Topic: [FAQ] e621 Survival Guide

Posted under General

blackasnight said:
DISCLAIMER: I am neither a loli/shota kid nor a loli/shota fettishist.

Perfectly fine, You have my respect from the mere fact that you engaged in educational, constructive, open minded, and rational discussion, rather than the usual one-sided-ness I usually expect. If more people were like you, maybe we wouldn't have so much conflict on the web.

notmenotyou said:

How do I disable the mobile view?

There are multiple ways. The quickest (which also works without an account) is to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Disable mobile mode support".
The other option is to disable it in your (advanced) account settings, where it's called "Responsive Mode". Simply go to settings, click "Advanced", then disable responsive mode. Be sure to check the other settings as well, there's a few new items there that are pretty self explanatory.

How do I disable the gestures?

Second verse same as the first, in your account settings under advanced.

How do I get the old themes back?

You don't. Those are no longer compatible with the new site and had to be axed. Though we do want to bring them back one by one as soon as possible. However right now they're on the bottom of the list of things that need doing.

The current layout is terrible.

It will be improved and polished as time goes on. Getting the new codebase up and running had a higher priority than making it look pretty, simply because the old codebase was basically held together by wishes and duct tape, and was vulnerable to a few things on top of having atrocious performance.

If you're good at CSS have a look at this thread and feel free to provide feedback or CSS snippets, that'll help us get things polished that much quicker.

Change it back.

No. The beta was open and public for nearly 5 months. We gave ample warning and opportunity to chime in with the feedback, including a news item for a month. It's also straight up impossible to change it back because of the massive incompatibilities between the old software and the new one. However, the end goal is to have the current layout prettied up that it will be as good as (or even better) than the old one.

What is the plan for the near future?

Currently the plan is likely another day or two of critical bug fixing (we've identified a few more things that were working in the beta but magically aren't right now), and afterwards directly tackle the UI. We hope to have things much more consistent on all clients before next week is over.

So, what are the new features?

In short:

  • maximum of 40 search terms at once
  • no more length limit to the blacklist
  • all pages load faster
  • custom backdrop behind all submissions to ensure that transparency isn't letting our background color shine through, making transparent images easier to see.
  • Lore tag to supplement TWYS (not yet fully set up due to me being busy collecting bug reports, but soon!)
  • We're now Open Source

Why e621 doesn't load images in mobile mode?Images won't load at all.Please fix it.

turbotowns said:
Perfectly fine, You have my respect from the mere fact that you engaged in educational, constructive, open minded, and rational discussion, rather than the usual one-sided-ness I usually expect. If more people were like you, maybe we wouldn't have so much conflict on the web.

I just said that to inform people that my opinions come from a outsider perspective and that I have little to no personal stake in the subject.

And yes, I too hope that constructive dialogue will supplant avoidable fightingbickering around here.

I'm liking the changes for the most part. More streamlined and updated! The "Parent/Sibling" mentions though are pretty small. Only thing I've seen so far. And I need to figure out the Favorite Shortcut (Just hitting "F" didn't work) and I think it's a nice change!

turbotowns said:
Perfectly fine, You have my respect from the mere fact that you engaged in educational, constructive, open minded, and rational discussion, rather than the usual one-sided-ness I usually expect. If more people were like you, maybe we wouldn't have so much conflict on the web.

blackasnight said:
I just said that to inform people that my opinions come from a outsider perspective and that I have little to no personal stake in the subject.

And yes, I too hope that constructive dialogue will supplant avoidable fightingbickering around here.

I commend you both so much for taking this approach and discussing this like actual human adults. Educating ourselves and each other with discussion and information from credible sources are highly important to the advancement of understanding. Looking through the comments, I wanted to follow this dialogue because I have heard both sides myself. I do have an attraction to the art, but not for the reasons one might seem to think. I started with anime, as many do, and the term "loli/shota" came up quite a bit along with the manga I read. Small things are ADORABLE and I love them!! To protect and have grace my life! Small anything that can be seen as cute is like my kryptonite! However, it wasn't until the introduction of the. . variants of these mediums that these forms took another area of interest. Force play is another area I tend to enjoy. Public use in a similar light. HOWEVER! In the reality I would NEVER condone public use or molestation in ANY form! Same works for the other. Children are adorable and remind me of the first time I saw a small, adorable protagonist of an anime that had just the cutest optimism of life that kept their care taker going and happy just to be with them! My attraction to fiction is just that. A fictional attraction. A story to indulge in for a time just as any other media I care to take in. It's a strange way to be, but among other strange folks I'm not so alone. And I have friends that have been victims, so I despise mistreatment of minors and would defend them just short of offing the violator. I don't discriminate either. Side note- if you discuss loli and shota with a person in japan and the countries the term came from, it isn't meant to be sexual but became that way over time because of perverts. Just like with Octopi!

morp said:
I guess Inkbunny really will be the only functional furry site.

Your passive aggressive bullshit is really not helping anybody, and it certainly isn't telling staff what issues you're having.


add back the starting page with the post counter and mascots, I miss it so much,,,,

I am very sad about the removal of this iconic page. It was so recognizable and well known.

I beg you.

From what I've heard, some form of the homepage will be restored, but there's no concrete decision on exactly what it will have.

sekekkivvi said:
This was also bothering me so I made a simple script to remove the blacklist box for the extension Tampermonkey, if that's more your thing. Hopefully this is fixed soon.

If you have Tampermonkey you can just click this link to add it:

Also, DText linking seems to not work properly when you want to provide a description/alt text.

Nice work sekekkivvi I much prefer a script and functionality I can actually read. I caught the same thing with DText, I'm going to start having to preview everything. looks like username linking like @sekekkivvi is broken too. I wonder how much of DText has been broken by this update...

plus the sites liments is not good at all and when i try to use fav + to save a pic it tell me only 80,000 pics are allowed. not fair at all to the clients. plz see what u can about tha problem. thank u for your time.

hillbex said:
Why e621 doesn't load images in mobile mode?Images won't load at all.Please fix it.

Oh good, I thought it was just my Wii U fucking up again...

turbotowns said:
Oh good, I thought it was just my Wii U fucking up again...

Yeah, another Wii user posted about this. Probably a broken or inadequate Javascript implementation. The 'in mobile mode' is a different detail though, don't know if that changes things.

tokaitori said:
Your passive aggressive bullshit is really not helping anybody, and it certainly isn't telling staff what issues you're having.

the staff doesn’t care about what issues anyone is having. If they did we wouldn’t have this new broken system. They ran the old and new sites in parallel for 5 months apparently and instead of gradually enticing people over with superior functionality they decided to force it on us and, knowing it would make people mad they then doubled down with an incredibly passive agressive FAQ.
If you want people to help you test stuff you don’t issue a “my way or the highway” style ultimatum.

I’ve been a lurker for years. I made this account to say this. This is probably the most disappointing thing the i’ve run into online since fallout 76.

You know what would be great? Bring back the old site and don’t support it anymore. Make all the new functionality for the new site and when we people that like the old layout see neat stuff to use we’ll switch over. This costs you guys nothing and has to be easier than looking over pages of angry people.

forsaken621-2 said:
You know what would be great? Bring back the old site and don’t support it anymore. Make all the new functionality for the new site and when we people that like the old layout see neat stuff to use we’ll switch over. This costs you guys nothing and has to be easier than looking over pages of angry people.

Maintenance (if the old site tips over or gets hacked or something, someone's gotta get it back up and running) and storage (databases are completely different, the images, comments, etc, can't be shared and would need to be duplicated) are two big costs, and far from easy. That's even assuming the two sites are completely separate, and that people using the old inefficient site don't bog down users of the new site.

i agree, there will always be angry people whenever change happens, but when you surprise everyone and then have a preemptive statement that can easily be construed as passive aggressive you’re almost guaranteed to get 1000x more rage than normal.

the seemingly lack of empathy towards anyone voicing a negative view is just going to add fuel to the fire.

watsit said:
Maintenance (if the old site tips over or gets hacked or something, someone's gotta get it back up and running) and storage (databases are completely different, the images, comments, etc, can't be shared and would need to be duplicated) are two big costs, and far from easy. That's even assuming the two sites are completely separate, and that people using the old inefficient site don't bog down users of the new site.

so, what happened to those 5 months of running the two sites in parallel? I’m not a database guy but a file is a file. As far as i know (correct me if i’m wrong) a database efficiently stores the locations to files for easy search and retrieval. 2 different databases should still be able to look through a pile of images. you say that images and comments can’t be shared but isn’t that exactly what happened during the beta phase?

since i have someone’s attention who may be more knowledgeable about behind the scenes stuff, why was the new site put up in this state? i know it was stated that the code base has been done for months, but surely it would have been better to work on things like the ui or the home page before going live?

Also, if there was a beta branch of the new site up for months, why didn’t you guys just make that the default thing seen when people logged in, and then require them to select to go back to the old layout during this things beta phase? That would have given people an easy out if they wanted it and given people easy access to explore the new site. From what i understand the beta branch was somewhat hidden behind an easily ignored/missed news post rather than the first thing people saw when they came here.

This whole thing feels odd, like we’re only getting half the story.

forsaken621-2 said:
isn’t that exactly what happened during the beta phase?

Actually no, there were about 100 posts imported initially and people occasionally would upload one or two more (probably to test some specific feature). The data was not being shared at any time I'm aware of. That is at least partially because the database schema is not the same, so the data wasn't portable between them.
Obviously the raw image files are completely generic (and are probably not stored in the database itself, but as ordinary files in the filesystem), but to, say, show a post with all it's tags, fav, vote information, comments etc, the code that does that is dependent on the database schema.

since i have someone’s attention who may be more knowledgeable about behind the scenes stuff, why was the new site put up in this state? i know it was stated that the code base has been done for months, but surely it would have been better to work on things like the ui or the home page before going live?

The backend is the thing that it's hardest to change once you go live. Conversely, much of the UI is produced by relatively dependency-free, simply changed things like CSS stylesheets.

I'm not sure that it is correct that the code base has been done for months.. that doesn't sound right to me, but I don't have a citation, so *shrug*

This whole thing feels odd, like we’re only getting half the story.

To me it feels like a fairly ordinary 'Open source project makes new release with breaking changes, three salt mines begin operation, operations projected to continue for 15+ years'. The publicization has been a definite weak point, but I'm afraid that that is also typical of an open-source project.

(In case it's ambiguous, yes, e621 is open source now; but it has always had the relatively low numbers of developers and no .. 'publicists', which produces behaviour similar to open source software.)

forsaken621-2 said:
so, what happened to those 5 months of running the two sites in parallel? I’m not a database guy but a file is a file. As far as i know (correct me if i’m wrong) a database efficiently stores the locations to files for easy search and retrieval. 2 different databases should still be able to look through a pile of images. you say that images and comments can’t be shared but isn’t that exactly what happened during the beta phase?

No, as savageorange said, it was completely separate with only a small number of posts imported with a few additional uploads over there to help test things. After the beta ended, the contents of the beta site were completely wiped and all of the old site was imported into the new one right before it went live (during which the old site was read-only for a time, since you can't risk a user changing something on the old site after it already got imported into the new site).

An image file is an image file, yes, but a database is much more than image files; it describes a crapton about those images, and stores the data in a way that associated data is very quick to process and lookup. Consider when you search something like ~pokemon ~digimon male -sex, it essentially has to search through all 2+million posts on the site, gets their tags, match the posts that have pokemon or digimon tags, match the posts that have male, and match the posts that don't have sex. That resulting list, sorted chronologically, is then reduced to the X number of posts for page number Y. Then for each of those posts, get the thumbnail, the favorites count, the number of upvotes and downvotes, and its status (pending, child/parent, flagged and reason for flagging), etc. That's not even getting into generating the HTML that's ultimately sent to your browser with the javascript and style-sheets to show the final results. All of that happens in less than a second even with many people using the site at the same time doing separate things.

To be able to do that kind of thing fast with large sets of data, a database is very specialized. If the database doesn't associate the data you need associated, it becomes very slow to look that data up. To alleviate it, you'd have to restructure the database, essentially rewriting it all with the new associations in mind. This is a very basic overview, and there are many more details involved in how databases work, what they're good at and what their limitations are. I'm not a database guy, but to the best of my knowledge, that's the gist of it.

forsaken621-2 said:
since i have someone’s attention who may be more knowledgeable about behind the scenes stuff, why was the new site put up in this state? i know it was stated that the code base has been done for months, but surely it would have been better to work on things like the ui or the home page before going live?

The codebase wasn't done for months. The announcement for the beta was made months ago, but work on the site continued up to the end of the beta, at which point the admins felt it was stable enough to go live. And for the most part, it was. Obviously there were some uncaught problems, that's not abnormal for this kind of thing. Like any good developer, they were prepared and started right away on the new reported issues as they came in. But given the number of people working on the site's code, it's actually quite impressive how well the codebase has stayed standing with such a large influx of everything. When it went live, it was the first time the new codebase dealt with that much data, that many users, and that much activity.

While it would have been nice for the UI to be more done before going live, that would've easily extended the time before going live. More time with the new site in beta means more work to maintain both the old and new sites side by side, slowing progress down. While you don't want to go live too early, at some point it does become better to go live with the new site and do the finishing touches then.


Disappointed with the anon blacklist "feature", whereby you can't remove tags from the blacklist without signing in. I've browsed this site for years and years without every logging in once. I guess that makes me an awful non-contributing member tho ;)

Also it's funny listening to people on a furry porn site telling others that certain types of furry porn should be illegal. Despite it all being fictitious drawings. There are no real-life consequences.

If any of us want to view an image of an imaginary squirrel creature eating an imaginary bird creature (personally I'm not into vore) then who gives a stuff, really?

My generation grew up with vidya games. We've learned to separate fantasy from reality. Someone viewing cub porn here is not any more (or less) likely to go molesting real (human) kids than you are, frankly.

And yet the calls to "ban this" and "ban that" persist. I hope your (authoritarian) wishes never come to fruition. It's imaginary porn. There are no victims. If anything you're arguing for thought crime to be a thing.

Please remove the anon blacklist. I don't care about any of the other changes. Make the site bright pink if you like; doesn't bother me.

thank you for taking the time to go through my posts and explaining everything. That answered a lot of questions.

one last question, has the database moved so far away from its booru origins that 3rd party clients which access those things will no longer be able to do so? In particular i use anime boxes on my iphone (because i’m lazy) and it’s always been how i sorted my favorites etc. Are those days gone?

forsaken621-2 said:
one last question, has the database moved so far away from its booru origins that 3rd party clients which access those things will no longer be able to do so? In particular i use anime boxes on my iphone (because i’m lazy) and it’s always been how i sorted my favorites etc. Are those days gone?

I'm not sure. I believe I've seen some mention of a particular booru client having trouble with the new site, but I don't know if it's an isolated case to the user, the particular client, or something more wide-spread.

the fucking auto blacklist and not being able to open pic in new tabs without having to agree to the I'm 18 thing is absolute bullshit that needs to go. Also the new format is fucking inferior to the old site.

anonagainstlogon said:
Disappointed with the anon blacklist "feature", whereby you can't remove tags from the blacklist without signing in. I've browsed this site for years and years without every logging in once. I guess that makes me an awful non-contributing member tho ;)

Also it's funny listening to people on a furry porn site telling others that certain types of furry porn should be illegal. Despite it all being fictitious drawings. There are no real-life consequences.

If any of us want to view an image of an imaginary squirrel creature eating an imaginary bird creature (personally I'm not into vore) then who gives a stuff, really?

My generation grew up with vidya games. We've learned to separate fantasy from reality. Someone viewing cub porn here is not any more (or less) likely to go molesting real (human) kids than you are, frankly.

And yet the calls to "ban this" and "ban that" persist. I hope your (authoritarian) wishes never come to fruition. It's imaginary porn. There are no victims. If anything you're arguing for thought crime to be a thing.

Please remove the anon blacklist. I don't care about any of the other changes. Make the site bright pink if you like; doesn't bother me.

I'm with anon on this.

Is there a good reason the plus/minus links were removed from the tag list when searching? By "good" I mean, is that something you can bring back, or is it gone for good because of the change?

It made it much easier to add a tag to a search (or block it from being found) without having to type it out, and was especially helpful on mobile. Sorry if this has been asked before, I don't have the time to read through all the posts, sorry :/ Also I'm not a native speaker, so sorry for the clunky message structure ^^

Edit: Another feature I miss is the display of the artist's name in the tab (e.g. #138449 would say "sneakerfox" in the tab name; nothing specific about that post, I only had it in another tab). It helped know what opened where when you open multiple tabs.

Other than that (and the apparent lack of the textured site background, but you said the appearance will be more polished as we go on, so I don't mind that for now), I really do like the upgrade.

Edit 2: First point was, seemingly, readded in the meanwhile. The second hasn't, and no one has responded to me in any way as far as I can find?


Dear Coders and Mods,

New site good, good on phone, phone work good, good phone site.

Ty <3


And re: people complaining about rolling out the new code base early. It's called public testing and it's the cheapest and most efficient way to collect bugs, complaints and over all transition into a better and faster product (or what ever the goal of your marketing scheme is.)

It'll be like two weeks and then the web client will be better than ever.

gtheotter said:
Dear Coders and Mods,

New site good, good on phone, phone work good, good phone site.

Ty <3


And re: people complaining about rolling out the new code base early. It's called public testing and it's the cheapest and most efficient way to collect bugs, complaints and over all transition into a better and faster product (or what ever the goal of your marketing scheme is.)

It'll be like two weeks and then the web client will be better than ever.

Betas exist for a reason. The redesign had a beta, but the staff did a terrible job of advertising it, thus it got no feedback. However, for some reason, they saw it fit to push it onto everyone instead of trying to rectify the whole lack of feedback thing. Thus, it launched woefully incomplete. What a great way to ruin first impressions.

stupidnewdesign said:
Betas exist for a reason. The redesign had a beta, but the staff did a terrible job of advertising it, thus it got no feedback.

It did get feedback. Ask NMNY about what the site was like at the start of the beta. But people aren't perfect and not everyone thinks of the same things, and some things are more important to focus on earlier than others, so not everything was found/brought up and dealt with before going live.

if something has already been said, do not just repost the same thing, or reply with a '+1' or ditto, it just adds to the mess.

What I would like to know is why I have to log in to even see some posts.

Hop on every now and then, search by artist, see if comics were added to, then hop off. Some are listed as "required login" to even see.
What gives?

Zbit said:

Zbit said:
I commend you both so much for taking this approach and discussing this like actual human adulAts. Educating ourselves and each other with discussion and information from credible sources are highly important to the advancement of understanding. Looking through the comments, I wanted to follow this dialogue because I have heard both sides myself. I do have an attraction to the art, but not for the reasons one might seem to think. I started with anime, as many do, and the term "loli/shota" came up quite a bit along with the manga I read. Small things are ADORABLE and I love them!! To protect and have grace my life! Small anything that can be seen as cute is like my kryptonite! However, it wasn't until the introduction of the. . variants of these mediums that these forms took another area of interest. Force play is another area I tend to enjoy. Public use in a similar light. HOWEVER! In the reality I would NEVER condone public use or molestation in ANY form! Same works for the other. Children are adorable and remind me of the first time I saw a small, adorable protagonist of an anime that had just the cutest optimism of life that kept their care taker going and happy just to be with them! My attraction to fiction is just that. A fictional attraction. A story to indulge in for a time just as any other media I care to take in. It's a strange way to be, but among other strange folks I'm not so alone. And I have friends that have been victims, so I despise mistreatment of minors and would defend them just short of offing the violator. I don't discriminate either. Side note- if you discuss loli and shota with a person in japan and the countries the term came from, it isn't meant to be sexual but became that way over time because of perverts. Just like with Octopi!

Thank you; alternative view points are always appreciated.
Though, can you clarify what you mean by “public use”? Are you referring to public sex, public expression of fettish/other beliefs, or something else?

And to re-expose one of my other problems with the new site: please return the Uploaded By: statistic; I really liked having that short-cut.

Yes, it is still accessible through the counter-productive method of going into the post’s history and checking the user associated with the initial post, BUT, as mentioned previously, this is rather inconvenient AND it is not accessable by guest users.

any plans to add a -pool_XXXX black list tag,
im not a fan of blacklisted pictures being completley removed from pools, especially when im reading a
non-explicit comic

Since people decided to care more about the art than the website, and that the devs didn't do their best to show that there was a revamp coming, this is what everyone gets. There were major architectural changes that had to be made in the back end, which ended up forcing the front end to change a bit too, it is still in the process of changing, but as no one decided to check any of the pinned (which imo, is still quite a bit, and can be organised better) posts on the forum of the website they use, and respond to changes that were going to be pushed, they ended up getting it.

It is still going to change, it is going to most likely try to get feature parity with the old layout and api soon.
Reposting things dont help people notice them, it ends up drowning everything else out (6 pages of comments here)
Especially if you quote a long message and just say 'ditto' or 'same' or '+1' how the fuck is that supposed to help anyone?

And if you have a criticism or complaint, dont yell 'ROLL IT BACK RETARDED DEVS', as that doesnt help anyone, and it might actually hurt you more than you would think. Just say what and why you have an issue, and as politely as you can.

i commend the devs for having the blacklist, its better to have it than have a big controversy with governments of multiple countries,, and if you dont want to click on that, here ill paste it for you to read in the middle of my wall,

NotMeNotYou 5 days ago Okay, so, I'll try to shed some light on it, especially now that I've had a chance to talk a bit more about things with the others at Dragonfruit (the company that actually deals with the page since most of Bad Dragon isn't actually doing anything with us). There are currently two blacklists existing. The user blacklist (which is also available to anons and can be freely edited) and the global blacklist (which is only active for anons). These have both been made to deal with two irrelevant issues: The user blacklist has had default items added to it because those are the big items that cause people to cause a ruckus in comments over nothing, and cause us to spend quite some wasted time constantly having to explain how to use the blacklist, issue records for insulting the people that like the content, and watching trolls troll because low hanging fruits. We may actually some more things to it, like rape, but this list will always be fully editable to everybody, and is simply there to help the newest newcomers who are vanilla to protect their eye balls. It's also there so that the people that enjoy the content can do so in peace without some vanilla dudes crying up a stink about how terrible the pixels hurt their feelings. Now to the less pleasant blacklist, the global one. This blacklist has been added because we've been constantly getting heckled by government officials of foreign nations that our content is illegal in their jurisdiction, and that we need to comply or they'll ban us, send the feds on us, set our crops on fire, and generally be annoying. And it's not just been us, but also our host that has gotten these legitimate threats. So in order to protect our (and your) asses we've had to take a rather drastic step to curb those people from bothering us. As such we absolutely intent to have that blacklist continue to exist simply so we can stop having to play whack-a-mole with those people. However, I'm not quite happy with the current iteration on how it's implemented, but for the time being it'll serve it's purpose. We will likely iterate on this and allow, somehow, to bypass this blacklist via a toggle. However, this won't happen this week (or next). For the time being, please put up with making a throwaway account via an email you don't care about, and then abandon it the moment it's no longer needed. The only data we collect is an email address (which we won't sell or spam with anything unless you explicitly request it) and IP addresses so we can actually send you what you're looking for.

further emphasis on that it is going to change
However, I'm not quite happy with the current iteration on how it's implemented, but for the time being it'll serve it's purpose. We will likely iterate on this and allow, somehow, to bypass this blacklist via a toggle. However, this won't happen this week (or next). For the time being, please put up with making a throwaway account via an email you don't care about, and then abandon it the moment it's no longer needed. The only data we collect is an email address (which we won't sell or spam with anything unless you explicitly request it) and IP addresses so we can actually send you what you're looking for.

"The theme presented here is a quick conversion of some of the base hexagon theme elements, so it isn't expected that everyone will be happy with it. We are still working on the theme and working on adding support for multiple themes back into the site. It's a large task, so it will take some time to complete."

other relevant links

Dont mindlessly repost the same thing as someone else, without atleast adding something constructive; Dont quote a long comment and just throw in 2 words of your own; dont be an asshole to the people who work hard to have this site up for you to use, i know this situation is annoying, but you dont have be a jerk about it.


Good stuff, I for one, am a fan.

It's not too different from the old, it's snappier and the website is actually being worked on unlike all the other boorus ( is really slow, API is basically unsupported, gets the job done I guess, same with realbooru etc) which haven't seen updated in the past decade.

Not to mention, personally I just like the new site for the most part, the new pagination takes up a bit more space and yet the clickable area is tiny.

are you guys going to fix it not working on older systems? heres a list of what i've seen
iphone, ipad, wii, wiiu, 3ds
all don't show images

rayquaza45 said:
are you guys going to fix it not working on older systems? heres a list of what i've seen
iphone, ipad, wii, wiiu, 3ds
all don't show images

It's been explained. Those platforms don't support the Javascript necessary with the new codebase.

dieselwzl said:
It's been explained. Those platforms don't support the Javascript necessary with the new codebase.

Requiring JS just to even use the site is absolutely ridiculous. That should be fixed, or an alternate lite mode of sorts introduced.

whimsicalsquirrel said:
Is there still some way to view "Comments on my posts?" Seems that button is missing, or moved just enough to elude my minuscule brainpower.

hey I'm new

stupidnewdesign said:
Requiring JS just to even use the site is absolutely ridiculous. That should be fixed, or an alternate lite mode of sorts introduced.

Explain how requiring JS is bad?

cochralogica said:
Explain how requiring JS is bad?

Not a expert/donot really care: As I have gathered from other people’s comments, JS is antiquated and clunky. And, as you should be able to see from other posters, it is quick to loose compatability, especially on older devices with comparitvely old hardware and out-moded software/firmware.

Quick version: JS shit don’t work.

blackasnight said:
As I have gathered from other people’s comments

So you admit that don't know shit, then?

Good luck getting literally 90%+ of webpages on the internet to fucking work without JS, lmfao.

I literally have NoScript and 9 out of 10 pages I visit refuse to work unless I tell NoScript that I trust the website, because NoScript blocks Javascript from running on those pages. (I love it because it prevents shadier sites from spamming pop-up ads when I click on literally anything)

Why +Fav doesn't count as vote up? If you add art to favourites you like it. It will help to make popular section and ordering by score more plausible, i think.

demon91 said:
Why +Fav doesn't count as vote up? If you add art to favourites you like it. It will help to make popular section and ordering by score more plausible, i think.

We've discussed this before (in a dedicated thread). It's actually not the case. The usage of favs and upvotes is pretty varied (for example I remember someone who said they upvote things they like, but they fav things that they want to come back to, and that second category could include things that they didn't exactly 'like' (eg. low quality memes))

You can order:favcount if you want.

Either I've been gone for over a week or the ui update was taking it's time to go around.

All I know is... I'll probably be using this site a little as possible until they at least add back themes. The blue burns my eyes;;;

Edit: Oh, OH that washed out blue that highlights your post is awful as well. Really clashes.

tokaitori said:
So you admit that don't know shit, then?

Good luck getting literally 90%+ of webpages on the internet to fucking work without JS, lmfao.

I literally have NoScript and 9 out of 10 pages I visit refuse to work unless I tell NoScript that I trust the website, because NoScript blocks Javascript from running on those pages. (I love it because it prevents shadier sites from spamming pop-up ads when I click on literally anything)

Actually, I admitted that here: “Not a expert/don’t really care.”
AND, I never said that I shared such opinion, such is explained in my second phrase: “as I have referee from other people”.
I DONT care; I still use JavaScript because I have yet to have a problem which I can trace back to JavaScript.

Doesn't seem that posts that were uploaded since the change are able to be detected by saucenao. Shame, because I found it a pretty handy tool in determining if something had already been uploaded. It was more convenient that having to do a tag search.

dolphinpainus said:
As for a suggestion, the readdition of the home page would be largely welcomed. Coming to the site only to be immediately met with the newest images is rather distasteful in my eyes.

This. I miss the splash page and being welcomed by the mascots.

So I did a little bit of playing around with the search feature and found something that may or may not be a bug. The syntax date:yesteryear date:x_yesteryears_ago no longer works. Did this update change that syntax, or is it just no longer a feature?

sergio127 said:
sorry but e621 will no longer work in internet explorer 11? why?

I would highly suggest moving a modern browser, even Microsoft has (more or less, as far as I understand it unless you have a really bad bug [with something like code execution] it will never be updated) abandoned IE11. The recent Firefox or anything chromium-based (Microsoft's Edge, Google's Chrome, Opera, Brave, etc.) is a pretty good at this point.

blackasnight said:
Not a expert/donot really care: As I have gathered from other people’s comments, JS is antiquated and clunky. And, as you should be able to see from other posters, it is quick to loose compatability, especially on older devices with comparitvely old hardware and out-moded software/firmware.

Quick version: JS shit don’t work.

I've used and developed with JavaScript; you cannot blame javascript if it updates and the old hardware ( that is 2 generations old nintendo consoles now ) wont go up. And i also wont call 5 -10 years quick, especially when a new ecmascript is only like out every few years

james-sarrowtail said:
I would highly suggest moving a modern browser, even Microsoft has (more or less, as far as I understand it unless you have a really bad bug [with something like code execution] it will never be updated) abandoned IE11. The recent Firefox or anything chromium-based (Microsoft's Edge, Google's Chrome, Opera, Brave, etc.) is a pretty good at this point.

I recommend Vivaldi;
Also who uses ie11 in 2020?

Is there a way to disable the image resizing on the page for the image? Clicking the links to view it in it's fullsize is an extra step I have to do for every image I open. I tried looking in settings, but I'm either to dumb to spot the option or it's in an odd spot I'd never thought to look. Other sites I've used often just have a "Always show full-sized/original" link next to the option to view the full-sized version. I know one more click and waiting .0025 seconds for it to change sizes doesn't sound like much, but I often will open up 20+ tabs of images before going through to close the ones I'm not digging. The extra click starts to get very annoying.

inasoupcan said:
Is there a way to disable the image resizing on the page for the image? Clicking the links to view it in it's fullsize is an extra step I have to do for every image I open. I tried looking in settings, but I'm either to dumb to spot the option or it's in an odd spot I'd never thought to look. Other sites I've used often just have a "Always show full-sized/original" link next to the option to view the full-sized version. I know one more click and waiting .0025 seconds for it to change sizes doesn't sound like much, but I often will open up 20+ tabs of images before going through to close the ones I'm not digging. The extra click starts to get very annoying.

Is the default image width setting the one you are looking for? comics even have "pool" pages anymore, or are we just supposed to scan through the artist's stuff until we find the next page?

rhiorrha said: comics even have "pool" pages anymore, or are we just supposed to scan through the artist's stuff until we find the next page?

What lead you to believe that they don't? Works fine for me.

bitwolfy said:
What lead you to believe that they don't? Works fine for me.

Great...what do we click to find the pool? I can't find anything. There used to be a comic title we could click on to get to the pool page, now there's nothing.

bitwolfy said:

That does not show up on any comic page I look at. Wtf.

edit: Ok,I see what's going one. When I load the page, the comic title and pool link show up for half a second, then the page finishes loading (ever since the update, every page here loads in 2 stages for some reason: initial page with everything spread out and visible, then FINAL page, with options to the ide, like tags, page number, etc.) For some reason, once the pages are fully loaded, the gallery link is hidden behind a horizontal bar above the pic that has the following: Rating, Approver, view size, and day uploaded.

Is there some setting I need to change to get rid of that?


bitwolfy said:
You are (very clearly) using LewdTechnologies' extension.
While the extension is quite nice, the issue you are having should be brought up with its author, not in the site support thread.

That was it, thanks. Forgot that was installed. Oddly enough, they sent me a message about this issue a few hours ago. Are they watching this thread?

rhiorrha said: That was it, thanks. Forgot that was installed. Oddly enough, they sent me a message about this issue a few hours ago.

I mentioned it on Discord. They said they'll look into fixing the problem.