
Categories: All, General, Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests, Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions, Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions, Art Talk, Off Topic, e621 Tools and Applications

Title Last Post Created Replies
NEW Tag alias: non_mammal_navel -> non-mammal_navel Clawstripe Mothbean 7
NEW [APPROVED] unalias ambient_crab, etc. from ambient_crustacean auto moderator Wandering Spaniel 3
NEW [APPROVED] That One Bug That Looks Like a Croissant That You Can Freeze and Use as a Platform BUR dba afish gattonero2001 15
NEW [Pending] Why, What, How, Cursed Image should be invalidated. druss hb Yetanothertemp 36
NEW Chippy, Meerky, Seth, and Shakir -> AFK_Journey theghost123 theghost123 0
NEW Tag alias: tea_kettle -> kettle dba afish everybodyknowsuradog 1
NEW Tag alias: yattermang -> mangneto Strikerman anicebee 1
NEW [APPROVED] Chrono BUR auto moderator Strikerman 4
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: canine-penis -> canine_penis auto moderator Strikerman 1
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: yordles -> yordle auto moderator Strikerman 1
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: federalchemical1728 -> ed_mortis auto moderator Wandering Spaniel 1
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: teasunnh -> dogmasque9999 auto moderator Wandering Spaniel 1
NEW [REJECTED] Name drop BUR abadbird Fluffball 7
NEW [APPROVED] Zodiac symbols BUR SNPtheCat Wandering Spaniel 8
NEW Tag alias: monotone_background -> simple_background SNPtheCat Watsit 11
NEW Consent cannot be assumed BUR Watsit OozeEnthusiast 14
NEW Slaying The Monster Girl dba afish Waller 8
NEW outdated praise tags dba afish Zippy Zolton 4
NEW Fenghuang BUR Strikerman Strikerman 3
NEW Morenatsu BUR theghost123 theghost123 0
NEW Acting Like a BUR Nimphia Nimphia 17
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: consensual_cuckold -> swingers auto moderator AveryHyena 2
NEW [APPROVED] unimplicate corvus_(genus) from jackdaw auto moderator themasterpotato 5
NEW (BUR) frontal_taur_genitals implications auto moderator Jae 3
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: princess_carry -> bridal_carry auto moderator Jae 1
NEW [REJECTED] Spyro Character spe Arkham Horror 3
NEW "ZeniMax" (Studios) BUR spe Nimphia 6
NEW [APPROVED] Tag alias: kill_me -> invalid_tag CowboyJones Nimphia 11
NEW Updating artist name Strikerman Strikerman 0
NEW [REJECTED] Tag alias: nintendo_switch_console -> switch_console Lafcadio Wandering Spaniel 10
NEW Tag Alias: pussy_juice_leaking -> pussy_juice_drip SNPtheCat bakatrouble 3
NEW Tag alias: rubbing_crotch -> crotch_rub yand yand 0
NEW Very Small The Thundermans BUR theghost123 theghost123 0
NEW [REJECTED] Tag implication: poppy_(poppy_playtime) -> poppy_playtime auto moderator Foolysh 4
NEW [APPROVED] Lustful Desires BUR auto moderator theghost123 7
NEW Tag alias: scout_(willis180) -> Scout_(Wolfelix) auto moderator Wolfelix 3
NEW Monster clean up Waller Waller 0
NEW Tag alias: demiphoenix -> phoenix Strikerman Strikerman 0
NEW [REJECTED] Mythological bird humanoids and taurs BUR auto moderator Fluffball 4
NEW [REJECTED] Massive Video Games update BUR page 2 Cinder Fluffball 97