gameplay mechanics

post #3194259

This tag refers to posts featuring display elements typically found in video games, or mechanics that are especially akin to gameplay like RPG stats and fighting game moves. A literate role-playing game, or "LitRPG", typically has these elements at the forefront for storytelling. The following examples must include at least one of these elements to count towards this tag.

Note: This tag does not include attacks, magic, or other actions which are not especially related to gameplay. For example: while a Pokémon battle interface is applicable, a Pokémon using a move like "Hyper Beam" is not itself a gameplay mechanic.

List of examples


Includes health bar, magic bar, meter, and stamina bar. Even includes cum meter and lust bar. Progress bar does not count unless it's related to charging up a magic spell or other, similar actions.

post #2711479 post #2559509 post #2431137

Text for damage/healing, ability names, descriptions, etc.

Includes damage numbers, healing numbers, stat_change, and text box.

post #4294065 post #2434449

Dialogue boxes and choices

Includes dialogue box and visual novel when posts with those tags are either imitating or are related to real video games. The dating sim tag also counts as this.

post #3051864 post #2205422 post #1821883


Includes status effect, natural 1, natural 20, and critical hit.

post #2705908 post #5018742 post #4900865 post #3029130 post #2755067

Button inputs

Includes motion inputs, button prompt, and input prompt.

post #2732305 post #4629394 post #2768784

Game screens

Includes continue, game over, and loading screen. The gui, hud, user interface, and fighting game ui tags also count as this.

post #2469123 post #4149309 post #1097909 post #2854558 post #4948652

Character stats and progression

Includes class change, character creator, level drain, level number, level up, skill tree, and stats.

post #2672174 post #4662633 post #2962088 post #1246157

See also:

The following tags are aliased to this tag: game_element, game_elements, game_mechanic, game_mechanics, game_play_mechanic, game_play_mechanics, gameplay_mechanic, role_playing_game_element, role_playing_game_elements, role_playing_game_mechanic, role_playing_game_mechanics, rpg_element, rpg_elements, rpg_mechanic, rpg_mechanics, video_game_mechanics (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: continue_screen, game_over, health_bar, heart_counter, level_up, life_(gaming) (learn more).

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post #5281930
post #5281929
post #5281668
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