Topic: all things video game

Posted under General

treos said:
looks like there was a castlevania animated series on netflix recently which i find to be somewhat surprising. how long has it been since anything decent or...non-NSFW has come from that franchise?

most people seem to agree that Order of Ecclesia was the last good Castlevania to come out, while the Lords of Shadow games were just "God of War clones" or boring hack and slashes with the Castlevania license slapped on it.

I should also mention Mirror of Fate, but since it's not only a part of the Lords of Shadows trilogy, it's just a MetroidVania with little to nothing to offer...

Updated by anonymous

Coffey25 said:
most people seem to agree that Order of Ecclesia was the last good Castlevania to come out, while the Lords of Shadow games were just "God of War clones" or boring hack and slashes with the Castlevania license slapped on it.

I should also mention Mirror of Fate, but since it's not only a part of the Lords of Shadows trilogy, it's just a MetroidVania with little to nothing to offer...

so at least several years then.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
never tried dark stalkers before but MMX: Corrupted will be similar to a metroidvania...eventually. RPG elements, a large open world (albeit a 2D world) that isn't simply divided up into stages, and apparently the armor sets will be able to be mix and matched for different combinations of abilities... i really have no idea when this game will be finished but it's likely going to be pretty big and the last i checked, the dev was working on the "Skyway" section.

it's one of those games where it'll be done released when it's eventually finished and with i think 1 or more people making it... that's a lengthy development time...that's already been ongoing for several years and counting. :/ but i have hope...MAYBE crapcom won't try to do something shitty when it finally does get finished...maybe...

tbh, i wouldn't put it past them to do something shitty at this point since...when was the last actual mega man game released? and i don't mean rereleases.

Darkstalkers was a fighting game with monster theme
like vampires and werewolves etc etc
that Why I can picture that having a DMC spinoff game

yeah... megaman was put to the side to long
but It would be nice if they made a metroidvania like Megaman game
I think that would surprise people and make the fans happy.

oh I saw gameplay of Monster Hunter Stories
kinda reminded me of Jade Cocoon
A rpg where you play as a person/hero, who capture monsters.
Then have/use those monsters to battle along side with you,
fighting other monsters.

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
oh I saw gameplay of Monster Hunter Stories
kinda reminded me of Jade Cocoon
A rpg where you play as a person/hero, who capture monsters.
Then have/use those monsters to battle along side with you,
fighting other monsters.

i actually still have a copy of Jade Coccoon. it's fairly good. those pokemon aspects/mechanics work good and they built the story around that partly iirc. i...think there was 1 or more endless dungeons you could unlock either at the end of the game or after beating the final boss that had even stronger varieties of monsters you could fight and catch. or was it a 100 room dungeon and an endless one...i don't remember which but i know it would get pretty hard after a while.

ugh...100 x dungeons are the bane of my existence. and most of the time they're just there as padding instead of actual extra content. and on top of that, the reward at the end is almost universally a trophy that has no real use or purpose other than being a "congratulations!" message.

Shining Force Neo? yeah...your like the best warrior in the world but you STILL can't fight Dark Dragon which is something i'm sure everyone who has played that game wishes they could do. behold, the Dark Dragon!

lol i wonder how someone might react if they encountered that dragon in a dream/nightmare. try to run? scream? attack it? or maybe wake up sweating and be like: *pant* ... *pant* ... o_O w-w-what the fuck was that?! if that was from something i ate or drink then never again!

Rogue Galazy? yeah...i think the reward was a bikini costume for one/all of the characters. >.> meh, pointless eye candy junk. why bother when there's sites like e621? less effort, more entertainment value.

or in some cases you get the Infinity+1 trope weapon. that situation is just BS because all it says is your already too good for the game when you get it.

i know i complain a lot about various things in games and about the devs themselves but a lot of my points do end up being valid criticisms.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i actually still have a copy of Jade Coccoon. it's fairly good. those pokemon aspects/mechanics work good and they built the story around that partly iirc. i...think there was 1 or more endless dungeons you could unlock either at the end of the game or after beating the final boss that had even stronger varieties of monsters you could fight and catch. or was it a 100 room dungeon and an endless one...i don't remember which but i know it would get pretty hard after a while.

ugh...100 x dungeons are the bane of my existence. and most of the time they're just there as padding instead of actual extra content. and on top of that, the reward at the end is almost universally a trophy that has no real use or purpose other than being a "congratulations!" message.

Shining Force Neo? yeah...your like the best warrior in the world but you STILL can't fight Dark Dragon which is something i'm sure everyone who has played that game wishes they could do. behold, the Dark Dragon!

lol i wonder how someone might react if they encountered that dragon in a dream/nightmare. try to run? scream? attack it? or maybe wake up sweating and be like: *pant* ... *pant* ... o_O w-w-what the fuck was that?! if that was from something i ate or drink then never again!

Rogue Galazy? yeah...i think the reward was a bikini costume for one/all of the characters. >.> meh, pointless eye candy junk. why bother when there's sites like e621? less effort, more entertainment value.

or in some cases you get the Infinity+1 trope weapon. that situation is just BS because all it says is your already too good for the game when you get it.

i know i complain a lot about various things in games and about the devs themselves but a lot of my points do end up being valid criticisms.

Yeah I like the idea for an rpg you capture/gain
monsters/other-characters and let them join you in your party.
Kinda like if there was a JRPG with a mix of
pokemon and monster rancher features and gimmicks.

bikini costume? yup eye candy XD
to get those teens to spend their launch money,
my guess back then it's wasn't easy to go online to get pinups/smut,
So take whatever you can get from video games or anything.

Remember Polygon booby Lara Croft? XD

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
bikini costume? yup eye candy XD
to get those teens to spend their launch money,
my guess back then it's wasn't easy to go online to get pinups/smut,
So take whatever you can get from video games or anything.

Remember Polygon booby Lara Croft? XD

speaking of eye candy... *glares at that mega neptunia game* post #138555 you probably would've been better off as a dating sim or visual novel.

and i just finished checking out the latest version of Terraria in the hopes that the devs finally fixed the lag problem that has plagued the game since they first added the achievement system. are those people doing cause that problem has gotten remotely better. in fact, now it seems to be far worse.

i so much as touch a left/right arrow key to move and the game shits itself with a massive lag spike lasting a few seconds which freezes up the entire game. it was slow several version back when i tried it out but this is flat out unplayable.

what they should do (should've done in the first place actually) is remove the marathon runner achievement entirely until they can actually fix the problem. cause that problem ain't getting any better.

edit: and now it looks like Alex Mauer is trying to play the victim card despite being the cause of this shitstorm. this person is crazy.

oh and thanks to Sid's latest video, i now know about this new game called Fight Knight. from what i can tell, it's a first person dungeon crawler...brawler...dungeon brawler?

there's a free demo too.

edit2: this Fight Knight game is awesome! a gritty, nice art style you seldom see in general and the whole game plays like teleroboxer crossed over with the dungeon crawler genre. ^_^ the finished product should be quite good.

oh and in combat there's actually a good amount of special moves you can do outside of your special attacks. like, if you step back to dodge an attack then quickly move foward you can do a medium slam or uppercut (not entirely sure how to trigger the uppercut yet). or if you tap the sidestep button 1-2 times in one direction (if you on the left side tap it once) you'll rear back for a heavy hitting hook which can do some serious damage.

so even if your special attack bars run out, you can still do some major damage by doing combos like this. :) the first boss, the minotaur, is actually quite easy once you take out the 2 skeletons that join him then pull out those heavy attacks. think i only took 1-2 hits from him on my first try.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
speaking of eye candy... *glares at that mega neptunia game* post #138555 you probably would've been better off as a dating sim or visual novel.

and i just finished checking out the latest version of Terraria in the hopes that the devs finally fixed the lag problem that has plagued the game since they first added the achievement system. are those people doing cause that problem has gotten remotely better. in fact, now it seems to be far worse.

i so much as touch a left/right arrow key to move and the game shits itself with a massive lag spike lasting a few seconds which freezes up the entire game. it was slow several version back when i tried it out but this is flat out unplayable.

what they should do (should've done in the first place actually) is remove the marathon runner achievement entirely until they can actually fix the problem. cause that problem ain't getting any better.

edit: and now it looks like Alex Mauer is trying to play the victim card despite being the cause of this shitstorm. this person is crazy.

oh and thanks to Sid's latest video, i now know about this new game called Fight Knight. from what i can tell, it's a first person dungeon crawler...brawler...dungeon brawler?

there's a free demo too.

edit2: this Fight Knight game is awesome! a gritty, nice art style you seldom see in general and the whole game plays like teleroboxer crossed over with the dungeon crawler genre. ^_^ the finished product should be quite good.

oh and in combat there's actually a good amount of special moves you can do outside of your special attacks. like, if you step back to dodge an attack then quickly move foward you can do a medium slam or uppercut (not entirely sure how to trigger the uppercut yet). or if you tap the sidestep button 1-2 times in one direction (if you on the left side tap it once) you'll rear back for a heavy hitting hook which can do some serious damage.

so even if your special attack bars run out, you can still do some major damage by doing combos like this. :) the first boss, the minotaur, is actually quite easy once you take out the 2 skeletons that join him then pull out those heavy attacks. think i only took 1-2 hits from him on my first try.

The oh lag you'll never change
lol I only played the demo of Terraria

yeah I saw gameplay of Fight Knight it looks good

Yeah it seems Alex put herself in big crap bucket...
I'm kinda afraid but interested what she would do when it all back fired
so many people she piss off... nobody would want her to work for them ever again.

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
The oh lag you'll never change
lol I only played the demo of Terraria

i think there's a full conversion mod someone made now which turns the game into an RPG game. though i can't check that out due to the game breaking lag.! >:(

yeah I saw gameplay of Fight Knight it looks good

should check out teleroboxer if you like that. the combat is largely the same. though the controls are rather complex for virtualboy. the virtualboy controller had L/R buttons and 2 d-pads. each d-pad would control one of the hands which could lead to a surprisingly complicated control scheme for a boxing game like that.

jabs, hooks, gut punches, uppercuts... plus if you held the d-pads in certain positions for a few seconds until your firsts started glowing you could unless some devestating combo attacks. a left/right hook combo could wreck an enemies (or yours) hp easily if they didn't have good defense.

plus, each opponent typically had a gimmick to deal with too. Picky was a bomber and his robot had a bomb strapped to it which gave you 1 round to win or get a game over. and you can't get to the endless post-game rematch system if you lost even once throughout the game (and the post-game) so Picky was a risky fight on both sides. another guy would move his head up and down, leaving you little choice in how to hurt him. then for japan, there was a ninja who could vanish and launch sneak attacks. korea had a guy with a drill bit on his head (do NOT let that hit you or the damage would be devestating).

oh and canada's fighter was...a cat. a house cat, specially trained to fight using the teleroboxer system. and tboy was it one hard oppenent. extremely agile and heavy hitting. that boxing cat could string up combos and just shred your hp if you get too careless when fighting it. iirc the stats for this opponent were all ??? which meant they were off the charts in power.

that and Wario Land were easily the 2 best games for that horrendous device. better to emulate them nowadays unless you want bad neck pains.

AVGN episode 42 describes the virtualboy better. emulation is definitely the better option in this case.

Yeah it seems Alex put herself in big crap bucket...
I'm kinda afraid but interested what she would do when it all back fired
so many people she piss off... nobody would want her to work for them ever again.

and if anything, she really would be a victim when that happens. a victim of her own actions.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
oh and canada's fighter was...a cat. a house cat, specially trained to fight using the teleroboxer system.

So Canada's fighter was a giant pussy... How fitting.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
So Canada's fighter was a giant pussy... How fitting.

ok...that was a good one that i should've seen coming.

but i dunno... watch this video (3:50 match for the canada fight) and tell me how much of a pussy or badass that cute little boxing cat is.

also, not sure how this was recorded. it's either a camera up next to one side of the virtualboy's screen or a camera recording of a potato pc monitor or something. not the best quality but you can see how the game works and everything well enough. virtualboy used a type of stereogram that actually worked for me. 2 screens projecting an image together that gave the illusion of 3D effects. and it did that very well for the time too.

oh and i came across this commercial when looking for a video of this fight. wtf were you thinking, nintendo? that looks like something out of a terminator movie.

edit: here's a better? video. though it looks like the guy who recorded it didn't know how to properly set up a virtual boy or one of the emulators cause instead of both images being overlayed into a single 3D image, they're split in 2.

also, note how at around half HP the enemies start going into a frenzy. when that happens the difficulty can get really high and they start hitting REALLY hard and fast. especially this Legendary Champion. unleashing combos really fast with very little charge times.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i think there's a full conversion mod someone made now which turns the game into an RPG game. though i can't check that out due to the game breaking lag.! >:(

should check out teleroboxer if you like that. the combat is largely the same. though the controls are rather complex for virtualboy. the virtualboy controller had L/R buttons and 2 d-pads. each d-pad would control one of the hands which could lead to a surprisingly complicated control scheme for a boxing game like that.

AVGN episode 42 describes the virtualboy better. emulation is definitely the better option in this case.

and if anything, she really would be a victim when that happens. a victim of her own actions.

To bad you think it would be fix for a last gen game

yup I remember the VR boy kinda like the bad prototype if he 3ds
3 shades of red colors only and can hurt the eyes so no optional 3d off mode
and it's a pair of goggles heavy goggles... lol
I just thought of something what if
Nintendo made a "VR Boy Classic" with modern iphone 3d tech XD

Yeah... she's shooting herself in the foot really.

Updated by anonymous

stalkerd said:
To bad you think it would be fix for a last gen game

yup I remember the VR boy kinda like the bad prototype if he 3ds
3 shades of red colors only and can hurt the eyes so no optional 3d off mode
and it's a pair of goggles heavy goggles... lol
I just thought of something what if
Nintendo made a "VR Boy Classic" with modern iphone 3d tech XD

Yeah... she's shooting herself in the foot really.

could probably work with the oculous rift and a compatible emulator. plus, while it's all still one color, there's one emulator where you can adjust the color and change it from red to pretty much anything else. might seem girly or silly but i find a soft pink to be much easier to look at than red or blue. adjust the brightness a bit, change it to a softer color and it could work. hmmm...

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
could probably work with the oculous rift and a compatible emulator. plus, while it's all still one color, there's one emulator where you can adjust the color and change it from red to pretty much anything else. might seem girly or silly but i find a soft pink to be much easier to look at than red or blue. adjust the brightness a bit, change it to a softer color and it could work. hmmm...

Yeah I can see that working.

oh ever played 8-Eyes (a castlevania clone)

and Werewolf the last warrior?
both are platformers and fight enemies type of games,
with power ups items as sub weapons.

Updated by anonymous

O_O guess what i just saw for the ps$ on gamefly...

Shadow of The Colossus!

but...the release date says 12/31/2018 so don't expect it for quite a while yet. maybe 2018-2019 time frame.

oh man, those graphics look awesome...

looks like watchdogs 2 is out now as well.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
O_O guess what i just saw for the ps$ on gamefly...

Shadow of The Colossus!

but...the release date says 12/31/2018 so don't expect it for quite a while yet. maybe 2018-2019 time frame.

oh man, those graphics look awesome...

looks like watchdogs 2 is out now as well.

It looks like companies are doing hd remasteres again, but better.
Doing a near identical style of designs from the original source,
but being over hauled to look like it was made in modern graphics.
With updated gameplay.

Crash Bandicoot done it
Shadow of the Colossus is coming soon.

I hope more games does it
Like to see Sly Cooper And Ratchet and Clank get an over haul remaster.
But I'll bet fans would ask for the Spyro games first.

Jak and Daxter tho...
it looks like another basic upscaled remaster.

Updated by anonymous

Neat. In Splatoon 2/Splatfest World Premiere, press ZR to zoom in for clothing(head, cloths, shoes).

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
O_O guess what i just saw for the ps$ on gamefly...

Shadow of The Colossus!

but...the release date says 12/31/2018 so don't expect it for quite a while yet. maybe 2018-2019 time frame.

oh man, those graphics look awesome...

looks like watchdogs 2 is out now as well.

one should also note that the Release date for games usually have December 31st as a placeholder date if a website doesn't have a TBA or Soon available for the release date for whatever reason.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Who else would want to fight to this whist in a boss battle.

well, it's a nice theme song but i don't know what it's referencing.

Lets Play Sonic DOOM! yes, the website is still up and yes, this is STILL getting updates! think i might check out some of these later.

Lets Play Super Mario DOOM! eh...not so good. well, not in this video anyway.

this whole channel is just doom mods everywhere! oh, a castlevania one...

there's also a metroid mod shown on that channel too but i don't see it... might need to do a search for it.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
well, it's a nice theme song but i don't know what it's referencing.

Lets Play Sonic DOOM! yes, the website is still up and yes, this is STILL getting updates! think i might check out some of these later.

Lets Play Super Mario DOOM! eh...not so good. well, not in this video anyway.

this whole channel is just doom mods everywhere! oh, a castlevania one...

there's also a metroid mod shown on that channel too but i don't see it... might need to do a search for it.

700 post, Woo~
That's some pretty neat stuff dood =)
Tbh not really a big fan of Doom but seeing other games into the style is suuuper interesting ╹‿╹)

Tbh I should channel more to see if I can find that metiod vid. It's probably not going to be what I think it's gonna be but is still gonna be pretty flipping cool to see the game like that ◠‿◠)~★

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
700 post, Woo~
That's some pretty neat stuff dood =)
Tbh not really a big fan of Doom but seeing other games into the style is suuuper interesting ╹‿╹)

Tbh I should channel more to see if I can find that metiod vid. It's probably not going to be what I think it's gonna be but is still gonna be pretty flipping cool to see the game like that ◠‿◠)~★

here's a fun looking one called Run for it!

and here's the metroid DOOM mod

o_O Donkey Kong DOOM? wonder how many games people do with DOOM.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
here's a fun looking one called Run for it!

and here's the metroid DOOM mod

o_O Donkey Kong DOOM? wonder how many games people do with DOOM.

Oh my flipping god it's exactly how i thought it would be! ★◠‿◠)★
(Tbh I expecting something in 3-person ╹ w╹)

Also the donkey kong one looks pretty cool too n n
The mix of 2-d and 3-d actually remind me a lot of this...One Game I know dood T‿T)
Cool to see peeps using the systems in games so uniqe like that ya know?

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
Oh my flipping god it's exactly how i thought it would be! ★◠‿◠)★
(Tbh I expecting something in 3-person ╹ w╹)

Also the donkey kong one looks pretty cool too n n
The mix of 2-d and 3-d actually remind me a lot of this...One Game I know dood T‿T)
Cool to see peeps using the systems in games so uniqe like that ya know?

prinny 2... ?! PERVS!

but yeah, that's a 2.5D game though. where the play field and background are 3D but the actual gameplay is all 2D. it's a nice way of doing things and a good compromise between 2D and 3D games.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
News Wave! - The Nintendo Switch OS Kernel Was Dumped! Is It About To Be Hacked?

since you're probably the best person here to ask. how is nintendo switch and 3ds emulation looking? every time you post in this thread you seem to come out with a stream of technical info on these things.

hmmm...well, the "3D" part of the 3DS is still pushing it unless there's a computer monitor out there that could be used to replicated that gimmick. could always just ditch the 3D aspect and run the games in 2D. wouldn't be any different from emulating a console then.

Updated by anonymous

well, after trying it out some. the sonic game i linked is actually quite well made. slowing down is a little hard when you're moving fast but aside from that it plays about how you'd expect of a sonic game.

if you want a slow, exploration of each lvl then play as tails since he can go wherever he wants to go. ;)

they even included knuckles gliding and wall climbing abilities too.

overall, a pretty good fan game.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Oh, for fucks sake. link

"As for why DiMucci has a problem with the ad (seen in the video above), it's quite simple: the ad, which the plaintiff calls "repugnant and morally indefensible," portrays homicide in an "appealing" way."

""The killings and physical violence were not to protect innocent life, but instead were repugnant and morally indefensible images designed to appeal to young consumers."

first, if the game is M for mature and/or has a 18+ age rating on it then it is not aimed at younger audiences.

second, it's a fucking video game. of course you're gonna be killing people in it. that's like the single most commonly shared aspect among video games in general. it isn't glorifying murder.

dude's just sore that his song got used in a video game where you get to kill people. and apparently waited 2 years before starting this mess? o_O wow, someone must be living under a rock or is suddenly strapped for cash.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
"As for why DiMucci has a problem with the ad (seen in the video above), it's quite simple: the ad, which the plaintiff calls "repugnant and morally indefensible," portrays homicide in an "appealing" way."

""The killings and physical violence were not to protect innocent life, but instead were repugnant and morally indefensible images designed to appeal to young consumers."

first, if the game is M for mature and/or has a 18+ age rating on it then it is not aimed at younger audiences.

second, it's a fucking video game. of course you're gonna be killing people in it. that's like the single most commonly shared aspect among video games in general. it isn't glorifying murder.

dude's just sore that his song got used in a video game where you get to kill people. and apparently waited 2 years before starting this mess? o_O wow, someone must be living under a rock or is suddenly strapped for cash.

There's also the whole thing about raising settlements up and protecting them, which you HAVE to do, which means you HAVE to protect innocent life.

I might not like that the song was in it, but my reason was because it was too late in the timeline. Not...whatever this is.

Updated by anonymous

found a nice NSFW game last night called Strive for power

plenty of content (still in development too), male, female, futa, furry (well, half-human i think though there are some like orcs, goblins, and gnomes and whatnot as well as demons and seraphs). it plays similar to slavemaker i think. but with a lot more stuff to do.

one part of the mansion is for alchemy and potions. another is a laboratory for physical modifications. i just unlocked a farm for...equine/bovine/etc. races and that guy that sold the supplies mentioned something about giant snails impregnating human females... >.>

a decently small file size for all the content too, 80 MB for the windows version. oh and of course, there's magic and combat and other stuff.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
"As for why DiMucci has a problem with the ad (seen in the video above), it's quite simple: the ad, which the plaintiff calls "repugnant and morally indefensible," portrays homicide in an "appealing" way."

""The killings and physical violence were not to protect innocent life, but instead were repugnant and morally indefensible images designed to appeal to young consumers."

first, if the game is M for mature and/or has a 18+ age rating on it then it is not aimed at younger audiences.

second, it's a fucking video game. of course you're gonna be killing people in it. that's like the single most commonly shared aspect among video games in general. it isn't glorifying murder.

dude's just sore that his song got used in a video game where you get to kill people. and apparently waited 2 years before starting this mess? o_O wow, someone must be living under a rock or is suddenly strapped for cash.

kamimatsu said:
There's also the whole thing about raising settlements up and protecting them, which you HAVE to do, which means you HAVE to protect innocent life.

I might not like that the song was in it, but my reason was because it was too late in the timeline. Not...whatever this is.

On top of that, any people you kill in this game are trying to kill you first, so that's considered self-defense. This idiot's not getting a cent.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
On top of that, any people you kill in this game are trying to kill you first, so that's considered self-defense.

It's kinda hard not to go on a murder spree when everything in the game is programmed to hunt me down and kill me on sight. If they left me alone, I'd leave them alone... maybe...

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Oh, for fucks sake.

this is like that Rockstar/Lindsey Lohan debacle that happened a couple years ago, where Lindsey Lohan sued Rockstar for apparently using her likeness as one of the loading screen pictures that you occasionally see

treos said:
i regret typing shigeru_miyamoto into the search bar here.

Mistakes into miracles.

treos said:
"As for why DiMucci has a problem with the ad (seen in the video above), it's quite simple: the ad, which the plaintiff calls "repugnant and morally indefensible," portrays homicide in an "appealing" way."

""The killings and physical violence were not to protect innocent life, but instead were repugnant and morally indefensible images designed to appeal to young consumers."

first, if the game is M for mature and/or has a 18+ age rating on it then it is not aimed at younger audiences.

second, it's a fucking video game. of course you're gonna be killing people in it. that's like the single most commonly shared aspect among video games in general. it isn't glorifying murder.

dude's just sore that his song got used in a video game where you get to kill people. and apparently waited 2 years before starting this mess? o_O wow, someone must be living under a rock or is suddenly strapped for cash.

a part of me thinks that he didn't know because one of the VA's never knew he was a VA until another VA told him specifically, but the other part of me thinks that he's just trying to make money off of Fallout 4 since he decided to wait two years to go after Fallout 4 after the only thing keeping that game relevant is the VR version right now.

Updated by anonymous

#1 Horizon: Zero Dawn - low availability
#2 ARK which is a oops on my part as that won't be out for ps4 till next month
#3 The Surge- medium availability
#4 Nier Automata - medium availability

#5 Ratchet and Clank...shipped today.

ಠ_ಠ gamefly, wtf? why can i not get those game at the TOP of my queue? i've been waiting and waiting and yet you send the 5th in my queue instead of what's at the top. if those games are really that hard to get then why does it say low and medium availability instead of low and not available?

edit: also, i really need to finish that 12GB update download for Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization sometime because that was the big content update we were all waiting for.

and the way they setup big content updates in that game is actually very fitting in that they have the in-game script and stuff act like it was an update to the VRMMORPG the characters are playing as if it's part of the actual setting.

it's kinda like playing as characters who themselves are playing an MMORPG so they make it seem as if that in-game MMORPG is the game that got the big update. it makes more sense when you're playing the game (hollow realization) and see it for yourself.

like with the previous content update(s). you download it then when you go back into the game the characters would receive a system notification about it and react accordingly.

edit2: sweet mercy O_O

lol quick, someone grab these maps and cheat for god mode then cut loose on these maps.

Updated by anonymous


prodoomer download page there a download for this mod that works with download managers? cause JDownloader can't get that download link to work and it'll timeout LONG before finishing if i try to download it through firefox.

and also, since it doesn't say how to on that page, do i need anything to run this or is it one of those download and play mods like the sonic one?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
It's kinda hard not to go on a murder spree when everything in the game is programmed to hunt me down and kill me on sight. If they left me alone, I'd leave them alone... maybe...

Then you aren't committing murder, are you?

Updated by anonymous

Anyone else "sleep-play"? Or, for more definition: where you dream that you are playing a character w/o the boundary of a screen or controller, as if you are in the game and "are" the character you play as.

Updated by anonymous

ah, found it! there's a MEGA download link for that prodoomer thing here

and...yes, MEGA download links do work with JDownloader. :)

there also seems to be a game breaking bug mentioned in that thread and how to avoid it. always best to avoid those whenever possible.

edit: playing sword art online: lost song and i'm in one of the 2 post-game dungeons. well, i got to the 2nd boss room and figured i'd clear the smaller annoying non-boss enemies before going after the 1st boss...first. BIG mistake! now i've got TWO bosses active at the same time. wth?!

well, that wasn't too bad. on floor 3 now.

these post-game dungeons are no joke either. it seems like they start (well, this one does) at lvl 600 and go up 50 lvls per floor so the enemy lvl for floor 3 is 750. thing is...i remember reading about how they can easily go well beyond the lvl cap of 1k (yep, SAO has a lvl cap of 1k...for everything in Lost song except monsters and bosses it seems. i think it's just the character lvls that are capped at 1k in hollow realization.) so eventually this purely linear dungeon WILL start getting quite hard.

i also remember there being a spot deep into this dungeon where the normal enemies do respawn endlessly which is supposed to be a great spot for lvling everyone and their skills.

gonna take a while to get to that point though since there's another aspect that makes it hard on top of the increasing enemy lvls: each floor adds 1 boss. so floor 1 has 1 boss, floor 2 has 2, and so on... i never bothered going to the end of either dungeon so i don't know when it stops adding bosses.

hmmm... i know for a fact however that there should be a harder version of Lost Song (the games true final boss) somewhere in the post-game and it probably is in one of these dungeons. Lost Song isn't overly hard but after the 3rd phase you reach its head which, even the normal lvl 1k version, has a metric fuck ton of HP.

even the normal version of lost song can take a very long time to beat compared to just about any other boss in the game so a higher lvl version will be that much harder to beat.

Updated by anonymous

Defiled Shrine floor 4... *grabs stalkered* mimics...mimics EVERYWHERE!

this floor started with a room that seemed like the mimics wouldn't stop spawning and then started taking me around several boss rooms with each of them full of mimics but thankfully just 1 boss each. and the bastards spew forth 2 types of poison (1 for hp and 1 for mp)!

still not at the end though and this floor is lvl 950...

o_O Eljudnir? oh, hello lvl 1500 Odin! now taste my blade!

edit: well, that wasn't so bad. and while that 1.5k odin boss had a lot of HP. it wasn't remotely close to the normal fight vs phase 4 of lost song.

Updated by anonymous

oh, great... well, i got that Prodoomer mod downloaded but

1. it didn't have a readme file included (dumb)

and 2. it is a .pk3 file which i haven't the slightest idea how to run. i got it from that ZDOOM forums site so i guess i use that? this forum thread for the mod has next to no info on it (not. very. smart!) and that's where i found the MEGA download for it.

i guess i use this GZDOOM thing for it?

well, off i go to do research on how to use this thing and... why do forums sometimes do this?

"I'm a giant floating sphere, I'm everyone's favorite, and a baby version of me is a plush toy. What am I?:
This question is a means of preventing automated form submissions by spambots."

it's also a question you would either have to guess at or research the franchise for the answer. what, can't give a simple math question or something?

also, baby cacodemon...there's a disturbing image to think about.

edit: *sigh* "ZDoom forums has a system in place in which new users' (and Guest posters') first posts will be invisible until a moderator approves them."

why can't all forums be as user friendly as e621's from the start? a simple, basic registration method and no further hoops to jump through just to post on the site.

Updated by anonymous

ok, got it all sorted out.

1. download GZDOOM from the site i linked above.

2. grab the WAD files. google >.> should have a link to come up in the results.

3. place the WAD files in the same folder as GZDOOM.

4. drag and drop the dumb pk3 mod thingy on top of GZDOOM.exe and let it boot up the infernal program and start this mod.

now, let's see what this is like and if it's awesome or not.

edit: well, it works fine aside from a few things. for one, the frame rate plummets whenever i look at an episode gate in the city hub area so remedying that would be helpful. the frame rate also takes a dive during the boss of stage 2/episode 1... need to fix those ASAP cause that boss had the frame rate so low i could seldom hit it if i could move at all.

edit2: it is russian...and it is beautiful

oh man...that is a Fing LOT of ungodly OP weapons. and it's all pure epic.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Anyone else "sleep-play"? Or, for more definition: where you dream that you are playing a character w/o the boundary of a screen or controller, as if you are in the game and "are" the character you play as.

Sometimes yeah.

Updated by anonymous

Forza Motorsport 7's 100 GB Xbox One X Download Is Gonna Become The Norm. Get Used To It...

wow, it's like they simply don't give a F that even now, not everyone can get or even has access to high speed internet. they were running some fiber optic lines here a while back but those stopped a couple trailers over so no fiber optics for us. just the good ol' reliable, 180kb/s download speed.

actually, taking into account how our wifi connections download speed typically tends to fluctuate up and down while downloading things. i wonder how many months it'd take to download 100GB anything on my current connection. and take into account the fact i could only safely download it at night so...~10PM-4AM per night.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
actually, taking into account how our wifi connections download speed typically tends to fluctuate up and down while downloading things. i wonder how many months it'd take to download 100GB anything on my current connection. and take into account the fact i could only safely download it at night so...~10PM-4AM per night.

With my 5GB/month plan, I'd be waiting nearly 2 years to play this, and that's assuming the ongoing download can be kept alive for that long.

Then again, you don't need 4K textures anyway so fuck 'em.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
With my 5GB/month plan, I'd be waiting nearly 2 years to play this, and that's assuming the ongoing download can be kept alive for that long.

Then again, you don't need 4K textures anyway so fuck 'em.

O_O 5GB/month?! geez...

how fast is it for browsing? cause that's a lower cap than our old satellite ISP, Wildblue, here. that one was 12GB/month.

Updated by anonymous

Friday the 13th: Developers fail to deliver Kickstarter rewards

*sigh* seems like there's more and more crap happening in the games industry every day. and most of it being bad news just like with everything else in this world. :/

edit: Why Nintendo's SNES Classic SOLD OUT in MINUTES!

-_- hope it was worth the real price.

all those memories...

oh well, if there's one thing that's almost always true about the internet it's that the internet can provide what you want. so those memories may have taken a heavy beating but they're still out there floating around...somewhere in this ocean of data. ;)

still though...i wonder how many of these went to scalpers on ebay. since you know we're gonna hear about that before long.

Updated by anonymous

well, this is certainly an unusual way of making a remake.

Ratcher & Clank for PS4... apparently it's a game based on the movie which in turn...i guess was based on the original game? not entirely sure as i've yet to see the movie but so far it looks awesome with the HD graphics and plays pretty much how one would expect with a ratcher & clank game.

new quests, new planets, new flight segments, and over an hour of cutscenes...all with the same in-game graphics so there's no real difference in looks between the cutscenes and in-game graphics.

also looks like they included the lvl up mechanics so upgrading your health isn't much of a problem.

the other game i've got coming in is one i beat several years ago. Darksiders II though this is that deathinitive edition with all the extra DLC and other stuff plus i think they updated the graphics to HD too so that'll be nice to replay. i never had the chance to try any of that games DLC after the company that made the game went under. sad... but now there's this version, updated and with all the extra content in one place. :)

so no, still none of those games in my top 4 queue spots but at least i know these are good ones. :)

Updated by anonymous

already cleared over 5 planets... and someone call sega! i think they lost some of their "Adorable Toruses" (aka rings). lol

5 more holocards to find for the games ultimate weapon too. the RYNO advice is to set this to the highest difficulty because it is feeling WAAAY too short on casual mode. then again...the planet maps aren't exactly large... but on the other hand, casual mode makes unlocking those golden bolts a breeze too.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
5 Sounds From Gaming Consoles That Spooked Us As Kids

o_O my PS2 started giving that red screen of death when i last tried it. not sure if it was the console messing up or if that game disc has gone bad.

annnd youtube's video player has broken...again. "restart your device" it says. why don't you people fix your shitty video player for once? i did absolutely nothing to trigger that. all i did was pause the video at the 5:09 mark, leave the tab to come here and make this post then went back to unpause and resume the video. there is no reason why that should break the video player you idiots.

...brb after i reboot my laptop to fix YOUTUBE'S problem...AGAIN!

well, that was some interesting info though it does leave me curious as to why sega would intentionally damage anyone sound systems like that. i mean, what would they stand to gain from something like that which was clearly done on purpose?

Updated by anonymous