Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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*Slides you and staff energy drinks* These kind of changes suck but sadly the greater good demands it. In time things will smooth out and wrongs corrected.

realdash said:
There's already rumors that allegedly they're planning to remove all explicit content from the site starting in 2025. I'm just gonna assume they're true and start looking for other sites similar to E621 that don't bend the knee to every Tom, Dick, and Harry that gets offended by even the slightest drop of blood.

That's ridiculous. No matter the morals, these are the same people who own Bad Dragon.

generalbunbun said:
*Slides you and staff energy drinks* These kind of changes suck but sadly the greater good demands it. In time things will smooth out and wrongs corrected.

Check your favorites. You had 4 hit by this purge on just the first page.

Ah, yes, "changes in the political and legal environment" that do not exist. Just call it what it is - morality policing.

snivyguy80 said:
I genuinely worry that this is only the beginning. If that happens This sites gonna suffer BIG TIME

Yeah unfortunately it'll play out like a slow motion train wreck, each 6 months/year a new category will be banned, the user base will gradually shrink and become more puritan as more and more kinky folks will leave, this will self reinforce and soon enough we'll have people saying "eww can you believe feral was once allowed on here? there's so much nasty shit on this site but at least we kicked those creeps off" and they'll just keep going until the sites just fully bans porn.


cumwizard said:
Respectfully, I don't think it's helping for you to keep bringing it up, especially teasing (intentionally or not) by mentioning that you can't elaborate.

That's fair actually. I'm gonna go to bed soon so I'll just shut up about that.

anicebee said:
That's ridiculous. No matter the morals, these are the same people who own Bad Dragon.

Bad dragon will pivot to only produce white male human shaped, christian approved dildos and rebrand as Good Human.

vegga said:
Always, ALWAYS, plays out that way, once it begins it only ever gets worse.

Honestly though if it gets to that point FA would just be better since at least in FA you can also post stories and stuff.

anicebee said:
That's ridiculous. No matter the morals, these are the same people who own Bad Dragon.

I wouldn't put it past them regardless. If they're willing to break their own rules time and time again just to please some strangers on the internet, they'll break more.

I like drawing porn, and I like showing off my porn, and this site has helped me be able to do that. But if they're gonna drop 90% of their content like that, then why even bother sticking around?

federpfote said:
How likely is it that normal cub art will be banned too?

Any and every site that ever goes down this path only ever censors more and more, its certain to happen, it's just a question of how soon.

federpfote said:
How likely is it that normal cub art will be banned too?

exceedingly likely if trends continue, it'll go the way of FA and SF

generalbunbun said:
*Slides you and staff energy drinks* These kind of changes suck but sadly the greater good demands it. In time things will smooth out and wrongs corrected.

Spare me your moralistic "greater good" crap. It is censorship, and once it starts it will never stop.

federpfote said:
How likely is it that normal cub art will be banned too?

it's still an active liability, might not happen now, but it certainly could tomorrow, if you asked me yesterday if i thought this was going to happen i would have answered you "No"

I hate this, tumblr, twitter and derpibooru, now e621, soon there will be nothing on the internet

federpfote said:
How likely is it that normal cub art will be banned too?

Think about what beliefs would lead to this policy, and what other conclusions those beliefs lead to. They only reason they haven't already is because they're not prepared for the backlash, or they like cub and demonizing human loli/shota makes them feel better about it. So not 100% chance, but pretty close to 100%.

werevertumorro said:
I hate this, tumblr, twitter and derpibooru, now e621, soon there will be nothing on the internet

The ultimate finality of all websites is to end up like facebook, sanitized to the death, filled with AI generated images of jesus christ, and bots responding "Amen"

generalbunbun said:
*Slides you and staff energy drinks* These kind of changes suck but sadly the greater good demands it. In time things will smooth out and wrongs corrected.

How's the bottom of that boot taste, boot licker?

When they finally get around to banning what YOU like, will you still keep licking that boot???


I'd suggest people start making backups of cub, young anthro, and feral, they'll definitely be next on the chopping block, and as has already been demonstrated there will be NO warning, if you like anything other then vanilla or hell even anything nsfw at all start saving before it's to late.

shackram said:
Bad dragon will pivot to only produce white male human shaped, christian approved dildos and rebrand as Good Human.

This post is really funny considering they used to have a dildo called the Adolescent. Seriously.

raythefur said:
The ultimate finality of all websites is to end up like facebook, sanitized to the death, filled with AI generated images of jesus christ, and bots responding "Amen"

Seen it enough times, that isn't speculation, that's just the cold hard FACT

posssauce said:
This post is really funny considering they used to have a dildo called the Adolescent. Seriously.

Whoaaah they used to be so based 😋

vegga said:
"eww can you believe fetal was once allowed on here?"

Thanks for giving me another tag to add to my blacklist lol xD

I mean, yeah it makes sense that if this has happened that it won't be long until the "cub" tag goes under the chopping block with no warning.

veruke_assault said:
We could always bring back Wild Critters...

Or go post a frick-load of Sonic & Tails pr0nz to F-Chan,
since currently it's a Ghost Town and nobody is modding it....

Heya, i run and operate wildcritters! Unfortunately we try not to host anything thats too anthro or human, we're trying to go back to the old days of WC where its all cute and kemono focused.

Thanks for considering us though! The site is still up and running just very slow on updates.


snivyguy80 said:
Thanks for giving me another tag to add to my blacklist lol xD

Lmao 😭 that was a typo, meant feral, but you can bet they'll ban fetal too!!

earlopain said:
I'd love to share my thoughts here but (some) current staff probably wouldn't like that.

you know stuff is bad when even former staff are afraid of speaking their mind

Wow a brush the size of UY Scuti was used to paint these deletes fucking hell, like did you just select a couple of tags and delete everything associated with them? We all know that e6 taggers suck ass at being accurate.

Fuckin RIP I guess.

blobbles said:
you know stuff is bad when even former staff are afraid of speaking their mind

Not sure why. The worst they can do is ban you, and that's not much of a punishment now.

blobbles said:
you know stuff is bad when even former staff are afraid of speaking their mind

Wow, speaks volumes

battle_fennec said:
Heya, i run and operate wildcritters! Unfortunately we try not to host anything thats too anthro or human, we're trying to go back to the old days of WC where its all cute and kemono focused.

Thanks for considering us though! The site is still up and running just very slow on updates.

And of course, there's always Ink Bunny, but HOW LONG until they also adopt similar policies???

The "Doom Clock" is always ticking... it's like Spotify, one day your favorite album is there, next day it's gone....


I doubt they would, considering that it's the whole point of their website, but it would be HILARIOUS (if definitely sad) if they try to pull that shit

edgelord said:
I mean, yeah it makes sense that if this has happened that it won't be long until the "cub" tag goes under the chopping block with no warning.

I'm going to try and save my favs that's for fore sure

shackram said:
Bad Dragon will pivot to only produce white male HUMAN-shaped, Christian-approved dildos and rebrand themselves as Good Human™

I lol'd harder than I've ever lol'd before.
Someone make this a real parody website, plz.

Like the classic late 90s early 2000s era
Poe's Law Parody Church website, Landover Baptist.



Please someone, please someone, PLEASE make "Good Human™" a real website....


earlopain said:
I'd love to share my thoughts here but (some) current staff probably wouldn't like that.

At this point, what is there to lose? I'd say some of them have needed a good dressing down for years now.

Since it's been brought up, mirror sites aren't a perfect solution because not everything posted on here gets mirrored.

What I don't know is why some posts do and others don't get mirrored.

drakewilde1234 said:

I doubt they would, considering that it's the whole point of their website, but it would be HILARIOUS (if definitely sad) if they try to pull that shit

I fucked up the reply lol! Sorry at work replying to this.

azazelj said:
Wow a brush the size of UY Scuti was used to paint these deletes fucking hell, like did you just select a couple of tags and delete everything associated with them? We all know that e6 taggers suck ass at being accurate.

Fuckin RIP I guess.

Literally yes, but even that wasn't done properly because stuff like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch are still up, as far as anyone can tell "young_human" when paired with "rating:questionable/explicit" was nuked as well as anything tagged with "young" "human" and rated as Q or E, but that was botched too since things like "younger_anthro" got deleted in huge swathes when it was adult human on cub anthro or even things like human on young feral. Overall it was severely botched and the fact there was 0 warning is a pisspoor decision that I hope bites them on the ass.

earlopain said:
I'd love to share my thoughts here but (some) current staff probably wouldn't like that.

Screw it, share them anyway. Let them know their mistakes.

vegga said:
Lmao 😭 that was a typo, meant feral, but you can bet they'll ban fetal too!!

Only 4 posts with such a tag. I swear if anyone willingly looks those up they got massive guts. More than I ever would. xD

Start at the most morally low and then attack the next most morally low until the only art left is adult humans with cat ear headbands
Absolute Cinema

Can someone dm me the mirror site? I'm trying to find some lost posts 😭

battle_fennec said:

Heya, I run and operate Wildcritters! Unfortunately we try not to host anything that's too anthro
or too human! We're trying to get back to the old days of WC where it's all cute and kemono focused.

Thanks for considering us though! The site is still up and running -- just very slow on updates.


Yah rilly, fur-sure .... your last update on the WC forums was from THREE MONTHS ago.... u.u

Also, I hope you are in good health, kidney stones are no joke.


3 months ago... wait a minute THOSE ARE ~MY~ POSTS!!!!

Your last update on the WC forums is actually from FIVE years ago....


snivyguy80 said:
Only 4 posts with such a tag. I swear if anyone willingly looks those up they got massive guts. More than I ever would, thats for sure. xD

Lmao 😭 while now I have to go see, curiosity killed the cat and I'm the cat apparently

wolfstar124 said:
Literally yes, but even that wasn't done properly because stuff like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch are still up, as far as anyone can tell "young_human" when paired with "rating:questionable/explicit" was nuked as well as anything tagged with "young" "human" and rated as Q or E, but that was botched too since things like "younger_anthro" got deleted in huge swathes when it was adult human on cub anthro or even things like human on young feral. Overall it was severely botched and the fact there was 0 warning is a pisspoor decision that I hope bites them on the ass.

Oh great so they couldn't even be bothered to not fuck up their censorship 🙄

battle_fennec said:
Heya, i run and operate wildcritters! Unfortunately we try not to host anything thats too anthro or human, we're trying to go back to the old days of WC where its all cute and kemono focused.

Thanks for considering us though! The site is still up and running just very slow on updates.

I wish you guys become a good alternative in the future

Twitter is already celebrating the move btw, I'm sure the staff can take satisfaction that they're pleasing these people:

"everytime a website bans CSEM, you can tell who's normal and who's a fucking freak. e621 banning your precious "child abuse content that's moral because it's jUsT pIxElS" shit isn't censorship, it's a logical move a site would make if it doesn't want to be used by pedos."

vegga said:
Lmao 😭 while now I have to go see, curiosity killed the cat and I'm the cat apparently

Taking one for the team. I applaud you xD

vegga said:
Twitter is already celebrating the move btw, I'm sure the staff can take satisfaction that they're pleasing these people:

"everytime a website bans CSEM, you can tell who's normal and who's a fucking freak. e621 banning your precious "child abuse content that's moral because it's jUsT pIxElS" shit isn't censorship, it's a logical move a site would make if it doesn't want to be used by pedos."

God, I saw that coalpost. I rolled my eyes hard enough to power a small town.

veruke_assault said:
We have an epidemic of something called "Oneirataxia."

"The inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality."


That and the Tumblr and Twitter users are forcing all of THEIR personal moral views onto OUR furry fandom....



The middle 2000s era of the Furry Fandom was PEAK... Nobody gave a purple rat's ass if you drew Buster Bunny pr0nz...
Or Tails x Sonic Yiff.... NOBODY CARED... People back then ALSO didn't tell each other to "kys" over friggin' FURRY ART....

Also FYI, hi, socialist, no. The people badgering websites like e6 and etc about this are the conservative types who want to police every aspect of our lives.

The opinions of twitter users does not matter in the real world because they are twitter users, they annoy me just as much, but don't delusionally blame a party who has literally no power at all in this situation.

Yeah thanks for a proper warning in advance, many of my favorites are gone and i wish i had the time to save them somehow.
I get that you had to do this but come on... thanks for nothing, this site is officially sucks now

vegga said:
Twitter is already celebrating the move btw, I'm sure the staff can take satisfaction that they're pleasing these people:

"everytime a website bans CSEM, you can tell who's normal and who's a fucking freak. e621 banning your precious "child abuse content that's moral because it's jUsT pIxElS" shit isn't censorship, it's a logical move a site would make if it doesn't want to be used by pedos."

At this point I'd be more shocked if Twitter DIDN'T have this kind of reaction

snivyguy80 said:
Taking one for the team. I applaud you xD

It was actually really vanilla, just pregnant anthro, no actual fetuses

veruke_assault said:
Twitter can kiss my ANCIENT "got into the fandom in the middle 2000s through the MTV Sex 2K documentary" GREY MUZZLE ass....


You want absolute purity? Go join a CHURCH....


Y'know the funny thing is antis ate almost never Christian nowadays, hell they could probably use some Jesus in they're lives and learn to love people.

vegga said:
It was actually really vanilla, just pregnant anthro, no actual fetuses

I gotcha


I also just wanna say, because there are a lot of people that say people who enjoy that kind of art are pedos, that I enjoy lots of different types of art. I even really enjoy bestiality art. However, I do not like or support real life bestiality art, just as I am not at all attracted to real world minors. That's gross and imo immoral. Like, I really enjoy nsfw art involving feral felines, but I would never ever want to have sex with my irl cat. I'm just saying that liking a cartoonish interpretation of something does not equate to liking the irl thing. I'm not saying that as if to claim that all the current admins or mods necessarily feel that way. But I'm just saying.

azazelj said:
Also FYI, hi, socialist, no.

Huh??? What??? Who did I call a socialist? Or are you calling ~me~ one???

I don't care which particular square someone lands on in the big Political Checker Board...



"""but don't delusionally blame a party"""

Skyooze me, but wtf??? Where in my original comment did I even say anything about Demmies or Repubbies?

I was talking about TWITTER & TUMBLR... do those things count as Political Parties or Religions all the sudden???


Do you really think that ~I~ am some kind of Boot Licking Bible Waving Trump Lover???? Hahaha!!!! No....

Fxxk Project 2025.... Fxxk the Ultra Wholesome Purity Cultists.....



battle_fennec said:
Heya, i run ... slow on updates.

I most preferred it back when Spike was running it to be honest. That was like 2010s or something? Not shitting on you or anything btw but I just enjoyed it when he was around and it was active. Really good stuff from there and pretty diverse.

veruke_assault said:
Huh??? What??? Who did I call a socialist? Or are you calling ~me~ one???

I don't care which particular square someone lands on in the big Political Checker Board...



Whoops sorry i was being confusing. No I was saying *I* am a socialist :p

Don't blame leftists for this one, we want freedom and liberty, unfortunately Twitter users make us look unfathomably bad because the only thing twitter users are good for is bitching until the end of time about whatever they can get their hands on.

azazelj said:
Whoops sorry i was being confusing. No I was saying *I* am a socialist :p

Don't blame leftists for this one, we want freedom and liberty, unfortunately Twitter users make us look unfathomably bad because the only thing twitter users are good for is bitching until the end of time about whatever they can get their hands on.

I'm just saying all this because i'm seeing some weird takes in this thread where people are trying to do this "WOKE STOLE MY PORN" act (not saying you are!!!) and it's like- no bro

The conservatives have been unironically banning whole-ass REGULAR PORN in multiple states of the US, trust me, the communists and socialists and blue hairs and etc etc are NOT stealing your porn :3

wolfstar124 said:
Literally yes, but even that wasn't done properly because stuff like Lilo from Lilo and Stitch are still up, as far as anyone can tell "young_human" when paired with "rating:questionable/explicit" was nuked as well as anything tagged with "young" "human" and rated as Q or E, but that was botched too since things like "younger_anthro" got deleted in huge swathes when it was adult human on cub anthro or even things like human on young feral. Overall it was severely botched and the fact there was 0 warning is a pisspoor decision that I hope bites them on the ass.

Speaking of Q rated young humanoid:
They deleted a post of mine that had Q rating because of blood… There wasn’t anything sexually explicit or even suggestive, no gore either, just blood 😭

Dark times are coming indeed. Since the cub tag shenanigans I knew this shit is coming. It was obvious. This is the beginning of e621 inevitable demise. I don't think there is much hope of salvaging it. Best idea would be to abandon ship. Been nice knowing you, folks. With a notable exception of NotMeNotYou.

maruchan said:
All this is gonna do is just move everyone underground and into Black markets more. They're not solving any problems they are just pushing it away from the public eye.

sounds like they are making the problem worse ngl

Mods that would ban this content are also type that would happily ban people for criticizing them over it, so I fully expect my account to be deleted by tomorrow, cya guys, this site was fun while it lasted.

zombieastronaut said:
Dark times are coming indeed. Since the cub tag shenanigans I knew this shit is coming. It was obvious. This is the beginning of e621 inevitable demise. I don't think there is much hope of salvaging it. Best idea would be to abandon ship. Been nice knowing you, folks. With a notable exception of NotMeNotYou.

Cya comrade 🥲 ATF ain't half bad, consider checking it out