Help: DText

← E621 WikiDText
Contents: Basics: Colors | Links | Post Thumbnails
      Blocks: Quote | Code | Header | List | Section | Table
      Other: Escaping DText | Anchors


DText is the name for e621's custom text formatting language. It's a mishmash of several markdown languages including Textile, MediaWiki, BBCode, and Snudown.

Basic Formatting

Syntax Result
[i]Italics[/i] Italics
[sub]Subscript[/sub] Subscript
[spoiler]I'm a spoiler![/spoiler]I'm a spoiler!
`inline code` inline code
[color=red]I'm red![/color] I'm red!

[color=pink]I'm pink![/color] I'm pink! See also HTML color names on Wikipedia
[color=artist]I'm an artist![/color] I'm an artist! Tag category names also work
[color=#ff0000]I'm red![/color] I'm red! 3-digit Hex codes work too

SyntaxResultInfo Standard links will automatically parse.
<> Include characters like ) at the end of the link.
"A link": A link Link with a custom title.
"A link":[] A link Link with enclosing brackets, ensuring all characters are included in the link.
"A link":/users A link Relative link (within site).
[[simple background]] simple background Link to wiki page. *
[[#quote]] #quote Link to anchor on current page (wiki or otherwise). *
{{mammal -cat}} mammal -cat Link to tag search.
post #1234 post #1234 Links to a post.
post changes #1234 post changes #1234 Links to a posts tag history.
topic #1234 topic #1234 Links to a forum topic.
comment #1234 comment #1234 Links to a comment on a post.
blip #1234 blip #1234 Links to a blip.
pool #1234 pool #1234 Links to a pool.
set #1234 set #1234 Links to a set.
takedown #1234 takedown #1234 Links to a filed takedown request.
record #4321 record #4321 Links to a feedback record for a user.
ticket #1234 ticket #1234 Links to a complaint or username change ticket.

Some link formats can have custom titles appended to them.

[[wiki page|Some Text]]Some Text
[[#anchors|Anchors work too!]]Anchors work too!

Post Thumbnails
thumb #12345

post #12345

Block Formatting

These tags create block-level content. That is, they are not inline like the ones under Basic formatting.

[quote]Please quote me![/quote]
I'm quoting you!

Please quote me!

I'm quoting you!


Code blocks render characters within blocks of monospaced text that are placed between [code] and [/code]. Thus, [code]std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";[/code] results in:

std::cout << "Hello, World!";

Note: Because of how block-level tags are parsed, newlines may not show up correctly if there is DText inside them. For ways to get around this, see Escaping DText.

h1. Header 1
h2. Header 2
h3. Header 3
h4. Header 4
h5. Header 5
h6. Header 6

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5
Header 6


Create lists by prepending each item with a *. Use multiple *s for nested lists

* Item 1
* Item 2
** Item 2A
** Item 2B
* Item 3
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
    • Item 2A
    • Item 2B
  • Item 3


Sections are collapsible boxes used for condensing large amounts of text. Like quote tags they can accept any DText (except headers).

Note that page anchors won't work inside collapsed sections.

[section]Pretend this is a really large block of text.[/section]

[section=Some Title]This one has a title.[/section]

[section,expanded=Title]This is expanded by default.[/section]

Pretend this is a really large block of text.

Some Title

This one has a title.


This is expanded by default.


Tables use a format that resembles HTML or the BBCode format.

      [th] header [/th]
      [th] header [/th]
      [th] header [/th]
      [td] column [/td]
      [td] column [/td]
      [td] column [/td]
      [td] column [/td]
      [td] column [/td]
      [td] column [/td]


header header header
column column column
column column column


Escaping DText

Use backticks or #Code tags to escape DText.

Page Anchors

Anchors are markers that tell your browser to jump to a specific place on the page.
Anchor names must be spelled using only letters, numbers, and underscores.

Syntax Result Usage
My anchor: [#some_anchor] My anchor: This is the target. It will be hidden on the page wherever you put it.
[[#anchors]] #anchors Link to anchor on current page. *
[[mammal#equine]] mammal#equine Link to anchor on different wiki page. *