Banned because glitch in the matrix. WHOOPS.
Updated by anonymous
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Banned because glitch in the matrix. WHOOPS.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz the matrix has you now!
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned for taking the blue pill.
Sorry for messing up your games guys, error in communication, won't happen again ;A;
Updated by anonymous
Its ok river we still loves you, but your still banned ^_^
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banning mai 14pawwwwwwwzzzzz >:C!!@!11!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for allowing the site to give me 500 errors. >:T
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not sharing that awesome star ride.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for getting ninja'd!
Updated by anonymous
banned for not sharing what ever your on :p
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause I'm on a chair. :/
Updated by anonymous
Banned because me too, and drinking coffee, very hot.
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause X6's badness still galls me. -.-;;
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz your still butthurting over games test :)
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause it's a sequel to a game that was never intended to have a sequel that was created without the original creator's knowledge or consent as a blatant cash grab AND it's a terrible game to boot!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause yeah.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for agreeing with me. Capcom hates my guts.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz you could do other things to take your mind off games like that test... ^_^;
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause no. >:T
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz yes you can, theres pleeenty of fun things to do trust me
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause I don't wanna. Must get revenge on Capcom! D:<
Updated by anonymous
banned because they have too many characters that could severely kick your butt, don't take the chance
Updated by anonymous
Banned. Must kill asshole who designed that damn level.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for kill asshole.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not giving a reason.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm likin' the Ullapool Caber.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because C-c-c-c-c-combobreaker (What is that?).
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause it's a grenade that you hit people with.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Rubix.
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause look at her, she's havin' an orgasm just lookin' at me.
Updated by anonymous
post #237900
Because reasons
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I hate
Updated by anonymous
Banned because when was Yahoo mentioned
Updated by anonymous
Banned because is just a comment.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because this is a spoiler
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz ive seen bigger spoilers on honda civics :p
Updated by anonymous
Banned because lol
Updated by anonymous
Banned because lol hmm l.o.l ¿??
Updated by anonymous
Banned because upsidedownquestionmark.
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz roflolmao! ^_^
Updated by anonymous
Banned because ☽O☾!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because あなたはこれをほんやくしました。
Updated by anonymous
Banned because rectangle oval rectangle!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Long line!
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned vecause entire team is babies
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being the sick man that sent BABIES to fight ME!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because, vecause? xd
Updated by anonymous
banned because I have the strength of ten thousand babies!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because my mobile carrier is annoying me with dumb messages!! >_<
and about the 'vecause': v's next to b, so typos happen...
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not using a real keyboard.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for hating on us non computer surfers! Android power baby! :p
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a poor, hatless Irish(wo)man. >:T
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz im not irish... >_>
Updated by anonymous
Banned because THEY TOOK OWR JAWBZ!!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not getting the joke. Play more TF2.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Ivory doesnt have any irish in her
(She turned that down ^-^)
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because the MvM Update broke TF2, hard
Updated by anonymous
Banned because fuck ze MvM!
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cuz I haven't updated TF2
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not updating within minutes of the update's release.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because minutes? I have like 2 months or so...
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being way behind.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because CS-S, Portal, and Half-life is better valve games than TF2.
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause war-themed hat-simulator is... I dunno.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because hats did nothing for you in the game but tell others: "hey, I was one of the people willing to buy a hat...."
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you can craft hats too...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you really kinda have to buy the materials to craft hats...
or search for those said materials for an unprecedented amount of time...
Updated by anonymous
Or just jam four ref and a class token into the crafty-thing.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you didn't ban JayFeather
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I forgot.
Updated by anonymous
what the fuuuuuck, this shit is still going?
Test! I ban you starting this nonsense! (again!)
Updated by anonymous
Banned because JayFeather started this, not TS...
Updated by anonymous