e621 homepage mascot

Images that were as some point used as the site's homepage mascot (e621.net) even if they are not used anymore

On e621's homepage it is possible to cycle through the multiple images presented as mascots by clicking the change mascot button.

Display Period

Some images ther can be considered "permanent", being on the homepage for over a year.

Permanent Images
As of July 3 2023:

post #63403 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #63467 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #109434 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #127094 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #273684 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #325593 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #348816 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #915700 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #2778778 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #2778887 (? -> 2023-07-03)

post #3404333 (? -> 2023-07-03)

The other images are temporary, often with a theme such as xmas (post #3713157) or halloween (post #3647121) and are removed after about 1 weeks.

Temporary Images

post #3647121 (halloween 2022)

post #3713157 (Xmas 2022)


post #3847194 (Lady & the Tramp (?))

post #4141999 (4th of july 2023)

(these lists are subject to change over time)

The images may not be an exact match as some were cropped (post #63403) or had their back ground modified (post #127094) to better suit the homepage.
(btw e621 homepage back ground color is hex(#002d55)/rgb(0, 45, 85), sauce: e621.net html file)