Banned cause its been 7 hours since you have been banned.
Updated by anonymous
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Banned cause its been 7 hours since you have been banned.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because apparently it's too much to ask that my teammates not be complete pussies. :/
Updated by anonymous
Banned because People = Shit :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm not sure if that sound is thunder or wind and I don't care enough to check.
Updated by anonymous
banned because, be more specific.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it was raining and there was a loud noise outside that might've been thunder or it might've just been wind.
Updated by anonymous
was the wind.
Or was satan?
Updated by anonymous
jose martinez, you banned because you have 20 years old, not 21,
Updated by anonymous
Banned because if you ever want to live in this country you must learn to speak english properly...
Updated by anonymous
your bannd bicoz u no speek ok
Updated by anonymous
Banned for whatever that was.
Updated by anonymous
banned for finsih cleaning that nose bleeding of yours
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not noticing that now that her nose isn't bleeding, her eyes are bleeding.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for talking about me behind my back.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not being the jingling king of the bling-bling.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause :(
Updated by anonymous
Banned for titty titty bang bang.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because wut
Updated by anonymous
Banned because excuse me
Updated by anonymous
Banned because MagnetMan is a dick. A huge, red, magnetic DICK.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for playing Mega Man 3.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm playing Mega Man Battle Network 2, thank you very much.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not playing the superior 3.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Barious screams like a little girl.
Updated by anonymous
Because banned i play call of duty in my playstation 3.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for playing Call of Duty. :/
Updated by anonymous
Banned for scolding me for playing call of duty.
Updated by anonymous
Still banned for playing CoD.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for scolding me again for playing Call of Duty.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for entering into a loop. BREAK KEY BREAK KEY
Updated by anonymous
Banned for combo breaking.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for wut :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned for putting dispenser in wrong spot.
Updated by anonymous
banned for wanting dispenser in a tactical spot
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you're up on the moon lookin' for treasure; YOU'VE GONE INSANE!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Making brentalfloss reference.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for NOT making brentalfloss reference, ya old, nasty son of a taint.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for ...
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because the first stage of Contra is a jungle and every time you spawn in Contra(even at the beginning of stages), you fall from the top of the screen, erego: "I fell into a jungle"
Updated by anonymous
banened because I have no idea what you people are talking about :I
Updated by anonymous
Banned because... this.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for ponies.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for small ponies.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for small boobages.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for medium boobages.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for distracting boobages.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for flat-chested
Expires 5 secs ago
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Jossa elo on tequilaa! (Finnish)
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not drinking the manliest drink on Earth.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Bear semen WTF
Updated by anonymous
Banned for bare seamen.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for sea-bearmen.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for See! Bear, man!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for bear-seamen.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for man see bear.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for bear see man.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for see bear man.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for reusing my joke!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for scolding me for reusing your joke!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for combo breaking.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for !
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm at school
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not giving a ban. Instead of getting out of school, you get an all expenses paid trip straight to the Void! Have fun going through a wormhole while you're at it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for hiding your last comment! It makes me look like I'm banning xLuna you framer!!!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for ban yourself
Updated by anonymous
josemartinez said:
Banned for ban yourself
*face desks* Banned cause you can't hide this now!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because *face desks* that you mean.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm now at home ~yay
Updated by anonymous
Banned because 1 2 3 4...
Updated by anonymous