Banned for having a slow connection. ^w^
Updated by anonymous
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Banned for having a slow connection. ^w^
Updated by anonymous
Banned becausse lol :3
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz I wanna!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because iguana
Updated by anonymous
Banned because dolphin
Updated by anonymous
Banned becaue Rock
Updated by anonymous
Banned because paper
Updated by anonymous
banned because shotgun
Updated by anonymous
Banned because disobeying RSP rules, this is not RSSP.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for playing RPS instead of Janken.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I don't know what Janken is. >.>
Updated by anonymous
Banned because a Janken is when two worlds collide
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not recognizing that Janken is just another name for Ro-sham-bo which is another name for rock-paper-scissors. Which is why that ban reason was funny.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I wasn't serious
Updated by anonymous
Xch3l said:
Banned because a Janken is when two worlds collide
Xch3l said:
Banned because I wasn't serious
Banned for Joker
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Teletubbies must die
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's september
Updated by anonymous
Banned for making me think about school
Updated by anonymous
Banned for making me think about homework
Updated by anonymous
Banned because 6:39 in the morning and I haven't been to sleep yet. >:C
Updated by anonymous
Banned for reading a spoiler
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Banning other ppl :D
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Blizzard is killing all the major lore characters that people are attached to.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Blizzard took my melee weapons away
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being a hunter.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not liking my huntard
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not having a Gengar
Updated by anonymous
Banned for thinking I didn't have a Gengar.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for using Poison-types that aren't pure-typed.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for typing about pokémon types
Updated by anonymous
Banned because perverted_bunny is an artist that makes me wonder if they make their art bad on purpose, because it ranges in quality from really good to so spectacularly bad it's actually kind of impressive.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for making me fave the first image…
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not having faved it sooner.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned for singing
Updated by anonymous
Banned for not following the bouncing ball...
Updated by anonymous
Banned for reasons unknown
Updated by anonymous
banned without knowing reasons
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz i wanted to ban someone
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I have a clinical need to ban someone every 24 hours.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you should probably get that checked out...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because if I hadn't gotten it checked out I wouldn't know I have it. Dumbass.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm eating watermelon while you read this
Updated by anonymous
I ban myself for being here instead of doing homework which is for tomorrow at 7Am and it's 9:30Pm
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banning yourself
Updated by anonymous
banned for banning someone who banned himself.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because a fat whack with a black jack from the back slaps all your cash smack into my knapsack.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because by now I replaced carrying around cash with a trusty dagger to precisely prevent situations like that ;)
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause everybody got beef, but it's all in a night's work; bitch, I'm a thief.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I updated TF2 and got a "hl2.exe has stopped working"
Updated by anonymous
Banned because i got that after i did an update for TF2, LFD2, but not on Half-Life 2 for some reason....
Updated by anonymous
I ban everyone in this thread for allowing a silly forum game thread reach 75 pages.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause its not silly, I built this forum from the ground up...Its a work of art IMHO.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because particles!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because your unusual hat's particle effect is far inferior to that of my own. :V
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz I missed you test. ^_^
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause *clings* ;w;
Updated by anonymous
Banned cuz glomptacklecuddlenuzzlegropes test out of sheer missings.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for using such a long word. >.>
Updated by anonymous
Banned because yay we're together *hugs Test and Ivory*
Updated by anonymous
Banned for trying to be part of it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for looking as if it was a bad thing >_>
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I found a Red-Tape Recorder.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm remembering old times
Updated by anonymous
Banned for reminding me of the good times I had playing those games.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because cheesy vaginas.
Updated by anonymous
banned for staring at it
Updated by anonymous
Banned for nobody recommending vagisil for the cheesy vagina problem
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Someone wrote that life is a dream, And dreams are dreams.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because sanity is not statistical.
Updated by anonymous
Banned vecause statistics are not sane
Updated by anonymous