huge teats
When teats are exceptionally large - even larger than big_teats by a considerable margin and comparable in size to huge_breasts or larger. They should either be at the upper limit of what is realistically possible or beyond strict realism but still believable and proportional to the character.
See also
- breasts
- non-mammal_breasts - breasts on reptiles, fish, etc.
- multi_breast - more than two breasts
- multi_nipple - more than two nipples; seen in dogs, cats, etc. (generally reserved for when the breasts aren't visible)
- multiple nipples per breast
- double_nipples - breasts with 2 nipples each
- triple_nipples - breasts with 3 nipples each
- quad_nipples - breasts with 4 nipples each
- teats - nipples/breasts in the crotch area; often non-human-like in appearance, commonly seen in ungulates such as equines and deer
- udders - sacs with multiple nipples (cow-like teats)
- multi_teat
- crotch_breasts - human-like breasts in the crotch area
- size
- big_teats
- huge_teats
- hyper_teats
- breasts_and_teats
This tag implicates big_teats (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: hyper_teats (learn more).