...4 3 2 1 esuaceb dennaB
Updated by anonymous
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...4 3 2 1 esuaceb dennaB
Updated by anonymous
Banned because bacon can't make everything better...for example...
-Key lime Pie
-World hunger
-tapioca pudding
-chicken skins...
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause Chicken Skin and bacon would be fine.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I have nausea after eating too much and your banreason made me remember that.
Moses said:
Banned cause Chicken Skin and bacon would be fine.
Though that doesn't sound half bad.
Updated by anonymous
banned for eating too much random things
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Catherine's moral choice system confuses me. I'm not sure if being nice to Catherine(with a C) gives me good karma or bad karma!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for playing Catherine.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for hating a game made by Atlus, makers of the greatest RPG in human history, Persona 3.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause Persona 3 is the greatest RPG. Doesn't make Catherine a good game.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for lying.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for opinions.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for arguing.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for pootis.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for korpiklaani.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I cut myself. ;~;
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I burnt my finger with a soldering iron
Updated by anonymous
banned because you and the person on the end of the last page are both emos...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because my life sucks... jk not really, just nothing interesting has happened ._.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I cut myself accidentally. Assholes. >.>
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I burnt accidentally too ;_; no respect nyark nyark nyark
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I love how mad people get about people capping. It's great.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause of capping?
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause capping is fun. Saves me the trouble of digging out the last three people.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for whatever that is.
What is capping?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because capping is when you CAPture the point.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause OH, I see now.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because what about hydroxide?
Updated by anonymous
Banned for derailing a thread that is more derailed than a nut
Updated by anonymous
Banned for derailing a train! You killed dozens of innocent people by doing that you monster!
Updated by anonymous
It had people!? Darn, I've been too much with Derpy that my eyes aren't straight anymore, because of this, you're banned
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not knowing what went wrong.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for knowing what went RIGHT and not tell xLuna in time.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's late and I should go to sleep soon.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for sleeping.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you should sleep, just look at your eyes
Updated by anonymous
Banned because this sentence doesn't end the way you'd think it octopus.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Skype just scared the living bejeezus out of me with its ZIP ZAPPITY BLOO BLOP YEA.
Updated by anonymous
banned for ban people with reason that had nothing to do with them
Updated by anonymous
Ban for reason people sense make none
Updated by anonymous
Banned because the world is a vampire...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because "Sigh... like golfballs..."
Updated by anonymous
Banned because circle nerfing.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banning.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a hypocrite.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because some people don't seem to get the concept of "point at what you want dead and left click".
Updated by anonymous
Banned for getting the concept.
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause when I was eight, dude, I couldn't wait, dude, to play this great new game called Mario Paint!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's 4:33 am and I should be sleeping
Updated by anonymous
Banned because here's a pillow, a blanket, and some soft classical music to help you get to sleep.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause John Cage's 4'33" is on.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because 3½''
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not using big floppys
Updated by anonymous
Banned for recurring to the same source as I
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause its been 5 hours since someone was.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for ending a sentence with a preposition...
Updated by anonymous
banned for http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4XCZfkGF8k
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's okay to not like things .
Updated by anonymous
Banned because my internet was dead all day yesterday.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz I fuckin love your new avi test! Also cuz ive missed choos!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for cussing. >:T
Updated by anonymous
banned for scolding >:T
Updated by anonymous
Banned for hypocrisy.
Updated by anonymous
banned for hurt my feelings >:T
Updated by anonymous
Banned for having feelings.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for, you have no feelings?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because my feelings are all locked away safely where no one can hurt them.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm goin' ta lick ya.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because go nuts.
Updated by anonymous
\o/ Oh boy!
Banned because.. I'm going to Narnia to slay the Jabberwocky.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because friends are not available in offline mode. ...but I'm not in offline mode! ;A;
Updated by anonymous
Banned for pretending your in offline mode
Updated by anonymous