Topic: "Do we have a tag for that" thread

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

watsit said:
It sounds like they mean one character causing another to transform, like in
post #4660849
It doesn't necessarily need to be someone transforming into a preestablished character.

I'm not aware of such a tag, and I imagine it could be difficult to discern with TWYS (e.g. would post #4599889 count? how do you determine the cause of something given a single image? it can end up very subjective without enough context, which is often the case).

oh, I'm going to blame the owospeak for having misread that. even though I'm not sure it was even active at that point.

I'm surprised that transforming_another is totally empty and has, in fact, never been used. there are cases where the transformation visible is initiated by another party, like post #3281329. I feel like this is a situation that _could_ be tagged but just isn't currently.

although I'm not sure about extending it to tag situations where a character is just given transformation potion of some variety by another character, that seems too, like, detached to me.

Is there a tag for sex being had for non-sexual reasons? Like having sex to remove heat or having sex for an assignment.

I know this isn't exactly wrestling, but personally it reminds me of the canadian destroyer, does wrestling have its own individual tags for the moves? post #4603750

8 months ago back on page 33 I asked about a tag for NPC related stuff and I finally got around to making it myself: npc_behavior. I need a bit of help populating it though.

Is there a tag or even an artist that specializes in "feral anthros", anthromorphs that are essentially pets that stand on two legs, or maybe crouched down on all fours like a human would? Brownie points if there's another character that treats them like a pet. I guess you could say "Pet Play" but like for real.

darknight910 said:
Is there a tag or even an artist that specializes in "feral anthros", anthromorphs that are essentially pets that stand on two legs, or maybe crouched down on all fours like a human would? Brownie points if there's another character that treats them like a pet. I guess you could say "Pet Play" but like for real.

are we talking about a sort of Garfield and Jon situation?

domestic_pet could be used like that, I guess. but it dosn't seem like it is used like this very often, it dosn't seem like it'd break the definition stated in the wiki, but it also seems like it might be a bit out of the spirit of the tag.

there is an existing human_pet tag, but nothing for other forms, but I don't see why they couldn't be valid. although human_pet seems to be used both for humans actually being treated as a normal domestic pet and well as more "standard" petplay scenarios... mostly the latter, actually.

darknight910 said:
[...]or even an artist that specializes in[...]

the only thing I can think of (outside of actual mainstream stuff with sort of semi-anthros) is kind of part "actual pet" and part petplay (although, again, it's heavy weigted to the latter); if you don't mind shotas it's wherewolf's Pet Furry series.

the only thing I can think of (outside of actual mainstream stuff with sort of semi-anthros) is kind of part "actual pet" and part petplay (although, again, it's heavy weigted to the latter); if you don't mind shotas it's wherewolf's Pet Furry series.

Thanks for the quick reply. Not exactly what I was looking for but at least it's something. I just wished there was something more like this around the site. Ah well, one can dream.

Is there a tag for stuff like kissing noises or sex noises all up in your ear? Y'know, stuff that would generally be enjoyed by audiophiles?
Like at minute 2:30 in post #3833047 where malo is like, licking generic pov guy™'s ear or something (it's unclear to me bc the pov isn't looking at her like it's a kiss) anyway, got sidetracked. If i find another example i'll edit it in

Edit: the audio in this post (post #1384058) also fits the bill of what im talking about

How would we go about tagging something like FurryBound? It's a cast of characters in pinups and comics from a DA/FA/Twitter account named "FurryBound", but person behind the accounts is more like a publisher commissioning art (at least I think so), so that doesn't seem like an artist tag (even though there is one for FurryBound). Would that be a copyright tag, similar to something like the copyright tag for Twokinds? I saw another forum post saying how commissioners shouldn't be copyrights, but would it be valid for "FurryBound" as the concept of the in-universe bondage modeling agency, kind of like a brand?

Ultimately, I would prefer some way to see all the FurryBound related art without having to list all the characters, so if there's a convenient way to do that, please let me know.


erm_actually said:
Is there a tag for stuff like kissing noises or sex noises all up in your ear? Y'know, stuff that would generally be enjoyed by audiophiles?
Like at minute 2:30 in post #3833047 where malo is like, licking generic pov guy™'s ear or something (it's unclear to me bc the pov isn't looking at her like it's a kiss) anyway, got sidetracked. If i find another example i'll edit it in

Edit: the audio in this post (post #1384058) also fits the bill of what im talking about

I think what you're looking for is: asmr.

lunneziisuleyk said:
I think what you're looking for is: asmr.

I don't think asmr should be used for just any sex noises, otherwise the tag is going to very quickly become mostly useless.

oozeenthusiast said:
I don't think asmr should be used for just any sex noises, otherwise the tag is going to very quickly become mostly useless.

Yeah, I think all sex noises can be classified as moans

Is there a tag like "head turned" but more extreme? For situations like an owl character turning their head completely around to look at the person behind them. There's a niche "180 sloppy toppy" tag, but that specifically involves oral.

I've been working on the finding new images for thumbnails on the gameplay_mechanics wiki, and there are a couple concepts that are used as examples but don't have their own tag listed, instead sharing the text_box tag with all boxes that have text in them even when not game related.

The first one would be event logs that have text stating what events are happening in game. Stuff like "The attack missed!" and so on.
post #3051864

The other one is selection menus, with options like saving, attacking, picking up items, ect.
post #2431137



Barely visible characters? Like images that you'd assume were zero_pictured at first. Recently uploaded these Warriors pieces by ClimbToTheStars and the cats are very small and hard to spot initially. (Especially at thumbnail size)

post #4733677 post #4733683 post #4733696

I wouldn't say they're ambient, especially not the one of Yellowfang hiding Brokenkit in a log, but they're definitely much more scenery-focused. I know I've definitely seen some other images like this around here.

scenery_porn has a decent handful, but it's not really the same meaning. These are probably closest:

post #3074043 post #3006121 post #2998017 post #1650103


Is there a tag for generic cartoon critter? Tagged red panda, definitely not. Artist and commissioner sources doesn't say. On a quick glance, I'd say Conker-style squirrel, but the tail is more feline, so then I'd actually say Sonic-style squirrel. If I absolutely had to, I'd go with 'felid', but the face says squirrel or chipmunk to me. I think we need toon_thing or something on top of ambiguous/unknown species.

kevsnowcat said:
Is there a tag for generic cartoon critter? Tagged red panda, definitely not. Artist and commissioner sources doesn't say. On a quick glance, I'd say Conker-style squirrel, but the tail is more feline, so then I'd actually say Sonic-style squirrel. If I absolutely had to, I'd go with 'felid', but the face says squirrel or chipmunk to me. I think we need toon_thing or something on top of ambiguous/unknown species.

It's a weasel named James, owned by wolf459.

clawstripe said:
It's a weasel named James, owned by wolf459.

So by TWYS, when there's absolutely no way I would have guessed weasel (digging through the gallery I would not have guessed it's the same character, being forced to pick something I would have said 'toony cougar'), I still think we need a tag for overly_stylized_cartoon_thing_your_guess_is_as_good_as_mine (especially for cases where there isn't any way to find out).

kevsnowcat said:
So by TWYS, when there's absolutely no way I would have guessed weasel (digging through the gallery I would not have guessed it's the same character, being forced to pick something I would have said 'toony cougar'), I still think we need a tag for overly_stylized_cartoon_thing_your_guess_is_as_good_as_mine (especially for cases where there isn't any way to find out).

Species aren't entirely TWYS due to some styles (and lack of knowledge by some artists) making it difficult to tell just what sort of species it is, so often we'll at least partially take the source's word for it. Theoretically, in cases like what you describe, we tag unknown_species plus whatever general species tags we can use, like mammal, and then cross our fingers and hope someone who would know better stumbles across the post and cares enough to correct it.

A possible problem with a tag for an overly_stylized_cartoon_thing_your_guess_is_as_good_as_mine tag is that it could veer into mimiff territory, which we want to avoid. But this is a discussion that's better off in its own thread.


kevsnowcat said:
overly_stylized_cartoon_thing_your_guess_is_as_good_as_mine (especially for cases where there isn't any way to find out).

there's unknown_species when a character seems to have an identifiable species but you don't know what it is, and
there's ambiguous_species for characters who are supposed to be just vaguely anthro "things" without any species name given by the creator(s) and with no directly identifiable species of origin.

dba_afish said:
there's unknown_species when a character seems to have an identifiable species but you don't know what it is, and
there's ambiguous_species for characters who are supposed to be just vaguely anthro "things" without any species name given by the creator(s) and with no directly identifiable species of origin.

I thought unknown was for both of those cases and ambiguous is if there's not enough body parts in frame to be able to tell, like an arm with spots that could be a clouded leopard, genet, dalmatian with a dye job, hyena, or anthro sea slug.

First time forum poster, I've looked all over but there doesn't seem to be a tag for short & muscular characters, which I think we could benefit from. There are plenty of good examples of this (post #3753349, post #2215377, post #2238934) and while you can get great solo results via muscular short, it gets a lot of false positives when trying to find images with more than one character, particularly with same-sex posts (good luck trying to find the right posts via muscular_male short gay).

If shortstack and teapot exist for short, bottom heavy characters, surely we can have a tag for short and built ones, right?

shamefulanonaccount said:
First time forum poster, I've looked all over but there doesn't seem to be a tag for short & muscular characters, which I think we could benefit from. There are plenty of good examples of this (post #3753349, post #2215377, post #2238934) and while you can get great solo results via muscular short, it gets a lot of false positives when trying to find images with more than one character, particularly with same-sex posts (good luck trying to find the right posts via muscular_male short gay).

If shortstack and teapot exist for short, bottom heavy characters, surely we can have a tag for short and built ones, right?

Use two tags.

Is there a tag for a tentacle coming out of someone? I don't mean through and back out (all_the_way_through, threading), I mean being in someone already and coming out.

I used to use the tentacle_from_x tags, but it looks like they were cleared or deleted recently, because the tentacle_from_pussy tag went from having two pages iirc to only six posts. Which is unfortunate, as trying to do "tentacle birth" doesn't cover a lot of what that tag used to cover, leaving those posts undiscoverable to me now...

Edit: half nvm, it's Tentacles_from_pussy, I'm stupid. But having a good tag for that would still be nice n.n

devalyn said:
Is there a tag for a tentacle coming out of someone? I don't mean through and back out (all_the_way_through, threading), I mean being in someone already and coming out.

I used to use the tentacle_from_x tags, but it looks like they were cleared or deleted recently, because the tentacle_from_pussy tag went from having two pages iirc to only six posts. Which is unfortunate, as trying to do "tentacle birth" doesn't cover a lot of what that tag used to cover, leaving those posts undiscoverable to me now...

usually stuff like parasites and whatnot living/growing inside of a character is infestation, which is what this sounds like. so like infestation tentacle should cover most of this.

yarizui said:
Why was the "wholesome" tag removed and is there a replacement?

Because "wholesome" is a subjective concept. It can't be objectively quantified. One person's "wholesome" can be another's "mah" and even a third's "perverted".

clawstripe said:
Because "wholesome" is a subjective concept. It can't be objectively quantified. One person's "wholesome" can be another's "mah" and even a third's "perverted".

Can we implement a tag that is less subjective but carries the meaning in more definite terms? In it's current state it takes a handful of tags to search for things that I would consider "wholesome" ie a search like "rating:safe hug fully_clothed" might come close but is limiting. Maybe "edifying" or something of that nature would be an appropriate tag? Safe or lightly questionable rated works that don't have a pornographic focus and have a feel-good nature.

yarizui said:
Can we implement a tag that is less subjective but carries the meaning in more definite terms? In it's current state it takes a handful of tags to search for things that I would consider "wholesome" ie a search like "rating:safe hug fully_clothed" might come close but is limiting. Maybe "edifying" or something of that nature would be an appropriate tag? Safe or lightly questionable rated works that don't have a pornographic focus and have a feel-good nature.

That would be a discussion best moved to a thread of its own, as we've had several of similar nature already.

The most recent example:

wandering_spaniel said:

Possibly too clinical? At least it's shorter. errant_prostate? I know in rare cases it's intentional, and probably not taggable on completely fantasy species, but most of the time it's "proof sex ed didn't work" ¬_¬

kevsnowcat said:
Possibly too clinical? At least it's shorter. errant_prostate? I know in rare cases it's intentional, and probably not taggable on completely fantasy species, but most of the time it's "proof sex ed didn't work" ¬_¬

I feel like it's understandable enough, if you don't already 100% know what "dorsal" means its still probably a word you've heard before and you'd be able to work out what the tag means. the clinicality of a tag name shouldn't really matter as long as its still fairly easy to parse.

dba_afish said:
I feel like it's understandable enough, if you don't already 100% know what "dorsal" means its still probably a word you've heard before and you'd be able to work out what the tag means. the clinicality of a tag name shouldn't really matter as long as its still fairly easy to parse.

Agreed - I really want to avoid having the tag name sound insulting in any way

wandering_spaniel said:
Agreed - I really want to avoid having the tag name sound insulting in any way

Clinical probably is the best way to go then, although there's also cases (though it's far more often in writing than internal view images) where the prostate is way too deep (a 15" cock isn't going to 'barely' touch it!).

Next question, what tag is for breasts on males that aren't moobs. The wiki for moobs insinuates that if they're not moobs then it's intersex and breasts, so would that be more correct tagging here than moobs? Probably a borderline case, non-moob pec boobs. Most of the other art of this character by that artist doesn't have full-on boobs, so this is apparently a one-off situation.

Also don't see a tag for motorcycle_gear, as in the entire outfit. I see riding_gear, which only has 7 results:



kevsnowcat said:
Next question, what tag is for breasts on males that aren't moobs. The wiki for moobs insinuates that if they're not moobs then it's intersex and breasts, so would that be more correct tagging here than moobs? Probably a borderline case, non-moob pec boobs. Most of the other art of this character by that artist doesn't have full-on boobs, so this is apparently a one-off situation.

gynomorph would be the correct tag to use for a character that has a penis (or bulge) with breasts and no pussy. Moobs are for overweight male characters who have excess fat on their chest that give the impression of breasts.

Artists drawing muscular males with oversized pecs do occasionally step over the line where the pecs appear more like breasts, and should get tagged gynomorph instead of male (which tends to result in some tag wars).

watsit said:
gynomorph would be the correct tag to use for a character that has a penis (or bulge) with breasts and no pussy. Moobs are for overweight male characters who have excess fat on their chest that give the impression of breasts.

Artists drawing muscular males with oversized pecs do occasionally step over the line where the pecs appear more like breasts, and should get tagged gynomorph instead of male (which tends to result in some tag wars).

also, probably tag the characters with male_(lore) as well in these cases.



dba_afish said:
usually stuff like parasites and whatnot living/growing inside of a character is infestation, which is what this sounds like. so like infestation tentacle should cover most of this.

Not to be confused with stuff like prehensile clitoral hood/pseudo-penis and so on.

nimphia said:
Do we have a tag for this sort of thing, or does anyone have any name ideas for one?

post #3375003 post #4618195 post #2395223 post #337573

I really like it, tbh

LOL, everything's better with Jello?
Actually, visually, that is probably not too far from qualifying as a gelatin cube.

Will we ever have a tag or list for artists who are verified and regularly upload their own art to this archive?

foolysh said:
Will we ever have a tag or list for artists who are verified and regularly upload their own art to this archive?

Not exactly what you asked for, but this is close enough

snpthecat said:
Not exactly what you asked for, but this is close enough

Acceptable. Still think their should be a tag for this though.



I feel like we really need a tag for simplistic depictions of flowers that are usually not meant to be any specific type of flower, like these:

post #1860382 post #4166155 post #2415745 post #4743827

Y'know, the "colored dots on a bush" and "generic cartoon flower shape" type.

Keep finding myself thinking I wish I could exclude them while looking to tag types of flowers. ambient_flower maybe? simplistic_flower? I'm down to populate it if no one has an issue with me making it.

nimphia said:
I feel like we really need a tag for simplistic depictions of flowers that are usually not meant to be any specific type of flower, like these:

post #1860382 post #4166155 post #2415745 post #4743827

Y'know, the "colored dots on a bush" and "generic cartoon flower shape" type.

Keep finding myself thinking I wish I could exclude them while looking to tag types of flowers. ambient_flower maybe? simplistic_flower? I'm down to populate it if no one has an issue with me making it.

Maybe generic_flower? Simplistic_flower's not a bad idea though

post #4730638
Is there a tag for what the dragon is doing in the last panel? Making their penis whirl around without any apparent hip motion.
swinging penis covers swinging and spinning motions, but doesn't fit since it's the penis being swung around by the rest of the body. meatspin seems similar to it, with the lower body swinging the dick around.
prehensile penis has penises that can be moved independently of other parts, but doesn't fit the post either. The dick isn't being used to grab anything.

helicopter motion maybe? Was there a "helicopter dick" tag in the past or am I just misremembering things?

sightglass said:
post #4730638
Is there a tag for what the dragon is doing in the last panel? Making their penis whirl around without any apparent hip motion.
swinging penis covers swinging and spinning motions, but doesn't fit since it's the penis being swung around by the rest of the body. meatspin seems similar to it, with the lower body swinging the dick around.
prehensile penis has penises that can be moved independently of other parts, but doesn't fit the post either. The dick isn't being used to grab anything.

helicopter motion maybe? Was there a "helicopter dick" tag in the past or am I just misremembering things?

Maybe we ought to take a cue from that comic and just call it front_tail_propeller. :\

Is there a tag for characters acting like they aren't enjoying some form of pleasure but they actually are?

Is there a tag for this style of drawing faces, similar to Cult of the Lamb? (Warning: if we make one, a TON of Cult of the Lamb fan art will have to be tagged.) Where the silhouette of the head is sideways but the face is frontwards?

post #4779667



waydence said:
ㅤㅤㅤminiature_world or world_miniature

I meant the water/liquid taking a geometric shape.

Anyways, what I came here for... Do we have a tag for children OCs of canon characters?

post #4782406 post #911412 post #3373117

The ones in established AUs can be tagged as alternate_universe, but sometimes they're just random designs drawn once for fun.


Is there any way to do a search implying multiple partners? All the "multiple" tags seem to be condensed into singular meanings, which makes no sense to me.
Multiple_females, girls > female
Multiple_males, guys > male

I don't see much in the multiple_partners tag. Basically, looking for a "one male, multiple female" pictures as a reference. It seems strangely hard to find on this site.

nimphia said:
I meant the water/liquid taking a geometric shape.

Anyways, what I came here for... Do we have a tag for children OCs of canon characters?

post #4782406 post #911412 post #3373117

The ones in established AUs can be tagged as alternate_universe, but sometimes they're just random designs drawn once for fun.

I want to say a tag like something like love_child would work, but, actually looking up that word's definition I'm not really sure it makes sense.

fyreflareon said:
Is there any way to do a search implying multiple partners? All the "multiple" tags seem to be condensed into singular meanings, which makes no sense to me.
Multiple_females, girls > female
Multiple_males, guys > male

I don't see much in the multiple_partners tag. Basically, looking for a "one male, multiple female" pictures as a reference. It seems strangely hard to find on this site.

That's because it kinda is! But that can be changed over at topic #43865. Try harem m/f -m/m in the meanwhile

ike-x01 said:
Though niche, I wonder if there's an "all encompassing" tag for fellatio scenes where the person being fellated is wearing something (I.E. condom, underwear, has null bulge, etc.). There is the bulge_suck tag, but I was still curious.

Some examples of what I meant along with similar search results.
post #2378522 post #3331859 post #2266055

wearing_condom fellatio bulge_suck condom_suit fellatio through_clothing fellatio

darryus said:
I don't think so, to me these don't seem similar enough to warrant a tag. you could use tildes in searches to have most of these in a single search, but that's about it.

ike-x01 said:
Ture, but I just thought that'd make a good possible tag idea. Dunno what you'd call though. Maybe "Dry Sucking"?

To revisit this, a friend of mine on discord said "Dry fellatio" would be a good name for this

snpthecat said:
Would it include things like irrumatio or would it just be fellatio only?

I imagine it would. I dunno if this will actually be a tag, but still some food for thought in terms of tag ideas

Hey, quick question: is there a tag that would be like “human supremacy”? Humans being portrayed as superior to anthros or ferals/etc. We have a tag for Raceplay and interspecies dominance, but not for human supremacy.

Unless specific species supremacy shouldn’t be tagged? I mean I suppose I could just mix ‘interspecies dominance’ and ‘human’ but then I would get entries that show humans being dominated, which is kinda the opposite of what I want.

major_meme said:
Hey, quick question: is there a tag that would be like “human supremacy”? Humans being portrayed as superior to anthros or ferals/etc. We have a tag for Raceplay and interspecies dominance, but not for human supremacy.

Unless specific species supremacy shouldn’t be tagged? I mean I suppose I could just mix ‘interspecies dominance’ and ‘human’ but then I would get entries that show humans being dominated, which is kinda the opposite of what I want.

You might want to use dominant human
Actually, just that tag might be good enough since a post'll need nonhumans to pass the relevancy criteria. Or substitute interspecies domination with just interspecies (when combining with dominant human), since the former is less likely to be tagged
