Topic: (OLD) The Feature Request Thread

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

This topic has been locked.

ChangelingFluttershy said:
Requested feature: The ability to sort the forums, or at least have it sorted by recent.

Why it would be useful: It gets a bit annoying when I open the forums and I'm greeted by 2 year old posts.

The forum is already sorted by most recent replies.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

ChangelingFluttershy said:
Requested feature: The ability to sort the forums, or at least have it sorted by recent.

Why it would be useful: It gets a bit annoying when I open the forums and I'm greeted by 2 year old posts.

You can also click on the 'Created column header at the top to sort by topic creation date instead of most recent reply date.

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: I wish pages like and viewing pools via thumbnail, etc allowed me to temporarily hide/disable a blacklist item so I can see the real thumbnails if I decide to check something. I just want the same feature that any search page of thumbnails offers but on Pools and the Note index. Especially if I'm using my blacklist to help with a tagging project, on those pages there's no way to see what's behind those blacklisted thumbs or even quickly find out which tag is being blocked (and therefore if I want to chance seeing it in full-size).

Why it would be useful: In the areas of the site listed above, the blacklist becomes almost as much of a hindrance as it is a help, because there's no quick way to check which tag is causing the blacklisted icon. Or to toggle it off temporarily if I need to fix a pool in the middle of a bigger tag project. It would just improve accessibility and any user's control over their own blacklist function.

(Note: thankfully the screen for ordering the images within a pool ignores the blacklist entirely, because otherwise trying or add a missing page into a pool would be impossible if any thumbs were blocked from view. So just to clarify, it's only the regular view of a pool's thumbs that can be entirely useless if you have the wrong thing blacklisted. )

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

There should be an easier way of undoing mistags. Or maybe there already is, and I just haven't figured it out?

Let's say that someone's been mistagging something by thousands, and it gets noticed months later. Once it's noticed, we don't seem to have any resource for easily finding and fixing those.

The sheath tag is one example: it was mistagged by a single user for foreskins and such, and I estimate that there's still at least thousand wrongly tagged ones mixed in. As far as I can see, the only options for fixing those are to either manually check every single post under that tag, or go through the users whole tag history.

So in a nutshell, it would be good if we had some way to search for tags that were added by a specific user.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Requested Feature: No blank aliases/implications

Why it would be useful: I accidentally pressed enter instead of backspace while submitting an implication, and ended up suggesting that we implicate spotted_hyena to <blank>.

It shouldn't be possible to submit those while the fields are empty.

Updated by anonymous

Pardon me if this has been said already but:

Requested feature:
Color/Style images in post view that are added to your favorites (like how they are when they are flagged, with a red border, or something). Perhaps add an icon overlay in the corner or something?

Why it would be useful:
It would save users from having to click and load an image, unknowing if they've already Favorited it before (for me, when searching keywords).

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature:

Make it possible to retrieve pools from an post id via API requests.

Why it would be useful:

Pools are a great way to organize posts, and third party apps and scripts could make great use of this feature without involving HTML parsing, which are way more expensive and can break really easily.

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: Add a more exact date to the ban reason for users.

Why it would be useful: When I compare accounts/try and find the alt of a banned user, it would be quite useful to be able to see when a user was banned. If it turns out the suspected account was created a day/week after the user was banned on his/her main account, it would make it easier to find ban-evaders.

Right now we can see a rough estimate of when they were banned in the user records tab, but it is not exact enough. Especially if the user was banned more than a year ago.

Instead of this:

Current look

This user was banned by TheHuskyK9
► Age Restrictions

Expires: Never

We could have it look something like this:

Suggested look

This user was banned by TheHuskyK9 on 10/05/2014
► Age Restrictions

Expires: Never

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: Members able to hide threads as long as the post is not older than [2 hours? 24 hours?]

Current behaviour: Members can hide a post as long as no one has replied to it. As soon as someone replies, that option is disabled. I'm assuming this applies to privledged/contributor as well, but not to janitor and above.

Why it would be useful:

  • Threads created by mistake could be hidden.
  • Threads from accidently suggesting an alias/implication when you really meant to do an implication/alias...could be hidden.
  • The option would still disabled after [time limit] which would still prevent abuse/thread nuking/other reasons.

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: Be able to see the comments from a deleted post, but without being able to respond.

Why it would be useful: There are plenty of good comments and discussions ruined because a higher resolution version of the pic was found...

Updated by anonymous

Fmafanclub said:
Requested feature: Be able to see the comments from a deleted post, but without being able to respond.

Why it would be useful: There are plenty of good comments and discussions ruined because a higher resolution version of the pic was found...

In the particular case of 'deleted because of superior version',
we could merge comments when deleting an inferior-quality image.
I believe this would be the least controversial way to start on this feature. A blanket permission would mean keeping around comments on posts that don't meet E6's quality standards or are DNP material, which IME generally have useless or pathetic comments sections.

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: (3 lines) and possibly (longer)

Current behaviour: (2 lines)

Why it would be useful: It's a pain in the ass to scroll the list using a touch screen, and it's not a very big target on modern desktop screens either.

As for making it longer: It looks like the size of the box was originally chosen so that ~800x600 screens don't have the text box cut off, but based on the size of the ad it seems like 1024x768+ is far more common now. On touch screen devices with smaller resolutions (or smaller devices), you are almost always going to be zooming in and panning the screen anyways, so it doesn't really matter.

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature:
Change "Source" to "Source URLs"

Why it would be useful:
So people know that the Source field is for URLs, not text like "my computer" or an artist's name.
So people know that they can put multiple URLs in there.

And yes, the plural of URL is URLs:

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Requested feature:
Show underscores in Wiki's tag list.

Why it might be useful:
I know that omitting them makes it look cleaner, but a lot of users tend to forget the underscores when tagging, which leads to mistags. I've been told by one user that he copied tags from the wiki and left out the underscores because of that...

(Though this is probably not worth implementing. Since it's more likely that users copy tags off other images, and those are also shown without underscore. So this probably wouldn't cut down the number of mistags by much.)

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Requested feature:
Show underscores in Wiki's tag list.

Why it might be useful:
I know that omitting them makes it look cleaner, but a lot of users tend to forget the underscores when tagging, which leads to mistags. I've been told by one user that he copied tags from the wiki and left out the underscores because of that...

(Though this is probably not worth implementing. Since it's more likely that users copy tags off other images, and those are also shown without underscore. So this probably wouldn't cut down the number of mistags by much.)

+1 On that line of thought:

Requeasted feature:
Use text-transform:lowercase on tag boxes.

Why it would be useful:
It would visually clean up a small chunk of those black +Horse tags in the wiki, particularly from users on mobile which usually have autocapitalize on. Granted this isn't really a hugely convincing reason, but there isn't really any reason not to try it out and the database transforms them anyways, might as well do some of it ahead of time.

Updated by anonymous

Requeasted feature:
Alias and implication suggestions get their own forum category.

Why it would be useful:
Lately the forum has been flooded with alias and implication suggestions. It would be nice to have an easy way too filter them out.

Updated by anonymous

slyroon said:
Requeasted feature:
Alias and implication suggestions get their own forum category.

Why it would be useful:
Lately the forum has been flooded with alias and implication suggestions. It would be nice to have an easy way too filter them out.

First of all we need real forum. Currently even if there was another category for implications and aliases then still it would only do similar thing to blacklisting on posts - instead of flood of aliases/implications you see flood of empty pages. Not to mention other features this "forum" doesn't have. (like working search feature)

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: Allow MPO files

Why it would be useful: They're tweaked JPG files with two images in one file. Browsers able to parse MPO will show an stereogram. Others will display a single image.

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
Requested feature: Allow MPO files

Why it would be useful: They're tweaked JPG files with two images in one file. Browsers able to parse MPO will show an stereogram. Others will display a single image.

Aside from the 3DS web browser, are there any other browsers that support this?

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
Requested feature: Allow MPO files

Why it would be useful: They're tweaked JPG files with two images in one file. Browsers able to parse MPO will show an stereogram. Others will display a single image.

Do any major browsers even support MPO? (other than falling back to jpeg)

Updated by anonymous

Feature Requested: watch list

Why it would be useful: keep track of tags you like and see new posts of it

how i would implement it: add a new page on users personal account that allows for the use of a list very similar to how blacklisting works, with each line being a separate tag search, so you could specify the watch list more if desired.
once the list is edited, links to the specified watches could be listed below, perhaps with a few thumbnails of each one for quick reference.

Updated by anonymous

Languedoc said:
Feature Requested: watch list

Why it would be useful: keep track of tags you like and see new posts of it

how i would implement it: add a new page on users personal account that allows for the use of a list very similar to how blacklisting works, with each line being a separate tag search, so you could specify the watch list more if desired.
once the list is edited, links to the specified watches could be listed below, perhaps with a few thumbnails of each one for quick reference.

How is this supposed to differ from the existing tag subscription feature?

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
How is this supposed to differ from the existing tag subscription feature?

Honestly, it took me a bit to find that feature (No, not after reading your comment, I was actually looking everywhere for a watchlist myself). While the subscription feature is basically a watchlist, it cannot actually be used until you rank up to Privileged, for some reason.

Edit: I found something interesting...

The one caveat is that e621 performs a union search on all your tags. You can't, for example, search for all posts matching "klonoa" AND "rating:explicit".

So I can't enter something like female ~dragon ~avian to get the results of any image that has a female dragon OR a female avian, and will instead get all females, all dragons, and all avians?

Updated by anonymous

From what I can tell, it actually doesn't work like a watchlist at all. Its confusing, lol.

Its like Furren said, e6 searches the subscriotions differently than it does normal tag searches. I can't figure out exactly how, but I haven't looked into it too much. Furthermore, I think it only picks up the most recent 200 posts that match the subscription, and it runs the search every 15 minutes, but not on command.

I'd comment with more speculation as to how they work, but I'm almost sure that I'll be more than 50% wrong :P

Updated by anonymous

Languedoc said:
Feature Requested: watch list

Why it would be useful: keep track of tags you like and see new posts of it

how i would implement it: add a new page on users personal account that allows for the use of a list very similar to how blacklisting works, with each line being a separate tag search, so you could specify the watch list more if desired.
once the list is edited, links to the specified watches could be listed below, perhaps with a few thumbnails of each one for quick reference.

For now, you can use atom feed for that. For example this is how to track posts of atryl that don't contain mlp.

Updated by anonymous

I never understood RSS feeds.
...A watchlist that updates only when you initially enter it, sort of like if you ran a search, would be useful. Sort of like a bookmark you can access from anywhere, rather than one computer. Would also be great if you could add in separate lines for specific tag searches, like the dragon-avian one I mentioned as well as one for my favorite artists, separately rather than needing to be together.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I never understood RSS feeds.
...A watchlist that updates only when you initially enter it, sort of like if you ran a search, would be useful. Sort of like a bookmark you can access from anywhere, rather than one computer. Would also be great if you could add in separate lines for specific tag searches, like the dragon-avian one I mentioned as well as one for my favorite artists, separately rather than needing to be together.

A lot of RSS programs will automatically check for updates, similar to how an email client works (in fact, most email clients do RSS as well).

Updated by anonymous

well maybe the existing feature could be tweaked for usability then? along with average members perhaps being able to use it since i had no idea this existed.

Updated by anonymous

Right, so I have no idea how this works, but...

Maybe a function that lets you easily search your viewed posts. That way, if you forget to favorite them, you can still find then, even with all the posts that are put up as fast as they are.

If I seem stupid, I'm sorry. I'm new to forums in general.

Updated by anonymous

Kooran said:
Right, so I have no idea how this works, but...

Maybe a function that lets you easily search your viewed posts. That way, if you forget to favorite them, you can still find then, even with all the posts that are put up as fast as they are.

If I seem stupid, I'm sorry. I'm new to forums in general.

I'm pretty sure I've once suggested something like that (though my reason was to exclude already viewed posts from search) but, if I remember correctly, it was rejected.

Updated by anonymous

A new metatag to order posts by number of favorites, upvotes or views per day.

Using for instance "order:favcount" will obviously favor older posts since they have been around more time and therefore they will usually have more favorites, which kinda defeats the purpose of using "favcount" to look for new good art.

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
A new metatag to order posts by number of favorites, upvotes or views per day.

Using for instance "order:favcount" will obviously favor older posts since they have been around more time and therefore they will usually have more favorites, which kinda defeats the purpose of using "favcount" to look for new good art.

Not that I'm against the idea, but order:favcount date:2014-12-7 or order:favcount date:2014-12-1...2014-12-7 should give you fairly similar results in the meantime (limited to what was posted on the days you put in).

Updated by anonymous

Maybe there already is the functionality I'm looking for, but I didn't find it.

I'd like to be able to search, filter or sort the pools ( by their creator. Since a lot of pools are comics we'd be able to have all the comics by a specific artists in one quick look.

If anyone knows how to do this with the current e621 build, please tell me since I didn't find it.

(Didn't see this thread so I already posted this in general. Sorry.)

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature #1: I don't know how to explain this well but the section will give you an idea what I'm requesting


[color=FFFF00]? artist tag
[color=00FF00]? character tag a
• ? general tag a
• ? general tag b
[color=00FF00]? character tag b
• ? general tag a
• ? general tag b
[color=FFA500]? species tag a
• ? general tag a
• ? general tag b
[color=FFA500]? species tag b
• ? general tag a
• ? general tag b
? copyright tag

Why it would be useful: When it comes to posts with 4+ characters or species in the same picture, it'd be nice to know what general tags apply to who or what.

Lets say for example I want to see a specific character (character A) masturbating so I type 'character_a masturbation' in the search bar. I gets 5 posts as a result, one of the posts will have both tags 'character_a' and 'masturbation' in it but it's not character_a masturbating.

Now you're wondering why can't I use 'solo' tag in the search bar? I could but what if I want to see character_a masturbating in all the posts that he/she is in?

Now how do you want to search general tags applying to a character or species individual? I'm thinking of something like this
If searching for more than one general tag for a character/species tag

It might not look like it'd be something to be used but if you think about it, it can be useful on some occasions.

Request Feature #2: Have a branch of tags for genders


? artist_tag(s)
? character_tag(s)
? gender_tag(s) (The color of the tags here would be Cyan)
? copyright_tag(s)
? general_tag(s)

Why it would be useful: Feel like gender tags should be a group of tags of their own.

Updated by anonymous

Par-T-Bag said:

This has been suggested several times before and the answer from admins and other members have always been pretty much on these points:

  • The back end would need a complete rewrite to accomodate this.
  • All images would need to be completely retagged to fit this system.
  • It would greatly increase the workload of tagging with proportionally little benefit.
  • That's just not how we tag things here.

And I'll add the following points to this:

  • Tagging by character would be a complete pain in the ass for things like orgies, particularly when none of the characters even have names. (How do you even mark which character is which? How lazy is tagging going to get when it's this much work?)
  • The search function is not even close to being able to support this, and would need a complete redesign and need to be rewritten from scratch.

Edit: I do agree with the gender tags being in their own category though.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
This has been suggested several times before and the answer from admins and other members have always been pretty much on these points:

  • The back end would need a complete rewrite to accomodate this.
  • All images would need to be completely retagged to fit this system.
  • It would greatly increase the workload of tagging with proportionally little benefit.
  • That's just not how we tag things here.

And I'll add the following points to this:

  • Tagging by character would be a complete pain in the ass for things like orgies, particularly when none of the characters even have names. (How do you even mark which character is which? How lazy is tagging going to get when it's this much work?)
  • The search function is not even close to being able to support this, and would need a complete redesign and need to be rewritten from scratch.

Edit: I do agree with the gender tags being in their own category though.

I understand what you're saying. I was most likely expecting my first suggestion to be denied. I later realized that it would take a lot of work.

Updated by anonymous

Par-T-Bag said:
I understand what you're saying. I was most likely expecting my first suggestion to be denied. I later realized that it would take a lot of work.

Fear not, there is a possible answer, but just not yet

Char, an admin, has proposed the idea and been trying to find a way to implement a tag grouping system, where tags are grouped together by things like characfer. So, for example, Princess Peach might be grouped with female, pink dress, human, video games, etc (just an example) This has many similar issues that parasprite brought up, but helps mitigate some of them. It might happen eventually, we can only hope!

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature:
New tag type: invalid tag

Instead of aliasing or implicating a tag to invalid_tag, its type would be changed to invalid, like so:

Only admins would be able to change a non-invalid tag's type to invalid, or an invalid tag's type to a non-invalid type (to prevent trolls from abusing this feature).

Why it would be useful:
Some tags are either aliased or implicated to invalid_tag.
While this may seem useful at first, it doesn't tell the tagger which of their tags is/was invalid.

If the invalid tag was aliased to invalid_tag, the uploader needs to remember which tags they tried add, and compare them against the list of tags that were actually added. If multiple tags were aliased, they need to search the alias list to find out which one was aliased to invalid_tag.
The same applies if the invalid tag was implicated rather than aliased.

In a post's tag list, there'd be a new heading called "Invalid", where the uploader could see which of their tags aren't supposed to be used.

I'm sure it would be possible to write a script that goes through all invalid_tag aliases/implications and changes the respective tags to type:invalid.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:

It would be a lot more useful if the tag history just listed exactly which tag was changed to invalid_tag, which is information the tag history should have anyways. (But doesn't yet.)

While there are some reasons to consider making another tag category, I don't think this is one of them. It would make it a lot harder to clean up invalid tag uses, for one thing. Even worse: it would semi-legitimate the invalid_tags again by making it possible to add them to images and have them stay, be read, be searched etc. Many people won't care whether it's an "invalid type of tag" by category color, they'll only care that a tag they liked for personal reasons would be possible to use again. It would cause significant problems, and I don't see any real benefit to this idea besides giving feedback about what caused the invalid_tag to show up. But that's exactly what tag histories should be good for: giving a record of what was added, and then what those tags were changed to automatically by the system. So it would much be better all-around to just improve the tag histories to be a more detailed and accurate representation of the tag edit changes that were just made. Right now, tag history functions a little dodgy and hard to read.

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said: (in another thread)
Report that the user has reached the upload limit BEFORE clicking "upload" on the upload page. It's kinda annoying to have everything tagged and then notice you've reached the limit.

This would also be good for tag edits. It's really annoying when you, for example, find an image with only 4 tags, take the time to put all the correct tags in, just to be told you just wasted your time.

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
A new metatag to order posts by number of favorites, upvotes or views per day.

Using for instance "order:favcount" will obviously favor older posts since they have been around more time and therefore they will usually have more favorites, which kinda defeats the purpose of using "favcount" to look for new good art.

That inherently favors new posts. Which is actually a nice thing to have for this purpose, but thinking in these terms reminds me that order:score also favors older posts (not quite as much...but an image with 60% approval and 1000 votes (net score:+100) would be ranked higher than an image with 90% approval and 100 votes (net score: +80)). Something like order:wilson (ordering on the bottom of the 95% confidence interval) would be nice.

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: today and yesterday keywords for date syntax

Why it would be useful: Allows you to create useful permanent links with date.

Consider the search "female date:2015-01-04 order:random". To keep it useful you have to update the date every day. I propose that these keywords are converted behind the scenes to the current server date.




The range syntax would continue to work, so:




I have no idea if "tomorrow" or other keywords would be useful, I just want "today" and "yesterday".

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: Option to add post resolution to thumbnail info

Why it would be useful: So situations like forum #148357 don't happen

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Requested feature: today and yesterday keywords for date syntax

Why it would be useful: Allows you to create useful permanent links with date.

Consider the search "female date:2015-01-04 order:random". To keep it useful you have to update the date every day. I propose that these keywords are converted behind the scenes to the current server date.




The range syntax would continue to work, so:




I have no idea if "tomorrow" or other keywords would be useful, I just want "today" and "yesterday".

It would be pretty cool to have "this_week/month/year" tags too.

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: Character count for compose blip. Right-aligned after Commenting help would be best.

Why it would be useful: You only have 255 characters.

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: Automatically add md5 prefix to 32 digit hex numbers entered into the search box.

Why it would be useful: Saves the trouble of typing "md5:" or selecting a previous md5 to paste the new one.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Requested feature: Character count for compose blip. Right-aligned after Commenting help would be best.

Why it would be useful: You only have 255 characters.

forum #66904

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Some features should come standard in vanilla e621

Plus, the plugin doesn't really help if you are on mobile or when your browser isn't supported.

Plus it does a lot of other things that you can't turn off (like changing certain fonts) which some might find not worth the benefit.

Updated by anonymous

requested feature: The ability to Withdraw Vote

why it would be useful: Using a phone, I may sometimes downvote a comment or picture unintentionally while trying to upvote. There is currently no way to undo thus from wat I understand.

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
requested feature: The ability to Withdraw Vote

why it would be useful: Using a phone, I may sometimes downvote a comment or picture unintentionally while trying to upvote. There is currently no way to undo thus from wat I understand.

Voting the opposite direction doesn't work?

Updated by anonymous

Ko-san said:
requested feature: The ability to Withdraw Vote

why it would be useful: Using a phone, I may sometimes downvote a comment or picture unintentionally while trying to upvote. There is currently no way to undo thus from wat I understand.

Furrin_Gok said:
Voting the opposite direction doesn't work?

Not on comments. But you can remove a downvote from a post by pressing downvote again. Or just press upvote, and it will replace your vote.

So many votes... And it's not even politics :P

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: User can keep favorites private

Why it would be useful: Improves privacy with user

Updated by anonymous

badteacher4 said:
Requested feature: User can keep favorites private

Why it would be useful: Improves privacy with user

That's what sets are for.

Updated by anonymous

Requested feature: Preview of implication/alias suggestion.

Why it would be useful:
For the same reason it is useful in normal forum threads.

parasprite said:
That's what sets are for.

I really see no reason why not to integrate favorites with sets functionality (Privacy setting, custom ordering - so the 5 pics you choose are displayed on your profile page, etc.).

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
Requested feature: Preview of implication/alias suggestion.

Why it would be useful:
For the same reason it is useful in normal forum threads.

I really see no reason why not to integrate favorites with sets functionality (Privacy setting, custom ordering - so the 5 pics you choose are displayed on your profile page, etc.).

I think you would need to be more specific about that. Do you mean like a 'add to set/fav' button instead of the current '+favorite' button, with a set selector that includes the additional option 'favorites'? There are a number of possible interfaces IMO. Offhand, I don't think of one that is obviously as good as or better in usability than the current +fav setup.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
Requested feature: Preview of implication/alias suggestion.

Why it would be useful:
For the same reason it is useful in normal forum threads.

Everything about this.

Granberia said:
I really see no reason why not to integrate favorites with sets functionality (Privacy setting, custom ordering - so the 5 pics you choose are displayed on your profile page, etc.).

I personally like the lack of complexity with the current +fav system, but I don't use it very often. However, I could easily see how this could be extremely limiting for the number of people on here that have several thousand.

Updated by anonymous

I was thinking about making favorite one of the sets any user have.
Unlike other sets it would be automatically created for every user (just like now) and it would still have separate +favorite and -favorite buttons to add and remove picture from it with one click (just like now).
By default it would be ordered by time user faved pic, and five top pic will be displayed on profile page (just like now), could be seen by anyone (just like now), and it would be transferred to child posts of deleted pics (just like now).

So, if user don't want to change anything then it would behave exactly like it behaves now, and user won't have to do anything at all.

However default setting could be change like in sets.
Privacy mode could be change to private.
Transferring to child post could be turned off.
Pictures could be ordered in any way, and 5 pics user arranged on top would be displayed on profile page, so it's user decision what's displayed there.

Updated by anonymous

I have suggested this for E6Extend before, and maybe have posted it here too before? Anyway, I was talking with furrypickle and he suggested I make sure it is brought up here:

Requested feature: Tag name autocompletion. Consider Tumblr's tagging interface as an example of what I mean here, as well as DMenu if you have been fortunate enough to use it. You begin typing a fragment of a tag, and it pops up a selector which offers you possible options. You can continue typing and the selector will continue to update with appropriate options. Selecting an option will replace your typed text with the completed text.

Why it would be useful: It would make it easier to find the tag you are looking for, particularly if the tag is long -- where_is_your_god_now -- ambiguous -- candy* , or difficult to spell. From personal experience, it would also -vastly- speed the process of tagging, hopefully resulting in a significant improvement to the completeness of tagging, and a reduction in spelling-based mistaggings.

I have already proposed this in the E621Extend thread, and XChel worked on it a fair bit (I understand; there is currently no UI for it, so it's not actually available in E621Extend), but on reflection, autocompletion could potentially improve the experience of using e621 enough that it really needs to be available without any addons required. I detailed some thoughts about exactly how the completion code ideally would select and rank matches in this page of the E6Extend thread.

@Granberia: seems pretty well thought out. Only question I have is how much privacy is enough, re 'favcount' metric -- ie. if a user's favs are private, is it okay to include them in 'favcount'? Particularly considering that, presumably, searching for posts faved by that user ought to return nothing to preserve their privacy. Not a big issue, but one that site policy should definitely be very clear about.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
@Granberia: seems pretty well thought out. Only question I have is how much privacy is enough, re 'favcount' metric -- ie. if a user's favs are private, is it okay to include them in 'favcount'? Particularly considering that, presumably, searching for posts faved by that user ought to return nothing to preserve their privacy. Not a big issue, but one that site policy should definitely be very clear about.

Personally I'd include results in favcount but restrict access to fav list, so url like fav:user_with_private_favs would give similar error to set:1396 or Most of the sites I know, that has some kind of privacy setting like this, still include those votes/faves in total score even though you can't see what things particular user voted/faved.

Updated by anonymous

badteacher4 said:
Requested Feature:
When an admin removes a post notify the user who uploaded it with a reason for removal.
Useful Because:
Makes admins look less abusive.

Example: Safe post removed for no reason, simply because other people had commented a few questions on the post, not considering all the other posts that violate basic rules.

There was a reason given to your post after it was deleted, all posts that are deleted are given a reason you just need to check on your deleted posts, if the reason wasn't enough you can ask the admin directly for the specifics of why it was deleted.


Did you just change your request? yeah there are no moderators at the moment they are sort of admin in training (don't quote me on that) and there are janitors that can approve or delete posts. I think.

Updated by anonymous

Just_Another_Dragon said:
yeah there are no moderators at the moment they are sort of admin in training (don't quote me on that) and there are janitors that can approve or delete posts. I think.

You can quote me quoting you on it because that is correct. This is the reason the moderator list is almost always empty. Janitors can approve/delete posts as well.

Updated by anonymous

Requested Feature: Notification for when someone responds to your forum topic.

Why it would be useful: Better alternative than having to check the forum tab every couple of minutes to see if someone replied.

Updated by anonymous

Sneaky said:
Requested Feature: Notification for when someone responds to your forum topic.

Why it would be useful: Better alternative than having to check the forum tab every couple of minutes to see if someone replied.

It would be handy to have that as a part of Just wondering if you've looked into the user script called Esix Extend here yet. Since that adds a whole lot of features, and one of them is the ability to subscribe to a thread and be notified when someone replies to it. I know the script is safe to use (I also use it) and a lot of people find it helpful because the person who wrote it has really taken a lot of the suggestions like this, and added them in. Not everyone uses it, and that's fine. But I do recommend it, because it's easier to be able to use that feature today rather than wait until e621 has the time to officially add it, if you're impatient like me. Eventually will probably get all of these features too, but it's unknown how long that will take since other things (like overhauling old code so that it functions better) tends to take priority.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
It would be handy to have that as a part of Just wondering if you've looked into the user script called Esix Extend here yet. Since that adds a whole lot of features, and one of them is the ability to subscribe to a thread and be notified when someone replies to it. I know the script is safe to use (I also use it) and a lot of people find it helpful because the person who wrote it has really taken a lot of the suggestions like this, and added them in. Not everyone uses it, and that's fine. But I do recommend it, because it's easier to be able to use that feature today rather than wait until e621 has the time to officially add it, if you're impatient like me. Eventually will probably get all of these features too, but it's unknown how long that will take since other things (like overhauling old code so that it functions better) tends to take priority.

I have not seen that before, thanks a lot for showing me! I agree that those things take priority over these small features.

Updated by anonymous

Requested Feature:
un-alias/un-implication form, or at least reviving forum #82755 for that purpose.

Useful Because:
Currently there is no way for tracking un-alias and un-implication suggestions and they are easily lost among all other threads. Also there are some cases when implication/alias suggestion cannot be made because other implications. So can we have forum #82755 unlocked and stickied to keep track of those until there is another way to track such things?

Updated by anonymous

The ability to create an avatar for sets


Would allow sets to be easily distinguished, as well as give viewers an idea of what they will see.

Sorry if this has been proposed before.

Updated by anonymous

Sorry if this has been said, but...

Request: Make the thumbnail for GIF's be white with the word GIF on it like flashes and videos.

Useful Because: We'll know which posts are GIF's and which aren't.

Updated by anonymous