Banned for not knowing.
Updated by anonymous
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Banned for not knowing.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not eating the dead puppy to stop its release of CO2 into the atmosphere thus resulting in global warming!
TL;DR: Banned for killing the earth!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I was framed! >_<;
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not being scared of the darkness even though I'm probably in it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I have thumbs
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you lie until proven otherwise.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because this is it
Updated by anonymous
Banned because nobody is free, freedom is an illusion given to those without power by those with power.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because true freedom is anarchy. No, really.
Updated by anonymous
banned becaue noone was free under Hitler's reign.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Hitler committed suicide before it was cool.
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned because Hitler committed suicide before it was cool.
b& because:
In Soviet Russia, suicide commits you!
Updated by anonymous
Banned becauseI want to get a Hottie's Hoodie and put a description on it that says "In Soviet Russia, Kenny kills you!"
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Mmmphh-mphhhh-mmphh
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not pudding a teddapudda heh!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not pud pulling?
Updated by anonymous
~table flip~
Banned for not setting up a teleporter and instead forcing your teammates to run all the way past all the points they've already captured just to get to where they need to be.
inb4: They need the exercise.
Updated by anonymous
banned for flipping tables... Theres no need for that test...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because okay. ;-;
~unflips table~
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I keep getting my figurative balls rocked in Castlevania. >:C
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being figurative
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being literal.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz I forgive your rage table flipping... Though my plate of spaghetti is still pissed...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I hate CoDfags. >:T
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz im a codfag -_-
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause you're well-behaved, and therefore not a CoDfag. All CoDfags are CoD players, but not all CoD players are CoDfags.
Updated by anonymous
Ooooh... Well banned for not clarifying sooner lol
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm in lesbians with my Phlog. *w*
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz its been a while since I was in lesbians and im slightly jealous...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because all those tasty, delicious crits. *Q*
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz idunno what a crit is and im in too much discomfort to look it up right now
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not knowing that crit = critical hit.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz I never would have got that lol
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not responding sooner.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz im trying... Discomfort gets in the way of desire to do things
Updated by anonymous
Banned for lounging in a crappy chair.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for preventing me from banning Ivory. Why do you do this to be Firefox fox?
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Banned for preventing me from banning Ivory. Why do you do this to be Firefox fox?
Firefox has prevented you from banning.
Deal with it!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I don't even use Firefox!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Opera
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause Chrome.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because netscape>all.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because IE<all
Updated by anonymous
Banned because IE isn't all that bad...better than netscape & Opera IMHO...
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause Malik molested Sophie. D:
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm thinking if I use my first username (the one that has the original X) instead of the actual one...
Updated by anonymous
Banned for thinking of a username change.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you lack the skillz to masterbate correctly...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I got nothing for "Keep a word, Drop a word" :/
Updated by anonymous
I ban myself because I can't find a LM7812
inb4 baned for not getting anything
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's 2AM and I'm fucking tired.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause its 5 AM and I already slept.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz android
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause It's 9AM and I just woke up. ._.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned for jumping on the ban-wagon.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for pun.
Updated by anonymous
Banny rabbit, ban-ister, bantastic, bannifico!
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Steamed Ban
Ivory's banned too. Because she hasn't replied to my message yet. ;A;
Updated by anonymous
Test-Subject_217601 said:
Steamed Ban
VAC ban
Updated by anonymous
4 Test: Banned for your impatience
4 Mario: Banned for ninjaing me
Updated by anonymous
Banned because a lot of insufferable fucks seem to have the attitude of "someone killed me, they must be hacking".
Updated by anonymous
Banned because that sounds very formal for them
Updated by anonymous
Banned fire playing the wrong games where theses kinda fucktards keep appearing.
Both of you.
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause they show up in all multiplayer games.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because they're everywhere!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz you people are raging about a luxury. I havent been able to game since january so... Be thankful?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because pizza's here!
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz you didnt tell me you were getting pizza...
Updated by anonymous
Pizza? Pffft! I. ATE. SOUP!!!
Banned for letting me eat it TT_TT
Updated by anonymous
Banned for worrying about your weight.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for havingthemetabolismofahummingbirdoncrack.
Also, I'm not fat ¬¬ I'm slender
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being Slenderman.
Updated by anonymous