Topic: all things video game

Posted under General

Falcom preparing Trails of Cold Steel one and two for PS4 release

this is old news, but it's nice, as it reminds to that I really need to beat the first Trails of Cold Steel game, as well beat the 2nd game. The 3rd Trails game is also coming to the PS4, which mean you can potentially use your PS3, or in my case, Vita saves to go from the first game all the way through the entire trilogy, with bonuses if it's allowed.

treos said:

and down goes the final boss of SAO:HR! i forgot about its spinning attack in part 2 of the fight so that ended my winning streak of beating bosses on the first try. now for the Warriors of the Sky fee content that came with the updates. :) and that Regia (lord of inferno) thing after that...maybe. plus, with the lvl cap at 80 for me now, i might be able to try fighting the mighty HNM monsters...maybe. those are way harder than the normal content to begin with.

the SAO anime is usually considered a terrible anime, I'm kind of wondering how the games are though. Are they like the Naruto games, where they're great games, that can be played without exactly watching the anime? Of course, I mean that by you need some basic knowledge on how the anime's world works...

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
the SAO anime is usually considered a terrible anime, I'm kind of wondering how the games are though. Are they like the Naruto games, where they're great games, that can be played without exactly watching the anime? Of course, I mean that by you need some basic knowledge on how the anime's world works...

i wouldn't know about naruto games as i rarely watch naruto anymore. SAO:HR and SAO: LS (Lost Song) don't require any knowledge of the anime though. but the plot of SAO:HR does revolve around the original animes plot in some sort of play out the creation legend of the floating castle, Aincrad. so the story will make a bit more sense if you've seen the anime but that's not really required.

i've never played it but i think the other game, Hollow Fragment plays more closely to the anime but overall HR is the best of the games (vastly superior to LR. >.>).

oh and that free content that came with the updates takes place in this freshly rebuilt...well, kinda rebuilt Aincrad. it's the 15th floor and believe me when i say it is way harder than the base game content. like, mobs start in the 74-78 lvl range and without any of the DLC your lvl cap is 80. once the devs get around to giving us US players the 3rd DLC we'll get a 1000 floor dungeon which raises the lvl cap to 999 once you beat floor 100. that'll probably blow away any challenge in earlier content like how these updates went and totally wrecked the balance of the base game content.

not much need for SP potions now since you can hold L1 to block then press R1 while blocking to quickly regen your SP in seconds.

Updated by anonymous

after reincarnating killia some more in disgaea 5 last night, i'm starting to think the bonus stats come more from how many times you've reincarnated rather than stocked lvls. could someone confirm this?

and... now i have yet another SAO:HR update to download. 3.7GB+ iirc, version 3.2. i'd normally be complaining of how annoying that is but honestly, after all the changes they made in those past updates, i'm actually looking forward to what's changed in this one. cause if you play the game without updating for a while then later download all the updates, it's like playing an entirely different game as there's such a huge amount of things that got changed. and i don't just mean content either, there were a TON of improvements made everywhere.

i am, however, still unsure of how i'm going to be able to handle the Sacrament dungeons of the game. iirc those were originally meant for multiplayer gameplay so going through them in single player can be VERY hard and iirc i tried 1 or 2 of them last time i rented the game and struggled to just barely complete any of them at the lowest ranking so who knows, maybe they'll be somewhat easier now too?

edit: finally beat the final martial training challenge. violent challenger quest... O_O a lvl 6k+ boss? seriously? what, is this the route to the carnage dimension or something cause that's rather intimidating.

er...nevermind. >.> one good overload (Tyrant Revelio) while in revenge mode took him out in 2 hits. hehehe...

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
after reincarnating killia some more in disgaea 5 last night, i'm starting to think the bonus stats come more from how many times you've reincarnated rather than stocked lvls. could someone confirm this?

and... now i have yet another SAO:HR update to download. 3.7GB+ iirc, version 3.2. i'd normally be complaining of how annoying that is but honestly, after all the changes they made in those past updates, i'm actually looking forward to what's changed in this one. cause if you play the game without updating for a while then later download all the updates, it's like playing an entirely different game as there's such a huge amount of things that got changed. and i don't just mean content either, there were a TON of improvements made everywhere.

i am, however, still unsure of how i'm going to be able to handle the Sacrament dungeons of the game. iirc those were originally meant for multiplayer gameplay so going through them in single player can be VERY hard and iirc i tried 1 or 2 of them last time i rented the game and struggled to just barely complete any of them at the lowest ranking so who knows, maybe they'll be somewhat easier now too?

Why not just team up with other players?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Why not just team up with other players?

i do not pay extra for multiplayer. not ever

edit: ok, so that violent challenger quest was the first in a series of hoops you have to go through to unlock Carnage Dimension where all those good lvl capped fights lay in wait... well, i guess it's good preparation for the eventual battle vs Baal who might just be my final fight in this game.

that baal fight is crazy though. those 4 baal's and everything else in that fight have a ton of damage immunity evilities on the and crazy high stats. definitely a super boss fight. still won't be the hardest i've ever attempted though.

no, that record will forever go to the Demi-Fiend of Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga. until a game dev can make a super boss that surpasses that creature it will always be the hardest super boss ever. seriously, even luck plays a role in whether or not you will win against the demi-fiend. and i don't mean the in-game stat. lol

anyway, the 2nd hoop is beating the item god at floor 100 of item world (any item will do) then another fight quest... then beating chara world at overlord difficulty followed by ANOTHER fight quest then... you have to find a rank 35 netherworld via netherworld research and then do 3 more fight quests and FINALLY pass (likely fight or pay to pass it) a bill in the assembly to unlock carnage dimension.

lot of work to earn access to those super hard battles.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i do not pay extra for multiplayer. not ever

I mean, pretty sure you knew about subcription based online services before getting the console? And bought game that you knew had online component which wouldn't work withtou subscription?

If I had that kind of principle I would've bought the Vita version. Would've saved 10€ on game, no plus subscription needed for online, can play on TV with Vita TV (which costed 20€ brand new).

And if the reason to not buy Vita version was performance and graphics, then PC exsists.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
I mean, pretty sure you knew about subcription based online services before getting the console? And bought game that you knew had online component which wouldn't work withtou subscription?

If I had that kind of principle I would've bought the Vita version. Would've saved 10€ on game, no plus subscription needed for online, can play on TV with Vita TV (which costed 20€ brand new).

And if the reason to not buy Vita version was performance and graphics, then PC exsists.

dude, if i want to play multiplayer in a game, i have my laptop. i got the console for the games, not to pay into that scam. still hoping...a little...that i'll be able to get a new desktop pc next year and if THAT happens, this laptop will be saying hello to Mr. Sledgehammer for all the crap it's made me deal with over the years. (yes...i do still want to see this thing destroyed... but only after replacing it with something better which, honestly, shouldn't be difficult at all.)

plus, the guys talking in that thread i have going on gamefaqs have pointed out that the sacrament dungeons become pretty easy (well, the first 2 sets) with the 2nd DLC so there's that to consider. of course, with the 3rd DLC (whenever the devs release it here in the US) will probably blow away everything by raising the lvl cap to 999 after floor 100 out of 1000 floors in that dungeon.

so really, i just need to wait till i can afford that DLC and then i won't even have to bother with multiplayer at all.

edit: made me forget what i was going to say.

just encountered Proto Darkdeath again in the item world but this time his stats are in my favor. attack is low enough to do 0 damage to me while i can hurt him...and with him at lvl 9999 that will be some sweet exp when he falls.

:/ 3841 to 3863... not great but still a ton of exp.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
after reincarnating killia some more in disgaea 5 last night, i'm starting to think the bonus stats come more from how many times you've reincarnated rather than stocked lvls. could someone confirm this?

and... now i have yet another SAO:HR update to download. 3.7GB+ iirc, version 3.2. i'd normally be complaining of how annoying that is but honestly, after all the changes they made in those past updates, i'm actually looking forward to what's changed in this one. cause if you play the game without updating for a while then later download all the updates, it's like playing an entirely different game as there's such a huge amount of things that got changed. and i don't just mean content either, there were a TON of improvements made everywhere.

i am, however, still unsure of how i'm going to be able to handle the Sacrament dungeons of the game. iirc those were originally meant for multiplayer gameplay so going through them in single player can be VERY hard and iirc i tried 1 or 2 of them last time i rented the game and struggled to just barely complete any of them at the lowest ranking so who knows, maybe they'll be somewhat easier now too?

edit: finally beat the final martial training challenge. violent challenger quest... O_O a lvl 6k+ boss? seriously? what, is this the route to the carnage dimension or something cause that's rather intimidating.

er...nevermind. >.> one good overload (Tyrant Revelio) while in revenge mode took him out in 2 hits. hehehe...

these updates sound very painful to get if they're released so often, especially if you don't own a PS4 Pro, although I'm not sure just how fast Pro download speeds are vs regular/slim download speeds are...

Mario69 said:
I mean, pretty sure you knew about subcription based online services before getting the console? And bought game that you knew had online component which wouldn't work withtou subscription?

If I had that kind of principle I would've bought the Vita version. Would've saved 10€ on game, no plus subscription needed for online, can play on TV with Vita TV (which costed 20€ brand new).

And if the reason to not buy Vita version was performance and graphics, then PC exsists.

If I remember correctly, the Vita version had framerate issues, which seems kind of bad if you've already played the PS4 version, which is the best version as there isn't a PC version out as far as I know, at least.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
these updates sound very painful to get if they're released so often, especially if you don't own a PS4 Pro, although I'm not sure just how fast Pro download speeds are vs regular/slim download speeds are...

quite fast download speeds compared to my laptop actually. in one night i could get around 1GB+ in...4-5.5 hours depending on how close to 9:30 PM i started/resumed the download. it'd take a good bit longer than that on my laptop. this version 3.20 update should only take 2-3 nights at that rate.

the main issue with the ps4 pro (even with its 1TB hard drive) is you occasionally have to delete games and other stuff to clear up space due to the mandatory installation of every game played on it on top of all the updates for each game. and in the case of some games like SAO:HR where they sometimes get content included in the updates (the Warriors of the sky, Sacrament dungeons, AND a Duel system on top of all the other various changes and improvements), that space can go quickly. if they reach a 4.0 then that might be yet another wave of Sacrament dungeons or something or maybe that 3rd DLC will be the end of the added content. who knows? (well, those who can read and check japanese news sites might)

and they actually didn't give many details about these updates in the change log. they did, however, give a mountain of tutorials and other stuff to explain it all in-game and kept to how they've done before. making it sound like the game SAO:HR takes place in (Sword Art: Origin) was what got the updates with a in-game system notification the characters talk about.

edit: *sigh* 61 floors in and driven off by a clone of my killia who killed me... darn

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
The Health Benefits of ... Cannibalism

All dem artificial additives though...

Those proteins have to come from somewhere, and that goes for any that the food had too. They had to get it from somewhere. As did their food. Can't just make more people because you expend more making it than you get eating it, and it has to eat as well. Like any self-contained environment, there's a very short time limit before everything is gone. Makes sense when you consider real cannibalism was either as a ritual or as a last resort.

Updated by anonymous

Old websites with flash games you like back then?

Don't know if anyone remember Silverwing had animated tv series,
but they also had a website.

That seems hard to get in now...
well for me, as I keep getting the "get latest flash player" icon
when I use the wayback machine.

So It might be hard to save any flash files there anymore.
as I'm trying to get games in swf.
heres the Storm Hawks site

and the flash game

Oh Toonami had a few good ones too,
like Dragon Ball Z Tournament.

and have a spooky old website
Forbidden Siren

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
Old websites with flash games you like back then?

Don't know if anyone remember Silverwing had animated tv series,
but they also had a website.

That seems hard to get in now...
well for me, as I keep getting the "get latest flash player" icon
when I use the wayback machine.

So It might be hard to save any flash files there anymore.
as I'm trying to get games in swf.
heres the Storm Hawks site

and the flash game

Oh Toonami had a few good ones too,
like Dragon Ball Z Tournament.

and have a spooky old website
Forbidden Siren

you could get past the get shockwave flash message... Just to get an error that the site is too old and relied on every website that it asked for in the flash to work, probably...

and that's a really obscure series, only has 18 pictures here even with those character designs, and 17 of them are a bit pornographic.

Updated by anonymous

i had already forgotten about this interesting detail in SAO:HR's ending (kinda skipped through most of it. :/ but i did read through this part.) that might surprise those of you who have seen season 1 of the anime but haven't played the game yet.

i'll just /spoiler it for those who don't want to see the surprise ruined.

your old friend, Heathcliff, says hello from beyond the grave and has a gift for you when you beat this game. and yes, i do mean the avatar of season 1's main villain. lol that's right, the cardinal system can even bring back the a certain extent. but don't worry, the main villain of season 1 is most definitely gone for good. i would say this is something of a...phantom situation.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
you could get past the get shockwave flash message... Just to get an error that the site is too old and relied on every website that it asked for in the flash to work, probably...

and that's a really obscure series, only has 18 pictures here even with those character designs, and 17 of them are a bit pornographic.

Well I think theres more of them on rule 34
but yeah these bats are obscure,
even tho the novel book is much more popular.

The cartoon wasn't 100% faithful from the book
but it was still fun cartoon, and have nice bat designs.

I think two of the flash games are on other websites
but they also are hard rip to swf files.

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
Well I think theres more of them on rule 34
but yeah these bats are obscure,
even tho the novel book is much more popular.

The cartoon wasn't 100% faithful from the book
but it was still fun cartoon, and have nice bat designs.

I think two of the flash games are on other websites
but they also are hard rip to swf files.

I managed to find one that was an easy puzzle game, although there was really no penalty to place down the pieces. I should also mention that

I found another game that felt like sort of like a Metroidvania, and you had to collect 7 checkpoints, and you could select either the blue bat or the red winged yellow bodied bat.

Updated by anonymous

wow, that download was going REAL fast tonight. 2GB downloaded in around 4 hours. that is VERY fast for my internet connection.

and 2 series 1 sacraments down... somehow got an A rank for rushing the boss of the first one and i really don't know how i got a B for this 2nd one cause i did quite poorly imo.

well, i may try more of those later but bed time for now.

edit: Warner Bros. is No Longer Charging for Shadow of War's Memorial DLC

Dirty Devs: The Downfall of Silicon Echo

well, this is interesting.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
I managed to find one that was an easy puzzle game, although there was really no penalty to place down the pieces. I should also mention that

I found another game that felt like sort of like a Metroidvania, and you had to collect 7 checkpoints, and you could select either the blue bat or the red winged yellow bodied bat.

Oh? had a a chance to rip them?
yeah the 2nd game was more interesting

oh the Forbidden Siren website
not really a flash game, but a neat spooky
interactive site that gives backstory to the ps2 game.

Updated by anonymous

I recently found a Diablo-like game for mobiles: Eternium. I've never played Diablo before, but this game's alright.

Also, anyone who likes Temple Run but is annoyed by the complete absence of creepy japanese school girls should try Dark Corridors 2.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
wow, that download was going REAL fast tonight. 2GB downloaded in around 4 hours. that is VERY fast for my internet connection.

Meanwhile, said I downloaded Overwatch at 22.5MB/s during the free weekend.

I've been playing Digimon World: Next Order (PS4) every few days at a friend's in stupefying ~12 hour grindfests. I think yesterday was my fourth or fifth such outing. This game... This game. I could say much or little about it and either would be enough. I project 200 hours to bring the save file near a state of completion.

This is a hard game. It's been heralded as "the Dark Souls of RPGs", but for the wrong reasons. You will get murderized, and you will be ignorant as to why...

Mechanics: A Braindump

At first, the player is hamstrung not knowing a few very important game mechanics. For instance, you need to fight Digimon at your Digimon's level or higher (e.g., rookie, champion, ultimate, mega) to earn decent stats as battle rewards. Your Digimon don't have number levels, so you power them up "directly" with stats. For several reasons, specific enemy Digimon become the obvious best farming targets, and you absolutely need to farm stats or you can't progress because gatekeeping Digimon will be impossible to defeat/not worth fighting.

The rub, here, then is the death and rebirth mechanic. Your Digimon will die (from aging) if it can't evolve any more, and it will be reborn as an in-training Digimon (from an egg) of your choosing, inheriting a cumulative 10% of the maximum you pushed every stat to. So if I pushed a Digimon to 6K HP before its first death, 16K HP before its second death, and 12K HP before its third death, the fourth generation will be reborn with [base + 600 + 1600 + 1600] HP. The second problem is farmable Digimon have a stat contribution cap, so the best farmable Digimon for my rookies and champions that I know of starts decaying HP and MP growth at 4K (becoming zero or ineffectual around 6K), and the same for the four core stats at 1.8K (capping out around 2K?). Stat growth per fight on Normal seems capped at 260HP/MP and 26 core stats, regardless of enemy type or number.

You can always train at the gym, but stat growth will be slower and you can't meaningfully advance by training every day. Definitely a pick-your-poison proposition over which grind is more tolerable, but that should easily be fighting. You train when you've given up all other avenues of progression. Thus ultimates and megas won't be gaining meaningful stats from fighting until late game, and you should either (a) use them to complete objectives or (b) train them at the gym.

To be annoying, you can't really size up enemies until you fight them, where you may find yourself brutally pummeled. Some enemies that should be weak are far tougher than they have any right being whereas some enemies that should be strong are unexpectedly manageable. Losing and retreating both carry stiff penalties, so the best option is to PS button > Close Application > Launch game. Because there's no in-game Load save file option, nor is there a Return to Main Menu option (really need to triple check those...).

To distract you from the stat grind, this is also a management game. Everything that can benefit you also presents regular management decisions, like upkeep tasks, time/cost vs. benefit decisions, and weekly and hourly schedules. Exploration and throwing yourself at known roadblock enemies is what you do when your affairs are in order and/or you want to "escape" such affairs by being "irresponsible". In addition to necessary stat farming, you can also collect building materials to gain experience in raising your tamer level and earn useful, marginal stat/RNG boosts (because of course). Naturally, the four types of building materials each have ten rarities.

Digivolution trees are stat-gated and have a few systems of control (because of course). Oh, and you have two Digimon ;). And their levels can become very de-sync'd, as mine are, which presents more trade-offs.

Defend. Get.

That's actually a pretty good primer. The deliberate-yet-seamless phase shifts between stat grinding, management, and exploration somehow melt together and have kept the game from becoming stale.

I've had an absolutely miserable go at taking video games to the finish line in recent years because I can't help losing interest once I figure them out. By all accounts I should not even attempt this game, yet here I am and I'm still going.

Something cool happened as I was fighting the first story boss with insufficient stats. One of my Digimon died, so I used a revive item. The tamer actually throws those battle items at their Digimon, so there's a built-in animation delay. The other Digimon died before I had thrown the item but after issuing the command. With two dead Digimon, you lose the fight and get sent back to town. However, this time, before the tamer could fall to the ground in defeat, he threw two revive items. Then I won. That fight should not have been winnable with my poor preparedness, but I out-cheesed the game, for the first and last time lmao.

I accidentally a Renamon. btw

post #305531

Updated by anonymous

abadbird said:
"the Dark Souls of RPGs"

It's kinda pointless to describe something as an instance of itself. That's like saying "the Bugatti Veyron of cars".

abadbird said:
To be annoying, you can't really size up enemies until you fight them, where you may find yourself brutally pummeled. Some enemies that should be weak are far tougher than they have any right being whereas some enemies that should be strong are unexpectedly manageable.

This is a problem with RPGs in general, usually because the enemy's appearance doesn't match its abilities or because two enemies look almost identical yet have vastly different abilities. See forum #230939 for an example of the former.

Gargantua, Gigantos, Glasya Labolas, Hill Gigas - Which one looks stronger to you?

Updated by anonymous

abadbird said:
Meanwhile, said I downloaded Overwatch at 22.5MB/s during the free weekend.

I've been playing Digimon World: Next Order (PS4) every few days at a friend's in stupefying ~12 hour grindfests. I think yesterday was my fourth or fifth such outing. This game... This game. I could say much or little about it and either would be enough. I project 200 hours to bring the save file near a state of completion.

This is a hard game. It's been heralded as "the Dark Souls of RPGs", but for the wrong reasons. You will get murderized, and you will be ignorant as to why...

i remember trying that game. didn't really like it much for the same reasons i never liked the original digimon world game. and that's because it's more of a breeding/training game than an RPG since unlike the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th digimon world games since, unlike those, your digimon partner only lives a set amount of time before "reincarnating" with the digivolution system having a LOT of variables to it.

i mean, take a look at this digivolution guide for the 1st game and then compare it to this one for digimon world: next order.

digimon world 2 lets up somewhat on the list of requirements for digivolution but it lets you use 2 partners at a time to "breed" new digimon based on their stats, type, lvl, etc. which actually makes it even MORE complicated.

3 and 4 are the simplest as they only give you a certain number of partners throughout each game and those each follow a chart for digivolution and can change forms along those charts freely. digimon world 3's digivolution charts (see the map section for each partner) and the 4th games digivolution guide near the top of this guide.

namco bandai put a LOT of work into that evolution system for the first and next order games in the series. iirc the NDS games in the series are pretty complex too but those let you gather data from defeating enemy digimon which (when you have enough) you can use to simply start a digimon in that form. so that helps a LOT if there's a specific digimon you want.

edit: Alex Mauer: The Default Judgement

looks like this might finally be coming to an end...maybe. still remains to be seen if any youtubers or twitch streamers affected by all of this plan to take legal action with mauer.

edit2: Steam Removes 173 Games Made By One Developer

Jim ripping this dev to pieces like he usually does to shit devs on steam. think i linked to sidalpha's video on these... THIS dev (1 dev, many aliases, and a mountain of shit) but jim goes more into detail on the situation.

Updated by anonymous

Ghosted 2 ll Scariest Doom 2 mod EVER!

inspired by slenderman games... which basically means you can expect jump scares in the form of sudden loud noise, static on the screen, and a monster popping up out of thin air.

in the case of this video, like with ANY slenderman related video on youtube, expect to see jump scares and cringey acting on the part of the uploader. pretty much the usual stuff for this kind of content.

despite also relying on jump scares, i would say FNAF is scarier if only because it uses nightmare fuel 3d models instead of 2d textures.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
Ghosted 2 ll Scariest Doom 2 mod EVER!

inspired by slenderman games... which basically means you can expect jump scares in the form of sudden loud noise, static on the screen, and a monster popping up out of thin air.

in the case of this video, like with ANY slenderman related video on youtube, expect to see jump scares and cringey acting on the part of the uploader. pretty much the usual stuff for this kind of content.

despite also relying on jump scares, i would say FNAF is scarier if only because it uses nightmare fuel 3d models instead of 2d textures.

The best jump scares are the ones that don't instantly appear out of nowhere or from behind something, ones that appear at a more believable pace but you don't notice straight away because you're distracted or something. The instant kind is one of the things I hated about Doom 3, where every 5th door had an imp behind it who lunges at you as soon as the door opens. Fucking with them via "no clip" is fun, though.

Updated by anonymous

o_O so, i finished downloading version 3.20 for SAO:HR and i think they gave combat yet another speed boost. cause now, not only are my sword skills faster than before but i can string together combos even faster than with version 3.10. and it seems like the animations for them are faster too.

that, or my movement speed being 0.88 +10% from my boots (about to save scum for the +20% which is high as these WoTS equipment piece bonuses go) affects not just my movement speed when running and dashing but also my attack speed. though, now that i think of it, the DEX/AGI stats might also play a role in this math as well as those are currently 164 and 260.

i dunno but this speed threw me off for a second cause of how different it feels fighting at such fast speeds.

oh and i'm finally strong enough to fight the mighty HNMs of the base game areas. ^_^ my 2nd fight was with a knight type of enemy and tbh, the difficulty felt about the same as the first duel trial in Stalvatos Ruins. and HNMs drop items on par with that content so they are well worth the effort to kill. if i can find one that drops 1-hand swords with more than 230 attack and hopefully + on any other stats instead of - then those will have surpassed the base games legendary weapons.

edit: An Update on the Shadow of War Forthog Charity DLC

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
What Will Happen To You in The Microwave?

...What does that have to do with video games?

BlueDingo said:
The best jump scares are the ones that don't instantly appear out of nowhere or from behind something, ones that appear at a more believable pace but you don't notice straight away because you're distracted or something. The instant kind is one of the things I hated about Doom 3, where every 5th door had an imp behind it who lunges at you as soon as the door opens. Fucking with them via "no clip" is fun, though.

Were those meant to be scary? They always died before they could even do anything. It was the ones that crawled noisily out of vents that really spooked me.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Were those meant to be scary? They always died before they could even do anything. It was the ones that crawled noisily out of vents that really spooked me.

The first couple make you jump because they catch you off-guard but by the eighth one, you start opening each door from the side and blasting their faces off with the shotgun (Surpri- *BANG!*). It's no more fun or scary when the commandos start doing it either.

Updated by anonymous

Finally got my hands on Tooth and Tail! Does anyone else have it?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
The best jump scares are the ones that don't instantly appear out of nowhere or from behind something, ones that appear at a more believable pace but you don't notice straight away because you're distracted or something. The instant kind is one of the things I hated about Doom 3, where every 5th door had an imp behind it who lunges at you as soon as the door opens. Fucking with them via "no clip" is fun, though.

I think the best ones do the opposite of a jump scare. Like the game over in Uplink, where a game over is permadeath, and it happens by muting everything and just cutting to a black screen. No transition or scare chord. Just nothing. All at once it's gone.

It's not a horror-themed game either, so yeah.

Updated by anonymous

Another Crowdfunded Console, Another imminent Failure...Introducing The Ataribox

the price tag? USD $249-299 range

Skyrim Survival Mode's Price of Admission is a Ludicrous $15

and yep, it's a creation club paid mod.

edit: breath of the wild 100% speedrun

30+ hours? lol wow, that's a LOT of content to go through in one sitting.

edit2: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Richter's voice PSX vs PSP

wow, and people thought the psx versions voice acting was bad? glad i never tried the psp version of this game. i wonder what other horrible changes they made.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
Another Crowdfunded Console, Another imminent Failure...Introducing The Ataribox

the price tag? USD $249-299 range

Skyrim Survival Mode's Price of Admission is a Ludicrous $15

and yep, it's a creation club paid mod.

edit: breath of the wild 100% speedrun

30+ hours? lol wow, that's a LOT of content to go through in one sitting.

edit2: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Richter's voice PSX vs PSP

wow, and people thought the psx versions voice acting was bad? glad i never tried the psp version of this game. i wonder what other horrible changes they made.

I feel like it's sort of expected that crowd funded items are usually a failure since the Ouya was such a flop for being a $3,000,000+ success...

if you thought 30+ hours was bad, the Baten Kaitos 1 100% speedrun is 320 hours MINIMUM, as there's an item that takes that long to transform from one item to another item, and that's real world hours, so you need to have the game on just to 100% the game.

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
if you thought 30+ hours was bad, the Baten Kaitos 1 100% speedrun is 320 hours MINIMUM, as there's an item that takes that long to transform from one item to another item, and that's real world hours, so you need to have the game on just to 100% the game.

You can repeatedly change the internal clock to speed that process up, but that's cheating.

Updated by anonymous

scratch that... rereading coffee's post made me realize I was misunderstanding what they were saying... i need sleep and i don't think i'll be playing that Paraphore game made by kittery again as the combination of text only porn and plot related discussion of certain topics feels weird.

it's a weird game that left me feeling weird after going through all the plot related text. and i don't mean weird like "confused boner", i mean just weird in general. i don't think porn mixes well with that kind of plot. it's too serious for a porn game.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Finally got my hands on Tooth and Tail! Does anyone else have it?

I've been wanting to get it but I haven't yet, how is it?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
Nintendo Bans Live Streaming

in a way, this is yet another anti-consumer business practice on nintendo's part.

Can someone explain this logic to me?
"Fuck nintendo for not letting us advertise for them, let's advertise as much as we can!"
Also if people keep saying fuck nintendo, not buying their games and just watch streams, that will only give exact opposite message to nintendo.

Also the thing with advertising nintendo products, do they really need advertising? Pretty sure everyone has already heard about every single nintendo game there is, so if the argument really is free advertising, why should nintendo care? Also from what I have seen, many fail to realize that fair use doesn't actually cover everything they do and nintendo actually does have right to be dicks, it's just made problematic with system that is all or nothing and doesn't differenciate with type of content you are creating.

In any case, stream some indie games if you are really care about giving free advertising and don't want to get fucked over. Now more than ever there are insane amount of gems which gets buried under fake games on PC so they do need that and I'm always more than pleased when I find those gems myself.

Ignore nintendo, if they have clearly said that they don't want you, then don't go clinging onto their feet. I would seriously want to boycott the whole company because of many things, but have decided to let myself enjoy their games and try to ignore everything around them.

Updated by anonymous

So I did just try the Skyrim Survival Mode beta. It's actually decent so far, although I didn't play long. It's very demanding, which I guess would be expected for a survival mode.

Updated by anonymous

reddit - star commander online (an idle/incremental game)

"Loot boxes are coming soon, make sure to create your account to receive yours! Chances of Skins, StarCoins and resources all in there!"

and so greed and a gambling system that uses exploitation to drain peoples wallets claims yet another game.

Updated by anonymous

I love JRPG games much, they're cool, they have awesome gameplay and have more dramatic story. I play Final Fantasy XV game through.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
reddit - star commander online (an idle/incremental game)

"Loot boxes are coming soon, make sure to create your account to receive yours! Chances of Skins, StarCoins and resources all in there!"

and so greed and a gambling system that uses exploitation to drain peoples wallets claims yet another game.

As long as they're not forcing you to pay hundreds of dollars to get anywhere decent, it's fine. What do you expect to happen? Everybody gives out games for free? Hahah, that would never work out.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
As long as they're not forcing you to pay hundreds of dollars to get anywhere decent, it's fine. What do you expect to happen? Everybody gives out games for free? Hahah, that would never work out.

and that attitude right there is why one of the single most hated business practices in the video game industry will never die.

i don't give a F if a dev charges money for their game but this system is pure exploitation and always has been.

doesn't matter if the majority of people playing the game refuse to use this system. so long as a few so-called "whales" come and use it, it'll be considered a success.

Updated by anonymous

Aren't loot boxes basically randomized microtransactions? As far as I'm concerned, if you wanna pay real money for something, you should be told exactly what you're buying before you buy it and leave the random stuff for monster drops and freebies. The only things I'd spend money on (if at all) is DLC and ad removal, though the latter isn't necessary most of the time if you play offline. If people want to fork out for premium currency, I say let them. They only have themselves to blame once they realise it was a waste of money.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Aren't loot boxes basically randomized microtransactions? As far as I'm concerned, if you wanna pay real money for something, you should be told exactly what you're buying before you buy it and leave the random stuff for monster drops and freebies. The only things I'd spend money on (if at all) is DLC and ad removal, though the latter isn't necessary most of the time if you play offline.

exactly, it's a gambling system devs put in video games which require irl money to use.

as for DLC...depends on whether or not the DLC has enough quality content to warrant the price. costumes, skins...those should be in-game unlockables not pixels you pay more $ for.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
exactly, it's a gambling system devs put in video games which require irl money to use.

as for DLC...depends on whether or not the DLC has enough quality content to warrant the price. costumes, skins...those should be in-game unlockables not pixels you pay more $ for.

Not all costumes, skins, etc. are in the original version of the game. Paying for the extra content makes sense, provided they didn't leave it out intentionally for this very purpose and you're getting your money's worth.

If there's one piece of DLC I wish developers would start providing, it would be a decensor patch. I would gladly pay money for that.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Aren't loot boxes basically randomized microtransactions? As far as I'm concerned, if you wanna pay real money for something, you should be told exactly what you're buying before you buy it and leave the random stuff for monster drops and freebies. The only things I'd spend money on (if at all) is DLC and ad removal, though the latter isn't necessary most of the time if you play offline. If people want to fork out for premium currency, I say let them. They only have themselves to blame once they realise it was a waste of money.

I really wish games with lootboxes would actually make it to where you can actually get what they give through gameplay, but lock them behind something like achievements instead of currency you get through lootboxes. One thing I hate about Overwatch is that lootboxes feel like gambling, even though they made them to where things you haven't unlocked, instead of constantly getting the same skins.

Updated by anonymous

Animal Crossing: New Leaf still has some secrets.

romfs/Strc/Shadows/ contains three unused .bcres files.


I wondered why none of the model viewers/converters could open them. Turns out they ar an older bcres format. Does not have "DATA" and "IMAG" magic.

I was able to convert the textures with texturipper_1.2, but nothing with the model data so far.

Texture data is before the readable stuff.


Used bcres format: revision: 05000000
Old bcres format: revision: 04010000

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
If there's one piece of DLC I wish developers would start providing, it would be a decensor patch. I would gladly pay money for that.

but...that would defeat the purpose of censoring things in the first place. or so the censors would argue.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
but...that would defeat the purpose of censoring things in the first place. or so the censors would argue.

I am aware, but if having an uncensored version is not an option, having the ability to uncensor it should be an option for those who can handle naughty words, skin gaps and messy boo-boos. Another option is to give the pro-censorship developers the middle finger by creating and using unofficial patches. And if they find a way to stop that then go into full boycott mode. I mean, it's not like those developers are providing anything that we can't get from someone else.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
I am aware, but if having an uncensored version is not an option, having the ability to uncensor it should be an option for those who can handle naughty words, skin gaps and messy boo-boos. Another option is to give the pro-censorship developers the middle finger by creating and using unofficial patches. And if they find a way to stop that then go into full boycott mode. I mean, it's not like those developers are providing anything that we can't get from someone else.

well, that is true.

oh and check that video i linked in the music thread. lol the floppotron tries to take that song a bit too literal. lol

Updated by anonymous

Wait, BlueDingo, I'm confused. Is your argument "we should boycott games that don't have enough titties", or what exactly?

What exactly is your point? That game developers shouldn't have control over the games they make? That if they defend their IP rights they are evil?

Like seriously this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. If Nintendo shut down a fan project of making an explicit Pokemon game, I wouldn't say "How dare they! Boycott Nintendo!", I'd say "well, yeah, totally within their rights, though I'm disappointed about it."

Seriously, this isn't even an issue of censorship to me, because you aren't talking about someone censoring someone else's work, but of choosing to censor their own, which is totally and unambiguously within their rights both legally and ethically.

So maybe I'm just misunderstanding you. Hopefully I am.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Wait, BlueDingo, I'm confused. Is your argument "we should boycott games that don't have enough titties", or what exactly?

What exactly is your point? That game developers shouldn't have control over the games they make? That if they defend their IP rights they are evil?

Like seriously this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. If Nintendo shut down a fan project of making an explicit Pokemon game, I wouldn't say "How dare they! Boycott Nintendo!", I'd say "well, yeah, totally within their rights, though I'm disappointed about it."

Seriously, this isn't even an issue of censorship to me, because you aren't talking about someone censoring someone else's work, but of choosing to censor their own, which is totally and unambiguously within their rights both legally and ethically.

So maybe I'm just misunderstanding you. Hopefully I am.

I kind of feel like censorship is worst when it's a Publisher (IE, 8-4 and Xenoblade Chronicles X drama, Nintendo Treehouse and Tokyo Mirage Sessions drama) changing specific textures in already more mature games to fit a more general audience. I also feel like it's considered toning down for a bigger audience when a dev themselves change stuff in the sequel when the first game had a lot of already inappropriate stuff in it. I don't think devs should unwillingly have their games changed unless it was absolutely necessary by publishers, or doesn't really affect the game with/without the feature, like some of the dialogue being changed, as well as the removal of age mention in games localized by XSeed games.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Wait, BlueDingo, I'm confused. Is your argument "we should boycott games that don't have enough titties", or what exactly?

What exactly is your point? That game developers shouldn't have control over the games they make? That if they defend their IP rights they are evil?

My point is uncensored versions of these games should be available to those who want it, and we shouldn't have to play a censored version just because someone else decided we shouldn't be allowed to see certain things. We're adults, we can decide for ourselves what we can and can't see, and we should have the right to choose.

Clawdragons said:
Like seriously this doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. If Nintendo shut down a fan project of making an explicit Pokemon game, I wouldn't say "How dare they! Boycott Nintendo!", I'd say "well, yeah, totally within their rights, though I'm disappointed about it."

That's copyright infringement, an unrelated issue.

Clawdragons said:
Seriously, this isn't even an issue of censorship to me, because you aren't talking about someone censoring someone else's work, but of choosing to censor their own, which is totally and unambiguously within their rights both legally and ethically.

Except when they only do it to some people and not others. Why should one region be denied the right to see content the other region is allowed to see? If they get cleavage, so should we. If they get graphic violence, so should we. If they get nazi uniforms, so should we.

Some of it is just stupid, like replacing swords with sticks in Dragon Ball Fusions. Were they afraid that a game featuring muscled up characters beating the shit out of each other would be considered too violent if swords were included? Other Dragon Ball games had no problem with this so why censor this one?

Updated by anonymous