BONUS for the foot enjoyers (thanks to LegnaX for the upscale to 2k/60FPS)
First time I do a sequel, don't forget to check the parent post if you're lost!
This one took a long time to do, sorry if I made you wait! Lately I've felt a little burnt out by long animations like this, I'm likely going to take a temporary break from those... I still love setting up worlds where I can tell stories, so even if the long ones are probably going on hold for now, I'll try to continue doing short slices-of-life things, which are much easier to deal with and allow me to have more freedom on what I want to show.
Since I already posted some of the lore in the previous video, here's some tidbits I came up with (some of them inspired by the story gsxwill wrote, itself inspired by my previous video):
Walking on wings, or "lowly walk" in draconic, is actually frown upon in dragon tribes due to the ressemblance to wyverns. Wyverns are the occasionnal product of the union of wingless earth drakes and any other winged dragon; they are considered pariah, neglected by their parents at best, but more often cast away. Some havens made entirely of wyverns exists in the wild which led humans to think they're a species of their own. Wyverns are most often sterile, although some report they were able to reproduce. Their condition improved in the recent years with the increase of interactions with humans, but the prejudice is still deeply rooted in some dragon tribes.
The tail of a dragon could roughtly be compared to the eyebrows of a human, as the swaying pattern can convey a wide range of its owner's emotions. Despite Beaky's statement, it does tend to move on its own, especially when excited. Its shape is an indicator of the dragon's health: a thin and scrawny tail is an sign of various illnesses.
Big thanks to everyone that helped me with the finishing touches, like LegnaX, Crimsoncreaturecreations and Ivorylagiacrus!
Higher quality version available HERE
EDIT: VR version available at my FA account, HERE
EDIT: 2k/60FPS upscaled version available HERE
user 802145
MemberOooh goody
This is cute
Pericles Corde
MemberOh wow, I didn't expect a new one this quickly. I always imagined animations with this length take at least close to a year to make. You're really talented!
BlockedYo, we got part 2!!!
MemberNew PB472 Post? Upvote + Fav immediately.
I love your works
BlockedPb472 can usualy create a +6 minutes long blender animation in about 2 months and it never stops amaze me.
However, make sure to not get spoiled by his willingess to create his animations so quicky while still keeping their quality
(like I did at one point)and give him time he needs because it is going to be worth the wait :)user 802145
Membera man/woman/other of culture
MemberCome for the porn, stay for the character investment, genuinely want to see the continuation with these two.
MemberThey're definitely gonna get married.
MemberI’ll write a longer and more detailed comment once posted to FA; But for now let me say this was absolutely adorable, you honor me with the mention, and lastly that you should absolutely prioritize your mental capacity in regards to longer animations!
-gsx/diastriko :)
MemberAwesome work! Love the dialogue, makes it feel real
MemberJesus Christ, the detail in the textures. I wish some modern day games had that.
MemberWow, I really love this. She's so cute with her mannerisms. And all that teasing about an egg has me very interested in a part 3 as well.
MemberMy favorite animation!
MemberThis is INSANELY well done, love the romantic feel to it!! instant fav for me cant wait for more :D
P.S i would very much love to see the egg laying too :p
MemberWow, the dialogue that doesn't feel cringy and isn't just dirty talking?
Keep up the good work man
Memberlove everything you upload man, it's a very nice mix of smutt and character, which is something I adore
(hope we'll see more of the wyvern siblings in the future too! is dope to see characters return!)
MemberThis is soo oddly wholesome and I am 100% down for it. Always thought it would make an interesting topic/concept for two sentient individuals of different species to learn a bit more about one another's physicality and these two characters have been nailing it wonderfully in these animations. Keep up the awesome work!
MemberIf it had some voice acting it would be awesome >w<
MemberWhat a sweet couple. I really really like these Animations and i especially Applause you for all that work. This is SUPER nice! I would absolutely love to see you try an Animation with characters from Angels with scaly Wings if you dont mind!! Otherwise i enjoy your content without any regrets!!!
Critical Stiban
MemberYEA the return of these two. I love them. They’re such a cute couple.
MemberThis is gold!
MemberI love your work so much. Their interactions feel so natural and lovely. Thanks so much for making this.
MemberBro, your work is amazing
Shadow of Desire
MemberNow honestly, this is my type of nsfw stuff~
Romantic and intimate~!
MemberThe texturing is insane. absoluetly stunning
as for the content, its damned good too. legitimate questions that might be present were asked with just 2 minds having a casual exploration discussion.
MemberI'm so glad you made a sequel it's absolutely gorgeous.
Membergod dammit this is beyond amazing and what I am able to do myself, makes me want to ask if i can provide my own model so pb472 can animate them.
the reason is the level of intimate actions between the 2 which I do not have even a remote patience or skill to attempt to at this point, and let's be real, practising for years is just as tempting as not doing anything at all.
anyway, enough of that, gonna ask personally if any possibility, putting up a fav and upvote at the very least. it deserves no less
MemberYou know that tingly feeling you get when someone else puts something really close to your face like their hand? I was getting that when she was getting close in the video.
MemberTop tier stuff. Keep up the good work.
MemberI love their chemistry.
MemberModern day games will give you that for 20 gigs lol.
MemberI wanna pet her SO BAD!
MemberThese two are so cute
Memberi think that we need more series of them and their story XD
MemberI love the genuine curiosity they have about one another's anatomies. Wanting to know more about each other in order to get closer.
MemberGG this was my pan awakening
MemberObligatoray anatomy nerd: dewclaws in alot of species arent actually entirely useless. The different position of the smaller digit can help alot when climbing on otherwise too slippery terrain.
Memberi can't express enough how much of a master pice these are.
MemberI love these two too much. Very cute couple
MemberOh, it's so well done! I love how they are exploring each other!
MemberEverything from this artist is an instant favorite would love a sequel to that velociraptor flashing a worker.
MemberAlways such a treat when you release a new project.
Your dedication is so inspiring.
I love how you convey personality in your characters, it really makes them feel alive. Massive respect to what you do, I'm speechless again!
Memberi love how down to earth, non-judgemental and informative the entire conversation is
MemberДействительно, замечательная романтика. Надеюсь, будет и третья часть)
Memberplease create a sequel to the story with the deathclaw
MemberY'know, even though feral generally isn't my thing, the dynamic these two share is still really hot to me. Big props to the creator here. Cummed.
MemberThe hand dexterity bit made me remember that the guy asked in part 1 if she had brought playing cards. I wonder how she would have used/held them if she had actually brought any?
Ragnars rock
MemberAYO, a part 2?
Wooooooo, yeah baby.
MemberThis dragon is a wonderful character!
Griffith Rex
MemberI’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; wonderful animation and amazing storytelling. I look forward to seeing more of these two, and I’m very excited to see how this continues. Please don’t let this become forgotten, you’ve made a better and more meaningful series than almost any fantasy writer ever has, please don’t stop. Legitimately has made me smile each time I’ve seen a new upload (I know it’s been two, but c’mon, this is wonderful). Don’t let me tell you what to do, but please take my word into consideration. Again, wonderful animation and gorgeous writing.
MemberI just love the intimacy portrayed here <3
Both sharing the differences of each one's species
Can't wait for part 3...
Lord Ocean
MemberHOLY... a sequel!? I wasn't expecting such good news today!
You have managed to capture the intimate curiosity between these very different lovers so well!
Wholesome, genuine interactions displayed in a spicy, pornographic way! This is the type of porn the world really needs.
Memberthat nibble got me good.
MemberWhat? Didn't expect a sequel :O
Memberwont lie, a vore animation with them two would be interesting
MemberI actually REALLY love the exploring of their differences, its so wholesome and also grounding to "reality"
MemberWow! I didn't know I'd like to so much. Usually not into feral dragons or animated humans but this is something different. Love how much foreplay they have, makes it so much better. And foreplay is one of the most important parts in having sex but somehow everyone skips it or goes through it very fast
MemberWelp. I'm hooked on the plot now. Part 3 when
MemberHmmm would it be too much to hope for a sequel with a certain magma dragon? But in truth, doesnt matter what you make, its perfect, simple as.
Memberwait i just realized something
did he get her pregnant?
MemberI normally don't comment on posts but damn... this is a masterpiece
MemberOh god a promise of another one! And with eggs involved! Dont tease my poor ovi loving heart so much!
MemberI love the dialogue in this. Just so precious the way they converse and discover each other~
MemberThe writing for these animations resonates so strongly with me, and always make my heart flutter.
Comrade Narkie
MemberTruly a https://youtube.com/watch?v=bRYtuu5jSVM&feature=share8 !
MemberI like that the MC have voice line too. Make the story much better.
MemberI wanted to upvote but... lol
MemberVery well made! Thanks for sharing.
MemberThis is what we strive for.
MemberI want more of this it is amazing, will there be a continuation of this?
MemberIf he is exploring her whole (gorgeous) body, i hope to see some anal fun between these twos..
I think she never done that before.
MemberHell, I'd just sit there and talk about anatomy for hours on end, I'm intrigued.
MemberBut the animation isn't really about sex. It's about foreplay and getting intimate with your partner, with sex at the very end
MemberHer comment about what it's like to lay an egg is something you'd expect from a friend. No beating around the bush and all that. Just the blunt truth because you know A the other is just like that and B it's kind of a funny quip ^^
Cheese taster
Membergood God I love these two, even being gay. it's not just about the sex, it's the exploration of two entirely different species. I'm excited about the egg laying, but I'd love them trying out a "traditional" hug, i.e. breast to breast, limbs wrapped around each other, and maybe they experiment with her tail? maybe she can't use it on herself by herself, but maybe with a little help? or, maybe he gets a little curious himself?
MemberThere's just something so... alluring about the exploration. I really love it.
MemberThis is just incredible. Haven't gotten off this good since that Perdita animation by pinklagoon. Animations such as those two, the preceding part to this and this are the reasons why this site is my favourite adult web-site.
Awesome job! Keep it up!
MemberBest animated series ive seen on here so far. We need a part 3.
MemberBeautiful interaction, interesting characters, interesting dialogue. Not to mention the newness and exploration being shared between them making it kinda cute and wholesome.
Another very well-done bit of story and Animation! Though I think our fair hu.an missed an opportunity to run his hands slowly up her tail for a nice long caress. I wonder at what the reaction would be... especially as his hands get to the base.
MemberThis is my favourite pairing on the entire site thus far!
I think you have a real gem of a series going here :)
MemberI do hope for a part 3 with that aforementioned egg laying.
MemberThis is absolutely adorable
MemberI don’t normally comment but, that was one hell of a POV.
MemberBeaky made a very fair question...
"What are those for, then?"
Membercan you pls do one with stormfly, sex then unbirth pls
MemberI really enjoyed the character development. and the porn
But mostly the character development. I'd love to see more of these two in the future, especially once they get that observation post set up.
MemberI hope there will be a video of these two, where he lays on the ground and she gives him a blowjob, slurping it until he cums in her mouth and she swallows it all.
MemberI hope theirs going to be more of these two in the future
Zephyr W
MemberA adore when an artist takes the time and effort to imagine things from a non-human perspective. All the nuance of things that we take for granted that another species would find interesting, and vice versa. It's extremely rare. Most artists just imagine a human in a creature "suit", rather than how a mind would be shaped from a lifetime.
Memberthe age old question of why men have nipples.
Blockedcame for smut stayed for a romance story.
need more
MemberWhich makes them more lively. Like she's actually shy about doing it with a human. I've only seen that with Coal the Kobold and again the human is just there. Same with Pokémon where they're surprised that she does it with her trainer.
Vestigial thing from the in utero moment like how the clitoris is an underdeveloped penis on females.
MemberI'm afraid you might be in for a disappointment, (or delight depending on how you view it) she looks like she has a cloaca. That's universal plumbing.
user 141597
MemberI can't wait for a third part, maybe featuring some eggplay.
MemberThe sequel we didn't deserve, but the one we needed
MemberThey haz sex. :)
Memberdragonrider42 said:
I can't wait for a third part, maybe featuring some eggplay.
'Never skip egg day'. We must see the egg laying, please!
MemberYes I would love to see the egg laying as well
MemberI’m writing a world in my free time… I should be taking notes instead of jerking off. Shit I’m not even jerking off at this point cause ITS TOO DAMN CUTE!
MemberOk, all of this is pretty much awesome. And sweet. Amazing. I especially loved her teasing him about being scared of love bites.
To me, thinking of making love with a big, dangerous female is a bit frightening in an exciting way. You captured that feeling in your movies. I love it.
Also, nice that one xenophile met another. :-)
LOL I just watched the bit about the uselessness of male nipples. :-)
lol AGAIN about tears vs nictitating membranes.
I hope I get a chance to tell you how awesome your next post is. Congrats.
MemberIt's so fucking amazing. If only there were dragons...
MemberVestigial thing from the in utero moment like how the clitoris is an underdeveloped penis on females.
ah that makes sense thanks for recovering me that embarrassment.
MemberI hope she keeps her promise to show him how she lays an egg
One Scalie Boy
MemberOh my, this is literally my wet dream, I couldn't ask for a better video and I can't wait for more to come.
Keep it up.
MemberI love the story-based aspect. Really good intimacy with more connection.
MemberNo I like the dialogue, I appreciate high quality over smut
MemberI agree, a thousand others wouldent. But i agree
Asriel dreemoore
MemberPlease @pb472 I honestly would like a third part of their adventure/relationship
because this story is too beautiful
MemberHoly fuck.
MemberThis. This is how you properly show appreciation for a content creator, whether or not it's for porn or whatever. I respect you.
Memberthis is just a masterclass in visual storytelling. hot damn.
MemberI’m eager to see how Part 3 is gonna go. Absolutely fantastic work, pb.
user 802145
MemberI am aware.
Caletta 69
MemberI'm not someone who usually posts here, but I find the blooming relationship between rider and dragon to be adorable! There's just enough sexual play and side-talk to make their encounter irresistible to the imagination - much like a couple of school-kids discovering the other sex for the first time. Here's a small idea in case you look to continue this. In Part 1 where Beaky's rider came inside of her and she told him that she would soon show him how she laid eggs... Why not make that egg... HIS?
MemberBonus no work :(
MemberI need another sequel with Beaky! this is too good to go without one
Asriel dreemoore
MemberQuestion for the creator. Out of pure curiosity of interest and pleasure, will there be a part 3 of their adventure?
MemberMaybe a 3rd part or a bonus of the relation of these two
Rouge wolf
MemberCan you do a third part we're she lays a fertile egg from the help of her rider
user 1049364
Membercute story
MemberWe wanna see her lay that egg
Membertoo good,l am a Chinese.
l don´t English.
Please forgive me if there are grammatical or logical errors.
but too good
This webm is tooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooood.
Very good animation.
I don't really know much English.
Memberpart three yet?
MemberOh my God. This animation is so well made. I love the way these characters are being so playful with each other and explore each others bodies. It feels so real and wholesome. And that part when he touched her neck when they were kissing, it was almost like a double kiss cause of what Beaky said in the last part. Such a well made piece of art, well done pb472. I'd love to see more of your work in the future.
MemberYou need to make this a series the caricatures are adorable together and funny in some ways they definitely seem like the type to try new things
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