Topic: "Do we have a tag for that" thread

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I started a tag a while ago called spelling_with_anus for when the anus is used to represent a 0 or an O, which typically appears in conjunction with writing_on_butt. I'm 99% confident that there is not a preexisting tag for this.

post #3681559 post #3947038

Unfortunately, I think this tag may be too vague and also too specific. "Spelling" conventionally excludes numbers, and the tag could presumably be expanded to include similar uses for vaginas, breasts/pecs, and even penises for 1s. Perhaps "anatomy_as_symbol" would be the best solution? Or perhaps this should just be a set instead of a tag.

Is there a tag for multiple rows of teeth? I haven't seen any art with this, and have not been looking long, but with how popular sharks are I feel it should be more common.


is there a tag for if one character just stuffs their head underneath another's shirt? like uhhh
post #3080841
like that

oh uh is there also a term for if its like "ok now close your eyes" and its like a surprise or something
post #4297063

also is there a term for multiple girl stuff like that aswell?
harem?? is that the word

there's a tag for animations that are like... handheld camera?, I mean, animations where it looks like a video recording instead of well... there's a flying camera capturing everything

tokwas said:
Is there a genital_slit equivalent of fully_sheathed?

That's a good question. And quite unfortunate fully_sheathed implies sheath if not.

orphan_crippler said:
Should fucked_silly imply looking_pleasured? I would like an opinion before making an implication request

Before reading the wiki about it, I would have said no. Because my impression of what the tag meant didn't necessarily mean pleasure, like with surprise_buttsex or rape. But the wiki does currently clearly say it's specifically about pleasure. I'm not saying I disagree. I'm saying why I would have said no before reading the wiki, in case my hesitation to say yes has merit.

derekdragon said:
there's a tag for animations that are like... handheld camera?, I mean, animations where it looks like a video recording instead of well... there's a flying camera capturing everything

there's camera view



dba_afish said:
ehhh... that feels like kind of a stretch.

They seem pretty close to me, and I wouldn't second-guess it if I saw a similar looking image tagged with it. I wouldn't envy the person that has to distinguish what the various W-shaped lips are given stylistic and quality differences between artists.

If I may suggest a new tag, how about one dealing with a very passionate Oral?

"Kissing_lower_lip" based on the following links (I do no know how to pos them directly as images, first need to use the forums)

Simply it is when those giving cunnilingus is doing so that their mouths never seem to let go, until their partner climaxes. I think especially for the animated example this is exactly what is going on, a bit of "this is gonna make us both tremble"

Hope I put that in a proper suggestion way, I just think it will help those who enjoy it when the gals lips are given just as much consideration for how passionate like kissing at the perfect moment can make the scene pop.

Is there a tag for fur coloring where the belly and muzzle are darker than body color, like on a hyena?

orphan_crippler said:
what's the name of this aesthetic? is there a tag for it?
post #3973975

I am not sure on Tags, but the style is what I have heard called "Back to the 80s" because it is styled similar to the Gen-X vibe the 80s was known for. At least I think it is called "Back to the 80s" it is definitely a 80s esthetic.

smokescreen88 said:
I am not sure on Tags, but the style is what I have heard called "Back to the 80s" because it is styled similar to the Gen-X vibe the 80s was known for. At least I think it is called "Back to the 80s" it is definitely a 80s esthetic.

Could 80's_theme work with it?

orphan_crippler said:
Could 80's_theme work with it?

Hmm it could, but how about "back to the 80s" a lot of themes fit 80s theme. You often see old font designs for computers with green monitors. This style was just one of them.

Main reason I say my pick is it goes with the Song of the same name, catchier. But I personally think either works.

smokescreen88 said:
If I may suggest a new tag, how about one dealing with a very passionate Oral?

Not trying to bump my question but I have a alternate name to my first "mound_lock" just a better name, if I am honest.

dba_afish said:
that kinda sounds like lock_bulge.

Um awkward, hmm ah "lip made peach" as it covers the same parts as a normal Peach pussy does, the inner pink bits as it were or "Mouth on peach" best I got right now getting late, I always check my posts on all forums before going to bed. Got one more and it is good night.

Is there a better tag for a one shoulder top than one_shoulder_top?

It looks like there are only 18 entries there, so I'm assuming it's called something else.

foozle said:
Is there a better tag for a one shoulder top than one_shoulder_top?

It looks like there are only 18 entries there, so I'm assuming it's called something else.

Just checked off_shoulder gives both one shoulder only clothing, and and ones where the shoulder is not in a sleeve/top because it is loose.

Got told to post here, but tag for a character and their robot self? clone? square_crossover? selfcest?
post #4905992
Note the scientist in the window, the robot is based on them, the same character. Thanks

flyingdraegon said:
Got told to post here, but tag for a character and their robot self? clone? square_crossover? selfcest?
post #4905992
Note the scientist in the window, the robot is based on them, the same character. Thanks

I would say it's at most square crossover and nothing else. The robot isn't interacting with the scientist so it can't be selfcest (and the fact that they aren't even exact clones)

Are there tags for when characters is older or younger then they appear?

post #4002555
(Read description)

It would realistically be a lore tag, given the nature of these tags.



1eyed-rosd said:
Are there tags for when characters is older or younger then they appear?

There's young_(lore) for characters that are young but don't look it (i.e. for young characters that aren't tagged young), and adult_(lore) for characters that aren't young but look like they are (i.e. for non-young characters that are tagged young). I don't think there are tags for characters that are younger/older in general (e.g. child vs adolescent, or mature vs elderly), just young vs adult.

watsit said:
There's young_(lore) for characters that are young but don't look it (i.e. for young characters that aren't tagged young), and adult_(lore) for characters that aren't young but look like they are (i.e. for non-young characters that are tagged young). I don't think there are tags for characters that are younger/older in general (e.g. child vs adolescent, or mature vs elderly), just young vs adult.

Well, those where exactly what I was looking for, so thanks. I think the names don't make it clear that it's specifically for characters that look like one but are the other, but I like that they exist.

Something i have really been struggling with is finding abs related tags? Are there tags for 6pack and 8pack seperately or even some tag for hyper abs with like more than 8 or something of the sort?

gaswe said:
Something i have really been struggling with is finding abs related tags? Are there tags for 6pack and 8pack seperately or even some tag for hyper abs with like more than 8 or something of the sort?

If you click on the "?" next to each tag you will find the wiki of that tag, and in the abs wiki you can find related tags such as soft_abs, v-cut, and ventral_groove, while in the aliased section that variants such as 6_pack and 8_pack will both redirect to general abs, kinda weird that those 2 are aliased considering we have similar quantity variants for stuff like eyes, toes, and fingers.

Now my post, are human zombies such as 4912795 considered humans or humanoids?



Hmm, mutual bondage seems like maybe the wrong tag name? It only has 7 results but I'm sure there's a ton of examples, including one that I could have sworn is tagged (LatiosXLatias pairing) and present on this site.
Ah, bound together and cobondage are the correct tags. I was thinking of this post: post #103386

Wait, maybe not. Apparently, cobondage and bound_together's Wiki entries are confusing. Apparently, the use of them needs to be clarified. It might be prudent to ask some of the more active taggers for those tags about this. I'm not sure if cobondage actually requires them to share the same bindings. In post #4722925 for example, they both are tied up, both are stuck in that container (locker?), and penetration is happening. The rope however, is not a single piece between different partner's wrists.

Belly riding, forced partners, and rape by proxy seem to be related tags.


Is there possibility for a comic subtagging system to be introduced specifying the legth of a comic?

Comics which are complete and 10 pages or less might not appeal to someone looking for longer comics. And similarly, comics of say 50 pages or more, complete or incomplete, might not appeal to someone looking for shorter comics.

I could see tags like comic_(short) and comic_(long) being very useful in situations where one might search "comic -comic_(short)" to find comics while avoiding short ones that perhaps have little to no plot; or the opposite for situations where someone isn't prepared to commit to a comic that could take hours to read through.

There would need to be some concensus on how many pages would define short/long, but I believe it could help narrow comic searches down with broader strokes than some of the existing subtags for comics.

i realy need a tag male_only or somth like that. i realy desturbed that i cant disable those pics with male chars with open butt and giant boner on full screen.

gumbowumbo said:
Do we have a tag for 3d models with realistic fur? I want to blacklist them but I've never found a tag that won't block everything 3d. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

3d and fur on the same line should work in a perfect world, but I'm willing to bet there's plenty of 3d pics tagged fur just because they have the shape of fur and are otherwise smooth. short_fur is an underused tag that would also work well with this in a double-line blacklist.



kevsnowcat said:
3d and fur on the same line should work in a perfect world, but I'm willing to bet there's plenty of 3d pics tagged fur just because they have the shape of fur and are otherwise smooth.

Or because they have a fur texture, or small tuft patches giving the impression of fur. There is detailed_fur, but different people may have different standards for when that applies to 3D renderings.

Is there a tag for a character that just won’t stop talking? I’m looking for an animation of a character that just won’t shut up while getting fucked senseless, and I was hoping to find a tag for that. I was thinking something like “Blabbering” but that doesn’t turn up anything.

skarn-the-blasphemer said:
Is there a tag for a character that just won’t stop talking? I’m looking for an animation of a character that just won’t shut up while getting fucked senseless, and I was hoping to find a tag for that. I was thinking something like “Blabbering” but that doesn’t turn up anything.

Usually, there's wall_of_text, but that likely doesn't work in your case. (since it's animated, it's likely audio or the text doesn't display all at once.)

it just dawned on me. Those black markings that foxes have on their face? The little mustache kinda thing? What is it called and do we have a tag for it? Because if we do, it is critically underused because I have never seen it. And it's not listed on the wiki for facial markings.

Wondering if theres any specific tag, usually correlating to when a character is on their back and their legs are up a bit, and their feet pointing inwards rather than outwards or neutral?
i know theres toes_pointed_inward which i have been assuming also applies to this position aswell as when standing, but is HEAVILY underused sadly, but if there is ALSO a better tag for that specifically it'd be neat to know! 👀 simply a really small detail i find actually quite adorable imo



Clit suction toy
I'm wondering if clit sucker or suction vibrator should be tags or aliases/implications. I guess we'll cross that bridge when there's other forms of suction vibrators.
Clit suction toy is so clinical a description but has a slang term so is kind of juxtapositioned.
Note that there's a different tag for suction devices that seems to mostly include penis pumps and breast pumps. Those are actually using a vacuum, while the clit suction toys use sound waves (bidirectional).

I'm not sure how exactly to clarify the difference in a way that won't confuse taggers.

skarn-the-blasphemer said:
Is there a tag for a character that just won’t stop talking? I’m looking for an animation of a character that just won’t shut up while getting fucked senseless, and I was hoping to find a tag for that. I was thinking something like “Blabbering” but that doesn’t turn up anything.

rambling filetype:webm

Do we have a tag for rough tongue? feline_tongue is only used 6 times and that's too specific a tag anyway, just like we use penile_spines and not catcock. But I didn't see anything for rough or raspy tongue.



kevsnowcat said:
Do we have a tag for rough tongue? feline_tongue is only used 6 times and that's too specific a tag anyway, just like we use penile_spines and not catcock. But I didn't see anything for rough or raspy tongue.

From post #3881583, there's barbed_tongue.

Right now I want to know what tag(s) can let one find posts where a character is pushing their leg against the other’s vagina, like this one
post #4530527
It’s hot and the tag “knee_on_pussy” only has 2 posts… though it should be aliased to “knee_against_vagina” come to think of it. It’s also not “on_knee” most of those should be changed to “on_knees” because a character is down on their knee.

I forgot about this thread and so am reposting it here. So far I've gotten the suggestion "kneejob" with an example that also includes ''reverse_kneejob'' which is the only instance of the tag, but seems to be exactly the thing I'm thinking of.
"kneejob" itself is rubbing the penis in the kneepit, making "reverse_kneejob" rubbing the vagina with the knee, which is what I'm looking for, but I want a more populated tagset.

I'm trying to come up with a description for the steaming_body tag, what do you think of this?

"Refers to the steam coming from a character's body as product of exhausting activities such as exercise or sex.

It may also may be used represent a high temperature, or a character being in_heat."

alphamule said:
From post #3881583, there's barbed_tongue.

Great, thanks. Feel like feline_tongue should be aliased to this and also add raspy_tongue and rough_tongue which don't offer this as a suggestion. Definitely still underused, but ~250 is better than 6.

orphan_crippler said:
I'm trying to come up with a description for the steaming_body tag, what do you think of this?

"Refers to the steam coming from a character's body as product of exhausting activities such as exercise or sex.

It may also may be used represent a high temperature, or a character being in_heat."

Not sure how you'd differentiate between this and musk_clouds, which I keep waffling on blacklisting. I think there should be a different tag for high temperature, like rain causing steam off of a lava beast.



peskeon said:
Right now I want to know what tag(s) can let one find posts where a character is pushing their leg against the other’s vagina, like this one
post #4530527
It’s hot and the tag “knee_on_pussy” only has 2 posts… though it should be aliased to “knee_against_vagina” come to think of it. It’s also not “on_knee” most of those should be changed to “on_knees” because a character is down on their knee.

I forgot about this thread and so am reposting it here. So far I've gotten the suggestion "kneejob" with an example that also includes ''reverse_kneejob'' which is the only instance of the tag, but seems to be exactly the thing I'm thinking of.
"kneejob" itself is rubbing the penis in the kneepit, making "reverse_kneejob" rubbing the vagina with the knee, which is what I'm looking for, but I want a more populated tagset.

I feel the same way for this set: set #49820

Is there a tag for when a character's hands or feet are surrounded by an excess of fat?

post #4925334 post #4831186

If not, I'm thinking of making the tags "sunken_feet", "sunken_hands" and "sunken_extremities".

Hiya, it is my first time leaving a reply on a forum here, so please tell me if I am doing anything wrong.

Is there a tag for when a character is engaging in a sexual act, without the knowledge that what they're doing is a sexual act? It's not exactly questionable_consent or accidental_sex, since in many instances, both/all of characters featured are aware that the act is sexual. oblivious gets me pretty close to what I'm looking for!

A few examples I have are:

  • post #4822162 , where the Braixen is having sex with their trainer, without knowing what sex really is, although the act isn't really unconsensual
  • post #4369333 , where the Vulpix is accidentally giving a thighjob, but thinks that she's trying to crush her partner's leg
  • post #4150273 , where SPC-1471-A thinks that the thighsex is just part of a "very scary" hug
  • When two or more characters share the same thought bubble? (ie they are "having the same thought")

Take post #4529906 as an example. It has the conjoined_thought_bubble tag, but as far as I can tell that is a mistag -- by analogy to conjoined_speech_bubble, this tag describes when thought bubbles are merged together to form a larger shape. Some of these bubbles may be implied to be 'shared speech', by clever arrangement, but in most cases, they are not.
So conjoined_thought_bubble is not it (and most of its other taggings support that conclusion), but the post above does illustrate the kind of thing I mean. Is there a proper tag for that?

This post: post #4800088 originally had breasts_touching_each_other applied for both of the charger's breasts touching themselves. This is not a common use, so I changed it. But is there a tag for when a character as two or more of there breasts touching each other? Do we even need one?

Is there a tag that specifies Like and Retweet goals? I would like to Blacklist those types of images from my feed, but there doesn't seem to be a tag for them.

I need to change the queen_of_spades tag in post #3678826 as artist's use of "Queen of Spades" is not the playing card but a Russian folklore.

However, I look up Queen of Spades folklore, the search engine brings me to Wikipedia page saying it's a story by Alexander Pushkin. And there's some research article saying Queen of Spades is a Russian folklore equivalent to the Bloody Mary folklore.

Should the tag be "queen_of_spades_(story)" or "queen_of_spades_(folklore)"

Do we have a tag for... um... crossover cosplay/AU? i.e. Asriel Dreemurr dressed up as One Punch Man. And the image on its own is not clear if it's just a Halloween costume or actually intended to be AU?

kevsnowcat said:
Do we have a tag for... um... crossover cosplay/AU? i.e. Asriel Dreemurr dressed up as One Punch Man. And the image on its own is not clear if it's just a Halloween costume or actually intended to be AU?

I think that's just "cosplay." As opposed to dressing up as something generic like a witch or a cop, which would probably just be tagged "costume."


Is there a tag for when the shaft of someone's penis is the same color as their (fur- or scale-covered) body, but the head is flesh-colored? Usually combined with visible foreskin, like the below images:

post #906622
post #2963599