Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

tsumami said:
The fact that there are some people cheering this on is insane genuinely, you think that what you like is any less weird to the average normie or suit? You show them the shit you like and they're gonna call you an animal fucker LMFAO. Actually brainless behavior to cheer this.

Many people will consistently work, speak, and fight against their own bests interests simply for the momentary dopamine drip their brain offers when they think they have the moral high ground.

We call these people "Fuckwits".

Well looks like E6 Just shot itself in the foot and buried it. This site is going to end up suffering and never recover and that is painfully sad to see as i love this site.

This was by far one of the worst decisions made here and things will only get worse...


e621 said:
Our mission is to archive and distribute the best / strangest / most excellent furry-related artwork, regardless of content, for all those who wish to view it.

Might want to change that line, it's a little out of date.
post #4298808

e621 (Pieces of Silver)

donteven said:
AlsoMight want to change that line, it's a little out of date.
post #4298808

"Our mission is to archive and distribute the best / strangest / most excellent furry-related artwork, except for stuff we and/or our vague cohorts find personally yucky, then go fuck yourself" isn't exactly as straightforward or ensuring.

oozeenthusiast said:
I suspect this ban is more about the moderator's personal preferences than they're admitting

pretty unlikely given the rash manner in which this was carried out.

dba_afish said:
if I remember correctly ExH was taken down almost instantaneously.

Only the front-end, which archiving scripts don't need anyway. Still, my points stand. This is a gross breach of confidence in e621 as a platform. There were dozens of better approaches that, even with the same end-result, wouldn't have incurred nearly as much whiplash as a mass, unannounced, automated deletion of posts. I weep for all of the artwork that was permanently lost on this day. I pray that anyone, regardless of their opinion of the content in question, can at least recognize that burning digital books is never a good thing; no matter what side of the fence you are on. No slight to you, of course; merely a general observation.

While I am essentially unaffected by this change personally it is worrying for a couple reasons.

The admin mentioned there was a tight deadline to implement this change, was it really so tight that users couldn't have been forewarned?
A lot of the pictures uploaded here have dead sources, presumably many of the images deleted in this purge are now gone forever due to the choice to not warn the users.

Also it brings to question "what's next?", is feral next on the chopping block?
And what about pressure from copyright holders? There is a financial incentive to avoid that as well, so do we have to start worrying about big IP's like pokemon and my little pony (or especially litigious ones like nintendo IP's) becoming forbidden and mass deleted without warning?

Grim stuff, will have to start looking for alternatives.


Former Staff

silverine said:
Likely because of the Tag Child it was likely a take all these tags and delete them knee jerk reaction and people have to apply to reinstate on a case by case basis since fictional art is no longer fictional....

Not that there's a way to confirm if something needs reinstatement, when the original source is gone and you don't remember which post was which.

I have no clue how many of my uploads got incorrectly deleted, and no way to check.

/j soon, you wont be able to view visual art of any kind here, lest a horrible, nasty paraphilia boils up to the surface of your brain and turns you into a savage monster.

i just cant believe theyd have the balls to still call themselves an archive after this. can you imagine if ao3 nuked all underage fiction?
the entire POINT of an archive is to host things that HAVE BEEN PURGED/WOULD BE PURGED FROM OTHER SITES. to PRESERVE THEM. purging content thats too... risky??? ON AN ARCHIVE? is an absolute fucking brainless move on the mods part, "business partners" or not.

remember that youll have no business partners if your site has no users.

darkle said:
pretty unlikely given the rash manner in which this was carried out.

The lack of warning is actually the biggest reason for it imo. The only reason not to give heads up before the ban is if they didn't want people to be able to archive this stuff. That or just being sloppy.

its impressive how the overwhelming majority here seems to hate the mods and disregard all comments and actions they ever made, as if their only reason for existance is screwing over the furry comunity that they do not belong

all the mods were once commenters and posters like us, several of them have favorites that were deleted as well in this purge

they cannot say no to their bussiness partners if they want this site to still be here next month, if you want to blame anyone besides the politicans of the united states, blame the leadership of the bussiness partners that are tryng to ´´´please´´´ two fundamentaly opossite sides

God damn it, now everything I uploaded from Y. Link is gone, ugh.

Well, time to dust off Gelbooru, this site's no longer worth it

tsumami said:
The fact that there are some people cheering this on is insane genuinely, you think that what you like is any less weird to the average normie or suit? You show them the shit you like and they're gonna call you an animal fucker LMFAO. Actually brainless behavior to cheer this.

The fact that some people who are cheering this decision have bestiality and feral porn in their favorites is bizarre. As if that is more "moral" than cub porn...

genjar said:
Not that there's a way to confirm if something needs reinstatement, when the original source is gone and you don't remember which post was which.

I have no clue how many of my uploads got incorrectly deleted, and no way to check.

Yup as a lot of things will get deleted and artists from long past either left the fandom or got rid of their stuff and no longer have access to it will be lost in the cross fire. That is what happens when you have knee jerk reactions rather then case by case though mis tagging has been rampant so who knows how many are collateral damage vs what really should be targeted.

kitkiy said:
Good riddance.

you have feral pokemon porn in your favorites. will you be saying good riddance when thats banned too?

genjar said:
I'm just confused about why content like the crucial point in pool #3668 ended up deleted in the first place, when it had nothing nsfw.

automod shit itself and probably deleted it because it had the tags "young" and "human" while rated:questionable, much like half the other posts deleted for it

Pruning the user base until nothing but dead limbs are left. And citing "legal changes" and then backpedaling to "business partners' opinions on the site" is just tragic.

Morality was never the question here. Can e6 afford to run another month, or no?

Do you want a morally consistent e621 that's gone offline, or a morally inconsistent e621 that keeps on running?

kitkiy said:
Good riddance.

You have feral in your favorites. Get ready to say good riddance to that in some time as well, because fictional animals can consent just as little as fictional minors.

eranormus said:
its impressive how the overwhelming majority here seems to hate the mods and disregard all comments and actions they ever made, as if their only reason for existance is screwing over the furry comunity that they do not belong

all the mods were once commenters and posters like us, several of them have favorites that were deleted as well in this purge

they cannot say no to their bussiness partners if they want this site to still be here next month, if you want to blame anyone besides the politicans of the united states, blame the leadership of the bussiness partners that are tryng to ´´´please´´´ two fundamentaly opossite sides

I mean... a lot of us dont like the mods for all sorts of reasons, thats not really the point. Its the fact everything was so abrupt, no warning, content potentially lost forever... and without seemingly any care to let anyone know this was going to happen. I dont know how their money situation is clearly... but why couldnt a Donation thing be setup to help fund the site if this is really coming down to the buisness partners and their "issues". I feel like a lot of the community would love to help fund this site if it means not purging content and sticking to the definition of what this site defines itself as

iserlohn said:
Morality was never the question here. Can e6 afford to run another month, or no?

Do you want a morally consistent e621 that's gone offline, or a morally inconsistent e621 that keeps on running?

Looks like the site is going morally correct? If it is, a lot more stuff is gonna get banned.
There is a lot of morally incorrect stuff on here.

eranormus said:
its impressive how the overwhelming majority here seems to hate the mods and disregard all comments and actions they ever made, as if their only reason for existance is screwing over the furry comunity that they do not belong

all the mods were once commenters and posters like us, several of them have favorites that were deleted as well in this purge

they cannot say no to their bussiness partners if they want this site to still be here next month, if you want to blame anyone besides the politicans of the united states, blame the leadership of the bussiness partners that are tryng to ´´´please´´´ two fundamentaly opossite sides

Politicians, business suits, and the mods here suck.

youfinnadiebaby said:
Need I remind you that the PROTECT act explicitly bans drawings of children engaged in sexual acts?



18 U.S. Code § 2256 -- Section 9 and Section 11.

      • Section 11 -- "the term “indistinguishable” used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings."
      • Section 9 -- ""identifiable minor”— (A) means a person— (i) (I) who was a minor at the time the visual depiction was created, adapted, or modified; or (II) whose image as a minor was used in creating, adapting, or modifying the visual depiction; and (ii) who is recognizable as an actual person by the person’s face, likeness, or other distinguishing characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or other recognizable feature"



What does the United States Legal System define as "actual person?"

1 U.S. Code § 8 - “Person”, “human being”


Last time I checked, a 2-dimensional cartoon drawing or a plushie based on a cartoon character does not qualify as a "actual human person."


BTW -- this is the same law that was quoted when F.A. staff were having the big "cub debate" back in 2006....


The Tagging System exist here on e621 for a reason -- to keep rabble-rousers (shit starters) from complaining about seeing stuff they don't like, and to make it so that the artwork can still exist without those rabble-rousers (shit starters) ever seeing it and complaining about it....


tinkeringturian said:
It yet lives with all of its content intact, and even when it was on the verge of being shut down, it gave several days of warning for people to save as much as they could; which led to vast archiving by multiple interested parties. No matter how you look at it, they triumphed over similar adversity, and managed to handle both of their crises with a level of tact and grace that is simply lacking here. Given even just twenty-four hours of warning time, just about all of the relevant content could have been safely preserved by the vast userbase of e621. Instead, this sudden purge has undoubtedly led to the permanent loss of many pieces of art that will never be seen on the internet again; nothing short of a catastrophe for what is supposed to be an archive.

Fucking this tbh, i was on the trenches saving every last thing i could from panda, even a 24hr warning would have been enough

sashapony said:
I mean... a lot of us dont like the mods for all sorts of reasons, thats not really the point. Its the fact everything was so abrupt, no warning, content potentially lost forever... and without seemingly any care to let anyone know this was going to happen. I dont know how their money situation is clearly... but why couldnt a Donation thing be setup to help fund the site if this is really coming down to the buisness partners and their "issues". I feel like a lot of the community would love to help fund this site if it means not purging content and sticking to the definition of what this site defines itself as

Bank decides they don't like content on the site. Bank refuses to process payments, donation is then impossible.

iserlohn said:
Morality was never the question here. Can e6 afford to run another month, or no?

Do you want a morally consistent e621 that's gone offline, or a morally inconsistent e621 that keeps on running?

They didn't even try crowdfunding from the userbase (which considering furries are known for being suspiciously rich, has a high chance of working)

again going to use ao3 as an example. e621 doesnt need ""business partners"" to keep running. furries are notoriously generous and we would gladly support the site every month/participate in donation drives for upkeep costs if they even considered that as an option.

kyiiel said:
Bank decides they don't like content on the site. Bank refuses to process payments, donation is then impossible.

thats not how that works lmao

dba_afish said:
they gave several days warning before taking E-H down, if I remember correctly ExH was taken down almost instantaneously.

E-H was never in danger, ExH was and gave a 24hr warning

billygoatunicorn said:
Think they’ll do an OF and backpedal super hard say “oops sowwee here you go” and hope people don’t remember it ever happened in half a year?

Absolutely not.
You can look back at similar bans happening on other sites in the past, not once has a change like this ever been reversed (that I know of).
Besides, unless the site receives a financial windfall that lets them ignore whichever partner(s) gave them the ultimatum, the conditions that resulted in this ban will still be there.

eranormus said:
its impressive how the overwhelming majority here seems to hate the mods and disregard all comments and actions they ever made, as if their only reason for existance is screwing over the furry comunity that they do not belong

all the mods were once commenters and posters like us, several of them have favorites that were deleted as well in this purge

they cannot say no to their bussiness partners if they want this site to still be here next month, if you want to blame anyone besides the politicans of the united states, blame the leadership of the bussiness partners that are tryng to ´´´please´´´ two fundamentaly opossite sides

Oh, they *could* say "no" but it's much easier to just bend over and grab their ankles.

That said, since this place had fundamentally failed as an archival site, I do wonder how many artists and animators (especially ones who got hit) are going to come around and start asking to be put on the DNP list, you know, just go ahead and "finish the job" as it were? Or how many who weren't affected will do so in solidarity? Hope the business partner appeasement was worth the potential loss of further, unrelated content and traffic, and I'm sure the prudes will roll up and make up the difference any second now.

eranormus said:
its impressive how the overwhelming majority here seems to hate the mods and disregard all comments and actions they ever made, as if their only reason for existance is screwing over the furry comunity that they do not belong

all the mods were once commenters and posters like us, several of them have favorites that were deleted as well in this purge

they cannot say no to their bussiness partners if they want this site to still be here next month, if you want to blame anyone besides the politicans of the united states, blame the leadership of the bussiness partners that are tryng to ´´´please´´´ two fundamentaly opossite sides

The reason we're pissed and considering this the continuing of the end of e6 is because they've given at most a vague "it's politics and/or our business partners" without saying anything specific which hasn't done anything to assuage the concerns of the users.

toradrow777 said:
If things get any worse, I'm thinking of moving to Canada.

just a heads up Canada is far more Puritanical when it comes to underaged looking content then the USA as they in some cases even ban Cub...also no constitutionally protected freedom of speech.

Canada has it's good things and it's bad things...moving there to AVOID a climate of censorship however, will leave you disappointed.

kyiiel said:
Bank decides they don't like content on the site. Bank refuses to process payments, donation is then impossible.

Still gives them *some* time to let their users archive things and gtfo instead of burning their userbase as hard as they have.
Unless the *real* reason is that their parent company got a notice from a payment processor that they then needed to respond to, but I'm not going to believe that after the absurdly vague responses they gave for *hours* after.
Either the mods are beyond incompetent, or they're trying to hide why they *really* did the ban, and considering they're deleting comments calling them antis,,,

Wait, isn’t that over half of all the stuff on e6? No wait I’m dense I read that wrong

iserlohn said:
Morality was never the question here. Can e6 afford to run another month, or no?

Do you want a morally consistent e621 that's gone offline, or a morally inconsistent e621 that keeps on running?

This is a false dilemma. There were many other things that they could've done. Even now they aren't being transparent.

eranormus said:
its impressive how the overwhelming majority here seems to hate the mods and disregard all comments and actions they ever made, as if their only reason for existance is screwing over the furry comunity that they do not belong

all the mods were once commenters and posters like us, several of them have favorites that were deleted as well in this purge

they cannot say no to their bussiness partners if they want this site to still be here next month, if you want to blame anyone besides the politicans of the united states, blame the leadership of the bussiness partners that are tryng to ´´´please´´´ two fundamentaly opossite sides

tbf NMNY still sucks forever :V

Either way, though, if they had a deadline, a warning would've worked instead of waiting for the last moment and slapping a half-assed bot to do the dirty work, then put stuff back up with a sad excuse with inconsistent reasoning for damage control. I don't think lolishocub is a hill to die on at the end of the day much as I favorite it (and almost exclusively operate on IB), but I still consider it legitimate art, so some forewarning would've been good to, idk, let people know to back up their favorite pieces?

All I'm seeing out of this is a Regular E6 L.

kevin_snowpaw said:
just a heads up Canada is far more Puritanical when it comes to underaged looking content then the USA as they in some cases even ban Cub...also no constitutionally protected freedom of speech.

Canada has it's good things and it's bad things...moving there to AVOID a climate of censorship however, will leave you disappointed.

yeah, canada is the last place you'd want to go tbh, all of the commonwealth countries have similar attitudes towards loli/shota



genjar said:
Not that there's a way to confirm if something needs reinstatement, when the original source is gone and you don't remember which post was which.

I have no clue how many of my uploads got incorrectly deleted, and no way to check.

user:genjar delreason:*purge*. The image still exists on the server, it just can't be accessed by normal users. If there's no good source, an admin can still take a look and see if it should be restored.

sylveon-z said:
They didn't even try crowdfunding from the userbase (which considering furries are known for being suspiciously rich, has a high chance of working)

Consider how that would be "journalisted"

kevin_snowpaw said:
just a heads up Canada is far more Puritanical when it comes to underaged looking content then the USA as they in some cases even ban Cub...also no constitutionally protected freedom of speech.

Canada has it's good things and it's bad things...moving there to AVOID a climate of censorship however, will leave you disappointed.

It's fucked how the future of my life as a marginalized person is choosing between being considered a criminal for my gender and sexuality or some art I like. What a great world we've cultivated.

notmenotyou said:

We've got a doozy this time.
Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site. As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

Thank you for your understanding, as this was not an easy decision for us to make.

Never uses bots. They're terrible at their jobs. Look at google ai and the answer it gives.
But seriously, young is a tricky tag due to it being used for young adult characters having sex with older adult characters.


dr_doggensmirk said:
thats not how that works lmao

That's exactly how it works. When your bank decides they don't like you, you're done. It happens to both private individuals and corporations.

eranormus said:
its impressive how the overwhelming majority here seems to hate the mods and disregard all comments and actions they ever made, as if their only reason for existance is screwing over the furry comunity that they do not belong

all the mods were once commenters and posters like us, several of them have favorites that were deleted as well in this purge

they cannot say no to their bussiness partners if they want this site to still be here next month, if you want to blame anyone besides the politicans of the united states, blame the leadership of the bussiness partners that are tryng to ´´´please´´´ two fundamentaly opossite sides

If the decision was purely commercial (I'm almost certain it was), the admins should have been honest and speak up, instead of giving a lame excuse of "political environment".

The criticism is deserved due to the way this was handled. Done suddenly, without a chance to back up artwork or a discussion between users.

apocryphon said:
Consider how that would be "journalisted"


What puzzles me more is that the slippery slope argument gets used to say drawings that are objectively not CSAM are still criminal in nature because they incite, lead on or normalize CSAM, but the slippery slope regarding expanding censorship, and the arbitrary recategorization of content to be forbidden, taboo or offensive, is not only dismissed, but treated with contemptuous disdain.

apocryphon said:
Consider how that would be "journalisted"

1) its fucking art. its art of cartoon characters and anime girls. its not fucking "kiddie porn" and actual CSEM survivors are CONSTANTLY saying they arent the fucking same. stop farming for morality points
2) archive of our own, one of the most successful archives of ANY fandom media, has been doing exactly this for years. to resounding success.
3) your disgust =/= morality


Former Staff

watsit said:
user:genjar delreason:*purge*. The image still exists on the server, it just can't be accessed by normal users. If there's no good source, an admin can still take a look and see if it should be restored.

No, I mean, how am I supposed to know which ones to bother the staff with? I can't remember what those were. Certainly can't just randomly ask, "Hey, check my deletions to see if there's some that shouldn't have been deleted".

Also, nice to get hit for content we were told to salvage from the Tumblr deletion. What a waste of time that was, now it's gone anyway. The value of e621 as an archival site has gone down significantly with this.

pierce said:
Controversial Stuff

Pierce is my favorite furry.

A comment by Pierce: "Does that mean fictional murders are still murders? -- By god; Activision are arms dealers to mass serial killers then, as they provide people with Call of Duty!!!"


Keep being you, and keep being COOL!

Please, don't EVER become another one of these little JACK THOMPSON types!


apocryphon said:
Consider how that would be "journalisted"

They already accuse us of being animal-fornicators, we're well beyond the point of trying to appeal to the masses or "normies" as some people call them.

In fact, that's why a lot of people here are already fretting over cub and feral, because if FurAffinity is anything to go by, it's only a matter of when, not if, it gets purged to appease people who will never ever be satisfied until the whole site goes under.

oozeenthusiast said:
The lack of warning is actually the biggest reason for it imo. The only reason not to give heads up before the ban is if they didn't want people to be able to archive this stuff. That or just being sloppy.

Or, more likely, a business partner told them "You need to ban content that sexualizes human-looking minors immediately or we are going to withdraw financial support"
I don't think the admins have any personal ill will towards the content, or else they'd have banned it long, long ago.

Two words: Fuck. Off.
You have the gall to call yourselves an archive and then pull this kind of shit.
Well good luck then. I hope it was worth irreparably damaging your site and what little user trust you had left. Can't wait to see cub get purged, and then feral because it is never enough.

kyiiel said:
That's exactly how it works. When your bank decides they don't like you, you're done. It happens to both private individuals and corporations.

The only cases I can remember of this ever happening are with people on terrorist watch lists and card-carrying neo-nazis who don't understand what a vpn is, lmao.

dr_doggensmirk said:
1) its fucking art. its art of cartoon characters and anime girls. its not fucking "kiddie porn" and actual CSEM survivors are CONSTANTLY saying they arent the fucking same. stop farming for morality points
2) archive of our own, one of the most successful archives of ANY fandom media, has been doing exactly this for years. to resounding success.
3) your disgust =/= morality

I'm not.
On any of these.
I'm pointing out how the situation would be twisted into.
Namely the journalists.

I'm ambivalent on all of this tbh.

Well that's disappointing. This was one of the last places if not *the* last place where I could find niche content that sits between eastern lolicon and beast/kemo stuff, while also keeping AI shit out.
Now I can also know for a fact my stuff likely won't ever be uploaded here.
Wish you chose the position of integrity instead of the one of ease... or, you know, I'll pray you've got some kinda sadpanda-esque card up the sleeve.
Also, love the consistent hypocrisy across the internet to allow underage furry humanoid but not underage humanoid. I will never understand.




toradrow777 said:
There's the booru on All The Fallen. They specialize in this sort of content.

is it just me... or dose it feel like furry sites are trying to drive us over to ATF for some reason?

Huge W. I always hated how there was explicit child art on this site, even though I had it blocked.

so wait wait is this apply to just human characters? What about pokemon?

wolfstar124 said:
As far as anyone can tell the automod was incredibly sloppy with its parsing, a lot of the time it looked like it was deleting anything tagged with both "human" and "young" because it was catching art where the young one was anthro or a pokemon, but it left art that overtly has "loli" with human or straight up "young human", lilo from lilo and stitch only had some of the art deleted instead of all of it despite anything marked explicit with her was featuring her. Overall there was no structure to any of this and without warning there was no way to test to see what gets nuked and what stays. E6 really fucked the dog with this one.

Yeah I found lots of Youjomodoki posts deleted that you can clearly see in the source they weren't supposed to be deleted, like

post #4071117 post #4398332 post #4408063 post #4455947

and much more


dirtkat said:
Yeah I found lots of Youjomodoki posts deleted that you 2an clearly see in the source they weren't supposed to be deleted, like

Post#4071117 post#4398332 post#4408063 post#4455947

and much more

Yeah a lot of posts got caught in the crossfire...

sceptile'n'mew said:
Is this also going to affect anthros in general and/or petite human likes?

Anything without direct fur.
Elves, orcs and other "ambiguously human" stuff gets the bonk.

ive got to laugh at the people cheering this on. i have to or i'll go insane. the internet is well and truly fucked

dr_doggensmirk said:
ive got to laugh at the people cheering this on. i have to or i'll go insane. the internet is well and truly fucked


itsukarine said:
Wish you chose the position integrity instead of the one of ease... or, you know, pulled a sadpanda.

Eh. The banned content is only tangentially within this site's scope, so I don't think this is worth nuking the site over.
I do however wish there was actual transparency into why this decision happened, or at least a straightforward admission that the reason is confidential.

dyxid said:
They already accuse us of being animal-fornicators, we're well beyond the point of trying to appeal to the masses or "normies" as some people call them.

In fact, that's why a lot of people here are already fretting over cub and feral, because if FurAffinity is anything to go by, it's only a matter of when, not if, it gets purged to appease people who will never ever be satisfied until the whole site goes under.

Exact-a-mundo, bro-ski!

The Four Chan people and the Fruit Farm people are not just gunna STOP bullying furries because the fandom as a whole decided to go full on Burned Furs and PURGE everything that some Twitter or Tumblr person deems "problematic." Purge the whole fandom, go ahead... NOTHING WILL CHANGE...

The trolls are STILL going to hate us... the NORMIES are still going to hate us! Attacking people over drawings WILL NOT change that... telling other furries to "keys without the E" over cartoon drawings will not make Four Chan love you and be your friend.... LOL....
