Banned because... uh... *thinks*
Updated by anonymous
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Banned because... uh... *thinks*
Updated by anonymous
Banned for having to think about that.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz we have the most banposts here!
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause it's not over 9000 though.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz dammit it will be!
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause nobody's keepin' track a' my heads batted in.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because no avatars are displaying (I have them enabled) :/
Edit: After I posted they appeared again
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being so derpy.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because "Milhouse isn't a meme" is a meme while Milhouse itself isn't a meme
Updated by anonymous
Banned for over thinking it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for the very creepy MLP avatar.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because your avatar fits your reason
Updated by anonymous
banned for using derp thinking avatar
Updated by anonymous
Banned because ponies.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because post #232280
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I don't like alcohol.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for hating on alcohol.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not respecting alternate views.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I don't drink alcohol either... it's just happy water j/k
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm a very sad drunk.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I feel bad.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm sleepy
I woke up because I heard a doorbell on the TV, man on the TV! *cries*
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not pertaining your banishment to Enigmatic.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I was between the sacred silence and sleep
Updated by anonymous
Banned because sleepin is silence.
Updated by anonymous
Banned becuase life is it? get it? see it? feel it? eat it?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because what is today but yesterday's tomorrow?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's also tomorrow's yesterday.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you forgot that it is two days before the day after tomorrow.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's also seven days after a week ago.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for acting like a calender.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not telling 217601 the reference of "two days before the day after tomorrow."
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I won't do it
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you will do it
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you have yet to do it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because no
Updated by anonymous
Banned because too many feels.
Updated by anonymous
i ban you for eating my cake to the moon exp 1000 years or so im busy
Updated by anonymous
Banned for whatever that was.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm just as confused as you are.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because pop
Updated by anonymous
Banned because metal :P
Updated by anonymous
Banned because reggae
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you brought links into this.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because theyre trying to build a prison... Another prison system...
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause prison inmates should be required by law to donate a pint of blood per month. :V
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world...
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause you might have weapons of mass destruction, but Quebecers have weapons of mass distinction.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz I dont want any beef with that...
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause good. :3
Updated by anonymous
Banned for using quebecian scare tactics... :p
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause I'm not even from Quebec! ~awesomeface~
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being sad over small titties.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being confused over your own post.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I love those tits.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because o///o
Updated by anonymous
Banned because tits man! Look at them!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because sigh... like golfballs... ;A;
Updated by anonymous
Banned because tits are tits, no matter what. Cheer up :D
Updated by anonymous
Banned because when they're little they're tittles.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause they are still titties, and titties are awesome.
Updated by anonymous
Banned becaues I like big tits and cannot lie
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause ;A;
Updated by anonymous
Banned because i like small tits, Problem?
Updated by anonymous
Banned because your enjoyment of small breastages makes me blush. ;///;
Updated by anonymous
Banned because all tits are great as long as they are reasonably proportionate.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for making me change my point of view
Updated by anonymous
Banned because i like all sizes. (breaking the silence)
Updated by anonymous
Banned because why are we talking about boobs anyway? ;A;
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being there to be banned.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because they are so round and warm and soft and jiggly... :3
Teh bewbz
Updated by anonymous
Banned because banned.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Permzbanned due to shitty meme
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause the meme is alright.
Updated by anonymous