Topic: "Do we have a tag for that" thread

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions



I started a tag a while ago called spelling_with_anus for when the anus is used to represent a 0 or an O, which typically appears in conjunction with writing_on_butt. I'm 99% confident that there is not a preexisting tag for this.

post #3681559 post #3947038

Unfortunately, I think this tag may be too vague and also too specific. "Spelling" conventionally excludes numbers, and the tag could presumably be expanded to include similar uses for vaginas, breasts/pecs, and even penises for 1s. Perhaps "anatomy_as_symbol" would be the best solution? Or perhaps this should just be a set instead of a tag.

Is there a tag for multiple rows of teeth? I haven't seen any art with this, and have not been looking long, but with how popular sharks are I feel it should be more common.


is there a tag for if one character just stuffs their head underneath another's shirt? like uhhh
post #3080841
like that

oh uh is there also a term for if its like "ok now close your eyes" and its like a surprise or something
post #4297063

also is there a term for multiple girl stuff like that aswell?
harem?? is that the word

there's a tag for animations that are like... handheld camera?, I mean, animations where it looks like a video recording instead of well... there's a flying camera capturing everything



tokwas said:
Is there a genital_slit equivalent of fully_sheathed?

That's a good question. And quite unfortunate fully_sheathed implies sheath if not.

orphan_crippler said:
Should fucked_silly imply looking_pleasured? I would like an opinion before making an implication request

Before reading the wiki about it, I would have said no. Because my impression of what the tag meant didn't necessarily mean pleasure, like with surprise_buttsex or rape. But the wiki does currently clearly say it's specifically about pleasure. I'm not saying I disagree. I'm saying why I would have said no before reading the wiki, in case my hesitation to say yes has merit.

derekdragon said:
there's a tag for animations that are like... handheld camera?, I mean, animations where it looks like a video recording instead of well... there's a flying camera capturing everything

there's camera view