had a ton of removals even when there were no children in general, even things like humans fucking pokemon had a ton of hits (likely because it was marked with "young" and "human" with zero consideration for context that was tags like "human_penetrating" "younger_anthro" or "younger_feral" or even "older_human"

Welcome to inkbunny 2.0 atleast there is no AI art... yet. I do think that this is a shame i really liked this site guess i have to search for an good alternative let's all hope that cub porn won't be banned because then it's really dead.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...
Lilo Pelekai on her knees sucking cock...
I watched Young Link glitter in the dark on my TV Screen.
All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain.
Time... to die.

wolfstar124 said:
Wouldn't surprise me if an absurd chunk of the auto-mod deletions were erroneous considering how sloppily it was thrown together, "young" and "human" paired with "rating:q/e" was enough to get a deletion for a ton of things, younger_anthro has a ton of hits too, kirlia/raltz were nuked from orbit, goblins in general had a ton of removals even when there were no children in general, even things like humans fucking pokemon had a ton of hits (likely because it was marked with "young" and "human" with zero consideration for context that was tags like "human_penetrating" "younger_anthro" or "younger_feral" or even "older_human"

I can attest to this sadly

vigvhungus said:
So let me get this straight, you were under no pressure from the government or laws, and advertisers didn't put any pressure on you. So WHO the hell is your "business partner" that was putting pressure on you if it's not advertisers that you can't cut off? If it's payment processors, then you're just dumb or purposefully lying for saying cub and feral aren't on the chopping block.

Exactly. Not being transparent with the situation actually at hand so we actually know what’s going on, we can assume nothing but it’s a decision they can’t defend so they make it extremely vague. And even with the most favorable situation, this is a decision is still one able to be circumvented. No one trusts this site anymore if this change sticks. It’s all or nothing. This isn’t a site for puritans. It’s meant for freaks, and if the reason for this change is human kodo, Cub is still extremely volatile. This decision reads nothing more as a foot in the door for further crackdowns to appease their “business partners”

notmenotyou said:
Best way right now is to DM me directly, or send us an email.

You gotta give me some time to read, I just caught up to the end of the thread.

maybe make a thread for appeals?
that might keep it all in one place

even if you people "knew who was responsible" it would be foolish to harass them, that's how sites just vanish, because their "business partners" decide that the hate is not worth the effort to stay invested and they drop support, then the resources all drain away and the site goes down. it happened with OG wildcritters, it can happen here too (it's not exactly the same situation but very similar, interpersonal drama and harassment)

skibidibiden said:
Lick the boots of corrupt admins harder. Never mind the nearly 20 years of community sweat and tears poured into this website. Just let a few arrogant assholes that somehow got a hold of the reigns throw it all away for literally not 1 solid reason. Just let them purge artwork that is likely lost forever, from artists who have vanished or died, because they simply felt like it. Next will be 'young' looking furries, and then ferals, and then whatever other fetishes the people in charge personally dislike.

Username and join date being <2 weeks doesn't check out if you're a supposed "e6 veteran".

I just wish for an explicit statement, rather than avoiding stating it directly, what caused the deletions. If it was truly political, cite the changed law/enforcement/whatever. If it was business partners, state what business partner and why.

Transparency as to why is what I really want.

skibidibiden said:
Bullshit. They pulled the same crap with the cub tag. Just a massive, sweeping change out of the blue with no warning. "AH GEE IF ONLY WE COULD'VE SEEN THIS COMING!" followed by "eeer uhm well, nothing specific actually happened, we just had to because, eeerm, recent changes in the political environment" isn't going to fly with anyone that has half a braincell.

Hit it right on the nose. Puritanical tyrants have been at this forever, and now hasn’t changed anything really. I’d say the political environment in this regard hasn’t changed at all. It’s a sites’ and it’s communities’ duty to not give an inch. And as long as that inch is given, it’s only a matter of time before the mile is taken.

skibidibiden said:
Nearly every single e6 veteran has been permabanned at some point lmao, welcome to the clusterfuck that is this website

i just stopped using the forum. im taking a risk here even being near some of these "intelligent individuals"

dimoretpinel said:
Look, I really dislike the ban, especially because nobody got any warning.
But a ban doesn’t mean the mods are going to ninja their way into your
house at night to try to poison you or something.
The situation sucks, but you’re going to be fine.

LOL... I am not dumb enough or delusional enough to think that some Mod from some slowly dying Furry Website has the magical power to TELEPORT themselves into my house at night and start deleting my saved scanned copies of the Softpaw Magazines while I'm asleep... what I ~am~ saying is that this "big anouncement" was crafted bait, a test... and that simply through our participation in it, we've all painted a nice red target on our backs... this is not a Democracy, it's a Monarchy, and the laws of the King are absolute.


""Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government… Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!""

~ Dennis The Peasant


veruke_assault said:
LOL... I am not dumb enough or delusional enough to think that some Mod from some slowly dying Furry Website has the magical power to TELEPORT themselves into my house at night and start deleting my saved scanned copies of the Softpaw Magazines while I'm asleep... what I ~am~ saying is that this "big anouncement" was crafted bait, a test... and that simply through our participation in it, we've all painted a nice red target on our backs... this is not a Democracy, it's a Monarchy, and the laws of the King are absolute.


""Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government…""

~ Dennis The Peasant


Im just here because its a broad spectrum removal without nuance.

Implying this whole thing is a honeypot is funny though lol

disposableyeens said:
Im just here because its a broad spectrum removal without nuance.

Implying this whole thing is a honeypot is funny though lol

I like your username.....

I just now learned about this and while I understand why there would be a legal/economical concern to now prohibit human-adjacent pornographic content depicting young characters, I find it confusing that you wouldn't also give this treatment to other forms of problematic content such as cub, incest, feral, bestiality, or necrophilia etc.

My point being, Why would you only have one kind of artistic depiction (not endorsement) of a paraphilia be prohibited, but every other depiction is free from this rule? I'm only asking for consistency, but you think you can have your cake and eat it too.

Also full disclosure, just because I understand why these measures are being taken to ban this art doesn't mean I personally agree with them. I'm a firm believer of freedom of expression and that one's taste in fiction doesn't automatically determine their views in reality. But I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of this, honestly.

notmenotyou said:
If the general vibe of the internet

Last I checked, the "general vibe of the internet" is that furries should be burned at the stake.

regionalspacepubes said:
I just now learned about this and while I understand why there would be a legal/economical concern to now prohibit human-adjacent pornographic content depicting young characters, I find it confusing that you wouldn't also give this treatment to other forms of problematic content such as cub, incest, feral, bestiality, or necrophilia etc.

My point being, Why would you only have one kind of artistic depiction (not endorsement) of a paraphilia be prohibited, but every other depiction is free from this rule? I'm only asking for consistency, but you think you can have your cake and eat it too.

Also full disclosure, just because I understand why these measures are being taken to ban this art doesn't mean I personally agree with them. I'm a firm believer of freedom of expression and that one's taste in fiction doesn't automatically determine their views in reality. But I'm just trying to wrap my head around all of this, honestly.

don't worry about it dude, they're getting to it, all that shit will be banned in the future and itll only be anthros allowed, just like the puritans want. nice advertisible content

billygoatunicorn said:
Any specific argument you have for this big change proposal, or is it just “yucky” to you which means that no one gets to do it?

Its about the same as "I don't like watermelon, it should be banned because I don't like it"