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In response to blip #124388

Kemonophonic said:
I've made a lot of positive changes since then. I'm eating better, drinking more water, going to bed earlier, etc. Cutting sugar from my diet was probably the best decision I've made.

Being a college student, I wish I could do this too. Every change in habit I do always revert back after 2 or 3 days because I keep forgetting to change.

Remember the diary I bought from forever ago? Only like the first 3 pages are filled in because I never remembered to write anything in it. I don't even know where it is right now.

In response to blip #124388

Kemonophonic said:
I've made a lot of positive changes since then. I'm eating better, drinking more water, going to bed earlier, etc. Cutting sugar from my diet was probably the best decision I've made.

Cutting sugar from my diet was probably the best decision I've made

Man, do I wish I could do that, too; (sugar) has its hooks into me pretty good.

Good on ya!

"Feelin' down? Write a sad poem, and then toss it into a volcano. Then like, sit back and watch the lava. Whoa..."

Pascal, Animal Crossing New Horizons

Remember to wear lava safety equipment. :3

In response to blip #124383

Daleport996 said:
Microsoft is still updating the Windows 11 Paint now? Like, every time I open it, something has changed. First the zoom is weird, and now the images are centered.

They're clinically incapable of leaving well enough alone. I swear we're forced to re-learn our mappings for Office tools every year.

Microsoft is still updating the Windows 11 Paint now? Like, every time I open it, something has changed. First the zoom is weird, and now the images are centered.

No wonder why
My heart feels dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride

🌟I am now fully recovered.🌟

Woke up this morning with no pain. I could do a backflip if I wanted! :D

Just contacted my doctor and told him the good news, said that as long as I lift items no more than 45lbs, I’m all good. But should still be very cautious.

In response to blip #124359


Siral_Exan said:
could you take a screenshot of the posts screen and provide it? you might have disabled your blacklist and forgot to reenable it, if you see a "reenable all" underneath the search bar then clicking that will solve your problem.

oh for fucks sake, I'm a fuckin moron. everyone has permission to point and laugh. yep, figured it out. it looks slightly different on mobile vs desktop so that's where I got confused.

In response to blip #124358

hentailord4000zer0 said:
not sure what else to say. posts that have tags that I've blacklisted are still visible. I can add the tags in the search bar (example: -penis) and they'll filter properly, but otherwise it just doesn't work.

could you take a screenshot of the posts screen and provide it? you might have disabled your blacklist and forgot to reenable it, if you see a "reenable all" underneath the search bar then clicking that will solve your problem.

Just removing all the clips from my mechanical pencils. So much more comfortable and reliable without that.

(it's kind of a weird misfeature IMO. Probably originating from it being cheaper to not include a cap, but ended up included in even the more expensive products. Makes mechanical pencils in general ironically less like a pencil in handling than most types of pen can be (just drop the cap in your pocket).)

With the Dolphin's acquisition of Chase Claypool this past Friday,

does the Miami menagerie now boast a cheetah, a penguin and a ... shepherd?

Chase had goddamned better be on the case 😐

In response to blip #124341

Dragonlord2328 said:
Glad all is well

I’m glad too. Thanks! :3

SNPtheCat said:
Woah, that's good to hear. Though a sprain isn't optimal, at least it is better than the other options and knowing what it is will ease the worry.

Yeah, A few days ago on early Sunday was hell. Couldn’t move, couldn’t nudge, could barely do anything. I assumed the worst to be honest considering I’m a bit of a pessimist.

In response to blip #124325

TheHuskyK9 said:
@kamimatsu: We out here favin' everything, it's crazy

Actually, The fav limit is 80k, but since you went above it before it got implemented, it didn't apply to you since it only stopped you at exactly 80k.

If you faved an image an hour from the start of e621's existence, you would have hit the fav limit 7 years ago (if it was implemented then).

However Earlopain did an update recently that made the fav limit for those above the limit to the nearest 5k above your limit.

In response to blip #124326

W0LFB3AT5 said:
Health Status Update:

Feeling a lot better now after taking some ibuprofen and muscle spasm pain killers. Turns out my doctor said it was only a sprain. A herniated disc or sciatica would’ve been a hell of a lot worse than a simple sprain. Also, it would’ve last months- maybe years to recover from that. Had to do some physical therapy to help relieve some of the pain for a few days. Doc said I’ll be able to recover next week after taking medication. Maybe early later on since I can fully walk now.

I can finally unclench from worry now. :D

Thanks again guys for wishing me well.

Woah, that's good to hear. Though a sprain isn't optimal, at least it is better than the other options and knowing what it is will ease the worry.

In response to blip #124326

W0LFB3AT5 said:
Health Status Update:

Feeling a lot better now after taking some ibuprofen and muscle spasm pain killers. Turns out my doctor said it was only a sprain. A herniated disc or sciatica would’ve been a hell of a lot worse than a simple sprain. Also, it would’ve last months- maybe years to recover from that. Had to do some physical therapy to help relieve some of the pain for a few days. Doc said I’ll be able to recover next week after taking medication. Maybe early later on since I can fully walk now.

I can finally unclench from worry now. :D

Thanks again guys for wishing me well.

Glad all is well

In response to blip #124337

Daleport996 said:
I imagine it's like how computers sometimes can't find the printer for whatever reason and you just have to convince them that it's there by repeatedly plugging and unplugging it.

That sounds like your USB bus controller has an intermittent failure. Moving the printer plug to a different USB port may help.