Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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billygoatunicorn said:
Where did you hear this? Because what I read clearly in a follow up reply is that “their business partners don’t like the heat this site produces” none of this stuff is illegal, so the state wouldn’t do that. You’re not reading the information properly my friend, but it’s acceptable because of how misleading their original explanation was.

notmenotyou said:
Guess what put pressure on some of our partners?

That's right, governments.

Guess who would like to continue doing business in places where those governments are?

That's right, our business partners.

This is where I heard this

thirtyeight said:
Obstacle? The thing that made the furry fandom so beautiful in the late 90s-early 2000s was that everyone was welcome. We were a community of freaks and weirdos. Now everything is getting increasingly sanitized so credit card companies can make money off us.

There's a big difference between "The suits are making us family friendly" and "oh fuck the feds are gonna come for us because we host drawings of child rape"

cumwizard said:
You know what? I should open a betting pool. What gets banned next?

>some combination at once


I really think next is cub and maybe next noncon

thirtyeight said:
Obstacle? The thing that made the furry fandom so beautiful in the late 90s-early 2000s was that everyone was welcome. We were a community of freaks and weirdos. Now everything is getting increasingly sanitized so credit card companies can make money off us.

Burnt furs played the long game

l-pop said:
common anti-ped W

You are literally just as freaky and disgusting as the worst lolisho fan you know to literally anyone with a modicum of power. Have fun with that.

Hmm... In a vacuum I don't mind this change because I don't come here for humanoid content (this is the same content standard inkbunny uses), but it is definitely a concerning development.
I'm not a lawyer, but you'd have a hard time convincing me that humanoid cub is in a legal grey area but furry cub is not.
Only the tenuous distinction of being "not human" shields furry cub content under these interpretations.

notmenotyou said:
the same can't be said to a bunch of our business partners who did not appreciate the heat we attract.
And since we can't function in a vacuum we have had to adjust.

Ah okay, this really isn't about legal interpretations then, it's about "heat" and the perception of unnamed business partners.
If that's true, then the momentum isn't going to stop here, it'll keep accelerating for as long as the political environment remains hostile to pornography.
Furry cub content will be banned next someday, then feral content most likely.

I don't envy the position the admins are in, dealing with this, but I think we can all see where this is heading if such decisions are being made in the absence of any genuinely new legal impediment.

wonder if this was how people reacted when inkbunny said it would not allow human child characters porn

some_rando_cat said:
1. The young characters aren't real people.
2. You say that, but at some point with things like this, it's us vs them until you're the them and crying out at how unfair it is while there's like, 5 people left
3. It's not an anti-ped W, because it's not actually doing anything about real peds

Exactly. Like if peds hung out here en masse, then good. It’s an 18+ site where you’re not allowed to post CSEM, or anything promoting justifying or normalizing it, and if they do, they’re banned. Do you want them on sites that allow that instead? I frequent many other sites that allow kodo/cub and their handle on the peds is nowhere near as good as here.

arquila8000 said:
Btw a page of a comic i recently uploaded got taken out simply because it most probably had young and human tagged in it even though it was clearly a young FERAL dinosaur having sex with an adult human and now it's incomplete because of it like wtf is this rule bro..

post #4901922

Yeah, some of the faves I have, like works from youjomodoki got hit from their bot because it has the same tags even through the human was a fully grown man fucking a pichu.

seriously starting to lose it

lines on paper, pixels on a screen, nothing real, yet people treat it as it were, and ultra hypocritcally enough, only about select content
drug? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
violence? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
gore? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
torture? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
rape? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
young looking character? reeeee!! get it banned! reeee! think of the children! reeeee! protect the children! reeeee!

yea, i'm greatly exaggerating the trait here, but that's the idea how hypocritically selective people are

It's one thing that they just introduced this change on the spot without a warning or a week's notice, nor was any firm reason as to why given until pressed (the reason being to appeal to advertisers is incidently another bad thing which others have already gone other) but it's also terrible that images which don't violate the rules are being deleted due to this. A handful of images I've posted have featured 0 humans, such as a few ones from Arthur or 0 young humans, but because they were tagged with Young, it was instantly flagged as "young human detected, delete asap, ask questions later."

The way that this has been handled has been nothing more than a farce. e621, under the assumption that you want people to keep submitting art to this website, please show some respect to your own users by being direct and not instantly going with the shoot first, ask later mindset.

eranormus said:
wonder if this was how people reacted when inkbunny said it would not allow human child characters porn

It was, and in response people still uploaded stuff tagged with it with obtuse censors over everything and linked to outside sources. I don't know if people still do that, but inkbunny was never an archival project it was an aggregator in a sense so it didn't really matter as much. At this point e621 is one of the few sites left with archival goals even if it isn't actually doing anything in that favor.

styxghost said:
seriously starting to lose it

lines on paper, pixels on a screen, nothing real, yet people treat it as it were, and ultra hypocritcally enough, only about select content
drug? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
violence? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
gore? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
torture? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
rape? a-okay, nothing to see here, is but fiction
young looking character? reeeee!! get it banned! reeee! think of the children! reeeee! protect the children! reeeee!

yea, i'm greatly exaggerating the trait here, but that's the idea how hypocritically selective people are

I'd say barely exaggerating tbh. I've seen at least a couple people say they've been hit w/ death threats because of young stuff

so much could be solved if we just got rid of that stupid tag-what-you-see rule that only ever starts discourse and creates more problems for everyone

ae1562 said:
There's a big difference between "The suits are making us family friendly" and "oh fuck the feds are gonna come for us because we host drawings of child rape"

Indeed there is a big difference between the two. However not one thing in the second scenario is true about this site and it’s situation.

piano0000000 said:
so much could be solved if we just got rid of that stupid tag-what-you-see rule that only ever starts discourse and creates more problems for everyone

That's kind of a damned if you do damned if you don't kinda situation tbh.

cumwizard said:
You know what? I should open a betting pool. What gets banned next?

>some combination at once


cub > noncon > feral
because people love their feral

some_rando_cat said:
I'd say barely exaggerating tbh. I've seen at least a couple people say they've been hit w/ death threats because of young stuff

can confirm, i've been sent death threats, called a pedo, been repeatedly stalked and harassed just for drawing underage art. i've gotten banned from my main site for income from it, and i'm a struggling disabled artist as it is. it just goes to show they don't *really* care about people's livelihoods so long as they get their fix of moral "righteousness."

This have anything to do with the possibility of a certain Project 2025 going into action which part of it mentions criminalizing all Pornography?

l-pop said:
remember me when you end up in prison <3

What would they end up in prison for? Thought crimes? Are we living in the world of Psycho Pass? Are we living in a world where thought crimes are real crimes?

some_rando_cat said:
What would they end up in prison for? Thought crimes? Are we living in the world of Psycho Pass? Are we living in a world where thought crimes are real crimes?

apparently lmao

So let's get this straight.

You cannot point to a specific law that has changed, if anything people here have been pointing out that everything is still the same.
You cannot point to specific advertisers nor can anyone point to any specific change in behavior, you have just been dodging the question.
All of this was done suddenly, with no warning and you seem to not feel too badly about this sudden change that has already proven to have crossfired a lot innocent art.
This is done around the time when a lot of other sites are also getting rid of this content, several times confirmed over political mentality/tastes of the mods/admins of their sites.

To me it seems pretty obvious that you wanted to do this for a long time for one reason or another and this has proven to be the most obvious moment to strike where the least amount of people would complain.

Would have been nice if you guys were at least honest about this but sadly in this current age, that seems to be impossible.

Anyway, anyone has any alternative where one could consume this content?

ae1562 said:
There's a big difference between "The suits are making us family friendly" and "oh fuck the feds are gonna come for us because we host drawings of child rape"

Even if they're gross or depraved drawings they aren't real and will never be real. Nothing is being harmed here. Art of having caring, consensual lovemaking with your anthro girl/boy of choice will never happen even if we call it the "good" version. censorship is a total weenie move

So what are the site's that don't have tagging issues and allows what *e621 just banned*?

notasexualdodo said:
What sucks is that barely anything that overlapped with the human/humanoid porn with furry that got nuked got mirrored elsewhere on places like ATF, so now there's just a fuckton of things missing. If cub ever gets nuked off of this site, that one can barely be considered an alternative given the piss poor job it does at mirroring cub stuff from here.

It's not a perfect solution, but everything ever posted to e621 generally ends up mirrored to Permanent Booru, which is hosted at an onion service using IPFS for storage.
So if there's anything missing that you want to find, you can head over there and probably find it.

tsumami said:
Slippery Slope's not a fallacy. That thing you like that's also weird? It's getting purged next.

The problem with a slippery slope is by the time you're halfway down, and you see all the bodies down there on the rocks, you're still thinking "But I'll make it because I'm on more solid ground, I picked better footwear, I'm being careful like they weren't."
And you're already halfway down anyway.
It's harder to climb up then down, so you just gotta keep going.
Right until that one rock you were so sure of slips out of the mud, under the foot you just put all your weight on.

And I'm not talking about this site, I'm talking about the whole world.
A lot of people here are only just noticing now because that thing they liked is now gone.

danico210 said:
This is where I heard this

First, I’d like to see proof of this, but even if it were true, it wouldn’t change the situation. Whether it’s the companies idea or not, going along with their requests to sanitize the culture of the community is a huge breach in trust, and entirely e6s decision to agree with it for nothing more than money.

pandaurs said:
So let's get this straight.

You cannot point to a specific law that has changed, if anything people here have been pointing out that everything is still the same.
You cannot point to specific advertisers nor can anyone point to any specific change in behavior, you have just been dodging the question.
All of this was done suddenly, with no warning and you seem to not feel too badly about this sudden change that has already proven to have crossfired a lot innocent art.
This is done around the time when a lot of other sites are also getting rid of this content, several times confirmed over political mentality/tastes of the mods/admins of their sites.

To me it seems pretty obvious that you wanted to do this for a long time for one reason or another and this has proven to be the most obvious moment to strike where the least amount of people would complain.

Would have been nice if you guys were at least honest about this but sadly in this current age, that seems to be impossible.

Anyway, anyone has any alternative where one could consume this content?

Allthefallen I think

noveltwin said:
This have anything to do with the possibility of a certain Project 2025 going into action which part of it mentions criminalizing all Pornography?


l-pop said:
remember me when you end up in prison <3

Love when people start using the unrivaled power of the state's monopoly on violence and panopticons to threaten weirdos they dislike. Really makes queer people feel safe when you do that.

fuyu_graycen said:

AAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I laughed so hard at that one!!!!

There are tears in my eyes from still being half asleep and also laughing...

Oh man, and remember when Lulz Dot Net had their big April Fool's Joke?

Too bad it's July and not April, right guiz????

Pffff, Hahahahaha.... I know this Purity Spiral crap sucks, but I still gotta find some HUMOR in it!


As of today, April 1st, 12:00 GMT, we will no longer allow any sexually explicit or suggestive material to be posted on these boards. This was an unanimous decision made by all of us, the Lulz Dot Net moderators.

Too bad it's not April 1st, right???? Then we could just write this whole thing off as a bad joke!



billygoatunicorn said:
First, I’d like to see proof of this, but even if it were true, it wouldn’t change the situation. Whether it’s the companies idea or not, going along with their requests to sanitize the culture of the community is a huge breach in trust, and entirely e6s decision to agree with it for nothing more than money.

money that they need to keep this site in existance

I wouldn't be surprised if they just made a bot that searched for posts with "humanoid" and "young" tags and deleted them immediately.

complying in advance with fascism that's slated for next year is not something you are in any way required to do, you cowards

I wouldn't be surprised if they just made a bot that searched for posts with "humanoid" and "young" tags and deleted them immediately.:

kodaskii said:
Love when people start using the unrivaled power of the state's monopoly on violence and panopticons to threaten weirdos they dislike. Really makes queer people feel safe when you do that.

not only am i queer, i'm disabled and a person of color so lmao.

croythehorse said:
Allthefallen I think

Yeah just be careful in the forums there. ATF doesn’t have its peds locked down as hard as here so, you might see some quite unsavory discussions, but they’re working on it from what I’m aware.

billygoatunicorn said:
Yeah just be careful in the forums there. ATF doesn’t have its peds locked down as hard as here so, you might see some quite unsavory discussions, but they’re working on it from what I’m aware.

Yeah I'll keep that in mind :)

wastepaw said:

poignant how you can vaguely back up your statement on receiving threats with a quote from the same thread. "you're going to prison" isn't exactly a threat to your life, but it's still a firm wish against your well-being. some ppl are just so malevolent.

pandaurs said:
To me it seems pretty obvious that you wanted to do this for a long time for one reason or another and this has proven to be the most obvious moment to strike where the least amount of people would complain.

like many websites before, and like many websites soon to follow, this is, after all, just another friday

the mods have admitted that there are several false positives and that they will try to reverse those false positives, it would probably be done more quickly if they did not also have to deal with an 800 posts big trashfire

ayylmao0906 said:
poignant how you can vaguely back up your statement on receiving threats with a quote from the same thread. "you're going to prison" isn't exactly a threat to your life, but it's still a firm wish against your well-being. some ppl are just so malevolent.

i know right! the irony of seeing that right after i posted my comment had me a bit tickled.

ayylmao0906 said:
poignant how you can vaguely back up your statement on receiving threats with a quote from the same thread. "you're going to prison" isn't exactly a threat to your life, but it's still a firm wish against your well-being. some ppl are just so malevolent.

I know i'm a malevolent person w/ a lack of uhh, that one word I forgot atm, but I have a moral compass. Lotta stuff I'd love to be done that I ain't gonna post here cuz it's prob quite unsavory tbh

wolfstar124 said:
Tagged with "oppai_loli" and that character falls directly in line with "basically a human with a tail and horns"

dude, it looks like an adult, c'mon now

eranormus said:
wonder if this was how people reacted when inkbunny said it would not allow human child characters porn

It probably was, but the big difference is that inkbunny relies on cub artists and consumers to remain a viable business, so it was always unlikely that they would end up banning more art later on (although they did eventually crack down on non-art speech similar to how e6 recently did).

e6 does not need cub or feral or anything more than very vanilla furry content to remain a viable platform, so it's pretty easy for people to get way more concerned.

felicity_longis said:
I really, really, really wanna give you guys the benefit of the doubt on this, and I understand the mindset of needing to say something, anything to quell the rumor mill. But you guys gotta realize that with maybe one exception, none of the responses we've thus far gotten from the admin staff have made this situation any better. Every time you guys try to address concerns, this weird vagueness just raises several more. It's one thing to be under pressure for time when the trigger was pulled on this, and deciding to sort it out later. But honestly I feel like, at this point, it may be better for you guys to really collect yourselves and both figure out what you can/can't tell us, then let the community know what those things are without this ambiguity. Because so far it feels like every single response we've seen needs a "*wink wink*" at the end.

This is absolutely true.

wastepaw said:
i know right! the irony of seeing that right after i posted my comment had me a bit tickled.

i suggest reporting that person for flamming and trolling, i did it

eranormus said:
the mods have admitted that there are several false positives and that they will try to reverse those false positives, it would probably be done more quickly if they did not also have to deal with an 800 posts big trashfire

I've been looking around who to ask about restoring the 27 pages of faves I have of mainly pregnant anthros that got caught in the crossfire. I got told to basically bin my complaint.

acidph said:
It probably was, but the big difference is that inkbunny relies on cub artists and consumers to remain a viable business, so it was always unlikely that they would end up banning more art later on (although they did eventually crack down on non-art speech similar to how e6 recently did).

e6 does not need cub or feral or anything more than very vanilla furry content to remain a viable platform, so it's pretty easy for people to get way more concerned.

fair enough about that reason for fear

quenir said:
This is absolutely true.

It feels like Jamiroquai's song Virtual Insanity is just getting more and more relevant as time goes on

eranormus said:
the mods have admitted that there are several false positives and that they will try to reverse those false positives, it would probably be done more quickly if they did not also have to deal with an 800 posts big trashfire

Maybe they wouldn't have to deal with an 800-post "trashfire" if they didn't make a shitty poorly-implemented hasty retroactive sitewide change with zero prior notice. :^)

"Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You)" by A Flock of Seagulls just came on in my background music playlist and that feels sadly appropriate right now

wastepaw said:
not only am i queer, i'm disabled and a person of color so lmao.

All it takes is one marginalized person saying "hey this sucks, you should rethink why you said this" for them to get angry, jump the shark and decide that the republicans *were* right about us f*gs.

kodaskii said:
All it takes is one marginalized person saying "hey this sucks, you should rethink why you said this" for them to get angry, jump the shark and decide that the republicans *were* right about us f*gs.

too fucking real. legit this feels like some of the most anti-queer and anti-freedom of expression shit ive seen on a FURRY website.

genuine question then, because honestly seeing how corrupt the supreme court has been recently (and how unchecked their power basically):
if they decided lgbt was illegal are you just gonna purge all that too? I don't think this is exactly a paranoid worry and I'd not exactly feel comfortable knowing there would be no pushback or refusal to comply.

warioanon said:
Art of having caring, consensual lovemaking with your anthro girl/boy of choice

Even that's too much for many people lmao

i once again question the idea of the mass deletion of human artwork from an furry website being so absolutaly controversial

the idea of that estabelishing an dangerous prescedence and possibly being the beginign of an slipery slope is more understandable

snackle said:
genuine question then, because honestly seeing how corrupt the supreme court has been recently (and how unchecked their power basically):
if they decided lgbt was illegal are you just gonna purge all that too? I don't think this is exactly a paranoid worry and I'd not exactly feel comfortable knowing there would be no pushback or refusal to comply.

I'd imagine they'd try to push back a little, but by then, who else will be around to support them?

snackle said:
genuine question then, because honestly seeing how corrupt the supreme court has been recently (and how unchecked their power basically):
if they decided lgbt was illegal are you just gonna purge all that too? I don't think this is exactly a paranoid worry and I'd not exactly feel comfortable knowing there would be no pushback or refusal to comply.

doubt it cuz that would make them look bad, and as we know, banning loli/shota makes them look good instead

Every furry website will eventually become a copy-cat clone of FA with all the same rules as FA and all the same grouchy in-fighting over drawings as FA....

It is inevitable, like being assimilated by the Borg....

Next up will likely be a site-wide ban of all Short Pokemon Characters....

After that will likely be a site-wide banning of all Short Sonic-verse Characters....

well im gonna go see if any artist here have acounts on pixiv or baraag. because clearly i wont get the art i want here anymore. can't wait until the supreme court says something about any other nonvanilla tag and that gets the boot too.