Topic: all things video game

Posted under General

Just got destiny 2 and had a tenuous connection to the servers for a few hours, online only games are irksome in this way.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
I know, but you reach the 'all this money and nothing to spend it on' point before that.

Eventually, your stocked levels, weapon proficiency levels and weapon stats get so high that a newly reincarnated L1 character can kill L1000 characters in a single hit and almost never take damage.

well, since you seem to know so much. what's the highest power rank a skill can reach? cause my Rising Domination is currently at SS and can still raise the power rank. though i'm not to happy with the mana cost on that as it's already getting annoying...more so with spells that start at F or lower. :/

edit: (in item world) Proto Darkdeath... now why does that name sound familiar...could it be a cameo boss?

aha! Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs Darkdeath Evilman

i knew it, is that boss a cameo from this game? Proto Darkdeath and his skills have Evilman in the name. that's can't be a mere coincidence can it?

and i fully expected him to have incredibly OP stats when i saw that name as that's the whole theme of Z.H.P.. it's a game where you play as the unlosing ranger who has to train and fight an unbeatable boss over and over, losing numerous times until eventually you grow mighty enough to finally take down Darkdeath Evilman.

pretty good game iirc.

Updated by anonymous

episode 10 (or was it 11? i'll check after this fight.) boss, Majorita...

lvl 68, HP 17,474, SP 5,797, ATK 351, DEF 638, INT 1,201, RES 1,528, HIT 804, SPD 703...

killia... lvl 264, 160.5k+ hp, 20.8k SP, all stats in the 20k-24k+ range...

and this is with the difficulty at 1 star so it's a few lvls above the default.

i really don't understand the logic behind boss stats in this game. sure, bosses have high HP/SP but otherwise they're just a slightly buffed normal enemy. there's really no increased difficulty with them at all. well, unless it's like Darkdeath but i think he was a special case and was meant to be overwhelmingly powerful when you fight him.

my killia isn't anywhere remotely close to even halfway to reaching the stat caps yet and yet he's already vastly superior to anything in the main storyline and there's only 5-6 episodes left before i get to the post-game content. even without the extra training, i'd still likely be OP at this point (barely touched the item and chara worlds too).

the only thing the main storyline bosses seem to have going for them is a slightly above average max HP. though...void dark at the end might be a tad harder to beat.

edit: *maid hypnotizes killia* ?! you dare hypnotize ME?! i will beat you into the ground! you wimpy maid.

edit: yeah, that was episode 10's boss fight.

Updated by anonymous

The post-game is nothing like the main story. That main story assumes you're playing normally, as in not exploiting anything and not level grinding much beyond the enemy's level. The post-game throws all that out the window and hits you with everything. Sure, you can tank your way through with one overpowered character now but that will come to an abrupt stop when the post-game starts throwing level 2000 bonus bosses at you with 6-7 digit stats.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
The post-game is nothing like the main story. That main story assumes you're playing normally, as in not exploiting anything and not level grinding much beyond the enemy's level. The post-game throws all that out the window and hits you with everything. Sure, you can tank your way through with one overpowered character now but that will come to an abrupt stop when the post-game starts throwing level 2000 bonus bosses at you with 6-7 digit stats.

sounds fun and...

News Wave! - 2K Introduces 5GB Save Files On The Nintendo Switch And An Old Sonic Game Returns

1:08 so the game is around 1.6GB in size while the save file is 5GB in size? what a waste of space...and for a sports game of all things.

oh, and it looks like the sonic 2 HD fan project is still alive too.

Updated by anonymous

I asked one of my coworkers what game he was playing on his 3DS a couple of days ago, turns out the reason Nintendo actually bothered with a takedown of AM2R was that they were making their own remake, Metroid: Samus Returns

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I asked one of my coworkers what game he was playing on his 3DS a couple of days ago, turns out the reason Nintendo actually bothered with a takedown of AM2R was that they were making their own remake, Metroid: Samus Returns

pffft, how predictable.

and now to... 3.1? 18GB+?! ugh... and just when i finally had ~4GB left on the previous content update for SAO:HR too! i guess that's either a massive update patch on top of the added content OR i missed some news on a 2nd expansion update.

oh well, i guess it works out well enough since i don't remember how this game plays that well now so i'll just start over and work my way back up. how annoying...

edit: ok, guess i'm gonna see if i can buy this game sometime since i'll be keeping it for quite some time regardless this time.

the 18GB worth of updates...2 content DLC for $9.99 each... a new dungeon that is a massive 1,000 floors long (yes, the 100 floor dungeon idea...times TEN!) which also raises the lvl cap to 999 after beating the first 100 floors of it...

i've missed a lot with this game apparently and also put off downloading the patches too long (i had ~4GB out of 11GB+ left. now i have another 14 on top of that or maybe it reset the download. i dunno). even forgot how to play it so i decided to just start over from scratch.

ugh......i will be trapped in this game for quite some time it seems.

and i didn't even manage to beat the original final boss the first time i rented it! >.< so i didn't even finish this game last time i rented it.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
sounds fun and...

News Wave! - 2K Introduces 5GB Save Files On The Nintendo Switch And An Old Sonic Game Returns

1:08 so the game is around 1.6GB in size while the save file is 5GB in size? what a waste of space...and for a sports game of all things.

oh, and it looks like the sonic 2 HD fan project is still alive too.

Sega doesn't DMCA fan games, like Nintendo. Sonic Mania is made by Christian Whitehead, who is also known as The Taxman by Sonic fansites, since he created Retro Sonic for PC, as well as ported several Sonic games to 7th gen consoles and smart phones.

Furrin_Gok said:
I asked one of my coworkers what game he was playing on his 3DS a couple of days ago, turns out the reason Nintendo actually bothered with a takedown of AM2R was that they were making their own remake, Metroid: Samus Returns

I've heard that the Samus 2 remake is actually pretty good, I wonder how well it is versus AM2R though...

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
I've heard that the Samus 2 remake is actually pretty good, I wonder how well it is versus AM2R though...

"Metroid 2," not Samus 2 :P

Some diffferent mechanics:

  • AM2R
    • Quick morph, to swiftly switch between running and rolling
    • Oldschool walljumps for single wall jumps
    • Logs for information on bosses, regions, story, and equipment
  • Samus Returns
    • Aim mode, to aim in any direction around Samus
    • Enemies move around in less linear directions (Thus aim mode)
    • Some enemies can charge at Samus when she gets too close
    • Melee counter, which pushes enemies back. Stuns charges.
    • Counter shots, not actually named but Samus aims at the enemy she stuns with melee and does increased damage.
    • Ammo modes, you have to tap the screen to switch between different attack types. Ice beam doesn't do damage to most enemies, for example.
    • Aion Abilities, which use up a shared points pool to do various effects.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
Sega doesn't DMCA fan games, like Nintendo.

it doesn't matter what company/publisher/or dev you're talking about, there's always going to be some risk of DMCA. i don't know why people seem to think some companies/etc. are exceptions to this when none are. it's just that some are more lenient is all and it depends on when said companies/etc. decide to rerelease or remake a game themselves as that usually spells the end of any major fan game project.

oh and yes, sega actually does do DMCA's to fan games. remember how Streets of Rage Remake got a C&D when sega decided to rerelease 1 or more of the games in that franchise?

DMCA...C&D... same thing in effect.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
Sega doesn't DMCA fan games, like Nintendo. Sonic Mania is made by Christian Whitehead, who is also known as The Taxman by Sonic fansites, since he created Retro Sonic for PC, as well as ported several Sonic games to 7th gen consoles and smart phones.

Well, it really depends. Most of the fan games aren't really remakes, but their own custom games. When it comes to a remake of a game, especially where they're already making one themselves, they may take it down.
Nintendo meanwhile never took down the fangame Metroid Sigma, despite taking down AM2R, likely because it had no relation to a project they were working on other than the title of "Metroid" and the protagonist, Samus Aran.

Updated by anonymous

Random question. An "endless runner" is usually defined as a style of platform game in which the player character runs through an endless, procedurally generated level. What if the game isn't a platformer, or doesn't involve running?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Random question. An "endless runner" is usually defined as a style of platform game in which the player character runs through an endless, procedurally generated level. What if the game isn't a platformer, or doesn't involve running?

Flappy bird is an endless runner.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Flappy bird is an endless runner.

So the "platform" and "runs" parts of that definition aren't required?

Updated by anonymous

Creepy Doom WADs - 1993.WAD

it amazes me what some people find to be creepy or scary.

the only thing scary or creepy about this mod is how those stupid killer baby heads are endlessly spawning.

endlessly spawning mobs in DOOM = endlessly increasing resource usage

my laptop would be more scared of this WAD than i would.

also, i forgot where in the video but at one point he has the map up and it shows those mobs spawning at an insanely fast speed. good thing he finished the lvl quick or has a decent PC.

edit: oh and in SAO:HR, 1k uses of the sword skill Horizontal Arc later and now at mastery lvl 2 (2 stars). currently, 8803 more uses till mastery lvl 3.

so that's 72k total uses to get all the base skills to mastery lvl 2...720k total uses for mastery lvl 3... i don't even want to know what the ridiculous cap for these are in this game. i could beat the game and be grinding this one skill on into the 2nd DLC and STILL not have it capped yet.

edit2: just found out that each sword skill has 3 mastery lvls (though the usage counter will still rise past 10k). so you only need 10k total uses to fully master each sword skill. still a lot but at least that's all it takes.

and i was mistaken on the download size...or rather, the download info hadn't updated till i resumed it just now. i actually have ~11GB to download, not 18GB+.

and for all my complaints about sony and the ps+ bs, i will give them this much. they have some great download speeds for patch downloads. on my laptop i typically top out at ~180kb/s when downloading something but this update patch is easily going over 500kb/s. more like 500-77kb/s actually.

so i should have this game updated in around... 53-56 hours from now. long wait but it could be much much longer if that speed drops.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
So the "platform" and "runs" parts of that definition aren't required?

It more refers to endlessly progressing forward through obstacles. Platforming obstacles and Running forward are just the most common ones.

Updated by anonymous

alrighty, NG+ for disgaea 5...

lol and i've just walked to my doom! i fought the assembly in a 1% chance of unlocking this and... lol this is just ridiculous.

8 bosses at once (4 Overlord Baal's and 4 different Baal Bit's)... the 4 baal's each have 360m+ hp and the bit's each have over...well, 2 have 840m+, 1 has 850m+, and the luck bit has 1billion+ hp.

lol the battlefield looks great but i'm not remotely close to strong enough for this yet. just thought i'd unlock and check out this new content is all. and what's this "CD" icon next to all of their names? OH...i see why this is so hard now. this is one of the carnage tier post-game fights.

hmmm...null null null...geez, they null pretty much all damage and effects except the basic attacks and on top of that they hit harder and take lowered damage from anyone with stats lower than their own. plus they even have an evility to null all damage to the bits till they die first. 1, 2, 3...20 common evility slots and 2 unique slots... yeah...i am nowhere near ready for this. last common slot i unlocked on killia was for reaching lvl 500 or something i think. i still have a long way to go before considering this game "beaten".

well, now i know what tyrant overlord baal is like in this game. a bigger badass than overlord zetta and WAY more powerful. :/

Updated by anonymous

You like stealth kills and werewolves? Werewolf Tycoon may appeal to you.

Google Play

This is the result of me typing "werewolf" into Google Play just to see if anything interesting comes up.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:

Only ran on 32 bit systems.

what is...oh, so ccleaner is one of those pc cleaning registry cleaner programs. some garbage got compromised and used to spread malware for a month. those programs are a waste of time to begin with. heck, we still get tv commercials from the PCMatic con artists here in the US and we all know it's a scam.

iirc i once saw a video on youtube showing what exactly PCMatic does. there's a file somewhere in the directory PCMatic installs to and in that file there is a date (think month/day/year) and if that date matches the one your PC's internal clock shows then PCMatic will say your PC is clean and everything is fine. if the date doesn't match that of the internal clock, PCMatic will say there are problems that need fixing.

at best, these programs are a placebo. at worst, they are garbage that screws up your PC. the people having problems resulting from this type of "cleaner" program have only themselves to blame for using this crap in the first place.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
at best, these programs are a placebo. at worst, they are garbage that screws up your PC. the people having problems resulting from this type of "cleaner" program have only themselves to blame for using this crap in the first place.

The thing with computers is anything that would be a placebo normally is always going to make it worse. The one thing worse than knowing something is failing to stop things is not knowing something is failing to stop things. Putting a shirt on that says "radiation proof" isn't going to make you survive radiation. It will just make you more likely to be reckless.

Updated by anonymous

I played through Sonic Mania on pc last week. Good game, good music, good visuals and a good variety of callbacks and original content. I only kind of disliked the final level. It had a pretty cumbersome platforming mechanic and I got lost in a couple spots. I had a great time otherwise.

Updated by anonymous

speaking of sonic mania, any info on that bronze medal thing?

also, is it just me or are the blue sphere stages harder with a faster frame rate? i could do fine...ish (maybe not on the more advanced ones) on them in sonic 3 & knuckles but now? maybe the first 3 stages out of the whole set.

and they definitely made it harder to get all the chaos emeralds. makes me wish they would find something simple that had a reasonable difficulty and stick with it. not an entirely different chaos emerald mini-game for each new sonic game. i mean, look at that 7th chaos emerald stage. once you're at that stage you have to make REALLY hard and tight turns just to stay on the platform.

that aside, it is a pretty good classic style game. and with incredibly low system requirements too which is a nice to see in a time where games are always pushing graphics to the limits and you need ever increasingly high specs just to run games.

oh and to anyone stuck on the last lvl (not the "super" boss). the correct order for the maze is upper-left > lower-right > lower-left > upper-right > jump into the portal > eggman boss fight

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
what is...oh, so ccleaner is one of those pc cleaning registry cleaner programs. some garbage got compromised and used to spread malware for a month. those programs are a waste of time to begin with. heck, we still get tv commercials from the PCMatic con artists here in the US and we all know it's a scam.

iirc i once saw a video on youtube showing what exactly PCMatic does. there's a file somewhere in the directory PCMatic installs to and in that file there is a date (think month/day/year) and if that date matches the one your PC's internal clock shows then PCMatic will say your PC is clean and everything is fine. if the date doesn't match that of the internal clock, PCMatic will say there are problems that need fixing.

at best, these programs are a placebo. at worst, they are garbage that screws up your PC. the people having problems resulting from this type of "cleaner" program have only themselves to blame for using this crap in the first place.

believe it or not, old versions of the CCleaner program actually was considered to be the 2nd best program for removing adware/spamware/viruses, especially if used with Malwarebytes. It was still decent, although it sort of just degraded into a junk cleaner that just had slightly more information than the disk cleanup program that's packed in with every copy of Windows since Win98.

treos said:
speaking of sonic mania, any info on that bronze medal thing?

also, is it just me or are the blue sphere stages harder with a faster frame rate? i could do fine...ish (maybe not on the more advanced ones) on them in sonic 3 & knuckles but now? maybe the first 3 stages out of the whole set.

and they definitely made it harder to get all the chaos emeralds. makes me wish they would find something simple that had a reasonable difficulty and stick with it. not an entirely different chaos emerald mini-game for each new sonic game. i mean, look at that 7th chaos emerald stage. once you're at that stage you have to make REALLY hard and tight turns just to stay on the platform.

that aside, it is a pretty good classic style game. and with incredibly low system requirements too which is a nice to see in a time where games are always pushing graphics to the limits and you need ever increasingly high specs just to run games.

oh and to anyone stuck on the last lvl (not the "super" boss). the correct order for the maze is upper-left > lower-right > lower-left > upper-right > jump into the portal > eggman boss fight

if you get silver or gold medals, they all unlock special things, like the super peel out mode on the first silver/gold and the insta shield at 6 medals. Xbox One, PS4, and PC copies also unlock an achievement if you collect all 32 Gold medals. I have the Switch version so bragging rights is the only reason why I want to collect all 32 gold medals, unless that Switch Achievements rumor is true, I'm still kind of skeptical of this rumor...

Updated by anonymous

Is there a term for games that requires ridiculous amounts of leveling up to make progress? Examples include:

  • A Girl Adrift - You can't progress without leveling up your character and each attack hundreds of times.
  • Soda Dungeon - Getting beyond the 800th level of the dungeon requires leveling up relics constantly.
  • Disgaea - Not during the main story because the enemy levels there are reasonable, but the extra content requires thousands of level ups and repeated reincarnations to stand a chance.
  • Timing Hero - It's sad that a game that's based on quick reactions requires you to level up constantly to be able to kill anything, especially around the L91-100 area.

I wish games like this would find ways to make enemies smarter or better prepared instead of just elevating their stats at an exponential rate. It's no fun when the only reason you can't kill them is because their HP is somewhere in the tens of millions and your damage output is nowhere near high enough (and in some cases, can't be high enough) to hurt them. If you're hitting them non-stop for 20 minutes and they're still standing, something's wrong.

Coffey25 said:
unless that Switch Achievements rumor is true, I'm still kind of skeptical of this rumor...

It better be true. As far as I can tell, Nintendo is the only company that doesn't do achievements yet.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
It better be true. As far as I can tell, Nintendo is the only company that doesn't do achievements yet.

I don't think they need to. What use are "overall" achievement points? Bragging between friends that you happened to buy the games which give you an easy million points? I'd rather brag about my in-game achievements, than my account-wide ones. Letting the games track their own achievements is good enough, and even then not every game needs that. Timers and high-scores work great as well.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Is there a term for games that requires ridiculous amounts of leveling up to make progress? Examples include:

  • A Girl Adrift - You can't progress without leveling up your character and each attack hundreds of times.
  • Soda Dungeon - Getting beyond the 800th level of the dungeon requires leveling up relics constantly.
  • Disgaea - Not during the main story because the enemy levels there are reasonable, but the extra content requires thousands of level ups and repeated reincarnations to stand a chance.
  • Timing Hero - It's sad that a game that's based on quick reactions requires you to level up constantly to be able to kill anything, especially around the L91-100 area.

welcome to the world of idle/incremental gaming. personally, i tend to just use that genre as a time waster for the most part though a decent or even good game does come up every now and then.

i would say that games made by nippon ichi (not just the disgaea franchise) are like the console version of the incremental side of the genre. oh and if you want to see a nippon ichi game with an increasingly grim/dark story either play through soul nomad and the world eaters' dark path or watch a let's play of it. it's grim/dark but good with quite the ending. lol

gods? what gods? i literally just ate EVERYTHING! lol

I wish games like this would find ways to make enemies smarter or better prepared instead of just elevating their stats at an exponential rate. It's no fun when the only reason you can't kill them is because their HP is somewhere in the tens of millions and your damage output is nowhere near high enough (and in some cases, can't be high enough) to hurt them. If you're hitting them non-stop for 20 minutes and they're still standing, something's wrong.

agreed, that would be nice though it might be hard to do in nippon ichi's case. all of the enemies in their games seem to use really simple or in some cases scripted AI. :/ nice games, sure, but they do have their share of flaws and things that could be improved.

also, while i'm on the topic of disgaea again... i don't know how hard of a super boss Baal was in disgaea 4 but from what i've heard, his appearance in disgaea 5 comes 2nd to that of the 4th game and he seems to have been at his hardest ever in that game. well, hardest so far anyway.

plus i think i figured out what that "CD" icon next to his name means. "Carnage Dmension" which is pretty much the endgame of disgaea 5's post-game content where all rational thought goes out the window with the kitchen sink and stats plus difficulty gets cranked up to 12+. like, before you're even halfway through that content enemies and bosses start getting in the 9k+ lvl range. sounds fun to me... lol in a suicidal way.

edit: huzzah! only ~9GB left to download on SAO:HR's update/content patch(es)....maybe. depends on whenever that 3rd DLC eventually reaches us here in the US as that might bring more update or...something.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I don't think they need to. What use are "overall" achievement points? Bragging between friends that you happened to buy the games which give you an easy million points?

Those easy games (assuming they are games) only make me disregard the ability of those who play them because to me, that's cheating. Having the ability to catalogue your achievements on an account is not a bad thing, plus those accounts often do other things, such as backing up save files so you can load your save file on another device. That's a feature that should be standard on mobile games: Cloud saving.

Furrin_Gok said:
I'd rather brag about my in-game achievements, than my account-wide ones. Letting the games track their own achievements is good enough, and even then not every game needs that.

forum #241195. Soda Dungeon does it right.

Furrin_Gok said:
Timers and high-scores work great as well.

Those are leaderboards. Too bad the online ones are frequently ruined by hackers.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Those are leaderboards. Too bad the online ones are frequently ruined by hackers.

Leaderboards get hacked, yes. That's why I didn't say leaderboards, I said high scores. Something stored in the local game.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Leaderboards get hacked, yes. That's why I didn't say leaderboards, I said high scores. Something stored in the local game.

Technically, it's still a leaderboard if it stores more than one score. Being restricted to that specific copy of the game doesn't really change that, though it is more likely to be called a high score table.

Updated by anonymous

wow, i just saw a commercial for a mario themed monopoly game on tv. and yes, i mean the mario video game. that's something you don't see very often.

i guess it would make things a tad more interesting than the original version of the game. heck, i'd take mario monopoly over a ton of those other versions you see come out every now and then.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Which one?

it's definitely the one in that second picture. I've seen a few figures for sale about that specific board at Gamestop when I go there before I go to work.

BlueDingo said:
Is there a term for games that requires ridiculous amounts of leveling up to make progress? Examples include:

  • A Girl Adrift - You can't progress without leveling up your character and each attack hundreds of times.
  • Soda Dungeon - Getting beyond the 800th level of the dungeon requires leveling up relics constantly.
  • Disgaea - Not during the main story because the enemy levels there are reasonable, but the extra content requires thousands of level ups and repeated reincarnations to stand a chance.
  • Timing Hero - It's sad that a game that's based on quick reactions requires you to level up constantly to be able to kill anything, especially around the L91-100 area.

I wish games like this would find ways to make enemies smarter or better prepared instead of just elevating their stats at an exponential rate. It's no fun when the only reason you can't kill them is because their HP is somewhere in the tens of millions and your damage output is nowhere near high enough (and in some cases, can't be high enough) to hurt them. If you're hitting them non-stop for 20 minutes and they're still standing, something's wrong.

It better be true. As far as I can tell, Nintendo is the only company that doesn't do achievements yet.

I'd kind of like it to be true, since I actually sort of liked the trophy system on sony consoles after the PS3, but seeing how much games have been being released as achievement spam on Steam, and that easy platinum game on PS4, I would hope Nintendo would have some sort of quality assurance over their achievement system, kind of like MS and the Xbox One achievement system.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
it's definitely the one in that second picture. I've seen a few figures for sale about that specific board at Gamestop when I go there before I go to work.

yeah, it's that gamer version.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
I'd kind of like it to be true, since I actually sort of liked the trophy system on sony consoles after the PS3, but seeing how much games have been being released as achievement spam on Steam, and that easy platinum game on PS4, I would hope Nintendo would have some sort of quality assurance over their achievement system, kind of like MS and the Xbox One achievement system.

This is why I was talking about regulation in forum #241195.

Updated by anonymous

2K Games Pressures Site Over NBA 2K18 Review Score

you (2K games) built the entire game around micro-transactions and lining your own pockets with money. of course a shit game that shows just how greedy you are is going to get a shit review score. it deserves a low score! and trying to pressure reviewers into changing their score to a higher one only shows that you're not just greedy but also a shitty developer. the likes of which jim sterling chews through often when it comes to steam games.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
The Rapid Evolution of the Nvidia Tegra and the Bright Future That Lies Ahead!

hearing that original models of the Tegra were going to be put into Windows phones, I wonder what would've happened if Nvidia was still working on phones. I think the Switch used a combination of two different Tegra chips, I forget which one though.

treos said:
2K Games Pressures Site Over NBA 2K18 Review Score

you (2K games) built the entire game around micro-transactions and lining your own pockets with money. of course a shit game that shows just how greedy you are is going to get a shit review score. it deserves a low score! and trying to pressure reviewers into changing their score to a higher one only shows that you're not just greedy but also a shitty developer. the likes of which jim sterling chews through often when it comes to steam games.

I could've sworn that 2K was really trying to nickel and dime their fans from that card game that is identical to FIFA and possibly even Madden's micro transaction service, unless there was another microtransaction service that was advertised heavily in Gamestop, although I'm not sure if Gamestop advertising really means much though, since not a lot of people outside of the few who actually care to listen to the ads on the TV they have running there, and the games usually get little to no exposure from anyone, leading to the game Deformers to be dead on day one, although this could be due to the price remaining as a steady $30 since it launched in April.

Updated by anonymous

ugh... this SAO:HR game has quests out the ass!

i currently have 11+ quests ready to turn in (11 kill quests and a few collection ones for item drops) and 150 others active sitting in my quest log.

if i go turn these in, or clear the next area to progress the storyline then that's even MORE quests added. and this isn't counting all the stuff NPC's and other characters ask of you. it's pretty ridiculous after a while.

edit: woo! managed to tank a NM monster that was 21 lvls higher than me just now. NM's being larger and harder than normal monsters btw. still can't handle any of the games HNM's though. maybe after i get those first 2 DLC's and pass lvl 100, maybe then cause HNM's in the base game start at lvl 95 at their lowest iirc and are FAR harder than any NM.

and no, i don't know what NM or HNM stand for. those acronym's are never explained in-game and i've never seen an explanation on the internet either. maybe someone on some japanese site knows but i can't say for certain as i don't read japanese. :/

sweet, my first sword skill with "super armor"! which basically means enemy attacks can't cancel the skills attack animation early. :) that'll be useful.

Updated by anonymous

curse these infernal bulletin boards (SAO:HR)! i now have 200+ quests active. >.<

also, the attack and DPS stats in this game are little odd when dual-wielding 2 of the same sword. for example, i currently have a Lagoon Sword +6 and a Lagoon Sword +4 equipped. instead of basing the stats off either the main hand or offhand it's somewhere in between the 2 and won't actually even out and do full damage to i fully enhance both swords to +9 and even then this +STR bonus on them might throw it off a tad.

so i currently don't know my exact attack and DPS stats. i just know it says 146 attack and 933 DPS which is somewhere in the middle.

edit: 10 Gamers Banned For DUMB Reasons

7:12 or maybe you could, i dunno, be less of a control freak and not punish people for playing a game how they want to play it instead of how other people want them to play it.

that pisses me off more than stupid devs punishing cheating in offline single player games and that's pretty darn stupid.

i got a glimpse of how this felt back when i played through FFXIII with how extremely linear the game was overall and how you stood little to no chance of victiory in eidolon and boss fights if you didn't follow certain strategies the fights were built around.

sorry, square enix (and all the other control freaks out there), but i play video games how I want to play them not how you want me to play them.

and off topic but i just learned that firefox now has a built in screenshot function. o_O seems kinda redundant when you still have the PrtScr key on the keyboard but whatever. maybe someone else will get some use out of it.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
interesting channel

my favorite strange channel happens to be Tier Zoo, where it talks about the capabilities of animals as if the animals were fighting game characters

furballs_dc said:
Change Your Joycon Shells On The Nintendo Switch! (Clear Joycon Install)

Nice. :3

How the Massive Equifax Data Breach Happened

replacing the joy-con shell seems super easy, compared to replacing a N3DSXL shell, I just want to replace my N3DSXL shell with the Monster Hunter, Galaxy, or Not-AM2R's shell

Updated by anonymous

Sorry for the double post btw

treos said:
curse these infernal bulletin boards (SAO:HR)! i now have 200+ quests active. >.<

also, the attack and DPS stats in this game are little odd when dual-wielding 2 of the same sword. for example, i currently have a Lagoon Sword +6 and a Lagoon Sword +4 equipped. instead of basing the stats off either the main hand or offhand it's somewhere in between the 2 and won't actually even out and do full damage to i fully enhance both swords to +9 and even then this +STR bonus on them might throw it off a tad.

so i currently don't know my exact attack and DPS stats. i just know it says 146 attack and 933 DPS which is somewhere in the middle.

edit: 10 Gamers Banned For DUMB Reasons

7:12 or maybe you could, i dunno, be less of a control freak and not punish people for playing a game how they want to play it instead of how other people want them to play it.

that pisses me off more than stupid devs punishing cheating in offline single player games and that's pretty darn stupid.

i got a glimpse of how this felt back when i played through FFXIII with how extremely linear the game was overall and how you stood little to no chance of victiory in eidolon and boss fights if you didn't follow certain strategies the fights were built around.

sorry, square enix (and all the other control freaks out there), but i play video games how I want to play them not how you want me to play them.

and off topic but i just learned that firefox now has a built in screenshot function. o_O seems kinda redundant when you still have the PrtScr key on the keyboard but whatever. maybe someone else will get some use out of it.

sorry for

treos said:
curse these infernal bulletin boards (SAO:HR)! i now have 200+ quests active. >.<

also, the attack and DPS stats in this game are little odd when dual-wielding 2 of the same sword. for example, i currently have a Lagoon Sword +6 and a Lagoon Sword +4 equipped. instead of basing the stats off either the main hand or offhand it's somewhere in between the 2 and won't actually even out and do full damage to i fully enhance both swords to +9 and even then this +STR bonus on them might throw it off a tad.

so i currently don't know my exact attack and DPS stats. i just know it says 146 attack and 933 DPS which is somewhere in the middle.

edit: 10 Gamers Banned For DUMB Reasons

7:12 or maybe you could, i dunno, be less of a control freak and not punish people for playing a game how they want to play it instead of how other people want them to play it.

that pisses me off more than stupid devs punishing cheating in offline single player games and that's pretty darn stupid.

i got a glimpse of how this felt back when i played through FFXIII with how extremely linear the game was overall and how you stood little to no chance of victiory in eidolon and boss fights if you didn't follow certain strategies the fights were built around.

sorry, square enix (and all the other control freaks out there), but i play video games how I want to play them not how you want me to play them.

and off topic but i just learned that firefox now has a built in screenshot function. o_O seems kinda redundant when you still have the PrtScr key on the keyboard but whatever. maybe someone else will get some use out of it.

treos said:
curse these infernal bulletin boards (SAO:HR)! i now have 200+ quests active. >.<

also, the attack and DPS stats in this game are little odd when dual-wielding 2 of the same sword. for example, i currently have a Lagoon Sword +6 and a Lagoon Sword +4 equipped. instead of basing the stats off either the main hand or offhand it's somewhere in between the 2 and won't actually even out and do full damage to i fully enhance both swords to +9 and even then this +STR bonus on them might throw it off a tad.

so i currently don't know my exact attack and DPS stats. i just know it says 146 attack and 933 DPS which is somewhere in the middle.

edit: 10 Gamers Banned For DUMB Reasons

7:12 or maybe you could, i dunno, be less of a control freak and not punish people for playing a game how they want to play it instead of how other people want them to play it.

that pisses me off more than stupid devs punishing cheating in offline single player games and that's pretty darn stupid.

i got a glimpse of how this felt back when i played through FFXIII with how extremely linear the game was overall and how you stood little to no chance of victiory in eidolon and boss fights if you didn't follow certain strategies the fights were built around.

sorry, square enix (and all the other control freaks out there), but i play video games how I want to play them not how you want me to play them.

and off topic but i just learned that firefox now has a built in screenshot function. o_O seems kinda redundant when you still have the PrtScr key on the keyboard but whatever. maybe someone else will get some use out of it.

a lot of people hate it when people play Hanzo or Widow in Overwatch, as there's a 75/25 chance that the player is either trying to throw the game for the other team, or is so good, that they should be one or two ranks above what they currently are.

I usually just use the Snipping tool to get a cropped screenshot of what exactly I want to show to others.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
my favorite strange channel happens to be Tier Zoo, where it talks about the capabilities of animals as if the animals were fighting game characters

More like MMO characters. Which makes sense because a lot of the music and effects are from Runescape (specifically Oldschool Runescape).

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
Sorry for the double post btw

sorry for a lot of people hate it when people play Hanzo or Widow in Overwatch, as there's a 75/25 chance that the player is either trying to throw the game for the other team, or is so good, that they should be one or two ranks above what they currently are.

I usually just use the Snipping tool to get a cropped screenshot of what exactly I want to show to others.

um...lag when clicking the "respond" button? lol

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
that pisses me off more than stupid devs punishing cheating in offline single player games and that's pretty darn stupid.

It depends of the type of game and the type of punishment. I once played a flash game (I wish I could remember which one) that had cheating options free to use right from the start, but nullifies your score if you use any of them. The game basically says "I'll let ye play with the cheats on... but I'm takin' yer score away when ye're done." and you have to play with the cheats off if you want to set a high score. This could be applied to pretty much any game with an endless mode.

Perfect Dark does this as well. You can play with the cheats on (after you've unlocked them) but your progress during this time won't be saved.

treos said:
i got a glimpse of how this felt back when i played through FFXIII with how extremely linear the game was overall and how you stood little to no chance of victiory in eidolon and boss fights if you didn't follow certain strategies the fights were built around.

Then you must hate Zelda games. I've never played FF13 so I can't really say anything about that without doing some research first.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
It depends of the type of game and the type of punishment. I once played a flash game (I wish I could remember which one) that had cheating options free to use right from the start, but nullifies your score if you use any of them. The game basically says "I'll let ye play with the cheats on... but I'm takin' yer score away when ye're done." and you have to play with the cheats off if you want to set a high score. This could be applied to pretty much any game with an endless mode.

Perfect Dark does this as well. You can play with the cheats on (after you've unlocked them) but your progress during this time won't be saved.

i don't mind if it wipes your score when cheating (some console games disable achievements for cheating too.) but i was thinking more along the lines of punishments that actually affect the gameplay.

Then you must hate Zelda games. I've never played FF13 so I can't really say anything about that without doing some research first.

actually, i like zelda games though i never played any beyond N64 and NDS... no, wait, scratch that. i've yet to try any of the NDS games.

well, i was going to say more about FF13 but then i found this video series about the game... full game spoiler warning and well, just watch and you'll see how this game was.

there's also a couple super bosses but the latter of which is one that i like to call a "F you!" boss since even at max post-game stats it could VERY easily kill you in 1-2 good hits.

say hello to the freaky, Vercingetorix and the "turtle" (yeah...i don't even want to know what they were thinking with that games monster designs. this game was kinda...abstract would be the word i think...when it came to the monsters. they did however make Behemoth into a giant anthro so that was cool.) super boss, Long Gui

also, Snow is by far THE shining epitome of pure stupidity. seriously...

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
It depends of the type of game and the type of punishment. I once played a flash game (I wish I could remember which one) that had cheating options free to use right from the start, but nullifies your score if you use any of them. The game basically says "I'll let ye play with the cheats on... but I'm takin' yer score away when ye're done." and you have to play with the cheats off if you want to set a high score. This could be applied to pretty much any game with an endless mode.

Perfect Dark does this as well. You can play with the cheats on (after you've unlocked them) but your progress during this time won't be saved.

Then you must hate Zelda games. I've never played FF13 so I can't really say anything about that without doing some research first.

It's a hallway simulator.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
um...lag when clicking the "respond" button? lol

I accidentally hit the post button before I actually meant to, making me have to create a 2nd post.

BlueDingo said:
It depends of the type of game and the type of punishment. I once played a flash game (I wish I could remember which one) that had cheating options free to use right from the start, but nullifies your score if you use any of them. The game basically says "I'll let ye play with the cheats on... but I'm takin' yer score away when ye're done." and you have to play with the cheats off if you want to set a high score. This could be applied to pretty much any game with an endless mode.

Perfect Dark does this as well. You can play with the cheats on (after you've unlocked them) but your progress during this time won't be saved.

Then you must hate Zelda games. I've never played FF13 so I can't really say anything about that without doing some research first.

the first Rock Band has an unlock all songs code, but it disables both saving and achievements and trophies on Xbox and PS3.

treos said:
i don't mind if it wipes your score when cheating (some console games disable achievements for cheating too.) but i was thinking more along the lines of punishments that actually affect the gameplay.

actually, i like zelda games though i never played any beyond N64 and NDS... no, wait, scratch that. i've yet to try any of the NDS games.

well, i was going to say more about FF13 but then i found this video series about the game... full game spoiler warning and well, just watch and you'll see how this game was.

there's also a couple super bosses but the latter of which is one that i like to call a "F you!" boss since even at max post-game stats it could VERY easily kill you in 1-2 good hits.

say hello to the freaky, Vercingetorix and the "turtle" (yeah...i don't even want to know what they were thinking with that games monster designs. this game was kinda...abstract would be the word i think...when it came to the monsters. they did however make Behemoth into a giant anthro so that was cool.) super boss, Long Gui

also, Snow is by far THE shining epitome of pure stupidity. seriously...

If I remember correctly, only story event bosses were immune to the Death spell that the character Vanille learns, but the Death spell has such a low success rate you'd be seeing it hit quite a bit of damage almost every time you cast it outside of rare instances, unless you had specific stuff equipped to her. If I also remember, the spell was considered a Status spell as well, so anything that boosted status success rate boosted Death's success rate as well.

Updated by anonymous

random side har video: The K'nuter - K'NEX Computer

o_O apparently this...thing is a computer of some sort. a computer with no electronic components.

i'm not sure what definition of computer this guy is thinking of but this thing probably falls more into the category of "toy" than computer.

edit: whoo...what a fight. taking on a NM 23 lvls above me for some of the highest defense armor in the base game.

this lvl difference is really hurting my damage output but i'm over 3/4 through the things hp.

2.5 minutes later... phew, that was a long fight but the armor is mine!

gonna have to do an even harder fight in this next are for 2 copies of the legendary 1-hand sword though and...after that go through the lengthy process of upgrading them.

see legendart mats tab for info on those

each weapon type has a legendary that can be upgrade through 3 paths with the 3rd and lengthiest path being the strongest by far. that's a LOT of high lvl materials to farm though. plus once you reach the end of the 3rd path you can reroll it for different stats until you get the best possible. that's where this "save scumming" thing comes into play. just close the game without saving, load, reroll, repeat till you get the desired results. it's a cheap strategy, sure, but it beats wasting time grinding hundreds of items.

Updated by anonymous

I'm replaying Red Dead Redemption for eight time, or so.

On the One this time, with the GOTY Legendary mode, def´the way to play it.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
random side har video: The K'nuter - K'NEX Computer

o_O apparently this...thing is a computer of some sort. a computer with no electronic components.

i'm not sure what definition of computer this guy is thinking of but this thing probably falls more into the category of "toy" than computer.

edit: whoo...what a fight. taking on a NM 23 lvls above me for some of the highest defense armor in the base game.

this lvl difference is really hurting my damage output but i'm over 3/4 through the things hp.

2.5 minutes later... phew, that was a long fight but the armor is mine!

gonna have to do an even harder fight in this next are for 2 copies of the legendary 1-hand sword though and...after that go through the lengthy process of upgrading them.

see legendart mats tab for info on those

each weapon type has a legendary that can be upgrade through 3 paths with the 3rd and lengthiest path being the strongest by far. that's a LOT of high lvl materials to farm though. plus once you reach the end of the 3rd path you can reroll it for different stats until you get the best possible. that's where this "save scumming" thing comes into play. just close the game without saving, load, reroll, repeat till you get the desired results. it's a cheap strategy, sure, but it beats wasting time grinding hundreds of items.

The first computers weren't electronic, and the first program was written by someone who died before a computer would exist.

In fact some early computers were entirely magnetic. Some in Russia were in ternary code, with -1 instead of 2. 5 would be written as +-- (+9, -3, -1). On the other hand, brilliant way to not need a bit for the sign.

Updated by anonymous

How Creation Club Modders are Actually Compensated by Bethesda

hmmm... i foresee the average level of quality dropping as a result of this when it comes to this creation club setup. lower quality/more money :/

while unpaid, normal mods will remain higher quality...maybe.


kamimatsu said:
The first computers weren't electronic, and the first program was written by someone who died before a computer would exist.

In fact some early computers were entirely magnetic. Some in Russia were in ternary code, with -1 instead of 2. 5 would be written as +-- (+9, -3, -1). On the other hand, brilliant way to not need a bit for the sign.

huh, never knew that.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
How Creation Club Modders are Actually Compensated by Bethesda

hmmm... i foresee the average level of quality dropping as a result of this when it comes to this creation club setup. lower quality/more money :/

while unpaid, normal mods will remain higher quality...maybe.


huh, never knew that.

I'm wondering why Bethesda hasn't seen any of this backlash this entire month about it yet, you'd think at least a programmer would've heard about this fiasco and would've told higher ups about it. I'm also wondering if Bethesda is just Todd Howard and Pete Hines and they just pay hundreds of freelance programmers just to program their games...

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
I'm wondering why Bethesda hasn't seen any of this backlash this entire month about it yet, you'd think at least a programmer would've heard about this fiasco and would've told higher ups about it. I'm also wondering if Bethesda is just Todd Howard and Pete Hines and they just pay hundreds of freelance programmers just to program their games...

oh, they've probably seen it. probably still denying the fact that these creation mods are in fact paid mods too.

just a thought but could it be that bethesda plans to use this creation club system to outsource content creation to modders? that's partly why i brought up the potential quality issues with the mods since i doubt there's any shortage of people who would be happy to just start making small and simple content like mods for a quick buck or 2. and i doubt those who join this creation club for that reason will be in it to start producing big, high quality, content that's well worth the money bethesda would be charging for it.

and there's probably a fairly good chance i'm right about that since there's definitely no shortage of shitty game devs like the ones jim sterling loves to call out for their BS or those that churn out shitty mobile F2P games built to drain wallets. bethesda will have their hands full making sure people like that don't totally ruin this system...not that it'll be that good a system in the long run anyway.

edit: finally, all updated (SAO:HR)! a massive 18GB worth of updates (some of which, i'm fairly certain added some free content).

oo, Warriors of the sky... ""Warriors of the Sky" installed. if the main story is completed, select Continue to play." awesome.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Anyone else notice that every time Snow gets punched, the sin counter goes down?


and down goes the final boss of SAO:HR! i forgot about its spinning attack in part 2 of the fight so that ended my winning streak of beating bosses on the first try. now for the Warriors of the Sky fee content that came with the updates. :) and that Regia (lord of inferno) thing after that...maybe. plus, with the lvl cap at 80 for me now, i might be able to try fighting the mighty HNM monsters...maybe. those are way harder than the normal content to begin with.

Updated by anonymous