Copyright: anaconda (song)

"Anaconda" is a 2014 song by rapper Nicki Minaj. The raunchy song and its sexually charged music video were very popular, and it became one of Minaj's most popular releases; at present, the music video has over one billion views.

The song, music video, and album cover have been the subject of numerous parodies and references over the years since its release.

The Album Cover

post #523144 post #2227384

Posts referencing "Anaconda" most often involve a character recreating the cover of the single, which featured Nicki Minaj on a white background, crouching with her buttocks towards the viewer, looking back, wearing a bright pink thong, a similarly bright pink crop top or sports bra, and chunky, bright blue high-top shoes.

These recreations of the album cover can vary in closeness to the original, sometimes altering the outfit or changing it entirely, and frequently omitting the title text of the album cover, some slightly changing the pose.

The Music Video

post #1918492 post #2581740 post #1527323

Posts referencing the music video feature characters recreating "iconic" moments, and often wearing the same outfit as Nicki Minaj from the video. Most popularly is a pose where the character is directly facing the viewer, on all fours and ass up, and making a gesture with their hands.


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post #5202037
post #4476940
post #4476938
post #3993347